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Orgonite Scarcode Emblems and NFTs

Orgonite Scarcode Emblems and NFTs

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A group called SCAR code aims to promote resilience and personal growth through a philosophy and symbol. They have created NFTs on the Polygon blockchain that may give owners a sense of ownership in the SCAR code world. SCAR coding your wallet may mean aligning your financial decisions with the SCAR code philosophy. The physical emblems made of Organite are linked to the NFTs and have a digital identity. They serve as a symbol of commitment and can unlock exclusive content. The target audience seems to be anyone seeking personal growth and resilience. All right, so are you ready to dive into something pretty weird today? Oh, I'm always up for a good head scratcher. Hit me with it. Well, today we're going to try and, uh, unpack SCAR code. SCAR code, huh? Okay. Lay it on me. What's the deal with the SCAR code thing? Honestly, that's what we're here to figure out. We've got three sources that on the surface don't really seem to have anything to do with each other. Three sources, huh? That's how we do deep dives here. What are we working with? An urban dictionary entry, an NFT listing on OpenSea, and a document about making physical emblems. So like a digital trail of breadcrumbs, huh? I'm intrigued. I know, right? Let's start with the urban dictionary definition. I think this is going to set the stage for everything else. It's for the SCAR code emblem. Okay. Urban dictionary, always a reliable source, right? Ha ha. But yeah, let's hear it. All right. So it says the SCAR code emblem, SCAR, give moment, noun, is the symbolic insignia for SCAR code, a way of life and state of mind that heralds resilience as a transformative force. This emblem depicts a gear, reminiscent of the settings icon, signifying the intricate adjustments one can make within themselves, akin to the tuning of a complex machine. Whoa. Okay. That's a mouthful. Right. That's like super intense, but also kind of cool. I know. Intricate adjustments, transformative force. What does that even mean? Yeah. And a gear like the settings icon. They really are leaning into this whole self-improvement, like fine tuning yourself kind of thing. Yeah. And it's not just some abstract idea either. The definition goes on to say that this whole SCAR code thing was started by some guy named Joban Scarwin back in 2000. And he even got the emblem tattooed on his arm. Whoa, hold on. This Joban guy got a tattoo of this. This is getting interesting. All right. Talk about dedication. So we've got a philosophy, a symbol and a mysterious founder. Where do we even go from here? Well, next up, we've got the NFT listing and just a heads up. I'm not exactly a crypto whiz. So if I start to sound lost, you might need to break things down for me. Don't worry. I got you. I'll be your crypto Sherpa. What is it about the listing that caught your eye? So first off the name is kind of out there. I support the code NFT, SCAR code wallet NFT. I support the code, huh? Someone's serious about the SCAR code thing. Right. And then there's this whole thing about SCAR code your wallet. I have no clue what that even means. SCAR code your wallet. And what does the listing itself say about it? Honestly, not much. It says it's a 100 item collection, uses the ERC 1155 token standard. It's on the Polygon blockchain. And there's like a 10% creator earning fee. Okay. So time for a little crypto 101. ERC 1155, that's just a fancy way of saying that the creator can make different types of NFTs within the same collection. Oh, so like different rarities or levels or something like that? Yeah, exactly. Imagine trading cards. You could have your basic cards and then your rare holographics all within the same set. Okay. That makes sense. But what about Polygon? Is that like another type of NFT? So Polygon is what's known as a layer two blockchain. Basically it's a faster, cheaper way to do transactions than using the main Ethereum network. So it's like a side road that avoids all the traffic. Exactly. It makes the whole thing more user friendly, especially for people who are new to NFTs. Okay. So that part makes sense. What about that creator earning fee thing? Is that normal for NFTs? It's becoming more common. It just means that every time one of those SCAR code NFTs gets sold, the creator gets a cut of the profits. Interesting. So it's like they have a built-in incentive to make sure those NFTs hold their value, right? You got it. It encourages them to build a strong community and make the NFTs desirable. Okay. So we've got this philosophy about resilience and transformation. Now we've got these NFTs that maybe give you some kind of ownership in this SCAR code world, but we still haven't figured out what SCAR coding your wallet actually means. It's a real mystery, isn't it? Is it something literal? Like you need the NFT to access a certain platform? Or is it more about like aligning your financial decisions with this SCAR code philosophy? Whoa, that's deep. Like changing your whole relationship with money. Right. Maybe it's about investing in things that align with your values or building a more sustainable financial future. Okay. My brain is officially starting to melt. We haven't even gotten to the physical emblems yet and I already feel like I'm down the rabbit hole. Buckle up because things are about to get even weirder. You know when we were talking about SCAR code your wallet earlier? Yeah. I don't know why, but I had this image of like a super high-tech interface, almost cyberpunk, like glowing lines and crazy data streams. Oh yeah. I can see that. Like hacking into the mainframe of your own bank account or something. Right. But the more I think about this whole SCAR code philosophy thing, the more it seems like SCAR coding your wallet is something way deeper. Yeah. I think you might be right. Like remember that part from the Urban Dictionary definition about the intricate adjustments one can make within themselves? Yeah. Yeah. It's like they're saying your finances are a reflection of like your inner self. Oh, that's interesting. So SCAR coding your wallet could be about making sure your spending habits, investments, everything you do with money is in line with this whole resilience and self-improvement thing. Okay. I can totally see that. So it's not about getting rich quick or anything. No. It's like building a financial system that can handle anything. Yeah, exactly. Making smart choices, thinking long-term. I love that. And it makes you wonder about the person who created these NFTs. I mean, are they trying to like build a whole community of like financially responsible people? Yeah. Who are all about the SCAR code philosophy? Or is this just some super clever marketing ploy? Right. Like, are they just trying to make money off this whole thing? Honestly, maybe it's a little bit of both. Yeah. I mean, the creator obviously benefits if the NFT sell well. True. But maybe they really believe in this message too. Yeah, it's a tough one. It's interesting though how the lines are getting blurred between the digital world and the real world. Totally. And that's before we even get into the physical emblem. Okay. Yeah. Let's talk about those. Yeah. We kind of glossed over the document about the Organite SCAR code emblems. Right. To be honest, I don't even know what Organite is. Okay. So Organite, it's this mix of like resin, metal shavings, and quartz crystals. Huh. Sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie. Right. People who are into Organite believe that it has like healing properties and that it can balance energies. It's very new agey. Okay. So are these emblems like good luck charms or something? Well, they could be seen that way, but remember each of these emblems is linked to an NFT. Oh, right. Right. And this document, it lays out a seven step process for making and giving these emblems as gifts. Seven steps. That's a whole ritual. It is, isn't it? Yeah. So first you make the actual physical emblem out of Organite. Then you design a digital version, like a high res picture, or maybe even a 3D model. Hmm. So like a digital twin for the real thing. Exactly. And then you turn that digital version into an NFT. Right. Right. So now the physical emblem has this like digital identity, proof that it's authentic, and a record of where it's been. It's very cool how all of this fits together. It's like the physical emblem is a symbol of your commitment to this SCAR code idea. Exactly. And the NFT is like your digital badge, or maybe even like a membership card to some kind of exclusive club. You got it. And get this, they suggest putting a QR code or an NFC chip right into the physical emblem. So like if you scan it with your phone, it takes you to the digital version online. Exactly. It's a bridge between the real world and the digital world. It makes it so you can learn about the owner, its whole history, all that. Wow. That's really cool. Right. It's almost like each emblem has its own story to tell. And then they talk about adding extra perks to the NFTs, like you could unlock exclusive content or get access to special events, all because you have that emblem. So it's kind of like the gamified self-improvement. Yeah, exactly. And, you know, we as humans, we crave connection. We want to feel like we're part of something bigger than ourselves. Yeah, for sure. This whole thing, it taps into that. Okay, but let's step back for a second. Okay. We've gone through all these sources, but who exactly is this all aimed at? Who is the target audience for this whole SCAR code thing? Yeah, that's a good question. Like, is this for like tech people or people who are into spirituality? Right. Or is it for everyone? It's almost like they've created this choose your own adventure for personal growth. That's a great way to put it. You can dive in through the NFTs, the physical emblems, or even just the philosophy itself. Exactly. You know, maybe there isn't one specific target audience. Maybe it's for anyone who is looking for a way to make sense of the world and to come out stronger on the other side of challenges, whatever they may be. That makes a lot of sense. Like everyone has scars, right? Whether they're visible or not. Right. So this is something that could resonate with anyone, regardless of their background. Wow. When you put it that way, it's pretty amazing. Like they've managed to create something that's truly universal. It is, isn't it? It speaks to something deep within us, that desire to overcome and grow. Okay. But before we get too carried away here, I have to ask. Is this all just hype? Like, is there really any substance behind all of this? That's a fair point. You know, in the end, it really depends on the person. For some people, this might just seem like another fad, you know, something that's popular for a minute and then disappears. But for others, it might be something much more meaningful. They might connect with the philosophy, the community, the whole idea of scar code. Yeah. I guess the question is, how can we tell if it's worth our time and energy? How do we cut through all the noise and figure out if scar code is the real deal? That's a good question. It's like, how do we know if we should take this seriously or not? That's what we're going to explore next. It really is interesting. Yeah. Yeah. What is it? This whole scar code thing. It's like this weird mix between like a self-help group and like a really smart business. Yeah, it's true. You see that a lot these days, especially with NFTs, like people form these online communities and it's all about sharing the same values and goals. Right. Exactly. And it brings us back to that scar code, your wallet idea. Yeah. It makes you think about your relationship with money. Like, what do you value? What are you willing to invest in? Not just with your money, but with your time and energy too. Yeah, for sure. It's deeper than just like saving for retirement or whatever. Way deeper. It's about making choices that reflect what you believe in. Like, are you supporting things that make the world better? Or are you just focused on making a quick buck? Wow. Yeah. That's a good way to put it. It's about applying that resilience, that scar code mindset to your finances. Totally. Building a solid foundation that can withstand any financial storm, you know? Yeah. So what advice would you give to someone who's listening to this and thinking, okay, this scar code thing sounds kind of cool, but where do I even begin? I'd tell them to start by looking inward. Like, remember that Urban Dictionary definition. Think about what resonates with you about resilience, about using those tough experiences to transform yourself. What scars are you carrying? You know, both visible and invisible. That's a great point. It's like that old saying, know thyself. Before you join any group or movement, you got to understand what drives you, what's important to you. Exactly. And then, you know, explore the different aspects of square code. See what grabs your attention. Yeah. The NFTs, the physical emblems, the philosophy behind it all. What feels right for you? Like you don't have to dive headfirst into the deep end. Right. Exactly. Take your time, see what the community is like. Learn about the guy who created it. See how other people are engaging with this whole thing. And hey, maybe you'll end up scar coding your wallet. Not because you're trying to get rich, but because it's a way to put your money where your heart is, to build a life that's both meaningful and secure. It really is a powerful idea, isn't it? It is. Like thinking about our finances as a tool for personal growth and even making the world a better place. Exactly. And as we wrap up this deep dive, I'd challenge our listeners to think about this, what kind of world do you want to see and how can your choices, even your financial choices, help bring that vision to life? That's a great question to leave everyone with. Thanks for joining us on this deep dive into scar code. It's definitely given me a lot to think about and who knows, maybe this is just the beginning of something truly amazing. Yeah, I think you might be right. For everyone listening, stay curious, keep asking questions and embrace your own story. We'll see you next time for another deep dive.

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