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Henry, who is a buyer, is frustrated with WinRadio for not providing him with a proper invoice and contract before making a purchase. He believes that they do not listen to him and questions their credibility. He expresses his military background and warns Wynn Radio about the consequences of their actions. Henry is looking to buy millions of dollars worth of equipment for a radio TV station and feels that WinRadio has wasted his time. He criticizes their lack of manners and insults them for asking for money without providing the necessary paperwork. Henry suggests that Wynn Radio should reconsider their approach and treat their customers better. He concludes by expressing his disappointment and frustration with the situation. Andrew, this is Henry. The one you've been talking to via email back and forth. I don't know who you are, other than somebody that's connected to Wynn Radio. I want you to think about something. You people hang a shingle out there saying you sell stuff. For me, I'm just a buyer. That's my name. I buy stuff I want when I need it, if I can afford it. And I do everything based on cash active sale. But before I sign a cash active sale and release money, I'm pretty straightforward as a banking officer. I need a damn invoice for what I buy. And typically, I'd like to have a contract attached to it so that I don't piss away money with people that can't do what they say. What do I know about Wynn Radio? Okay. You people don't have the ability to listen to people. I know damn well you people know who I am. And the very idea that you come back after all this time of me talking to you, trying to explain to you, hey man, just put together a line item invoice, everything I've asked you to do, and build something for me. And for no other reason, when you wake up with damn seizures at 58 years old, having spent 42 years in the damn business and the radio business, I mean, I don't think you know who I am. And I ain't the kind of guy that needs to wave my dick around. Okay? United States Army Signal Corps. And you come back and you actually write down talking about my credibility. Are you out of your fucking mind? I don't know who you are. But if you're in the sales game, and the man contacts you in good faith, and asks you for a damn piece of paper, it's typically called a quote or an invoice. Other words, are you going to be the damn salesman? Are you going to be the clown that makes yourself look stupid? Because that's what you've already done, eh? I'm prepared to not only do what I said, to the man that can do what I asked, but I'm prepared to do it on a level I don't think you even can comprehend. Yeah? Really. I'm just going to speak my mind, don't really give a damn what you say or do at this point. I know you've wasted a whole lot of my time. I'm sitting here looking to buy millions of dollars worth of damn stuff to build me a radio TV station, and you come back running your mouth to me about a damn thousand dollar advance payment outside of contract with no invoice? Good luck with that. I'm going to make sure, under Rights Retained, United States Army, 31 MX, old school Ronald Reagan radio officer, I'm going to make damn sure that one way or the other, the integrity in the radio parts business, is coming back. I just don't know how yet, but maybe I'm going to use you as a textbook case of what not to do. Hell, we might even put this stupid idea of letting the Department of Defense know what it's like to be a veteran trying to buy parts and get help from people. Y'all be ashamed of yourself. Huh? I'm speaking my mind here. Don't give a damn what you think, who you are, where you from. Y'all not treat nobody that way. I acted in good faith, told people what I wanted, and I've been waiting on you. I could turn that around on you. Considering I'm burning about, I don't know, two or three million dollars a damn hour just in labor, huh? Maybe I ought to pay you to qualify to sell me something. See, it's funny how you do that. Pretty hell you get off questioning the veracity of a new customer. Anybody teach you anything called manners? Yeah? Do you think if you was wanting to do the damn deal, my phone number's there. You could call and talk to me. Anyway, I've said what I gotta say. You gonna do whatever you do. It's just frightening to me, the idea that you would actually be stupid enough to write down to somebody you don't know and say that you need somebody to give you money. You need somebody to give you money so you can feel comfortable about you doing what? Making a damn invoice? Putting a bunch of parts in a damn box and have it shipped? You really need to get away from the damn business for a while. Think about what you do. Really, I thought you guys could build this stuff. I thought you guys could be a supplier for me. So, I'm gonna be quiet now after six and a half minutes of me running my mouth. If you wanna do business with me, how about keep it stupid simple? Understand what I'm telling you, okay? You just wanted many suppliers for me. Of course, at this point, I guess you're a potential supplier. Not a very good one, apparently. You don't think enough of your customers to call them and talk to them. You ain't got no information. What is it you're doing over here? Insulting me? Insulting people because they wanna buy shit? Really, man, thank you for wasting my fucking time. I'm too damn old to put up with idiots.

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