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with Shine Your Light ministry where Pastor Brown, Sr. is the pastor of that great ministry in Providence Lane Global, where Pastor Dale and Pastor Dale are the pastors. We just want to welcome you all. Well, today we are having Sunday School Discipleship Training once again, and we are going to start with prayer, but this morning it's going to be a conversation, as we've been having, but we are actually going to go back and look at the triumph in our life, because right now, with everything that's happening, I was thinking, Lord, what do we need to do to stay encouraged, even when it feels like our back is up against the wall, and He took me to Revelation. So, we're just going to open up with a word of prayer, and then we're going to dialogue back and forth on the things that can, and we're going to just have a conversation to where we can talk about how to stay encouraged, and the way the Lord took me to the Word was we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the warmth of our testimony. So, we're going to use some life experiences to be able to encourage one another when we can think back to this area that may have gotten difficult. I would like for everyone to chime in with a word of encouragement on what got you through the rough times. How did we do it? So, we're going to dialogue today. Amen? We're going to open up with a word of prayer, but before we do that, I'm going to give the Scripture. It is in Revelation. Amen, amen, amen, amen. I'm excited about what God is doing, but it is Revelation 12, if you're taking notes, write down Revelation 12, 11 and 12. Chapter 12, verse 11 and 12. Let's open up with a word of prayer. Father, we thank you for another opportunity to come and learn of you, to come and glean from one another. God, we acknowledge that iron sharpens iron. So, today, Father, we are going to take a look, walk down memory lane on what you've done for us and how to stay in the courts, how to encourage. So, when we think that, Father, we just ask that you would bless the lesson. Oh, God, give us the tongue of the Lord. Give us the ear to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is teaching us on this morning, and we thank you once again to be able to come. God, we thank you for technology that no matter where we are, we can come together and learn of you, and we give you glory. Oh, God, that the lesson today has been blessed even before we started, and we thank you, oh, God, for willing vessels, willing participants to share, to be transparent because we understand, oh, God, that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the words of our testimony. So, we thank you for every test, oh, God, that you have turned into a test for us. So, we call the lesson blessed on this morning. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen and amen. So, with that being said, let me read the Scripture. Revelation chapter 12, verses 11 and 12. It says, And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death. And then verse 12 says, Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Amen. And what I gather from that is no matter what we're going through, it is for a short time. Amen. And to be knowledgeable enough to know that the devil is going to come, it said, having great wrath. So, sometimes the trial, it appeared great. But the good news is, he'd only have but a short time. Amen. So, we know that as long as we stay the course, this too shall pass. Amen. So, when I think about all of the trauma, all of the things that's happening in the earth, we recognize that it's perilous times. Things seem to be overwhelming. And at times, things will get over. But our hope, hallelujah, is in Jesus, knowing that this too shall pass. Why? Because he's given us a way of escape for every condition. So, even when we're tired in our body, even when we're feeling sick in our lower, whatever the case may be, it is only but a short time. I'm not going to go on and on, because the Lord wants us to hear from both of us, all three of us, whoever's on the line, and those of you that don't want to comment, when I said you'll hear from us, this is from the leaders. I don't want anybody to feel pressured to make a comment. But one thing is for sure, as long as we keep living, we're going to be faced with some difficult times. But the good news is, as long as we got King Jesus, we have what we need to overcome. Amen? But every now and then, we need some tangible examples, some tangible things that say, Lord, when I go through this, when I went through that, what did you do for Pastor Brown? What did you do for Pastor Dino? What did you do for Pastor Dino? So today, we're going to have some transparent moments to say, what got us through the rough times? We're going to have a conversation on today to see how we can be helpers to one another to endure terrible times. Amen? The line is open. I'm going to mute myself. And either one of you can jump in and take it from there. Go ahead. Amen. Well, this is Pastor Brown. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the testimony of the saints. One thing that I like to encourage everybody is, the testimony of the saints is every saved person. So sometimes people who are not leaders, who are not, this used to be me before I became who I am today in Christ. I didn't think I had a testimony. I would hear people give their testimonies. They'd gone through so much drugs. They were delivered from drugs, delivered from abuse, delivered from this or from that. My testimony wasn't that. I had both parents in my house. So my testimony was this. Growing up, I had mom and dad at home. My mom knew who my dad was at night, and my dad knew who my mom was at night. And they knew where their children was, because when the streetlights came on, all of us needed to be there. And not only that, but I grew up on a block in my city where there were over 30 boys in the block. Listen to what I'm telling you. Thirty boys my age. You know, maybe three or four years older, three or four years younger, but 30 boys my age. So in the one block area that I grew up in, moms and dads were in the house with the exception of one family. They didn't have a dad in the house. But all these folks were my parents. All these folks were my sisters and my brothers. And you never went hungry. You never were in danger, because if anybody heard of somebody messing with you, somebody in that 30 group was just the answer for what they needed. And so I grew up in a really, really safe environment. And I didn't even know that we were poor, because we always had food on the table. We always had clothes. We always had what we needed. You know, we didn't have the big stuff, but we had everything that we needed. I didn't think that was a testimony. I didn't think that was something that God was doing for us. My dad had skills. He had a third grade education, but he had skills that he used. Because when I was in Birmingham, Birmingham, the white folks valued his ability to make their lawns and their flower gardens and stuff look beautiful. And one of the things that God gifted him to do was to use his hands, where a lot of people use hoes and use all sorts of tools. My dad would feel the ground and use his hands to massage the ground, and beautiful flowers and beautiful bushes and beautiful things would happen. And he didn't use all the lawnmowers and stuff like that. I never heard him curse. I only heard him almost curse one time when the guy was plowing our garden. He always had a garden. And he had just planted a young pecan tree that he found on the side of the road. And the mule almost stepped on his pecan tree. And I heard my dad curse. The closer he came to cursing, he says, that bomb Bigfoot bastard just stepped on my pecan tree. Those are the harshest words I ever heard come out of him. So growing up, I didn't think I had a testimony. You know, when I didn't have enough money, I didn't know that God had prepared me to use what you, my mommies always say, use what you have until you can get what you want. He planted in me the patience to keep on trugging along, trugging along until I got what I wanted. And I'm going to tell you something. In those lean years, and the lean years don't just happen one time and go away. But they happen one time and come back. They happen again and come back. They go away and it's a great time. But through it all, seeing how they operated together, my testimony is that God is with you no matter how high or how low. And if you just keep on patiently trugging along, doing it his way, praying every day. That's one thing that we had to do was get on your knees in the morning and get on your knees at night. And so God delivers us through it all. It's not like it's never going to happen to you. Some people go through bankruptcy and never want to say anything about it. Some people go through all sorts of financial hell and never want to say anything about it. Because when they say something about it, a lot of times they're judged. Well, you know, I got mine. You should have got yours. I did that. So to be able to open up and say what you've experienced, say what you're going through, this team. I can remember when I was about to go through being faced with two major surgeries a couple of years back. Y'all remember that? And at the same time, there was a relational turmoil in my house. So I'm a divorcee, right? And it was so heavy. It was all on me. But I can remember calling this team. And I told y'all what I was experiencing. Pastor Donald, you took me to lunch and we sat down and we talked. You didn't judge. You didn't do anything. But you did ask some important questions that led me to recognize the decision that was already in front of me that I just was turning away from. You never judge. When I said divorce is it, you prayed with me, you loved me. When I said I was getting surgery, you just told me, well, don't worry about it. If you need somebody to take care of you, I got you. But if I never told y'all what I was going through, you would have never known to be there like you are. So the relationship that we have now, whether we're not in the same city or not, I love y'all like my family. You are my family. You're one with me. And I trust you. So last night when I said I needed to rest, I knew that I could rest. I could rest. When I shared where I was, I didn't ask you to pray. I just knew that you did. I didn't ask you to do what was going to be on the agenda for this morning. I just knew that it would. God places people in our environment to allow us to open our mouth and say. Because sometimes you can't talk to your husband or sometimes you can't talk to your wife about a thing. But when he puts a friend that sticks closer than a brother into your life and that person is anointed and appointed and has his word, man, it's a life changer. It's a life changer for me. So my testimony is big or small, if he didn't say it, then he's going to bless somebody. Amen. Hey, man, that was powerful. And I'm sitting here almost with tears of joy because I can truly relate, Pastor Brown, to everything you said. Come on, man. Just to know that you have a place. And I just finished sending this to one of our spiritual daughters about having a place, and I titled it a safe, nonjudgmental zone where we can learn about each other. I'm grateful that you saw that in us. But one thing that stood out that I've been sharing with a lot of people that's been reaching out to Pastor and I, I said, if we never open our mouth, then we will not get the help we need, good, bad, or indifferent. So it's a touching subject to open up about vulnerable topics that perhaps could bring that judgment. So I bless God for us being able, especially as leaders, to say, you know what? And to have that to where you don't have to have a lot of questions. So I bless the Lord. So at this point, I'll stop talking and I'll let Pastor Zeno share. But again, I had that conversation as well with my 14-year-old about families never even knowing that they were poor back in the day because we all had what we needed. Now when I look back on my childhood, I realize we were actually privileged, and it never came up because times were just so different. So I'll let Pastor Zeno share whatever his angle of testimony and encouragement is. Pastor Zeno, the line is open for you, sir. Well, praise God this morning. As Pastor Brown and Apostle S.L. was speaking this morning, it's encouraging because Scriptures just leap out to me, and it makes you think back on the hard times, in the hard times, what did you do? And Pastor Brown, you stated about you didn't think that you had a testimony. Well, as you begin to say that, as Apostle said just now, look back from where you come from. I start looking back at my childhood and then my teenage and my adulthood, and I can say this, that God has always made a way of an escape. As you stated that you had someone to talk to. You say you placed someone to be that ram in the bush for you. I just want to say this here. In my hard times, I would ask, who should I turn to? Who could I turn to? Who could I not want to share different things as I went through what I went through? The only thing I could say is leaning on the Lord. I would just remind myself of what God said in His Word and said here, and I would just hold on until the break of day. Or I would just hold on until my breakthrough came through. In my hard times, as the enemy would come, I would call myself trying to resist. And if I failed in my attempt, I would repent. I would say, God, you know, help me, forgive me. And everything that came to my mind that would, you know, not saying that I did this all the time, that I was cast down, the imaginations that kind of exalted itself above God. Because the enemy would come and place these negative things in our lives and say, oh, you should be doing this or you should be there. You know, and even now, you know, I was just sharing with the apostles different things that's happening. And I said I was upset. And I thought I was upset with God. You know, I was like, how did He want to speak with God? And I have a moment where I'm talking with God and just defying and just conversating. Nothing about answering, nothing about this. Because I'm, you know, I'm upset about this here because this is what's transpiring. But to cast down everything that's already exalted itself above God, if God didn't say it, then it's not true. God says otherwise about situations that we're going through. So my testimony is to say that I look back from where I come to say it was nothing but God. It was nothing but God that brought me through, that God had His hand upon me. When I gave my life to Christ, I truly gave it to Him to say, God, I'm yours. So if I'm lost, God has lost me. And God said that no one that's in His hand will fall. He said He wouldn't lose none of them. So after studying the Word of God, meditating on the Word of God, giving Him my life to want to be close to God, wanting my life to be pleasing to God, and not saying that I'm perfect or that I've done everything correct. Because there are hard times where I say, man, look, man, I'm backing up from this. I'm tired. You know, it doesn't seem like things are going to change. And I don't know about you all that it almost seems like the same old routine, the same old routine. But God has always made a way of escape. God has always brought us to the point to where we could look back and say, well, it's been a month now. It's been a week now. I haven't had this here problem long. Well, this problem has gone. I've made it this far. It ain't taking me out. So I just encourage everyone to say, but God has made a way. He has made a way. I look back, divorce and all that, and even the now matters, like I said. Some things you can't talk with your spouse about or you can't even talk to a friend about. But some people, having a safe place to where you can talk to someone and you won't be judged. I'm afraid we won't pray. Your heart desires that God would have his way in your life. And God knows what's best for us now. He knows what's best if you have a perfect plan. But that's my testimony. Amen. Amen. Amen. At this time, I would like to pose this question to Pastor Brown and Pastor Zeno. Can you share a point of advice that you could give to someone else in the rough times? What is something simple? Because I heard Pastor Brown say this, and I thought it was real key. They had to pray in the morning and at night. So give us a tool to give to young and old when things seem to be getting rough, when things seem to be getting overwhelming. Give us some proactive measures we can put in place to get through it. Amen? Amen. Well, I want to jump in first on this one. And I'll be transparent with this. Apostle Ed and myself, we were going through some things. It just seemed like it was turmoil. There was no peace that was going on to where we just seemed like it was coming to an end, if you will. It was like, oh, wow, what's going on here? But as you stated that, we prayed. We prayed through it. You know, I find myself where before we got out, we got out the day that I would reach for my wife. She would—Apostle would reach for me, and we would openly pray. And when one was finished, the other one would pray. I would pray for her. I would pray for her deliverance. I would pray for her mindset. But most importantly, I would pray that God would have his way in our life, that we would be the examples of which God has called us to be. We would pray for our kids. We would bless our kids. We would pray for their prosperity. We would pray the blessings of God. We would pray the Word of God over our lives. And as we've done those things, as I say, holding on just a little while longer, where we began to see the break of day, we began to see a new day, if you will. And God just started doing things. And the weights and things that—the distractions vanished, if you will. It was an appearance. Yeah. It would cause me to somewhat want to get out of Catholic character of God. That it would cause me to want to get out of the character of God, which brings me back to casting down the imagination that tried to exalt itself above God, but which God would have me to be. I hear you. I hear you, brother. Prayer, you say, is some keys. I think what I learned from what Daddy and Mom taught us about getting on our knees in the morning and in the evening, even Christmas morning before you got up and opened them doors, Mama would take the girls, Daddy would take the boys, and we could go into whatever room. And the thing that we did was pray, get on them knees and pray. Prayers that we learned then were prayer, our Father which art in heaven, and then the Lord is my shepherd. We had to be able to say those things, and that's what's been planted in me for a lot of years. But prayer, get on your knees in the morning and get on your knees at night, today I understand that that's praying before your situation occurs and praying after your day is ended, no matter what occurs. The place of deliverance is always found in God, and the way that we communicate with Him, whether it's bad, good, or ugly, is through prayer. I can remember some of the times for me when life seemed its darkest, it was hard to pray. I want to get down there every day, every night on my knees and pray while I can get on my knees and pray. But sometimes it was like, what's the use? You know, how do you push the innocence in praying? You know, you can't get out of this situation. But you pray anyway. You push, pray until something happens. All these acronyms, but the reality is, it works. You know, you pray even when you don't see daylight. You pray even when you're at the bottom of the pit. You've heard them say when they tried to bury the goat, the goat kept packing the dirt down. Even when you're in the bottom of the pit, and it seems like life is covering you up, just keep pushing, just keep praying until. Because I don't know when the break comes or when it's coming. I just can look back over my life and say that in every situation, every circumstance, and every condition in my life that the break came. Last year when my back, when my sciatic nerve went crazy, last March the 4th when it went crazy, I couldn't even walk. I couldn't get out of bed. I couldn't do all these things. I didn't think it would ever pass. I'm still having some residual, but it's gone. I'm walking. I'm doing all these things. I couldn't see the end. The only thing I could do in the heat of my pain was to pray and to reach out. When I was having my issues and I couldn't find the strength to pray, I'm going to tell you all something. I could call either one of you, text either one of you, and I knew. You could feel people praying. When intercessors pray, the situations around the world, they can feel the protection. They can feel the covering. In Psalms, I think it says that God surrounds us with his favor as with a shield. Psalms 5, I think that is. Surrounds us with his favor as with a shield. Prayer surrounds us like a shield. And I thank y'all. Apostles, when I met you, we were in, that's when we did the conference, the spiritual warfare conference. You remember that? That was before Promised Land. That was before we did the spiritual warfare conference. And I met a man at that conference who just looked regal. He was on the back row. He was helping people and doing all this stuff. Unlike the normal pastor, Pastor Donald, I'm talking about you. Normally, you see people who have titles come into the area and want to go to the front and sit in the front and have words to say and all of that. But you were, no. You still are like that. You're there. You're powerful. But you don't need to be seen. Put yourself out to be seen. But because of your desire to help, your desire to minister, your desire to serve, you're going to be out there. I was watching the other night when you were called to pray for the men. And you didn't just get up there and pray for the men. This is testimony for me, is to be able to watch and observe those people who are, one of the keys is praying. But the other key is to observe the people who are mimicking what you've learned, what I've learned, in the way that Jesus walked when he was on earth. You could see in them. You could see the power in the apostles' conversation. You could see the power in the pastor's regalness, your simplicity, the way that you, you didn't stop and pray for them only. But a few minutes later, you had all the brothers in a circle ministering to them, discipling them. And so that doesn't just come from an assignment. That comes from an inner assignment, right? That's what's in you. So we need to have people in our circles of influence, connect with the people that God gives us, that your heart feels safe. Your heart feels safe. Not your mind, because you still don't want to trust people that you trust them only as far as I can throw them, right? But when my heart feels safe, when your heart feels safe, when you pray, you'll know when your heart feels safe, because it feels the same as when you're praying. It's when you're in the presence of God. When you find those people where your heart feels safe, hold on to them. Hold on to them. Share your good, your bad, and your ugly with that person, because that is your source of help. That is our source of help. Where two or more on earth agree concerning anything. We knew how to agree with those bad folk out there, right, when we were drinking, smoking, and doing all sorts of ungodliness. And it worked. Every time we enjoyed ourselves doing all that ungodliness stuff. Well, if you connect, when we connect with that godly person and begin to do the godly things together, it is established in the earth. So prayer, linking up with people who your heart is safe with, and not being afraid to share your testimony. Not being afraid to share your testimony, and trust the testimony that you share, because it's your experience. Can't nobody tell you, can't nobody tell you your testimony. But when you tell your testimony, they can see the God in it. Amen. Amen. One last thing before we close out. Both of you gave us a tip, pray. So let's go back. If we don't know how to pray, or what to pray. Give maybe one example on a prayer example. Because this is what I've been dealing with, with people coming to me. Say we have a married couple, and there's some differences going on. I know for myself, my testimony is any type of turbulence or turmoil that I'm faced with, I go to God concerning me. I never want to look at the other person, because my way to overcome, I don't do the blame game. But I know that's a level of maturity. So help those that may not be as mature as some, with how to pray in order to get that breakthrough. When things seem to maybe dealing with other people, may even be sparked by someone else, but yet it's causing some type of hindrance in your walk with Christ. Where do those people begin? Because this is where we almost hear that, boy, the Lord is not going to change. He don't love the Lord, she don't love the Lord. They're not doing things godly. So where is a starting point for those individuals that feel like they're always getting shrunk and sick. I'm always apologizing first. What do I need to pray to get a breakthrough? And we're going to get a couple of comments for that, and we'll start wrapping up. And we'll pick this up again next Sunday. Amen? The line is open. Amen. I will be hearing what you're saying. And it's so true. We have to take the focus off the other person. When we pray, God, what is it that you would have me to do? You know, and a lot of times when things, the voices that you hear, oh, he's not going to change, or she's not going to change, it's that and the other. Those voices are there. Those are there. That's the dispassion. That's the opposition of the enemy. To pray, God, you know, I believe that God is trying to work something out. And that individual, and I was sharing this with the brother the other day, that it becomes like a prayer to itself. There's some things that we still hold on to that God is trying to get us to release. It seems it has become important. So the prayer is, okay, God, deal with me. What am I supposed to do? And oftentimes I say, man, I'm not going to pray about that because I like being who I am. I like being who I am. I don't think nothing is wrong with me. I don't think I've done anything wrong. I don't think. But God has allowed that to come up as a character check, as a character bump, if you will, to say, okay, I'm still pruning you. You haven't arrived. Oh, yeah, there's many, many things that still yet bothers me. But once again, it's a prune. So we have to ask God, you know, and I say, Lord, be patient with me. God, y'all, you're just saying, Lord, be patient. God, it's not hard. Just be patient, God. He's not done with you. He's not done with you until he brings you on to glory. But we have to trust God's word and we have to pray that God knows what's best for us. Amen. Amen, amen. I agree with that, brother. You have to trust God and just know that he knows what's best for us. For me, prayer is always right. Sometimes you don't know what to pray. And I found that when I don't know what to pray, I pray the words of the Bible out loud, right? In other words, I read what I see because that's his word. So that's always when I give God his words back, it doesn't change him, but it changes me. The psalms that I use to go to bed and wake up with, I share with others. And this is how I share. Psalms 4 is a nighttime prayer. It says, Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness. You have relieved me in my distress. Have mercy on me and hear my prayer. And it asks, How long, sons of men, will you turn my glory into shame? How long will you love worthlessness and seek falsehood or seek lies? But it goes on to say in verse 3, But know that the Lord has set apart for himself who is godly. And another version of that says that the Lord has made wonderful those who are his, or godly. So to read, I would encourage them to read the scripture. I'm mad at my husband. I'm mad at this or that. Go to the scripture and then begin to define, to dissect what you're reading. When you do that, it's all about you. Be angry and do not sin. Meditate with your heart on your bed and be still. When you read it and dissect it, the words begin to talk to you about yourself. So Psalms 4, go to bed with you. Meditate on the words. That's prayer. If you don't know what to pray, pray those things out loud. And then a morning time prayer is Psalm 5, back to back. It's like it's hidden in plain view. But it says, Give ear or listen to my word, O Lord, and consider my meditation. Now last night he said meditate on your own heart and be still. So last night when you were sleeping and he was talking to your spirit, there's some things that were said that you may not remember. But God knows. Consider my meditation and give heed to the voice of my cry, my King and my God. For to you I will pray. Every day in the morning and in the night I pray. So prayer is necessary. And if you don't know what to pray, pray his word back to him. I like when it says, My voice you will hear in the morning, O Lord. In the morning I will direct my prayer to you and I will look up. I will expect an answer. I will expect your covering. I will expect you to give ear to my word, O Lord. I expect you, not that you're listening to me, to hear the meditations of my heart. To hear my words. And the words that I'm saying back to you, God, are your own words. So heal me. Fix me. Direct me. Instruct me. Keep me, God. Keep me. Keep me. Because I can't keep myself. I don't even know what to pray. So here are your words back to you. But as for me, I will come into your house in the multitude of your mercy. Wherever God is, whenever we enter into prayer, know ye not that you are the temple of the living God? When we enter into prayer, it comes from the heart. We're inside of our own heart communicating with God. Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies. Make your way straight before my face. Sometimes I'm my biggest enemy. But these words, these simple songs, Psalm 4, Psalm 5, help us to dissect ourselves simply by reading his word back to him. Read it out loud. And every time we read the word of the Spirit, every time we read it, it has a positive effect on our souls. And the last verse is, let me read the last two. He says, let all those who put their trust in you rejoice. Let us ever shout for joy because you defend us. Let those who love your name be joyful in you. So it puts our focus, it helps to put our focus back. I don't care what's going on. Whether it's surgery, whether it's you're broke, busted and disgusted. I don't care what it is. Nothing's bigger than your conversation, more powerful than our conversation with God, the Creator, the Lord God, the Creator God, the Holy Spirit God. And when we talk to one, all of them are listening. When one of them speaks, all of them are speaking. And when one of them, the last thing it says, for you, Lord, we'll bless the righteous. We'll make the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. Are you saved? Then he's talking about us. For with favor you will surround us as with a shield. So God, so that morning prayer and that evening prayer, when you're in your toughest situations. Husbands and wives are often looking for scriptures in the Bible. You know how they say the Bible speaks to all of your situations. You can find your answer in the Bible. So many times we'll go looking for a specific scripture to speak specifically to that situation. And usually we're looking for a scripture to speak to the situation that agrees with us about the other person. You won't find that. I can't find it in this scripture. I've been looking. Well, he's been talking to you all along about yourself. But when we focus on four and five, it helps us to understand who we are. Psalms 103, I think it is. Bless the Lord, O my soul, that always is within me. Bless his holy name. Read those things out loud. They make a difference. Amen. Amen. We are getting ready to conclude. And Pastor Brown, I'm writing those down. I heard Psalms. But what was the chapter that you gave? Psalms chapter four and five. Four being the night. And five was morning. Yes, ma'am. Okay. Well, we're actually getting ready to conclude. I was actually texting with a couple other people. And there was a discrepancy because our account had been paid for for the whole year. So they had gotten some things mixed up. So a couple people thought we weren't going to be on. So I'm just going to recap. We were actually giving hands-on, tangible words that you can go to when you're going through things and may not know what to pray. Amen. The scripture in Psalms four, you can use it for a nighttime prayer. This is when things are going on, but we're asking the Lord to work on me, God. And in Psalms five, and I want to leave you all because we often talk about a character check. And I reference that to we want our lifestyle to emulate Christ. Amen. So Galatians five, we know it talks about the fruit of the spirit, but it also points out some things that we deal with with our flesh. So a way to pray if you find yourself losing your temper or, you know, things that are dealing with our emotions. When we look at Galatians five, and it talks about the fruit of the spirit. So for those that may not call themselves mature or skilled in prayer, it says, but the fruit of the spirit, this is verse 22, Galatians chapter five. It says, but the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, justice, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. Again, it says there is no law. So a way to incorporate that in prayer, you can say, Lord, help me to walk in love, joy, peace. So that's a way to start that. If you did not know, there's no right or wrong way to pray, because when we pray God's word, when you don't know what else to pray, that is a perfect prayer. And then when you go on and it says, in verse 24, it says, as they that are Christ have crucified the flesh with the infection and lust. So that's the thing that we want. You just incorporate that back to God. You know, Lord, help me to crucify my flesh. You know, so you can just pray the word. Amen. So I wanted you all to know, like I said, I get these questions all the time. I don't know what to pray. I don't know how to pray. So you pray God's word back to him. So I thank the Lord, and I recap it, because I heard a chime, and we started in Revelation. We've talked about our testimony. So we gave some tangible things that would help us to walk out when things are getting tough. Amen. And Pastor Brown, he's going to send out the recording that you can go back and listen. But tune in again, because this is the way that we're going to grow. This is discipleship training. We call it Sunday School discipleship. Amen. So at this time, Pastor Brown, close us out with a word of encouragement and prayer, and we will be back Sunday at 930. Amen. Amen. So just to be encouraged, know that you are, we are the righteousness of God, and we're created righteous, made righteous through Christ Jesus. You're created, we're created in the image and likeness of God, which is his power and his authority. So we walk in divine dominion, in the power and authority of God, the creator. And we have, you have, the opportunity, the power, the responsibility, and the privilege to use the name of Jesus Christ. To use the word of God to fight the enemy on every hand. You have the power. He's given us the word, and he's given us the only name where every demon, every evil will bow and every tongue confess. So know that you're in the right place. You're here at the right time. Your life is not a surprise to God, and what you're experiencing is only for the moment. Amen. But greater is coming. The latter rain is greater than the former rain. Amen. Let's pray. God, we love you, and we praise you. Thank you for the opportunity to come together in a safe space, a nonjudgmental space, you know, to hear your word, to share your word, to discuss your word, and to grow in our knowledge and understanding of your word. So not only can we fight the enemy with your word, but we can also share it with others and help them to grow and know who they are. We bless you and praise you for the teacher. Thank you for the ministries. Thank you for all the leaders and the lead. Thank you for every person that participates, Lord God, saved and unsaved, if they're listening, God, we know that it's because you have them here. So bless you. We bless those who will hear this through the recording. Thank you for the technology. In Jesus' name we pray. We'll be back next week at 930. Same line, same time. Amen.

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