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The transcription discusses a book on biblical archetypes that introduces the framework of SCAR code and off-coded behaviors. SCAR code represents behaviors aligned with unity, self-mastery, and spiritual alignment, while off-coded represents behaviors that disconnect us from our true selves and others. The transcription then explores various biblical figures as examples of SCAR code, such as Jesus, Moses, Joseph, Esther, and Paul, as well as off-coded characters like Cain, Judas, Pharaoh, Delilah, and Goliath. The discussion emphasizes the importance of awareness, self-compassion, and learning from mistakes in order to move towards greater alignment with SCAR code principles. It also highlights the significance of collective growth and the ripple effect that individual choices can have on creating a more harmonious world. All right. So you're ready for this. We are going deep today. Always ready for a deep dive. Okay. Awesome. So today we are taking a look at this book on biblical archetypes and in it the author talks about this framework of SCAR code and off-coded behaviors. Have you ever heard of that before? I have. Yeah. It's a fascinating way to look at human behavior. You could say it's about spiritual alignment. Right. Sometimes energy aligned with like unity and self-mastery, all that good stuff, that would be SCAR code. Right. Exactly. It's about moving towards greater connection, purpose, and understanding. Okay. Got it. And then off-coded is like the opposite, kind of being stuck in ego, separation, fear, all that. Yeah. Those patterns that tend to disconnect us from our true selves and others. I love that. And what's cool is that we're going to use this lens to look at some of the big names from the Bible, which I think is going to be super insightful. I think so too. It's amazing how these ancient stories can still teach us so much about human nature. Okay. So let's jump right in. I mean, if we're talking SCAR code, the first person who comes to mind for me is like, obviously Jesus. Yeah. He's often seen as the ultimate example of SCAR code, right? His teachings were all about love, forgiveness, recognizing our connection to something bigger than ourselves. Yeah. And it wasn't just what he said, but how he lived, you know, healing people, challenging the status quo, choosing love over fear, even when facing, you know, death. Exactly. He embodied those principles fully. And it kind of makes you think, how are we living those principles in our own lives? Ooh, that's deep. But let's talk about another SCAR code example, Moses. Moses is interesting. He represents stepping into leadership and purpose, even when you're filled with doubt. Can you imagine leading all those people out of slavery? Yeah. Like the pressure? Right. But he trusted in that higher guidance and acted with integrity. Those are key aspects of SCAR code. Yeah. That resonates with me for sure. I mean, you just got to trust your gut, right? Yeah. And speaking of trusting, I think Joseph's story is such a powerful example of resilience. Oh, absolutely. Betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, imprisoned, but he never gives up on hope. He turned his whole situation around. I mean, talk about making lemonade out of lemons, right? More than that, I think. He used his experiences to develop wisdom and compassion. His story reminds us that even in darkness, we can choose to align with our higher selves. All right. I'm feeling inspired already. And while we're talking about resilience, we got to mention Esther. Oh, Esther. She's all about courage and divine timing, risking her life to save her people. Such a powerful example of taking action, of standing up for what's right, even when it's scary. It makes you think about the impact our choices have, right? Even small acts of courage can create big ripples. I love that. And for a totally different SCARCODE vibe, there's the story of Paul. I mean, going from Saul persecuting Christians to Paul, the apostle. Talk about a transformation. It's a radical shift. It shows us that no matter where we've been, we always have the potential to change, to align with truth and purpose. That capacity for change is at the heart of SCARCODE. Okay. We've covered some pretty amazing examples of SCARCODE, but now let's flip the script. Let's look at some off-coded characters, starting with Cain. Cain's story is a classic example of what can happen when we let negativity rule. Jealousy, rage, ultimately leading to violence. Yeah, he represents that disconnection from basic human decency, even, right? It's a reminder of what can happen when we let those darker emotions take over. And the ripple effects, right? His actions didn't just affect him. They fractured his entire family. That's such a good point. It's like with Jesus, his actions spread love and healing. But with Cain, it's the opposite. His actions spread pain and separation. Exactly. Two sides of the same coin. And speaking of actions with consequences, let's talk about Judas. Oh, Judas. The ultimate betrayal. His story really highlights how off-coded choices can disrupt everything. He chose money over loyalty, over his connection to something greater, putting his own self-interest above everything else. It makes you wonder, right? How often do we make those kinds of choices? Maybe not as dramatic, but still. Yeah, it's a question worth asking ourselves. And speaking of ego, we can't forget Pharaoh. So stubborn, so resistant to change. He was so obsessed with power and control that he couldn't see the suffering he was causing. Right. He refused to listen to that inner wisdom, that higher guidance. And ultimately, his resistance led to chaos. Okay, definitely a cautionary tale. But speaking of causing chaos, let's talk about Delilah. Oh, Delilah. She's a more subtle example of off-coded behavior, manipulation, deceit. He completely undermined Samson's strength, his purpose, and ultimately led to his downfall. Right. It's a good reminder that off-coded behavior can be sneaky. It's not always in your face. Right. It's like, watch out for those energy vampires, you know? Yeah. The people who drain you and try to dim your light. Exactly. And last but not least, we have Goliath. He's like the archetype of brute strength and ego without any real purpose. He was all about domination, right? No real substance, no connection to anything bigger. It shows us that power without alignment is fragile. It's unsustainable. True strength comes from aligning with those scar code principles. Wow. This has been so insightful. It's amazing to see how these biblical figures can teach us so much about ourselves, about human nature in general. Yeah. It's all right there in those stories, both the light and the shadow. The big question is, how do we actually apply this stuff to our own lives? That's what we're here to explore. I'm ready for it. Let's do it. It's really about like bringing this ancient wisdom, right, into our modern lives. And if you think of these biblical figures as kind of representing like different energies or different ways of being in the world, I think it raises a question. Of which character do you identify with most right now? Yeah. Like who are you vibing with? And even more importantly, why? Oh, it's a good question. I think for me, it really kind of depends on the day, to be honest. Some days I wake up and I'm like, yeah, I'm Moses leading the charge, making things happen. Then other days I'm more of a Joseph, just trying to like roll with the punches and find some meaning in the mess. I feel that, honestly. I think we all have a little bit of all of these archetypes inside of us. It's not about being like purely scar-coded or off-coded. It's more like a spectrum. Right. It's not about being perfect. It's about recognizing where we are on that spectrum and then like making conscious choices to move towards greater alignment, towards that scar-code way of being. How do we do that, like practically speaking? Well, I think the first step has got to be awareness, right? It's about paying attention to like our thoughts, our emotions, our reactions. Noticing when those off-coded patterns start to creep in. Like, okay, so I'm thinking about it now. Do I get defensive easily? Do I jump to conclusions about people? Am I like constantly worried about not having enough? Exactly. Finding a light on those shadow parts of ourselves, which, let's be real, can be super uncomfortable. For sure. But, you know, at the same time, it can be incredibly liberating because once you're aware of those patterns, you can start to actually change them. Totally. And that's where the real work begins, I think. It's about understanding those off-coded tendencies. Not beating ourselves up for having them, but more like, okay, what can I learn from this? How can I, you know, how can I choose differently next time? So it's like turning those mistakes into opportunities for growth. Yeah. Which, I mean, come on, we all have those moments where we're not our best selves, right? We're human. You're human. Exactly. But we can keep learning, keep evolving, and we can look to, like, you know, those scar-coded figures for inspiration. Jesus, Moses, Joseph, even Esther. What would they do in this situation? I love that. It's like having a whole crew of like spiritual mentors cheering us on. But what about those times when we do fall back into those old patterns, those off-coded habits? It can be so discouraging. Totally get that. It can be. But it's a journey, not a destination. There will be setbacks. The key is to, you know, be kind to ourselves, practice self-compassion. Right. Give ourselves a break. We're all works in progress. Big time. And I think it's important to remember, too, that, you know, we don't have to do this alone. We can reach out for support, talk to friends, family, a therapist. Yeah. And even asking for help when you need it. None at all. We're all connected. Right. And we can learn from each other, support each other, and help each other on this path of like, you know, greater alignment. And I think that's such an important point to emphasize. It's not just about individual growth. It's about collective growth. Yeah. Like the more each of us embodies those scar-code principles, the more we help to create like a more harmonious world. Yes. It's a ripple effect, right? Every act of kindness, every choice that comes from a place of love, every little step towards greater awareness. Adds to the collective good. I love that. It makes you think about how our choices really do matter, you know? Absolutely. And that's the power of this whole scar-code, off-coded framework, I think. It's not just about analyzing biblical characters. It's about recognizing those energies within ourselves and in the world around us. It's like realizing we have a choice in how we show up, how we interact with other people, how we contribute to, you know, to the world. And ultimately, choosing those actions, those thoughts, those ways of being that align with our highest selves, with that scar-code energy of love, unity, and purpose. This is so good. I feel like we've already talked about so much, but I know there's still more to explore. Okay. So before we wrap things up, I want to throw out like a little thought experiment for you. Okay. I'm intrigued. All right. So we've been talking about all these biblical figures, right? And we've been saying how they represent these different energies, scar-code or off-coded. Right. So my question is, if you had to choose just one of these characters, like who do you resonate with most, like right now in this moment? And like, what do you think that says about, you know, where you're at on your own journey? That's such a good question. It's like taking all this intellectual stuff and making it really personal. Exactly. And like, there's no right or wrong answer. Maybe you're feeling like super scar-coded, you know, like I'm Esther, I'm going to stand up for what's right. Yeah. Or maybe you're noticing like, oh, some cane-like jealousy is creeping in. Or maybe I'm being a little bit of a stubborn Pharaoh about this one thing. Right. Exactly. It's about noticing those energies within ourselves and like, not judging ourselves for it, but just like being curious about it. It's like holding up a mirror to your own soul and seeing like, oh, okay, that's there. And you know, what I love about this framework is that it gives us a language to talk about this stuff. Totally. Because once you can name it, you can start to work with it. Right. And once you're aware of like, oh, I have this tendency to be kind of controlling, like Pharaoh. Right. Then you can start to be like, okay, how can I loosen my grip a little bit? How can I trust a little bit more? Yeah. Trust the flow. I love that. And you know, on that note, I think that's a good place to wrap up this deep dive. But I want to encourage everyone listening to like, keep these figures in mind as you're going about your day, you know, see if you can spot those scar-code and off-coded energies playing out. Yeah. And it's not just in your own life and your relationships, like even in the news, it's everywhere once you start to look for it. Totally. It's like this whole new way of seeing the world. It is. And remember, it's not about judging ourselves or others. It's about understanding, having compassion, and being open to growth. Beautifully said. Well, thanks for joining us on this deep dive, everyone. We hope it's given you like some new insights and maybe some inspiration for your own journey.