Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Detective Wayne investigates the modern-day slavery of rice fielding in a local village in the Philippines. He meets Brendan, a young boy whose parents have gone missing. With the help of his partner Samantha, they begin their investigation. Samantha reveals the prevalence of modern-day slavery in the Philippines and the lack of government intervention. They learn about two crew bosses, Mr. White and Mr. Ebenezer, who may have information about Brendan's parents. However, they discover too late that they are at the wrong plantation, and Brendan's parents are never found. The episode ends with a reminder of the ongoing issue of modern-day slavery. This episode on hidden modern-day horrors takes place in a local village in the Philippines where the modern-day slavery of rice fielding is brought to light. Our protagonist, Detective Wayne, works to find missing persons that were sold into slavery. This episode shows the hidden horrors of illegally selling people into rice fielding plantations and more. Hey, buddy, my name is Detective Wayne, and I'm here to ask you a few questions, if that's okay, what's your name? My name's Brendan. Do you know where my parents are? That's what my team and I are working around the clock on right now. Brendan, would you like to take a seat? Would you like any water, Brendan? Maybe a snack? We have fruit snacks and some animal crackers here for you. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible here at the station. No, thank you. I just want to go home and give my parents a hug. It's been a week since I've seen them. I understand, kiddo. In order to solve this, I'm going to need some information from you. Is that okay? Yes, that's fine. Could I actually get some animal crackers? Ha, ha, ha, you sure can. Samantha, do you mind getting the kid some snacks? I just got here, Jim, and you want me to run errands already? I'm your partner, remember? Not an errand girl. Brendan, I want you to meet my outstanding partner here. Her name is Samantha Nazareth. She's familiar with your village and will help me lead, will help lead me navigate throughout our case here. She's been undercover and seen things like this happen before. Nice to meet you, Samantha. Have you ever seen a case like this before? Did my parents run off? Did someone take them? Are they dead? Whoa, whoa, whoa there, kid. How about I get those crackers and we could sit down and get the details straight. I promise I'll find out what happened to your parents. Give me a few minutes and I'll be back. Okay, Brendan, first question. How old are you? I'm seven, actually seven and three months. Okay, where were you when you first realized your parents were missing? I was playing soccer with my friends nearby. I came home and realized they weren't there. Usually they are home, but they were nowhere to be seen. Days passed and they were still gone. That's when I came here to see if someone could help. I understand, Brendan. What are your parents' names? Thomas and Caroline. They're both about this tall, black hair. That's more than enough, Brendan. Thank you for the description. That's great information. Here you go, Brendan. You're in luck, bud. Detective here and myself have years of experience. We won't stop until your parents are found safe and sound. Thank you both very much for your help. The thing is, I don't know where to stay. I don't feel safe being alone in my house right now. You can stay with me, Brendan. I'll have my intern stay with you while I'm out as well and keep an eye on you. I promise you'll be safe. Detective, are you ready to get started? I thought you'd never ask. Brendan, it was a pleasure meeting you. Trust me and Samantha here. I promise your life will be back to normal sooner than you can snap your fingers. Thank you, Detective. Can I keep these snacks, by the way? Absolutely, bud. See you around. Okay, Brendan, I'll bring you back to my place and set you up. Then the detective and I will start our investigation. Does that work? Absolutely. The sooner the better. Thomas and Caroline, how are y'all doing this fine evening? You're an evil, evil man. We have a son at home, sir. He needs his mother. He's only seven. Should have thought of that before you didn't pay your dues, lady. But for now, your son should be in good hands, or not. Keep working, everyone. I don't have all day. We can't keep working like this, Caroline. It's been barely a week and I feel like I'm going to break down. Thomas, how much debt do we have to end up like this? What did you do? You know how hard it was for me to get employed after I got laid off, Caroline. You also know that the government was no help. So I was desperate to keep our family afloat. So spit it out, Thomas. What did you do? I took a loan out from a friend of a friend. Just temporarily. I thought I was going to be re-employed. But time passed and I needed to pay for the house and make sure you and Brendan were taken care of. Next thing you know, I was up to my neck in debt. I am so sorry, Caroline. I'll get us out of this. I promise you. I'll take care of this. I believe you, Thomas. Let's pray to return home safe and sound to our boy. Dear Lord, please keep our son safe while we're gone. I ask that you keep us in good health to return home and go back to the way things were. I pray that, I thought I told you to keep working. You both just earned yourself an extra four hours out here today. If I hear another word out of either of you, you'll spend the night out here. Do you understand me? Good. Enjoy your stay. So, Samantha, have you ever had a related case to this before? Detective, I don't think you realize how much modern day slavery goes on here. Over 850,000 of our people here in the Philippines are living in modern day slavery. Jeez, I seriously had no idea it was that bad over here. Why do you think that's the case, though? Lack of education, need for work, unpaid debt as well. It's an epidemic here, detective, and it gets worse by the day. Main problem is there's no awareness, no international help. We're stuck in the same cycle day after day and can't fix it. Okay, and no government interaction as well, I'm guessing? Correct, they do nothing. Our people are getting taken every day, and they sit back and do nothing. Children as young as nine are sold into slavery for work in the rice fields. It's a tragedy, and I've seen it happen here in this one village. Imagine all around the Philippines, detective. Have you ever seen anything like that? I've worked one case like this before, yes. Before I went international. I worked in Florida law enforcement in Fort Myers, South Florida. Workers sold to crew bosses for false debts. Corpses piled up in the canals by the day. The image is seared in my mind. It's something I'll never forget. I never knew that went on in the States, detective. That surprises me. It's nice to know I can relate with someone on this topic, though. Not too many people out there that I can talk to about this. You know what I mean? Absolutely. We'll figure this out, though. I know we will. I have a connection here we could talk with. Maybe we can get some information about Brendan's parents' whereabouts. Thomas and Caroline, right? Yes, right. You really think your connection could help us? I think I could absolutely help you two out. Thank you for your confidence, detective. Both of you, please sit down, and I'll tell you what I know. Okay, you two, this is what I know. There are two big crew bosses here that manage the slaves at those rice paddy fields. There's Mr. White and Mr. Ebenezer, both total pricks. Money runs their life. They have no regard for human life. They seriously have hearts of black. Okay, Ebenezer and White. Got it. Which one is a better lead? Ebenezer. Okay, Ebenezer it is. Leslie, where could we find him? Both cases are tracked about a mile north, most cases are tracked about a mile northwest of here. But I'm warning you, finding these people will be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Why do you say that? Brendan needs his parents back. I intend to find them by any means necessary. I understand, detective, but most of these crew bosses have multiple rice field plantations, and not just rice fields, but others, as well as sugar cane or coconut. You have a very slim chance of finding them, and that's not me being rude, it's being realistic. I appreciate your help, lady. Let's go, Samantha, let's find these people. Thank you for your help, Leslie. He just wants to find them. You know how it is. We'll keep in touch. That's our guy on the white horse. Let's move in, everyone. Where's Thompson Caroline, sir? I heard they're being illegally put to work on this plantation. Who? Look around, detective. Feel free to find them. Where are they, Ebenezer? I know you have had them held hostage against their will here. Tell me now. I have no idea what you're talking about, detective. Little did detective know, they were at the wrong plantation by a large margin. Thomas and Caroline were over 50 miles away on a new rice field and plantation. Mr. Ebenezer managed over eight different plantations. Unfortunately, Brendan never saw his parents again, and Caroline and Thomas worked until the end of their lives. We will catch you next week on Hidden Mysteries.