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Representing Christ Everywhere- Peterson Onoja Abu

Representing Christ Everywhere- Peterson Onoja Abu

Apostle Peterson O. Abu's MessagesApostle Peterson O. Abu's Messages



Apostle Peterson Onoja Abu is a teacher of the Word of God with an apostolic mandate. He has author several books including the trending one, Hearing the Voice of God. He specialize in raising disciples for Christ, and training them in Christ and doctrines. He is the senior pastor of The Believers Renewal Ministries, located in Lagos state, Nigeria. To reach him, here is his personal WhatsApp contact: +2348102362618

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The speaker begins by praying for the removal of any spirits that are not of God and for the presence of the Holy Spirit. They then introduce the topic of representing Christ everywhere, emphasizing that Christians should not only represent Christ in church but also in all aspects of their lives. They reference verses from the Bible, highlighting that Jesus is the light of the world and that believers are called to be the light of the world as well. Christians are encouraged to intentionally live out their faith and reflect the nature of Christ in their actions and character. It is stressed that being a Christian means following Christ and representing Him in all areas of life. The speaker concludes by stating that Christians are the representatives of Christ to the world and that people should see Jesus through their lives. touch our lives and cause a total transformation in our lives in Jesus name. We bind every spirit that is not of God and we cast out every spirit of disobedience, every spirit that wants to fight against the will of God from being done in our lives and through us. We command you spirit that works in the children of disobedience. We cast you out of our presence in Jesus name. We cast you out of our lives in the name of Jesus. We are asking you Holy Ghost that you release your presence upon us, release your spirit upon us, let the fire of the Holy Ghost rest upon us in the name of Jesus. We are asking you Lord that you anoint us tonight with your precious spirits and give us the grace to understand every word that you will be communicating to us even at this moment. Thank you Father because you are faithful, for in Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen. God bless you all in Jesus name. Please let us share, let us invite others on the platform so that they can join on the WhatsApp platform. Before we wind up tonight, before we go tonight, I have a word to share with us. The word of life is coming to us again and the Lord has been teaching us his ways. The Lord has been communicating to us the things we need to do to know him as both Lord and God and God has been teaching us the important instructions in scripture and God has been opening our eyes through the discipleship platform on WhatsApp. But tonight the Lord will be taking us deeper just to help us to be able to maintain our work with him. So I will be discussing with you on the topic, Representing Christ Everywhere, Representing Christ Everywhere. We are not just to represent Christ in the church. The ministry of God is not just to represent Christ in his church, in his ministry. We are to represent Christ everywhere. We are to represent Christ everywhere we find ourselves. As salt of the earth, we are to preserve the truth and purity in every place we find ourselves. So we are talking about representing Christ everywhere. This means that anywhere you find yourself, for some of you that are not in Nigeria, whatsoever, I don't care to know where you are living, in that country, in that nation, where you are living, you ought to represent Christ there. So we are Christians to represent Christ. The moment you are God born again, you are given the opportunity to express the light of Christ. So let us come to the book of John chapter 8 verse 12, John chapter 8 verse 12, the Bible says in verse 12, Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world. He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. I am the light of the world, but he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but such a person shall have the light of life in him. You see Jesus Christ bringing a revelation to the disciples as well to the Jews, expressing to them that as a light of the world, he comes to put a demarcation between the light and darkness. So Jesus said, I am the light of the world, and whosoever followeth me, whosoever followeth me, that is discipleship, whosoever followeth me, discipleship means followership, but we talk about discipleship or being a disciple of Jesus, we are talking about you following Jesus Christ. So Jesus said, whosoever followeth me, whosoever enter into the school of discipleship, whosoever decided to be my disciple, whosoever followeth me shall not walk in darkness. Jesus used the word, he said I am the light of the world, and when he said he was the light of the world, he put a benefit there, you are in darkness, I am the light of the world. Jesus was not walking in the light, Jesus was the light himself, and he said he was the light of the world, and the believers that come to walk, to follow him, they will never walk in darkness. I want you to underline that statement there, I am the light of the world, I am the light of the world, just underline that statement there. Let us go to the book of Matthew chapter 5, verse 14 to 16, Matthew chapter 5, verse 14 to verse 16, in Matthew chapter 5, verse 14, the Bible says in verse 14, you are the light of the world, you are the light of the world. If you compare the statement with what Jesus said, Jesus said I am the light of the world, but this time he was speaking to his disciples, he was referring to the people that have followed him, and he said you now, you are the light of the world, if we talk about representing Jesus everywhere, we are talking about representing him as light, and the Bible says you are the light of the world, a city that is set on an eel cannot be hidden, neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, and give it light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see, that means our Christian life is intentional, we must intentionally live the Christian life, that the people of this world should see, it says let your light so shine before men, so that the people that do not believe in God should see, let your light so shine before men, so that you can fully represent Jesus everywhere you find yourself, let your light so shine before men, so that every time men look at you, they will see the resemblance of Christ, let your light so shine before men, that you may become a representative of Jesus, Jesus said he was the light of the world, he said I am the light of the world, and now he was passing the bounty to us, he said you, we the believers, you my followers that have followed me, that are no longer in darkness, you are now the light of the world, and as light of the world we are called to represent Jesus in truth and in spirit, as light of the world we are called to manifest the Christ like attributes, the Christ like nature, as a light of the world we are called to manifest the fruit of the spirit, as light of the world we are called to manifest or to showcase the Christ like compassion of Jesus, as a light of the world we are called to love like Jesus Christ, you are the light of the world to reflect the truth of Jesus, you are the light of the world to reflect the way of Jesus, you are the light of the world that we might be able to reflect the life of Jesus Christ, the Christianity that God has called us into is a Christianity to represent Jesus everywhere we find ourselves, we are not Christian just to live for ourselves, we are Christian to represent an authority, we are Christian to represent Jesus, we are like an apostle of God, of Christ, representing Christ's young age, and we ought to represent him in his exact nature, meaning that we ought to be like Christ, we ought to represent Christ, we ought to reflect the nature of Christ, that everyone that comes to us should be able to see the very nature of Christ in us, we are called disciples which are followers because we are to walk in the light of Christ, a Christian is a follower of Christ, when you are called a Christian you are not called to follow a man, the moment you got born again Jesus become a standard, the moment you got born again Jesus become a pattern, the moment you become born again Jesus become the author and the finisher of faith which you should follow, the moment you become born again you become a follower of Christ, you ought to follow Jesus, you ought to follow his step, you ought to follow his path, you ought to follow his way, you ought to follow him in all areas of life, a Christian is first a follower of Christ, and a person who follows Christ will never walk in darkness, a Christian who follows Christ will never experience darkness in his life, darkness here is talking about the life of unrighteousness, darkness here is talking about the life of sin, darkness is talking about the life of oppression, the life of demonic manipulation and oppression, the life of slavery, the moment we give our life to Jesus Christ and we start following Jesus Christ we become a follower of Christ and as followers of Christ we ought to manifest the light, so the Bible says by reason of positioning in Christ we are the light of the world, but the Bible puts a conditional statement there, it says let that light, let your light so shine, that means the moment you got born again you are a light, but it all depends on how the light will shine, it all depends on how you will reflect the light, some light are not too bright, some light are more brighter than the others, but the moment we all got born again we all became lights, so it says here are the light of the world and as a light you are to reflect the real purity and righteousness of Christ in everywhere you find yourself, a Christian is a person who represents Christ both in life and character, a true Christian represents Jesus Christ both in his life and his character, the way he lives his life should communicate the Christ likeness, the way he talks should communicate Christ likeness, the way he loves he should love like Jesus, it should not be a self-centered love, it should not be a favoritism love, it should be a love that is general, a love from a pure heart, the Christian that is born again represents Christ and should follow Christ both in his life and character, we should all manifest the very nature of Christ, we are not Christian to live ourselves, the moment we became Christian we are conditioned to live for God, the moment we became Christian we are conditioned to live like Christ, the moment we became Christian we are called to reflect to exhibit the very nature of Christ, you and I we are the representative of Christ, the people of this world will not see Jesus, some of them have never seen Jesus but they should be able to see Christ through us, every time the people of this world come to us it should be that every time they come to us they meet Jesus in us, they see Jesus reflection through us, we become a carrier of God, a Christian is a person who follows the teachings of Christ, that is who we call a Christian, the person that follows the teachings of Christ is called a Christian and that is why when Jesus said I am the light of the world, that is John chapter 8 verse 12, I am the light before worship, that means you may be coming to church and not in the light, I am the light of the world but let me tell you for you to benefit from me as a light then you should be able to understand that you have to reflect my very nature, I am the light of the world, whosoever follows me shall never experience darkness in his life, I am the light of the world, whosoever follows my path will never be conditioned by Satan and will never face demonic oppression, we are called the light of the world, in every way we find ourselves we ought to reflect Christ, we ought to show the world the Christ likeness in us, in our place of work, in our places of work we ought to reflect Jesus, in our businesses we ought to reflect Jesus, our relationship with money we ought to reflect Jesus, Jesus should be seen in everywhere we go and in everything we do, in our neighborhood the people around us should be able to identify us as Christians, we should be able to reflect the Christ like nature everywhere we go, we are called to represent Christ in every place we go, in your family you ought to reflect Christ, even in the place of work you ought to reflect Christ, in the school you ought to reflect Christ, where you are pursuing your career, let people see you and identify you with Christ, you don't need to be asked are you born again, the moment you are seen there should be something in you that you can communicate to them that you are a follower of Christ, and that is why I said to you that a Christian is a person that follows the teachings of Christ, as you read from Matthew to the book of John you will see the teachings of Christ, a Christian must condition himself to follow the teachings of Christ, Jesus is referred as the light of the world, that is John 8 verse 12, we saw Jesus as the light of the world, and the Bible later came, Jesus said we are the light of the world, Jesus has gone to heaven, but we on earth we are representing him, we are the legs of Jesus, we are the hands of Jesus, we are the mouth of Jesus, we are the eyes of Jesus, Jesus is in heaven, but we are here on earth representing him, why Jesus was on earth, he said he was the light of this world, and now he has gone to heaven, he has passed the baton to you and I, we are not the light of this world, as Christians we are referred to as the light of this world, we are called to represent Christ and we are called to become the light of the world, we are called to expose darkness, we are called to expose wickedness, we are not to partner with sin, but rather we are to expose sin, now you must understand that when we talk about representing Christ everywhere we go, number one we are not talking about dressing code, you do not know how Jesus dressed in his days, we have never seen his picture, I have never seen his picture, and the Bible does not reveal how he dressed in his days, we do not know whether Jesus dressed in a particular way or he always changes his fashion, we do not know, so when we are called to represent Jesus, we are not called to represent Jesus in dressing code, no, when the Bible says that we should represent him, we should follow him at the light of the world, and we should reflect the light, it is not talking about number one, dressing code, number two, when we are called to represent Jesus, we are not called to represent him in religiosity, we are not called to represent him in religiosity, what is the meaning of religiosity? In the days of Jesus, we are the Pharisees there, these were the custodians of the law of Moses, they had the law of Moses, they knew the law of Moses, but they had no revelation about Jesus Christ, so they were religious, but they were never righteous, so we are not called to portray religion, we are not called to showcase it and say religion, Christianity is the best religion, no, that is not how you represent Jesus Christ, we are not called to represent Jesus in religiosity, number three, we are not called to represent Jesus by going to Jerusalem, have you seen people that go to Jerusalem, they call it Jerusalem piglins, they say until you go to Jerusalem and come back, you are not a true Christian, we do not represent Jesus by going to Jerusalem, in fact Jesus said in the book of John chapter 4 from verse 23, he said a time is coming where we do not need to go to Jerusalem or go to any other mountain, he said that time will come where the true worshippers shall worship the Lord in truth and in spirit, number four, we are not to represent Jesus by having Christian names and titles, by having Christian names and titles, there are people that claim to represent Jesus and how do they do that, they say well my name is Jesus, my name is Peter, my name is Matthew, my name is Paul, my name is Philip, this means that I am representing Jesus and some others they have Christian titles, they have Christian titles, they are pastors, they are bishops, they are prophets and they say this is how they represent Jesus, we are not called to represent Jesus in titles, we are called to represent Jesus, number one, by loving all men, let us come back to the book of Matthew chapter 5 verse 14 and 16, here are the light of the world, a city that is set on an eel cannot be eyed, verse 16, let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven, let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven, so how should we represent Christ, number one, we are to represent Christ everywhere by loving all men, we are to represent Christ by loving all men, we are to love both the sinners and the righteous, the love of Jesus, we are to love both the people we know, our loved ones and even our enemies, we are to love all men, this is one of the ways we can represent Jesus, then number two, by giving to the poor and to the needy, by giving to the poor and to the needy, I believe you can hear me clearly, by giving to the poor and to the needy is another way we can represent Jesus, giving to the poor and giving to the needy, you can see that where the Bible revealed to us that our God anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost and power, who went about doing good, who went about giving to the poor and giving to the needy, then number three, we can represent Jesus by forgiving easily, in our places of works we should be able to forgive easily, in our businesses we should be able to forgive offenders easily, this is how people will know that truly we are representing Christ, when we forgive easily, we begin to tell them, we reveal to them that there is a power in Christ that can make a man to forgive even the violence of offenders, so we are called to represent Jesus by forgiving easily, forgiving those that offends you, in your neighborhood, let people know you to be a Christian that easily forgive, we are called to represent Jesus by becoming honest, by becoming honest and keeping to our integrity, becoming honest and keeping to our integrity, so we are called to represent Jesus in your place of work, you have to be honest, the unbelievers should know you to be someone that is honest in world, you are not a liar, you are not someone that gives a promise and they're not able to fulfill the promise, you are so serious and so disciplined to meet every promise you have made, so you become serious in keeping to your integrity, you keep to your integrity and then you are very honest before all men, the number five, we are called to represent Christ by becoming truthful to all men, every word that proceeds out from your mouth, they are truths, you speak the truth always, you don't tell lies, you don't deceive people, when you promise something, your word is yeah and amen, you are always speaking the truth, you are not deceptive, you are not a liar, so that is how we represent Christ, you don't represent Christ in how you dress, you represent him through your life, so we become truthful to all men, then number five, we become humble in heart, humble in heart, we represent Christ by becoming humble in heart, we are humble in heart before all men, there is no pride there, when the unbelievers look at you, they see Christ like this in you, when the unbelievers look at you, they see the very nature of Christ in you, when the unbelievers look at you, they see the character of Christ in you, when the unbelievers look at you, they see a man that is very humble and loyal and submissive to authorities, when the unbelievers look at you, they see a man that is not proud in heart, that is how we represent Christ, then number six, we represent Christ everywhere by abstaining from all appearance of sin, we can represent Christ by abstaining from all appearance of sin, any place that resembles sin, anything that suggests sin, as a Christian I want to represent Christ, you should not find anything there, you should live a life of righteousness, a life of purity, you must give your life to discipline, holiness and righteousness, not giving your life to impurity, not giving your life to sin, not giving your life to unrighteousness, you are to abstain from all appearance of evil, any place you will go to that will suggest evil to the unbelievers, you should not be found there, you should not be found with the opposite sex in a closed room, it can suggest evil thoughts to the unbelievers, you should not be found in the place of malpractices, you should not be found in the place of ritualism, the place of fraud, you must stay clean and avoid every appearance of sin, that is how we represent Christ, also we represent Christ lastly by speaking wisely to encourage one another, speaking wisely, the way you talk also communicates if you are truly representing Christ, so I have this question for you, are you truly representing Christ where you are, are you representing Christ in that room where you are staying with your roommates, can people see Jesus in you, are people be able to come to the knowledge of Christ because of your lifestyle, are you truly representing Jesus in character, in lifestyle, in attitude, in habits, are you truly a representative of Christ, I have this question for you, have you submit to Christ, are you following Jesus the light of the world, are you working in the light of Christ and as well are you the light of the world, we are called to represent Jesus everywhere as Christian disciples, we are to represent Jesus everywhere, anytime, any day, we are to represent him always, a call to Christian life is not a part-time life, it's a full-time commitment, we are fully committed to represent Jesus, to live the life of Christ everywhere and every day and I pray God will help you, you will become a true disciple in Jesus name, I said you will become a true disciple in Jesus name, time is not our friend, we are going to stop here but tonight you are going to bow your head and in prayers and talk to the Lord and say Father you have spoken to me, help me to represent you everywhere I go, help me to represent you in every place I find myself, help me to represent you in everywhere I find myself, help me to represent you, ask the Lord to help you and say Lord Jesus I want to represent you, Lord Jesus I want to represent you, Lord Jesus I want to represent you, I want to represent you in my office, I want to represent you in my marriage, I want to represent you in my family, I want to represent you everywhere I find myself, are there Christians that are praying to the Lord?

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