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Parasites can have a significant impact on our mind and energy. They can manipulate our cravings and drain our energy levels. They can also affect our brain and emotions, leading to fatigue, anxiety, and brain fog. Some parasites can even cross the blood-brain barrier. The paper suggests that being aware of our choices and making changes to our diet, such as cutting back on sugar and processed foods, can help create an environment that parasites don't like. Holistic cleansing methods and energetic protection, such as meditation and energy healing, can also be beneficial. By taking care of ourselves, we not only fight parasites but also contribute to creating a more positive world and strengthening the collective energy. It is about empowerment and making choices that empower us. It is important to shift our perspective and take responsibility for creating an environment that is less appealing to parasites. All right, buckle up everybody, because we're going deep on something kind of freaky today. Parasites. Ooh, fun. But, like, not the creepy crawlies you remember from bio class. Right. We're talking about how these things can mess with your mind and energy. Yeah, for real. It's like sci-fi, but inside your body. We're using an excerpt from this paper. It's called How Biological Parasites Take Control of the Off-Coded Ones. That's a mouthful. It is, yeah, but it's wild. So, we always think of parasites as, like, physical things in your gut. Yes, you're kind of hanging out. But they can really influence us in ways we don't even realize. In ways that, yeah, we just wouldn't think about. Yeah. So, the paper talks about intestinal hijacking, like parasites making us crave what they want, not what we want. Oh, it's real. Really? It's super interesting how it works. Like, they just set up shop in your gut. Right. And they're eating the nutrients that you're supposed to be getting. Oh, great. So, they're stealing our food. Right, but, like, it's not a clean process either. What does that mean? It means they leave behind their waste, they cause inflammation, they mess up the balance of the good bacteria in your gut. It's like, they're not just stealing your food, they're trashing the place, too. Yeah, they're making the whole neighborhood of mess. Exactly. Yeah. And all that, like, disruption, it sends signals up to your brain. Oh. And it triggers cravings, but for the stuff that they want. Like what? Like, sugary stuff, processed foods, anything high in acidity, basically parasite fuel. So, wait, are you saying my chocolate cravings? Could be the parasites. Yeah. No way. I mean, that's terrifying, but also kind of a good excuse. Well, it's not quite that simple. It's more like they're tilting the playing field. Yeah. Making those cravings even harder to resist. Oh, okay. And then on top of that, they mess with your intestines' ability to detox, so you're getting hit from both sides. Ugh, that is not cool. Okay, so this is already a lot, but then the paper talks about this whole other thing. What's that? Neurological hijacking. So, these parasites can actually mess with our brains. Yeah, pretty much. They release these things called neurotoxins. Neuro-what? Neurotoxins. And they're basically chemicals that screw up how your nerves work. Oh, great. Which can lead to, well, all sorts of stuff, fatigue, anxiety, brain fog. All the hits. Yeah. It's not like mind control, where they're making you think specific thoughts. Right. They're making it harder to think clearly. Yeah. To resist those cravings we were talking about, you know? Okay, but how, M-U-C-H, can they really affect our mood? I mean, is it just feeling a bit off, or could it actually, like, change my personality? Well, it's different for everyone, of course. Sure. But think about it. When you're exhausted and your brain's foggy, you can be more irritable, right? Less patient. Yeah, for sure. Those little shifts over time, they can definitely change how you interact with the world. So, it's not just the physical stuff. They're messing with our emotions, too. And here's the really creepy part. Hit me. Some parasites can actually cross the blood-brain barrier. Wait. The what? The blood-brain barrier. It's like the security system for your brain, right? Right. Keeps out the harmful stuff. But some of these parasites, they can slip right through. No way. They're not just in our gut. They can get into our brains. That's wild. Right. Yeah. That is unsettling. And it's not just the weird cravings. They can actually drain our energy, too. Oh, absolutely. Because the paper talks about how parasites can leave us feeling totally depleted, like you could sleep for a week and still be tired. Yeah. That constant exhaustion, that's a big sign of parasitic infection. So, it's more than just feeling tired, right? Right. These things, they operate at what some people call low vibrational frequencies. Okay. Hold on. Before you go all new-agey on me. No worries. I'll keep it simple. Think about when you're sick. Okay. Yeah. You just feel low energy, right? Parasites might be using that same mechanism. So, they're literally draining us. Yeah. Like they're siphoning off your energy, leaving you feeling totally empty. So, we're not just talking about needing an extra cup of coffee in the morning. It's deeper than that. It's like the paper mentions this energy drain can even affect our relationships. Oh, yeah. Big time. Think about it. If you're always exhausted, feeling down, it's going to affect how you show up. Right. You might be more irritable, less patient, less likely to want to connect with people. Yeah. Totally. It's like being hangry, but all the time. Exactly. And that negativity, it can be contagious. Hmm. Interesting. Like one person's bad vibes can bring down a whole room. So, this isn't just about us. No. It's about everyone. It's about the energy we all bring to the table. So, like it affects the collective. Exactly. It's a ripple effect. If everyone's running on empty, feeling negative, it's going to create a more negative, dysfunctional society. Okay. So, we've talked about the problem, but what can we do about it? There are solutions, right? Absolutely. It starts with being aware. What choices are we making that are actually inviting these parasites in? Okay. Like what? Give me some specifics. Well, we talked about diet earlier. That's huge. Right. Cutting back on sugar, processed foods, acidity. So, like eating clean. Basically. Yeah. So, we need to create an environment that these parasites don't like. So, it's not just about being healthy. It's also about our energy. It's all connected. Your physical health, your mental and emotional state, your energy levels. Okay. That makes sense. So, what are some things we can eat that will actually kick these parasites out? Well, think bitter, astringent, pungent flavors. Leafy greens, cruciferous veggies. Broccoli. Exactly. Cauliflower. Garlic. Onions. Ginger. Turmeric. Oh, yeah. That makes sense. You know, it's funny. Think about how much kids hate broccoli. Yeah. It's almost like our aversion to bitter veggies is some kind of leftover defense mechanism. That's a really interesting thought. And don't forget fermented foods. Like what? Sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir. They're great for your gut. Right. They help with the good bacteria. Exactly. It's about adding in the good stuff as much as it is about cutting out the bad. Creating that balance. Yeah. And creating this internal ecosystem. One that can actually resist these invaders. Gotcha. So, diet is key. But the paper also mentions the stuff about holistic cleansing and energetic protection. Oh, yeah. Those are important, too. Can you break those down for me? Sure. So, there are a bunch of different holistic cleansing methods. Like what? Herbal protocols, colonics, even fasting. They can all help to clear out your digestive tract. So, it's like a deep clean for your insides. Exactly. Yeah. And on the energetic side, there are things like meditation. Okay. Grounding, energy healing. Okay. Hold on. How does that stuff help with parasites? Well, meditation calms your mind, right? It helps you connect to your inner power. Right. Grounding is about connecting to the Earth's energy, which can help to recharge your own energy field. Excellent. And energy healing. Things like Reiki or Qigong. Yeah. They work to balance and harmonize the flow of energy within your body. So, it's like inner peace, connecting to the Earth, strengthening our defenses, like building this invisible force field around ourselves. I like that. And the stronger your energy field, the less these negative influences can affect you. Including those parasites. Exactly. It's like building up your energetic immunity. And if more people do this, that strengthens the collective too, right? Exactly. It's a ripple effect, but in a positive direction. Wow. So, taking care of ourselves, we actually help raise the vibration for everyone. Precisely. Personal growth, collective well-being, it's all connected. This is blowing my mind. We're not just fighting parasites, we're helping to create a more positive world. You got it. It all starts with us. With awareness and making choices that empower us. Man, we've covered some serious ground today. Gut hijacking, brain invaders, the whole nine yards. But before we go, what should our listeners really take away from all this? It's easy to get overwhelmed with all this info, you know? But it really comes down to empowerment. Right. We've seen how these parasites can manipulate us. But when we understand how they do it, we can start making different choices. Turn the tables, you know? So, it's not about being scared of these things, it's about taking control. We've talked about diet, cleansing, working with our energy. But how do we actually apply all this to our lives? Well, it's interesting. Because it kind of forces you to shift your perspective. How so? Like, if we think of parasites as just bad things to get rid of, we miss the point. They're really good at surviving in certain environments. And we're the ones creating that environment. Exactly. With our choices. And instead of feeling like a victim, we should be asking, what am I doing that's making me a target? Yes. It's about taking responsibility for what's going on inside us. If parasites like low vibe environments full of sugar, acidity, negativity, then we need to create the opposite. It makes you think. Like, all that stuff about eating clean, being positive, practicing mindfulness. It's not just about feeling good. It's also about making ourselves less appealing to these parasites. Exactly. And remember, we were talking about collective energy. Yeah, the ripple effect. Yeah. If parasites weaken our energy, then by strengthening ourselves, We help everyone. Exactly. A positive ripple effect. Wow. So by taking care of ourselves, we actually help raise the vibration for everyone around us. It's pretty cool when you think about it. Like, personal growth and collective well-being. They're all connected. This has been such an eye-opening deep dive. I feel like I'm walking away with a whole new understanding. Not just about parasites, but about how much power we have to create healthier, more vibrant lives. It's been a pleasure exploring all this with you. Likewise. And to our listeners, we'll leave you with this. If parasites thrive in low-vibration environments, what does that say about the power of positivity, conscious living, and raising our own energy? Keep exploring, keep questioning, and keep making choices that empower you. Thanks for joining us on the deep dive.