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The podcast discusses the advantages and disadvantages of being single. The disadvantages mentioned include the need for a partner to handle certain tasks, the lack of companionship, the difficulty of mingling and finding a partner, and the absence of a partnership. The advantages mentioned include freedom, financial savings, absence of arguments, and the opportunity to meet different people. The hosts also touch on the importance of intimacy and creativity in relationships, as well as the impact of social media on dating expectations. Hey, hey, hey, hey, everybody coming to you from these fabulous studios right here in Grand Ole Central Florida. Top 4 podcast. I'm the one, the only, Big B, one big Brandon. And tonight you got in for a special treat because it's just two of us. One, Shawn, how you doing over there? I'm good, Brandon. How you doing? Hey, I can't complain. You know, we're going to make this thing happen. So y'all finna get the top four pick of the week. But the unique thing about it is you're just going to get two opinions, but it is what it is. The theme of everything on this show is our opinions, not those of the sponsors or the people financing this show, just simply our opinions and thoughts because we may not really feel like that in real life. I agree with that. So moving along, our top four pick this week is going to be advantages and disadvantages of being single. I'm going to let Shawn start with it. All right. So first I'm going to say, I thought you were on, when did you become Big Brandon? Maybe. It changes weekly. Anyways, I would say the top four disadvantages for me of being single is, well, as a woman, you need a man to do certain things and that kind of sucks. It's not there to, you know, handle those manly things around the house, like with the lawn. If there's a bug in the house, I have nobody to scream to, please get the bug. Just different things like that. You know, things that a man would typically do. My second would be, disadvantage would be companionship. I don't have the male companionship that we all, I think most women crave. My third disadvantage would be just the fact of being single. It's not really hard. I mean, I'm sorry. It's not really easy to mingle out here in 2024. I honestly don't know what's a different breed of single people. No one wants to talk to you. They see you. They find you attractive. They catch your eye contact, but they don't want to make the move. I don't know what's going on. And the fourth disadvantage, I would say, of being single is like a partnership. You know, I know I said companion, but I think the aspect of partnership and companionship is, it's kind of two different things because the companionship, I'm speaking more to the loving side of the relationship, but the partnership is more of, Hey, you know, I have a great idea. Let's do this to make money. Let's, let's become a business together entity, or, you know, just going half on things in the house and in life period, you know, person you can come to and say, Hey, you know, as a woman, am I tripping? You know, it's great to have that male cheerleader. It really is. Gotcha. Gotcha. So what are your advantages? Branding to be single? I'm going to say the advantages of being single. You know, you're able to go out when you want, you ain't really got to report to anybody. Um, the other piece is, I mean, when you are out and you decide to get something to eat, you don't have a bill, $150, you know, you look at your bill when you buy yourself, it's $45, $60. Um, sometimes you can just say, Hey honey, we're doing a budget night tonight. Hey, I mean, I don't know if that's going to fly in this day and age, but Hey, it's what it is. You know, it's what it is. For my queen. I do it. Um, another advantage of being single, uh, you know, it's just, it's all in one back to the freedom, just freedom. That's just, it all sums it up. Nobody to argue with. I ain't got to come home and deal with no extra attitude, none of that stuff. So I guess that's my number three. Um, and last but not least, you know, um, you're able to meet different people, you know, and you wouldn't not necessarily none. So I can go sit down at a bar or whatever and chop it up and get different perspective on things. And I ain't got to worry about necessarily nobody saying nothing to me, I catch an attitude, even saying that I look the hell wrong. So, you know, those are what I'm going to say, the advantages of being single life for me. Okay. Well, if I put your four advantages into a somewhat of a, a summary, what I heard from you was you're enjoying the freedom. You don't want to be judged. You don't feel as judged and ultimately you just, you know, you're controlling your own life. You don't have to consider somebody else. Freedom. Finances. Cause you saving more and you spending less. Oh my goodness. But you're more, there's more, um, blessings with more people in love. I mean, yeah, but that don't necessarily mean that the financial piece, again, as a man, I don't want to pay for dinner sometime, majority of the time, man, that's gone. You know, that, that, that $120 little restaurant run on a random night just came down to like, you know, 30, 40, 50 bucks at most. And that's me probably having drinks and everything. I had drinks with a woman and leave a tip. You're spending no less than 120 at the least. And that's like just going to random wherever that's not even going anywhere of any significance. Well, honestly, a lot of what you're saying in, as far as the aspects of relationships, it kind of goes into a topic we were going to touch on. We're going to touch on when we have all four members is sex versus intimacy. And so the intimacy side of going out and doing things with the person you're with, you can make it a more intimate setting, which would be less expensive. So there's all different types of things you could do. You know, instead of going out for drinks, you can buy a bottle that's cheaper. I mean, the bottle's causing too. I'm just saying, it's, Brandy, it sounds like you need to be on the budget. You need to budget yourself instead of going out there just saying, I got it, man. Hey, you know, it's not about that. And this is something also later on we'll touch on, the economy. I mean, it's just, it's expensive to eat out. It's expensive to cook at. It's more expensive to cook at home. Nah, it's just to buy eat out. Groceries, it's got an outrageous. So even when you're looking at economical stuff, if you ain't going to McDonald's and Chuck is getting a $5 meal then, like where are you really saving money? And then there are things to do intimately. I do agree that aren't as, that aren't as expensive. Yeah, just be creative. I think being creative, I think most of the time we get caught up in the glitz and the glam when we really could just glitz and glam at home together. Well, we could. This is the thing though. So a lot of lately, and I mean, it's not all women. I'm definitely not going to categorize and say all women are doing this, but I'm just going to say a lot. It seems as if, you know, and, and men do it too. You could do the creative and the, Hey, you know, come over, you might cook dinner for her, whatever the case may be. But I think people have gotten away from that. It's more about clout, what can be done. You know, I've seen a video, dude came to pick up a chick in a brand new BMW truck. And she was like, you ain't in the Scat Packer Trackhawk. I ain't going with you no way. And he was like, what you mean? This is a brand new Beamer truck. And she like, yeah, I don't want to be in that. I want to be in the Scat Packer Trackhawk, which in the meantime, she probably was wrong. That wasn't even, I don't even think he was her type of man. Well, and that's the other thing, honestly, it's, it's, it's, it's coming down to standards a lot of times too, because I get it in this world of vainness that we're in now. You got all these girls, BBL, all this, that, the other, but it's expectations have become really unrealistic, unrealistic in the dating world nowadays. Everybody wants everybody to be together and have it together. And unfortunately, everybody don't have it together. And back in a time when guys did court the female and things, she may have not had it. He may have not had it. And they did the creative dating on getting to know each other. Like, let's take a walk around the park. Right. No, we're not going to do that. It's nothing better than that. I mean, for real, let's go walk and talk. What's up with that? But nah, you got to be me. You got to take me here. And I ain't going to Cheesecake Packer. I ain't going here. I got to go to Eddie B's or Rue Chris, which to me, honestly, they're OK. But I mean, there's more mom and pop shops with better food than a lot of these chain places that are charging this ultra, ultra outrageous premium. So then maybe we need to be more selective with dating. Because if you want, listen, fellas, ladies and fellas, you need to look a little deeper when you're dating. Don't just think, oh, I'm going to see where this is going to go. If you know you want to have more intimate time, where it's, let's take a walk. Because that's a great thing to do after each other to get off of work. It's not too hot. I mean, it's hot. But listen, there's nothing better than that quality intimate time. So if you get somebody who doesn't want to do any of those things that you're naming that are they're rich in experience, but low in cost, then that's important to you. Don't date her. Stop trying to impress people who are not worth impressing. Honestly, it's true. I say, and yeah, he makes a great point. Because I mean, that's, again, our standards, our morality. It's the way of the world. It's change. And so where is that love that Alicia Keys sang about when she said, unbreakable, you know? And she used a lot of examples that were great to our growing up period of time. And it's just what it is. Like, where is that intimacy these days? Not saying it don't exist, but I think social media has really ruined it for us to the point of everybody, hey, man, we don't want the beehive coming after us. You can't be blaming Beyonce about everything. Yeah. But yeah, so we've gotten to a point in the world where we just expect unrealisticness because of what we see so instantly. Before there was social media, you had this girl, this girl. You thought she was pretty. Or you had to go out to the club and maybe meet her. Or either you met her in passing from the gas station, this, that, the other, where social media has made it everybody's supposed to look this good. Everybody's supposed to do this. Everybody's supposed to do that. She's got this long booty, this big dress, this big. All this stuff. Oh, my gosh. And so it's just at the end of the day, we have to go back to the basics, as my grandfather would have said. We got to go back to the basics and start meeting people organically and coming out. But when you have instant, this is this, this is this, this is this. I got a friend of mine, his little brother. He was always on Instagram. He's liking all these, what you'll classify, model, bad chicks, whatever, vanity-wise. Instagram baddies. And so he's ruined relationships with some great women because he's looking for that Instagram baddie. Because he doesn't know what he's looking for. In person, well, he thinks it's about the vanity. But in person, guess what? He don't even have the dress or the attitude or the anything that these females are going to be like, hey, yeah, you can't even attract that. Dude, you done messed up the woman that's going to come home and cook, make up the bed, probably fold clothes, going to do everything. And because you looking at this one over here. And I'm going to be quite honest with you. I might get a lot of pushback from this. But them super fine women, most of them ain't about nothing anyway. They can't, I mean, they look good. But they ain't cooking good. They look good. But they ain't in that bedroom good. I mean, you know how it is. So, man, they done got outrageous. It just goes down to, I mean, everything you're saying to me, it goes down to we're trying to date out of our league. We are not dating quality. We are not, we don't know. People don't even know what they want, saying they want to be in a relationship. And a lot of times in this day and age, relationships are moving way too fast. Yes, this is true. Right, right, correct. That's why I said most people don't even know their self. Right. Good question, I don't know. I don't have an answer for that one. I mean, there are people who have those. They have standards. They know what they want. They have boundaries. They know who they are. They have self-love. It's just hard to match. It's hard to find a match for that. Listen, I can speak for other women looking. Yeah, I understand what you're saying. It just goes back to people looking for people who are out of their league. Because if you're in a room with a $600,000 person, million dollar person, and you're not in that league, nine times out of 10, you don't even know how to carry the conversation in the events and the type of things who's gonna need you to be the supporter of. So it just comes down to, like you said, self-love. It comes down to knowing who you are. Actually taking the time to think about what do I want in a person? What do I want in a male or a female? What do I want for boundaries? Do I want kids? How many kids do I want? How do I wanna raise the kids? It's a lot of basic things that people are really not taking the time to look for. And I think that's a reason why it's so hard to be single if you wanna move to the next level of actually finding somebody. I'm talking about not question offensive. I kind of find the question offensive. Not if I got the table. I find it offensive because if you don't get, if you're not willing to take the time to get to know me, to see what I can possibly bring to your table, then in my opinion, you're kind of, I understand being straightforward and direct, but then there's also things that just take time. Okay? Mm-hmm, right. Right, so that can't be an answer because we all have genitals, right? Well, really it would be the two people bringing 100 of their self to equal the 50-50 half of the partnership, right? Ultimately, I think dating and being with somebody is really not that hard. It's really about if Brandon was to approach me, let's just, for instance, if we're out, I'm gonna say we're at a bar. We'll say we're at a bar. It's a decent bar. It's a fairly decent bar. And let's just say Brandon walks up and he says, hey, I haven't seen you here before, right? And I say, oh, you know, this is my first time. A lot of times that stops the conversation. The man won't say anything else. And I'll just say, eh. Or the man- Well, could it be that those people, just really quick on that and I'll let you get back to it. No problem. Could it be that those people don't really know how to engage in a conversation? This could be true, but if you got my attention- That's what I'm saying. Stop being so scared. Like, I can't strike you down. I'm just a person. Stop looking at people as if they're God or something. They're just people. If you're not willing to take the chance to even try to approach them, then what are you doing going out? So is it fair to say, because I had someone that I was communicating with tell me this one time and ask a question because they said something and I was like, they asked me, was I intimidated by them? And so is that something that you, as a female, single female, have ran into that it seems like guys are intimidated by you? Brandon, you're funny. I'm pretty good. Okay, honestly, I'm pretty good with feeling the energy from a male if they're interested in me. I can walk into a room and I can kind of feel and see who probably is gonna approach me that night. I feel like if I'm intimidating, if you feel intimidated by me, then I'm probably not the right person for you because I'm just a human and I like people who are not scared to go for what they want. So to answer the question, I haven't really gotten the intimidating remark. It's been more of, you're different, you're a challenge or you stimulate the mind. I don't know. I haven't really just gotten anybody come up to me and say, oh, you're so intimidating. Well, no, but in conversing with those people, have you noticed like, maybe they're put off by me or they're intimidated because I can't. And I think what it is, is a lot of guys necessarily don't want a woman that could articulate herself. Right. Because I do understand my grandmother was a woman of chosen words and while out in public things weren't said, but definitely she spoke her mind. She spoke her mind. Right. When it came time to really talk her mind, I let my granddaddy know something, but it wasn't done out and about in front of people. Right. And that's a big respecting. Yeah, definitely. I agree. But I don't see how any guy would be intimidated by a female and I only say that because at the end of the day, I would, if I'm a man, want my person, the person I'm dating to talk to me and be able to tell me, hey, nah, you should do this like that. That ain't necessarily, and to give me the opposite, because I may be moving too fast. Right. So that lets me know. And plus, if I'm saying, a relationship, that person should eventually grow to be your best friend. So my friends, I require my friends to tell me, or I know out of my friends circle, they're going to hold me accountable and they're not going to tell me what I want to hear. They're going to tell me what I need to hear. But it's a little- So in the relationship, I don't want a person that's just going to sit there and be like, oh, well, he gonna mess it up, whatever. I need you to have my best interest at heart, just like my friend group does. So what you're saying is a little tricky. Okay, let's go back to the intimidation. The lady may have asked you that because she may be a woman of words, meaning she may just say things how she wants to say them. No. She doesn't- But it- Well, let me finish. Back to levels, and you hit on that, about on the level you're dating. Okay. When you're dating a certain type of guy, most of them would be intimidated by a person that can articulate themselves well and kind of be direct in what it is they're looking for in a man. Well, a lot of women of a certain caliber, not saying all women, a certain type of female, they're more passive, and they're just kind of like, ah. And they're not used to a woman saying, I am going to require X, Y, Z out of my man, and you can't come in here playing. That's why I said- Let me finish what I was saying. So the lady who said that to you, she may be a woman of words, meaning she just kind of says things. She doesn't get a feel for the situation. She doesn't, even though she may be classy, she still may be very direct to a point where it doesn't come off where the other person wants to perceive or perceive what she's saying. I really feel like as a woman, we're supposed to be dealing with more of the emotion. Not to say we should never be logical, but I think we're supposed to deal with more of the emotion when it comes to the relationship between the man and the woman. And what I mean by that is, you should be able to feel when it's the right thing, the right time to do things, and you should be able to feel when it's the right time to say things. So when the time has presented itself, I don't think you can put a time actually on it. So if a woman- Okay, a man may not- He may be intimidated by a woman who just comes out and says, this is what I expect from my man. This is not- I don't feel like you should just be saying that off the rip. I feel like you should kind of get to know that man to a degree and see where they're at. If they're not even in the space to be able to meet some of your basic standards, I almost feel like you shouldn't even have that conversation with them. I think it should kind of go down to like, you know what? I think you're a great person. I just don't feel like we're compatible as far as a romantic relationship. Because also, you can't just go telling a man- Just get him a real man. I don't know about that. You don't just- You don't- That's the excuse though. That's all I'm saying. But you can't just go in any relationship within the first month. You don't just go up to somebody and say, you know what I need from you? I need you to be a real man. I need you to pay my bills. I need you to mow the lawn. I need you to do this, this, and that. You gotta give things time. People do not give things time. Somebody's always rushing somebody. Just let things evolve naturally. And I think it'll work out better. Good thing you say that. Because a lot of females, when they get in relationships, say they're dating, they expect that male, oh, I need to get my hair done. I need to do this, this, and that. You know, hey, if I'm not moving the house, which we're not paying, like, you know, sleeping in the bed together, where we got one occupier? I don't owe you none of the stuff. It's up to me to see exactly if you deserve that. A lot of times, the moment that you're talking to somebody, they already start billing you. And also, I was gonna say, a woman shouldn't just run off at the mouth too soon, telling a man what she wants, because then he'll try to become that person and she'll be so disappointed in the long run. Ah, that's something else that's brought up in the conversation with a person before. Really quick, Brandy, before you go farther, I wanna touch on what Wilson said. Also, that's why I made the comment about we need to let things evolve organically, naturally. Because if you just give things time, if a man is really interested in you, he will start to offer you things. He will say, oh, I noticed that you haven't had your hair done in a couple of weeks. Let me do that for you. Or, do you ever get your nails done? This is something I like in a woman. You ever get your nails done? Or, I haven't noticed you get your nails done in a month I've been dating you. I would love to see you this way. I think a man will go out on a limb when he loves to see his woman in a particular light and he's starting to get more interested in you, he will start to offer those things. That's just been my experience. I ain't doing it. But I think that's because a lot of women don't know how to fall back and just let the man do what he's gonna do. Because you can't control him anyway. So, you just meet him and you just get to know him as a friend and then he'll open up to you and you guys can have in-depth conversations. And honestly, I think I've never really heard that I'm very intimidating, but I think my demeanor seems intimidating for people to approach me. So, if a guy approaches me, he's usually surprised by how the conversation goes and who I end up being once he kind of gets to know me a little. Controller. Controller. That's not true, she is not a controller. Controller. She's very blunt, she's very straightforward. I'm gonna give that to her. Sometimes, a lot of men feel... They don't like when a woman knows what she wants. Yes, just straightforward. You know what I'm saying? As long as the person comes with the respect, you know, settle a boundary to let you know exactly what the high standard is. You know what I'm saying? You should respect that. A lot of people, you know what I'm saying, have high standards because they know they can afford it. But if you have a low standard, you know, always remember your means, your median. You know what I'm saying? So, when you're talking to someone, don't tell me, hey, I'm looking for 6,000, hey, somebody, you know, but you're not even making $20,000. You know what I'm saying? So, a lot of times right now, with these generations that we're looking at, most of those relationships are based on business. What can you do for me? You know what I'm saying? So, the moment the money price, say like how much, you know what I'm saying, your budget is, how much you make, you always remember this relationship's not going too far. Right. And like I said, once you get to know another person and you get to know a little bit about their past, you can kind of tell. You know, if you're dating a woman and you say, so, you know, give me a conclusion of your last relationship. And she says, oh, yeah, I was with some, let's just say she was married. I was married for six years and my husband, he took care of all the finances. And you know, he did this, this, and this. I feel like as a man, you'll be a fool to think she's gonna be a woman who's willing to do 50-50. Because she just let you know her husband was the one taking care of all of that. But some of them don't like that. They don't like what? Because they had a husband that did that for so long. They now want that independence. That's what they want. That's not truly what they want. A lot of times, if a woman, in my opinion, if a woman goes from the side of the man handling all the finances and being the primary breadwinner, it's because the person they were with was extremely controlling. It made them feel belittled. They did not respect them. And they did financial, is it abuse? And also she, yeah, but you know her. But I've, and I've heard a lot of women say that, that have been in those situations. Like, you know, he thinks he could just do whatever he wants, how he wants to do it, because he pays for everything. And so I think that has scared a lot of women from getting to the point of where they want And that's the other piece too. When a guy is doing all of those things, is the particular female stepping up to where she knows she has to be on point, where she knows she has to be on point and be able to do all the things that this guy's requiring. Because at the end of the day, a lot of guys that are high value men, that can afford to take care of the household and the woman that work, or go half on bills or a quarter on bills or whatever. Nine times out of 10, he's gonna want you to do what he wants to do, how he's gonna do it. As they say, I pay the cost to be the boss. One thing that is wrong in the world today with dating couples, marriages, is there's too many titles. Shoot, I don't want to marry. It's too many titles. Oh, the high value man, the high value woman. Listen, at the end of the day, we come in the world naked and we pretty much go out that way. It doesn't matter about that stuff. It's all about getting with a person where y'all can work together. Because let me tell you something, I can be, honestly, I could be happy with a man that was bringing home, let's just say, $50,000 a year. And he lets me be the- Who I am. He lets me be who I am. He lets me just be a woman. Take care of the house, whatever we agree on. Let's just say that. And we don't, we're not going out to six-figure dinners and we're not having $120 bars, bar nights. You can be so happy as long as the man will be up front and say, listen, I'm not a man who's striving for the stars. I'm comfortable with having the bare necessities. And if we evolve to that, then we just do. But this is where I'm at. This is where I'm comfortable being at. And I would love to take you along for the ride if you're okay with that. If that's his only requirement, I think that's a lot of men's requirement. I think a lot of women, we miss that. He lets us know that he's okay with the bare minimum that's okay for him. And he would love to have us if we're not gonna be like, oh babe, you should do this $200,000 business. You should go back to school. We just need to learn how to be encouraging to that whatever man we're with without stressing him out. Sometimes you have to somebody to push you low. You do. Support, not to be just like a lot of time, you're like some woman trying to be your mom to tell you exactly, if you don't do this, you're not gonna do this and that. So sometimes you need somebody to low push encouragement. Not telling you, if you don't do this, we're not gonna- Not ultimatum. Ultimatum, you understand? So that's one thing that we have to watch. Sometimes we say stuff is the way that we say it. The message come out. Sometimes some people, the voice tone is aggressive. If you already built that relation with your partner, know exactly your voice tone. Say, baby, if I say that to you, I don't mean to hurt you. Just telling to encourage. Because of the way I say it is my voice tone. Why is that? Does not mean to offend you. You know what I'm saying? But sometimes you have to let the person know because if they don't know you that well, it can be something very dangerous. Right. So it's definitely a difference between encouragement and then trying to make the person overextend. A lot of men, they won't just break it down and say, hey, I love the message you're trying to give me, but I don't like the manner you're doing it. Like I said, I feel like it's really simple. Communication. Just be upfront and honest and talk about whatever needs to be talked about and just make decisions together. Don't want one person necessarily try to have more authority than the other. Just both have equal respect for each other and I just think it will go a lot smoother. That's true. A lot of times too, one thing I'm gonna take on the female side, a lot of times, y'all watch the movie, The Madea, right? When the guy, the lawyer was making all the shots. The Diary of a Blind Black Woman. You know, that's just your example. You know what I'm saying? A lot of times we let the corporations divide us. If a female doing everything, you tell her to stay home, cooking, all that kind of stuff when you come home. Especially if she wanna go to work, you tell her not to. You know, you become a controlling, like you said earlier. And for a lot of men, especially in our culture, when they start making the bread, the money type, you know what I'm saying? They have their wife stay at home and they have a wife at work as well. Right. You know what I'm saying? And it's kind of set on both parties, but sometimes it's the way you settle, you plan your foundations. Right. So it can be very good, it can be very dangerous. But as far as when it comes for the marriage life type, you know what I'm saying? I tell a lot of people that marriage is not for everybody. I don't think it's for the weak. I don't think relationships are for the weak. If you're not willing, in relationships, you have to be flexible. You have to be willing to compromise. You have to be able, you have to be willing to sometimes say, you know, this is what I want, but right now this is not the time to do it. It really is just communication. Ultimately, a lot of it is communication. Selflessness, it's not that hard. It's really like a science way. People just wanna go against the green and it's just too much control that wants to be, you know, taking place. Everybody, some people want the power, some men or women want the power. And also, those are the ones that are upfront about the power. You have those other ones where they're passively aggressive, where they act like everything is okay. You know, oh yeah, I'm fine with you doing this. You can go out, you can hang with your friends, but then they'll kind of use that against you when something else comes up. That's one thing, good thing you covered it. I dislike when somebody did something for you and keep reminding you exactly what they did. I will let you go quick in a heartbeat. Don't remind me because I did not ask you because you was doing it because you see that I did it and you did it for me. But the moment you stop keep repeating it, repeating it, it show me your characters that you're not the person I thought you was. In regards to that direct statement, I would say, I agree it doesn't need to be repeated. Sometimes those things do need to be said and reminded when a person may be in not the best headspace and they feel like you're against them. You're like, wait a minute, you know, I did this and this, but not to throw it in their face. Just more so to remind them like, how can I not be there for you when I did all of these things? And you didn't even ask, you know? But ultimately I feel like that goes to communication things versus just getting this opinion in your mind that the person isn't who you thought they were. That just may be one of their weaknesses. That may just be a flaw that they have, you know? I think women are more willing to deal with a man. When I say women, I'm not talking about women who, the ladies who are dating like it's a marathon. I'm talking about the real women who are in it to win it. Winning. Just say between girls and women. Well. Because we say men, but most of them be, they still be boys. Yeah, that's true. But ultimately I'm talking about the women who are really in it to win it. You know, if you just communicate with them, they really want to go above and beyond to make you happy more than you know. Which one? The women who are really in it to win it. Oh yes. I just think society has majority of people's mind in a chokehold and they just can't see past what they're seeing. There's no imagination in dating anymore. It's all right. It's just, oh, my wife doesn't want to, my girl doesn't want to do anything with me. I can just go look on the screen. What kind of, what screen? You know, things they look at on the screen. Ah, I will call Elon Musk, get me a AI. Oh Jesus. I'm just, oh Lord. All right. All right now. Oh Lord. Oh Lord. For 70,000K, you can have blue eyes in 150 films. Oh my gosh. But ultimately what I'm saying is, back in the day I feel like there was less options to just go out there and cheat. No, it wasn't the fact that less options it was less social media. No, it wasn't. No, I think it was less options because people had, women have more respect for people relationships than they do now. Back in the day. Why you changed Barbara Calls Shirley? Listen, I didn't say it never happened. I said, I feel like there was. It just was more hush hush. I'm just, and that's still a respect thing though. That's still a certain level of respect. It was happening, just more hush hush. But again, you don't have so much social media to put things out. So it wasn't, if a person got caught over there you really didn't know about it cause it wasn't on the news. Nah, social media, everything's on the news. That's true. And it's not true because word of mouth spread like social media back in the day. And everybody was, oh girl, did you know that Barbara's husband was talking to, so are they still together? First thing I'll say, are they still together? It was more respect amongst women in general. Majority of the time. A woman is not necessarily gonna just get with a man that she knew was married and had a family. And even if she did, she'd never call her up. Or people in the community would say, hey, you need to, they'll give him a hint. They'll say, you know, sometimes you might need to go on out there with your husband to that bar. Correct, but in some women back then too, they didn't care. Well, I ain't gonna say they didn't care, but they just let it go and they ain't really care to confront it. They knew things were different and there was ways to handle things in different ways. Hot grits didn't just come up for no reason. I get it. That was his situation. But sometimes some women just, if they married all that time, they worked through the cheating and kept it moving. I think people still doing that today. There is no such a cheating, guys. So listen, how can you cheat on someone? I don't know. I don't participate in that activity. We use them for reality. No, there's not. Trust me. What he's saying is ultimately, if you're willing to risk losing me, then you was never with me to start. Thank you. That's the key. Yeah, I think that's what he's saying. I mean, some things change. Cause the woman may change. Or the man may change. She didn't change. I don't know. Some relationships where people were great and hey, this person no longer did what they used to do. Or some people wear that mask and mask it for years. Would you like to eat the same food over and over? And that's the thing. So it's not even about the same food over and over cause I can eat fried chicken all day long, as long as it's good. But, and I'll eat it over and over again. However. You'll still cheat cause you'll go to KFC, Popeye's. So that means you were never loyal to the fried chicken. Nah, the fried chicken, it don't matter who fried the chicken. It's just fried chicken. So, at the end of the day, my statement stands. Women have more respect for themselves, marriages. Even, even if they was the mistress, they still had more respect for the mistress. I think that a lot of side pieces forgot their place. No, because the men are putting the side pieces on pedestal and leaving their wife behind. What about this woman who was there when you was broke? He left home to be with his side piece. It's all fun and games, but. We're making names for stuff that we don't want to be responsible for. So as far as side piece, or side chick, or chicken head, or he just left home. Razabelle. Razabelle, or ready to excel. And let me just say this. If you, or most men, if you see that your woman is changing in a sense of she's not catering to you as much. She's, she's not giving you that energy that you want. That's because she's following the energy that you've given her. You're not, you're no longer as interested in her. You're no longer going up behind her and saying, you love my life. No, it depends on the people. I love my life. And it's back to people being, it depends on the people and in the person in general, because you have some guys, they still do all of that. And the woman just changed up. And sometimes it'd be because of Jodi. Or it could be you just picked the wrong woman. You picked vanity and didn't look at the characteristics. You know, because Miss Jodi like to come through that back door. Did a female ever cheat on a male? Yes. How? It's plenty of, it's plenty of them. She was never loyal to you from the beginning. A female never cheat on you. She cheated herself. So who's the- Yeah, but she lost the prize. No, not really. Sometimes we thought, you know, she lost the prize. It's something that you're not doing at home. That's why she's going out of her mind. Sometimes, or sometimes, dude could be doing everything at home. Let's go for this example. It's something. And I don't know what their marriage like, but he probably is, and some of it probably is. No, there's no such thing as perfect. Correct. But it may be coming back. But let's go back to this young lady named Marjorie Harvey. I mean, she got all the vanity stuff and got everything, shelves, all that stuff. Marjorie's materialistic shit. It is materialistic, but you will lose while you get them. But listen, even though, even though Steve is married to Marjorie, he still has done a current interview where he says, he just, he said, I just f'ed up that one marriage. And if you think that's probably not a woman that got away from him, I think that's crazy. Well, regardless of what, and that's what I was getting back to and going to say, at the end of the day, you can still have everything. Some stuff is just coming back from you for what you did. And some stuff you're dealing with, it ain't even from you, it's from generations prior. No, sometimes you forcing it, it's not yours. Yes, that's true. A lot of people buying love, it's not natural love. Yes, it's true love. You'll never be buying love, you're buying lust. Because you trying to buy standards that you do not require. And sometimes people don't realize what they got that's gone either. That's true. A lot of people don't see the value in, oh, this person was doing this, doing that, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Then when that person's gone, they get in another relationship. That's probably like the Steve Harvey statement. Oh, snap. Yeah, I f'ed up. But that goes back to, you need to know yourself. You need to love yourself. Because when you know and love yourself, you're not gonna take things for granted. Also, there is such little grace and mercy in relationships. If a person do one thing, people be like, oh, that's it, I'm ready to close the door. I don't have time to work through this or that with the person. I'm just, it's done, whatever. And you know what the biggest mistake we do as a human being in some relationship? A lot of time we caught a partner with somebody else. We let anger take over, end up pulling a weapon and killed it. Guess what? Pulling weapons. And everybody lost. Right. You're going at number one. You shoot him. Greg got that. He did not get killed or did not die. You're gonna go behind bar. She gonna feel sorry for him. Why you in there? You was, you're gonna ask Judy. Send her money. Yeah, and she's still sending him money. A lot of time that we act before thinking, you say, damn, did I just do that? Yes, you did. Another piece I'll get to, and that's back to the anger piece. People could catch people in something and then they done made this whole scene. And they be right laying with them tonight. So that's why I think things, I truly believe things should be handled in private because I don't need everybody looking at me crazy for what I'm going through. I know people done went and got restraining orders on the person and everything. They be right back with them. I tell my wife, trust me, she thought I was crazy. I say, get somebody yourself. That's you. I'm not the one who's suffering. I'm telling you that shit. You think I'm about to pull a weapon? I'm about to lose my freedom. If I walk in on whoever I'm talking to, or the snippet and all the- Please do not say what you finna do, Brittany. Do not say it. No, that's the point. What I am gonna do, I'm just be like, hey, playa, have fun, you know? I might be like, hey, brought the IV in. Oh my God. So, you know, at the end of the day, cause hey- At the end of the day, guess what? I paid the hoes, so you can have the hoes. There's no such a hoes, to be honest with you. There's not. There's no such a hoes. I'm gonna let you know that. Sometimes we're doing like, you know, a lot of time a female gives you signal, attention that she needs. We keep ignoring it. I was just gonna say that. Until- It's too late. It's too late. Listen, I think- Some of them just out there. I think majority of- If you're dealing with a woman and y'all together, I believe she has told you what the problem is and you are not paying attention. Cause now I'm saying a woman's gonna be like- Or this is the other issue. We shouldn't have slept around before marriage. That's our problem. That's a big part of it. Ain't no reason I say that. Because what happens is, when female gets great meat from Jody over here, who ain't nobody. She done got great sex from him all this time. But over here, Tyrone, surprise, provides the security. He's the head of the household. He's doing everything over here. But he just ain't- Never buy a cat in the sack. But Tyrone just ain't got it in that bedroom. And so a few years later, cause she done went over here with Tyrone. Few years later, here go Jody circling around. Well, Jody, come by my house and just, you know, not Jody on the side, just giving her the meat. And Tyrone paying all the bills. Tyrone's a loving husband, doing everything he's supposed to do. He just ain't got it in the bedroom. That's the thing she said that. If she's not with yours- I feel like if a woman, from being personally as a woman, if you're willing to get with somebody else and you're supposed to be committed to somebody, then you never was really- You know what? Yeah, you was never really committed. And to go speak on what you said, I don't think it's as much a sex thing as you think. It's probably more so- The communications and the attachment. And yes. And it's probably more so, it's always deeper for women. It's really not just sex. It's not. It really isn't. I would say at a point in time, I think we have to realize that a lot of things have changed and back to society, as we said earlier, morals and standards have kind of went out the window. So the women or the woman from back in the day that was kind of about this type of life, I get it. I think a lot of those women have, I ain't gonna say a lot of, yeah, a lot of have, it's not there. Like it was a dude going around doing random interviews on the street and was like- Body snatch. He asked him something about a main guy or the side dude. And each and every one of them said, my side nigga. And it was even ones that was like, I ain't even got a side dude. What was the question? I think that's what it was. Who laid the fight better? The main dude or the side dude? And all of them said random dude, random people. And even one female was like, yeah, well, I ain't got no side dude, but if I did, probably the side dude. You know why? And that's crazy. Because I don't, it's not about the sex. It's something that the man is lacking that's driving her to him. Whether he's more of a manly man, he knows how to give her a certain level of aggression that she desires. He actually challenges her brain. He may just take her there more mentally. Let it not be that the husband is weak. Hey, guess what? But it was a spectral class. No, no, that's not- Sometimes, a lot of things that we have for free, we don't take for adventure. Right. Like walk to the beach, walk in the park. It's the things outside. It's the things outside the bedroom that make the bedroom great. A lot of guys think, you know, oh, baby, let's go to the fine restaurant. I'll pay for the bills. Right. But you never have a time to get to know that person. Baby, what make you feel better? What you have in your mind? I think- All that kind of stuff. If you've only been with one person, you wouldn't know what nothing else like. That's true. I've met some wonderful women and I've met some mentally great women and vice versa, I'm sure the same. But when it came down to the bedroom, it wasn't necessarily there. And to me, I get it, but some of it is a deal breaker to me. Wait, were you saying that it's not there for the woman? No, it wasn't there for me with her. It wasn't there for you with her because she wasn't as experienced in the bedroom as you like? Okay, so I don't- And I've even said that too. I don't want a virgin. I don't think it's so- But had that been the only thing I had, I wouldn't even have a preference when it comes to any of that stuff. Because this would be all I know. So had we not just started- This is why. To do things before marriage. This is where it, listen, I actually do believe in we should really have sex with one person because I agree with, you don't have anyone to compare it to to know if it's bad or good. Whatever, do the best you ever can. Also, those people do suffer. Those people do suffer. They're just loyal. They're just scared to go out there because they didn't live that life. But the thing is, it's not necessarily about if the woman has been with a lot of people, this or that. It may be who she's with. If you're more experienced, okay, if the woman meets every requisite that you want and she's trashing the bedroom to you and it's not anatomy. Hold on. If it's not anatomy trash, it's trash in the sense that you can teach her, then you should want, actually, I think that should be more exciting to a man than a woman who comes in doing cartwheels and back flips. I ain't gonna lie, at a point in time in life, I probably would have been willing to teach. But you should always be willing to teach because people don't- We're too grown to be teaching. You have to teach. If I don't- You're never too old to learn. That might be the problem. You might say things go crazy. You at 40 years old not knowing how to hush, I'm good. If you haven't been in the street, put it like this. If you were a woman who was with a man from the age of 20 to 30, right? And the man supposedly was so much more experienced, but he didn't teach her anything in that aspect, why would you not? You're putting too much emphasis on sex. She has a lot of better qualities and if that's your strength, then teach her. She might, this definitely is a bit hard because see, I can cook, I can clean, being a part of that grandmama household and generation. That's not the point though. The only thing I would really need you for is to walk on the beach and have sex. But that's not the point. And that's not really what it is. I can go out there and mow the lawn, but I would much rather a man do it. I can't say I need a man to do it. Well, I don't need one to do it. I'm just saying though. You think I want my wife to be outside in the hot sun? And fast out there, you're going to ask her to go cook something for you? I'm saying from the male perspective, I don't need you to wash my clothes. But that's the problem because you're taking away all of the aspects that she can bring to your life and make it easier for you to be grateful for it. You're blocking it. Most of them don't even know how to do that. You're blocking it, Brandon. You're blocking it. Most females nowadays, I'm just be real, a lot of females nowadays, I ain't going to say all of them, but it's almost few far in between that you can find them that can cook, clean, and know how to be a woman and take care of a man. It's very hard. They can do one or the other. They can do two or the three. It's really not. But they can't, they can't. No, what you're looking at is the quality you look for. It's the quality. You're going in circles. I'm looking for quality from all up here to down there. Did you have your list down today, baby? You know how we do the resume after the date? Y'all gone right. Submit your resume. But, so. Get a job resume. Then I have to ask is, why are you willing to sleep with women before you know they qualify for what you're looking for? Why waste your time? He's not looking for a woman. He's just looking to bust a good nut and go walk out. No, it ain't. It's more. It's gotta be. It's gotta be because you said, I don't need a woman to cook. I don't need a woman to clean. Like I just said. Only thing I need her for, all I need her for is to walk the beach, meaning the intimacy piece of it. Growing to one another in the mental peace. I need you for companionship. I don't need you for all the other stuff because I can do that. Hold on, Brandon. Hold on. How can you say you to grow if you're not willing to teach? If you, listen, listen. If you got a woman who know how to cook, clean, she has a career, she's intelligent, she has that beautiful energy. Good morning. How are you? And the only thing she is not succeeding in is that. Fool. I'm sorry. That's a fool. I'm gone. And this is why men are saying they can't find a woman because the main thing that they're looking for is co-assets. I'm gone. She don't have to do the split on that D. K-Michelle said she can't raise a man. I can't raise a woman. Raising and teaching is two different things. Raising and teaching is the same thing. Did you see what her background was when she grew up? Sometimes it's how you grew up sometimes. Most definitely. But I'm just saying, I ain't finna raise no woman on how to be a woman. First off, I'm a male, so I ain't got no business teaching you that. Your mama shouldn't talk to you that. Just like with my son. His mama can't teach him how to be a man. No, you can not. But she can show him how to be a son to his mama, but at the end of the day, boys need men in their life. Women need, girls need women in their life. And women teach girls how to be women. Men teach boys how to be men. But what does that have to do with the fact that you say you're not willing? You don't, you said if we're dating. I ain't teaching that woman none. You better know what time it is. She's 40 years old. If we're dating, it doesn't matter to you looking at the age, but you're not looking at her experience. If you're looking at a woman who's been married, I mean, who's been in a relationship since she was 20 to 30, of course that woman ain't gonna have a lot of experience. She's only been with one person, basically. Hey, she better had to learn. She better learn. She better had to learn. I ain't got time. Well, then you need to stop sleeping with women who ain't meet in your category the right way. I don't. You doubt that. You don't even know if they meet the category by the time you done slept with them. I don't sleep with a lot of people like that, no more. Oh Lord. Anyways, so what do you feel about- Oh, I know my self worth and value now. Oh Jesus. But did your value go down from sleeping with all those women like y'all try to say on women? Nope. I don't know about that. I'm too grown to be caring about your body count. You slept with a hundred niggas, I'm good. The society is making a difference. I get what them niggas, what they might like, but this guy here. I'm just saying the mass, the mass has it that a woman can't be of a certain age. She can't do this. She can't do that. She's just down, down, down. You know, everybody has their preference and how they like to do things. And so, you know, it works like that, but nonetheless. Let me ask you this question. This question came on my mind the other day. Does a man pick a woman who has three kids with her ex-husband or a woman who's had 10 abortions and no kids? I'm probably gonna pick that woman, me, the way I am because I have kids. I believe in dating someone with children because I feel like people that don't have kids don't understand my plight as a parent a lot of times. So I'm gonna probably pick that woman that has the three kids with her husband. But outside of you having kids, why else would you pick her? Because you're just picking a commonality. Well, that's just been from my experience of dating a few females without children. So the ones with it. So that's like one of my personal experiences. My biggie. Had I had no kids, I probably would pick the woman that probably had 10 abortions. Me asking about the woman having the 10 abortions isn't about that she doesn't have kids. It's about what's her morals. What is, who is she as a person that she's okay with having 10 abortions? And don't get me wrong. I don't know at what number it starts being bad. I know it happens on one or two. It's a self thing, but I'm just wondering. So, but hey, you know, depending on 10 abortions, what she got going on? And that's what we're living in in society. We're telling women, we're telling women that if you have a kid, if you have two kids, you are less valuable than a woman who has 10. Aw, no, I want you to have them kids. Listen, you do. But I'm saying the majority of society is pushing women to not have kids, to have value. That's what I see on social media all the time. I dated a woman with six kids. Listen, you a different breed. From her husband though. Clearly you a different breed, sir. Which like you said, it was from her husband. I don't think that's the worst thing. I don't personally think that if a woman has kids, she should not be considered a valuable person. But they also say the same thing with men and kids. What do you think about, we talked about the top four advantages and disadvantages of being a kid. You know, I got like 10 kids. What? With all the stepchildren I got running around. How do you think is the best way to approach women in this day and age? Excuse me, ma'am, what is your boyfriend? No, I mean like, excuse me, where's your, that's the first thing you're gonna say? Yeah. Oh no. I would probably just look at you and walk off. It's a home run every single time. That's crazy. Or. And what responses do you get from that? If I get he's at home, then I'm gonna leave. I'm gonna say, okay, tell him he's a lucky guy and I'm gonna go and handle my business. But if she look at me and say, what boyfriend? And I'm gonna say, oh my God, why you don't have a boyfriend? Look at you, you're so beautiful. Wow. But do you really mean those things? You gotta be stupid. Do I really mean? Yo, are you just saying that? Most of the time I mean it. I mean, she had to be attractive for me to walk up to her. Being attractive and beautiful are two different things. Well, yeah, that's true. Because you really don't know if a person's beautiful until you get to know them. And this is true. Yeah, so you know. But if they pumping gas at the gas station, I might walk up, you shouldn't be pumping that where your man at. He should be doing that. And I'm gonna take the gas out of the phone, maybe be pumping the gas and that thing, you know, boom, got that number. And. How do you think society has changed the dating world? Society and slash social media. Again, back to when we talked earlier. I mean, it gave everybody this false image, a false pretense of what a man's supposed to be, what a woman's supposed to be. Because you're looking at, I don't know if you saw the meme one time. It had the couple, the wife, the husband and everything. And it showed the picture from the front. And they were smiling, kids smiling, all that stuff. But when you go, it showed the picture from the back. The guy had the wife arm kind of jacked up. The kids had bruises all on them and stuff like that. And so I think what it is, is that social media allows to see one narrative and that's the narrative that I wanna put out there. But it doesn't show the full true narrative of the person. So you're getting all this, the best things I want you to see in my best qualities. You're not getting necessarily the, oh, Brandon was sick today in the store or the things that I wouldn't want you to see. And so it has polluted and convoluted the dating scene because it set unrealistic expectations on people. I was dating someone that I know I'm the best, and yeah, I know that. Somebody has to tell you that, Brandon. You can't say that for yourself. Well, I know it for myself because I know how many exes try to come back. So that lets me know that I was great. Like I said earlier. Maybe they just try to come back because they like your sex. People get in situations, yeah, I know, right? But people get in situations and then they realize, oh snap, I lost this. So I was just telling an ex earlier this week about it. I was like, yeah, I'm best going, but you wanna go out there and date and everything, go ahead. Okay. See how that works out for you. Real quick. Yeah, I told you so. What do you think, do you think most men are upfront about their intentions, what they're really looking for when they're dating? I think that at a certain age, yes, because when I was younger, no, I wasn't. I definitely was coy about it, but I got older, obviously, I do. I do. Now you said most men, I don't know. Probably not. I mean, you know a lot of people, so I'm just asking, what do you think? A lot of them know because they're just trying to get in the draws, but I definitely was very upfront as to my intentions. And I've even had people say, hey, I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to be at this certain level, and I'm just not there yet. So I'm not gonna waste your time because you obviously want this. And so, you know, that's kind of how that went. But- So right now, would you say you're dating to be married, dating to be committed, or you're just dating to be having fun? Right now, this very moment? Yes, in this very moment. Man, I'm just out here. So you're just doing the free thing? I'm just chilling. That's good. I feel like that's eventually gonna hurt you in the long run. I mean- To a degree because- I've thought about it, and this is the thing. I have my legacy because I have my children. I have my family with the wealth and things of that nature. So it's kind of like, I can be picky. Now, yeah, I'll probably eventually go on and settle it down and get married again, but I ain't in no rush for it. Is it being picky, or is it just you feel like you don't need a woman? It ain't even that I don't need a woman because, hell, I ain't gonna lie. I love a woman to cook for me. I love her to clean for me. I'm a love for all that stuff. I'm a love to be able to say, you know what? This is going on over here. Come on, baby, let's go. And have that best friend, that companion. But at the end of the day, I'm not gonna settle in doing it. So if there's behavior things that need to be worked on and need to be modified, I'm not gonna just rush into it. And that's a lot of things. People rushing to it. Nah, we gonna iron these wrinkles out of this thing. We ain't just gonna go tie no knot, just like this right here. Nah, we finna understand that this how it's gonna be because what I'm not got time to do is, later on in life, talking about going through another divorce. People are so scared of divorce, but they're not as scared of, I feel like anything else in life. They're so scared of trying a relationship. I've been there. I'd rather a relationship not work than a marriage not work. Because in the marriage, obviously I was committed enough to you to take that step to ask you to marry me. So once we're married, that's pretty much it. Ain't no getting out. It's like the mafia. That's the way I'd adapt. Were you committed prior to getting married or did you just wait to get married and then be committed? No, you committed prior to getting married. Honestly, you gotta be committed even before you get down on that knee. Asking you, not when I got married. When I got married last time, I took it as a contract of, kind of like, hey, if it don't work out, I can get a divorce. That's a big thing too. We didn't even touch on that, but most people are looking for the way out versus the way to stay. In all relationships, not just men and women. Any relationship, friendship. But, in a lot of relationships, you probably shouldn't have been in those relationships to begin with. Maybe, maybe not. A lot of them, you probably shouldn't have. I think a lot of times, people don't even know what they... Because it's back to that red flag conversation. I don't even think a lot of people know what the purpose of meeting people, a lot of people in their life, what their purpose was for meeting them. And they just feel like, every... Ah, there we go with that. Season. Do people... I realize... It might've been two or three seasons. Do people not realize that there are seasons in relationships? Definitely. And at the end of the day, this season, this relationship may not mean to go past one season. Oh my God. This relationship may have not even meant to be a relationship. It might've meant to be a friendship. I feel like that's the biggest cutoff. There's no cop-out. There is a cop-out. I get trying to say make it work, but at what cost? I'm not saying make it... I'm not saying make it work. This is what I'm saying. I'm gonna say this real quick because we're about to end. There's a lot... I will say, what I hear from men the most is, she's not doing this, she's not doing that. And they have mentally check out. My question is, how do y'all think that the relationship is gonna sustain or ever get back to a better place if you've already checked out? I think that's the most unfair thing you can do to somebody. Is have them thinking that we are still together. We are working on this thing and you are already out. You already planning how you gonna leave. You already planning who you're about to be with. I'm gonna tell you what women do. I'm gonna tell you. No, I didn't say the men were strategic. I said they mentally check out. This is what women do. Women are strategic. Women decide, okay, I can no longer be with him. I'm giving myself seven months to get myself together and it's done. Men will mentally check out and stay for 10 more years. Yeah, they will. And also trying to make it. It's a big difference when a woman decides, oh, I'm gonna have to check out to detach myself. That's it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry you didn't catch it fast enough. But men come back to it. Men could check out and come back in. Women check out and that's it. Even a song was made about it. Then the author say, what did he say? When a woman's fed up. When a man fed up, a woman got, she could go and do a lot of things. And eventually that guy will probably come back. But Brandon, you're saying women are mentally checking out. And I'm telling you, women don't mentally check out. Women make a decision that it's done. And then they follow through with that decision, which means they start detaching and figuring out their way to move on. I get it. They do. But then later down the line, after dealing with Jodi, they want to come on back home. Not most of the time, when women actually decide, that's it. All of my exes want me back. Yeah, for a season. For the night. Nah, they want me back more than just for the night. They want you for the holiday end. They'd be ready to divorce. They'd be ready to divorce their current husbands and all. Cause you only lost what you had until it's gone. That's not necessarily true. Filling up the car. Dealing with the kids. Ain't nobody doing none of that stuff. There's a lot of people who do that stuff. These guys ain't doing a lot of that stuff. They ain't opening doors for you when you get. It's so simple. They are doing that. It's so simple. No, it's not. No, they're not. They are. This is where I get all my success from. They are doing that stuff. That's why I said. They're not. That's why earlier. That's the unbelievableness of the piece of the, the, the unrealistic expectation. Because I'm sitting there telling you, I can get any female I want by doing these little things. And they're telling me guys ain't doing it. Now what they are telling me guys are doing. They are. What they are telling me guys are doing. They get unsolicited dick bits all the time. I hear that. Listen. It's just about every conversation I have with a female. Let me tell you something, Brandon. If a woman is telling you that guys are not. We're going to have to defer this back. No, listen, I'm going to finish this real quick. If men, I mean, if women are complaining that chivalry is no longer being shown to them, they are not expressing the correct energy. I can't tell you. This came from all different types of women. Listen, I can't tell you how many times I go to the store and a man goes out his way to open the door for me. I can't tell you how many times if I go out and hang, I get offered, do you want me to buy you a drink? They'll give me their chair. It's about what you, what your presence demands when you come in as a woman. So I feel like if you're a woman and you're not getting those things, you might be coming in like a man. I think that that is totally false because of that. I know and have dealt with these people on several. It's a lot of them. And I hear it from, I hear it, because I have a lot of female friends. I hear it from all backgrounds, all walks of life. And I know for a fact, you know, if it's not because of the friendship, I probably would have taken it with them. But I hear this, and this is from all age brackets too, that these guys out here today, they just is like, well, who's training these men? Brittany. I know what you're saying, that's your particular experience. Your one experience to- No, it's not one experience. Your, well, not one experience, but your one viewpoint compared to 20 other viewpoints. If it's 20 to one in the room, or even let's say it's 10 to one in the room, or let's go even better. Let's say you got six people saying this and four people saying that. Well, majority of the women are experiencing this and they could be ladylike or just like you. Majority of the guys aren't doing that. This is my last little thing I'm going to say, because we got to close this out right after this comment. This is what I'm going to say. I have experienced chivalry, respect, everything a man is supposed to do from all different type of men. The ones that's in the streets, the ones that's married, different races. So if you telling me it's 20 to one, then that goes back to it's 20 to one in the sense of finding a real woman. And that's going to be it for today's show. Hey, I'm just telling you, a lot of women don't know how to command the energy in the room. He's been commanding women. I'm just trying to tell you. All right, and we're out. It's all for everybody. Catch you next week.

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