Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
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Whether directly or indirectly involved in business, it is important for churches to address the area of business because it is a separate world with its own challenges. There are evil forces in the business world that seek to dominate and hinder others. This world is a place of warfare and if one does not serve God or the devil, they will suffer. The powers of darkness are always working to prevent the children of God from succeeding. Despite open doors, there are many adversaries who try to hinder progress. These enemies are not always obvious and can disguise themselves. We must stop their activities in our lives, families, and businesses. The Bible reveals that we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces. There are battles against the church and the demonic forces are using people to attack and insult the church. wether they are directly into business or indirectly into business, hallelujah. And when you have a church that has people that are into business, it becomes our concern to make sure that our teachings also touch the area of business because business of itself is another world. And there are people that do satanic businesses in the realm of the business world to have dominion over other smaller businesses. You can discover that in the whole world everybody is selling one thing but only one person is selling more because everybody in that territory decided to go and consult forces that can attract customers to them. So anytime we are talking about stopping evil powers, we are not only dealing with your personal life, we are also talking about your family and your work and your business. So the first thing I want to let you know is that this world we are living in, number one, is a place of warfare. This world is a place of battle. If you are not serving God well and you are not serving the devil well, you will suffer. If you are not taking God seriously and you are not serving the devil, you will suffer. They will use you, they will torment you, they will afflict you. They will make you to go through pain and at the end they will kill you. So as a member or as a Christian, understand the place of demonic activities going on in the land. Understand that this world is an evil world and the powers of darkness that control this territory are always functioning to stop the children of God from rising in life. So there are evil powers everywhere. There are evil powers everywhere and these powers are fighting to stop you from fulfilling your destiny. Hallelujah. Let us go to the book of 1 Corinthians 16 verse 9. 1 Corinthians 16 verse 9. 1 Corinthians 16 verse 9. I read verse 9 of 1 Corinthians 16. Or if we are there, let us read it together. Are we there? Okay, one, two, go. For a great door and a fresh one is opened unto me, and there are many wards at my feet. Adverse ways. For a great and a fresh door is what? Has the door been opened? I think the door is opened. But what happened? Few adverse ways. Why are there many adverse ways at the gate of an open door? Because sometimes doors can open. But why is it that when the door opens, we don't enter? Customers came today. Your family was, they were living happy today. Why is it that the very day that something happened in your family, that everybody was happy, why is it that the next day something happened? Why are there so many enemies at the open door? Because many short doors don't have many enemies. If you go to some short doors, you may see one or three persons there, enemies there. But as long as the door is open, the Bible says there are many enemies. Who or though you have prayed for the door to be opened, or though you have fasted, the door has been opened. But when it comes for you to enter in, there are many enemies to stop you from entering. That means you are close to the honey. You have even put your hand inside the honeycomb. For you to lick that honey would be a problem. They may not stop you from seeing the honey. They may not stop you from getting closer to the honey. They may not even stop you from even putting your hand inside what? The honey. But what they will stop you from is from tasting what? The honey. There are called many adversaries. They stop you to make sure that what you see in your dream will never manifest. A pastor was testifying, I was there, and he was sharing his testimony. He was working, he was looking for a job at that time. A very intelligent man, but was jobless for so many, so many years. I pray you will not miss the program, the choice service that we opened up for you. I pray you will not miss that choice service. And he came for program, he came for service. At the end of the service, he was sharing the testimony, I was there now yelling him. And he said, he applied for this job, and they wanted to give him the job. They told him that, tomorrow come, we are going to interview you by 8. Make sure you are here by what? 8. If you come, you have got the job. Because he was overqualified. But he just needed to interview him as a normal way that the company always carry out. But if you don't come, you lose it. Of course, they were not even expecting him not to come because he was looking for a job for so many what? Years. So he came, the reason he testified was because of the prayer that he came for that program. What happened, that first job, he went back home. He said, I am going to sleep early this time. So I will wake up early and prepared. He slept early. In the dream, he saw himself. He was going somewhere. As he was going somewhere, along the road he was passing, they put a barricade. What we call stumbling block. Something to stop him. Like a gate, a wooden door. And they told him not to pass. He said he needed to pass and where he is going for interview. And they needed him to be there in the dream. The gate was there preventing him from passing. So he said he is going to make sure that I pass. Instead of trying to break what? The gate. At the long run, he succeeded to break the gate. He entered. When he entered, by the time he opened his eyes, when he woke up, it was almost ten in the morning. Almost what? Ten. He didn't break the gate. He broke it, am I right? But he didn't get the job. They used the gate to delay him. And he said this thing. That was when he knew it was not normal. It was the first pastor that I saw. You know they say a dog normally eats shoe. Am I right? They say there is a kind of shoe you will buy. They call it dog bite. Am I right? It was the first man that came to visit someone. The person that he came to visit. I know the person. He pulled his shoe outside. To tell you how poor he was. He had only one trouser with one shoe. He pulled the shoe outside. By the time he came outside, the compound, the dog in the neighborhood carried the shoe. But he never suspected that something was wrong. He thought that maybe it's just Nigeria. Nigerian things are difficult. It's normal everywhere. Until he heard that revelation. When he heard that revelation, he attended the program. When you are going through challenges, you don't run from church. God is not fake. God is not what? Fake. There is a way we position the meeting to make sure that you are delivered. And that was when he attended that meeting. So the reason he was certifying about this was because when he lost that job, immediately he attended that service. Although that job came the next two weeks, that they were paying him at that time. I'm talking about the time of 2012-13. They were paying him $600,000. So it was because of that. He was the one that bought land for church. That particular church I was. When he got the job, he had to fulfill his vow and pay for the land for the church. God's very good for the church. And he was certifying what God did for him. Hallelujah. There are enemies. Enemies that come to fight and to stop you from rising in life. Don't just take life to be normal. Life is not normal. If you are not part of that other side, and you are not part of God, they will use you. They will destroy you. So Paul the Apostle said, There is a great open door. But there are many what? Adversaries. There are open doors before me. But if I want to enter, there are powers stopping me. There are people stopping me. There are human beings stopping me. Saying that as long as they are living, I will never go forward in life. For there are many doors. Great doors. But there are many what? Adversaries. I want to remind you that the world is governed by spiritual forces. This world is governed by spiritual forces. And these forces are in combat with Christians. These forces of darkness. These enemies. They are fighting night and day against Christians. For the fact that you are a Christian is the very reason why they will fight against you. These enemies are everywhere. You don't even know them. The danger about these enemies is that you don't know them. Some of them you hit with them. Some of them you are sharing your secrets with them. Some of them, people sometimes, the ones you are suspecting to be the enemies are not the enemies. Sometimes. Because these enemies are so intelligent that they disguise themselves that you will never know. Except God help you to see them in the spirit, you will never know. Enemies are enemies. Hallelujah. So we need to stop their operations in our lives. We need to stop their activities in our families. We need to stop their activities going on in our businesses. And I pray this morning. God will stop them in Jesus name. I say God will stop them in Jesus name. Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12. For we rest not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness of this world, and against pre-visual worlds, wickedness in high places. So the word of God reveals that they are opposing forces of darkness, contending against the church of God, contending against Christian families, contending against businesses, contending against individual Christians. I tell you the truth. These last days we are. There are strong battles going on against the church. If you go through social media, you will see that people are now attacking the church. I was very shocked when I see small children who are in their little, maybe 30s, late 20s, they were insulting that they are debuying. And you may laugh and say, hey, they are fake. It is battle against the church. The demonic forces, they cannot destroy the church. They are now using people to attack the church. They are evil people. Speaking against that they are debuying, speaking against men of God, insulting even though he is a pastor. Consider the age. You will see people insulting, calling that man thief. I'm a robber. On comment section, a man, 82 years old, calling him what? I'm a robber. So they are attacking the church of God. They are fighting against the church of God. Number two, they are attacking the businesses of Christians. So anytime you want to do business, the business will be threatened to fold up. Because they know that when a Christian has money, he will be comfortably serving God. These are demonic forces. They are fighting to frustrate businesses of believers. They are fighting against Christian families. Hallelujah. Fighting against what? Christian families. Look at what is happening everywhere. Marriages are breaking. People are divorcing. Marriage is not like the way it is. People are scared to get married because whom they want to get married to, they ask if the person can stay home. Even Christian marriages are breaking. Not only celebrities. I think one of the comedians yesterday, I saw that the marriage just ended. One of the Nigerian comedians. In Hollywood comedian. I don't want to mention the name. Just ended yesterday. And these are people that many are looking at them as role models. That the question that comes, why are their marriages ending? These are the battles. Battles against Christian marriages. Battles against marriages started by God. So as a Christian, you must understand that we need to put an end to them. These powers of darkness are attacking us. These powers of darkness are attacking our children. Children are being possessed. Children are being possessed. They eat in the dream and they become witchcraft. They ate in the school and they are possessed. They ate from relatives and they are possessed. A young lady was interviewed. A little lady, teenage lady. They were asking how she got the spirit of witchcraft. It was her auntie. She went to stay with her auntie in the holiday period. And she was giving what? Witchcraft. And what was the purpose? When she came back to the family, I think at that point her mother was already there. She killed her mother. She killed what? Hallelujah. Her mother. This is the objective. This is the plan of what? Of these forces of darkness. These are the plans of the enemies operating, manipulating to destroy your life. They are everywhere. So you must understand that we have enemies everywhere. We have what? We have what? Enemies everywhere. Evil powers that want to stop you. Nobody really loves you. Look up here. If you think everybody around you loves you, it's a lie. The world we are living in, everybody around you never loves you. Even when they hear that something good is happening to you, not everybody gets happy. I'm even saying that these things are now creeping into families. Are we together? So families now are not what? Not happy. Families are not happy with one another. There are divisions among families. There are divisions among siblings. Enemies. Because when an enemy wants to destroy a family, what they do, they make sure that they set up discord so that the family will be against themselves so that the plan of God will not be established. By praying for somebody here this morning, the Lord will set you free. I say the Lord will set you free. Every evil power stopping your life, stopping your family, stopping your marriage, stopping your business, the Lord will expose them this morning. Their powers over your life will be broken. Their powers over your business will be broken. In your working place, as many reporting negative about you to your boss so that they will step you down, the Lord will disgrace them. I say the Lord will disgrace them. Yes, have this assurance in you that whosoever is going at your back, so that the privileges that are meant for you in your place of work, so that it will not come to you or so that they will drop you, that man, that woman, that your colleague going behind you to spell your name, the Lord will disgrace them. I say the Lord will disgrace them. In the name of Jesus. So the advantage of working with Christ is that we have the keeping power to stop the activity of evil for six. Amen? Luke chapter 10 verse 19. You have the power. Say, I have the power. Say, I have the power. Say, I will stop them. This morning, I will stop them. Luke chapter 10 verse 19. Luke chapter 10 verse 19. I want us to read together. Luke 10 verse 19. Let us read together. One, two, go. Behold, I give unto you what? I give unto you what? Shout it. Ah, your voice is not loud enough. I give unto you what? I give unto you what? To tread upon serpents. And what again? Scorpions. And over all the powers of what? Of the enemy. And nothing shall by any means hurt you. Say, I have received that power. Say, I have received that power. Say, I have received that power. To stop demonic power. Say, I will tread upon serpents and scorpions. Say, I will tread upon serpents and scorpions. There is power given to you. Jesus has given you power. You see, in those days, when I was not born again, it was, listen, I said, I remember in those days, in the dead night, I would just scream. My mom would just rush out, rush, and anywhere I was sleeping, she would just rush down there. I was the only child among all the children that was screaming the night. In the deep night, they would just hear my voice. I would cry out. I couldn't explain. I said, remember, my mother was taking me from place to place, even to some juju place. I remember my mother took me that many years ago. I was still young. When I saw the man's father and he was rolling something, it was later I discovered that that man was under ballast. Why must it be this particular child? My father had to report the matter to the villager. What is wrong? I have many children. Only this one. So what my father did, he started calling me to sleep once, once, in the house where I was living with my mom. He would come and pass by, even in his presence, I would still scream out in the dead night. Hallelujah. I would scream out, scream out. Something would be holding me in the night. If I'm sleeping in the dead night, something would just come and hold me. Fear would grip me and I would scream out. And those things continued for so many years. So, so many years. There were different, different incisions marked on my body, my forehead. Just for protection, it was not working. Hallelujah. I said it was not what? Working. And then after many years later, I became born again. When I became born again, this time I was sleeping, there was television at my front, I was sleeping, facing the television, and it was till 2 in the night. And that till 2, I discovered that I was sleeping, it was as if I was tired of sleeping. The moment I opened my eyes, I just saw a little baby. This one is not usual baby. I have beautiful babies everywhere. But this one, the eyeball looked very big. And it was 2 what? Big eyeballs. And the child sat down, like a baby normally sit down, and was looking at me. When I saw this child, I cleaned my eyes, maybe it was my eyes deceiving me. Hallelujah. And I looked at this child, it was a real baby, demonic baby. And this child was laughing. When the child started laughing, from laughing, the child stopped laughing, and it began to look at me more. The child was not saying anything, just only looking, I discovered I was suffocating. And I heard a man's name called Jesus. And I shouted, Jesus! And that was how the child disappeared. I jumped up from the house, where I was living, and I ran up. Hallelujah. Another day I was sleeping in the same house, because this time I just got born again. Why I hope these things are coming? These were demonic powers that were coming those days, when I was not born again. But that time I never saw them. But now, why am I seeing them? Hallelujah. And that particular day, I was sleeping in the night. It was around 11, not too long. When I was sleeping, 11 to 12, as I lied down, I felt somebody standing on my back. Somebody was mashing my back like this. I opened my eyes. Hallelujah. I prayed for someone here, because the demonic embarrassment you are going through, the Lord will disgrace them. Demonic embarrassment that your children are going through, the Lord will disgrace them. Some of your children, they go through this. And when this person was mashing my back, fear gripped me, because number one, I was the only one in that house. My friend never came back. So nobody slept with me. I locked the door myself. When my body entered the room, the mattress I was lying down, but I couldn't see the person at my back. Yes, somebody was what? Mashing my back. And suddenly I stood up. I had a foot mash. Somebody ran away from the outside of my house. I heard somebody run away. Hallelujah. And I said, I think this Christianity, I'm not prayerful enough. You will start praying. And I prayed more and more and more. I began to see manifestation. I want to pray for someone here right now. Your wicked uncle right now will confess in the village. I say your wicked uncle will confess in the village. Your wicked auntie will confess. As many that have sat down on your destiny, because they see a star in your life, that their boot up will burn to ashes. Amen. It will burn to ashes. In the name of Jesus. Whosoever says that nobody will get married in your family. Any wicked uncle, auntie, friend, relative, neighbor that says that whosoever wants to get married in this family will lose his job. I pray that person will go with this greater person. Your husband will not lose his job. Your wife will not lose her job. In the name of Jesus. So what are the types of evil powers? Number one, ancestral powers. Ancestral powers is one of the powers that stop people from becoming great in life. Ancestral powers is one of the things that fight against businesses. You have powers from your ancestors. We call it generational causes. From your father, father, father. There is a cause existing from generation to generation. And it's not fighting against you. We call it ancestral what? Powers. Number two, we have territorial powers. Territorial what? Powers. These are powers in your territory. Maybe in that territory there are certain businesses or certain lifestyle that the territory does not accept. There are people in charge of that territory. They have said that in this territory if you don't do this, if you don't bow down to us, if you don't honor us, nothing will succeed here. And you find yourself in that territory, any business you do is closing down. You open this business, it closes down. I want to tell you that if you want the business to succeed, you have to still do this. Go and meet this person here. Give them money. The business will open. You will not give anybody money. You will not give anybody money. Your God will fight for you. That business will not close down. That marriage will not crash. Your family will not scatter. Number three, we have environmental powers. Environmental powers. These are the common words we are experiencing. Hallelujah. The children should be taken care of. Environmental what? Powers. Environmental powers are powers in your immediate what? Environment. These words are common. There is a neighbor there who uses a mirror to watch everything you are doing. That is environmental power. There is a neighbor here. There is somebody living there. There is somebody that is your colleague or your business neighbor doing the same business or doing the similar business with you. Or there is a friend here that took your name to somewhere. We call them environmental powers. They are aware of what is happening in your family. They are aware of what is happening in your home. And you see, sometimes they want to always know what is happening in your what? Home. They will come and find out what is happening. When they see somebody come that wants to help you, they will say, Who is that? Who is that? What? And when they find that, you will discover that after they get to know you that they wanted to help, when you get there, they will almost chase you from their back because somebody got to know about it. So they will use you and turn your head over that you start fighting against your helpers. Because these are the powers and the operations. Hallelujah. Amen. There are wizards in your environment. There are those with marine spirits in your environment. There are your evil neighbors. There are some compounds. The moment you enter that compound, you can never leave their reach. There are some shops. The moment you erect that shop, your business will never succeed because while they were building those buildings, there are some sacrifices that were offered in those houses. Sacrifices that were offered before they erected those buildings. Some of them will not be able to leave their group. Some of them will not be able to pay their rent. Some of them will have to run for their lives. Hallelujah. You see, but there is power God has given to you. It says, Behold, I give unto you what? Power. Hallelujah. So any of you in such apartments, wherever in that apartment, the very day you enter, things have not been the same. You will defeat the demon there. God will help you. You will pack up from that house. You will pack up from that shop. God will help your family. You will leave that territory in the name of Jesus. Number four, we have the friendly enemies. We have the friendly enemies. These are enemies that are your friends. They appear to be your friends, but they are the ones actually reporting you. They appear to be your friends, but they are the ones actually talking about you. Hallelujah. There is this particular church in the United States. There is this particular church in the United States. There is this particular church in the United States. There is this particular church in the United States. There is this particular church in the United States. There is this particular church in the United States. There is this particular church in the United States. There is this particular church in the United States. There is this particular church in the United States. There is this particular church in the United States. There is this particular church in the United States. There is this particular church in the United States. There is this particular church in the United States. There is this particular church in the United States. There is this particular church in the United States. 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