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Your Hour of Power with Pastor Terrell Scott. Episode 5

Your Hour of Power with Pastor Terrell Scott. Episode 5

Pastor Terrell



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The host, Pastor Terrell Scott, discusses the importance of deliverance and shares his personal testimony of being saved and transformed by Jesus Christ. He emphasizes the need to give God permission to change our lives and acknowledges that everyone needs deliverance. He also highlights the enemy's tactics to keep people in bondage and encourages listeners to repent and surrender to God in order to experience true freedom and purpose. He concludes by praying for the listeners to be touched and changed by the power of God. Hey bless you guys. I hope you're doing well today. This is your hour power with your host Pastor Terrell Scott on Conviction Radio where the Holy Ghost is convicting you, changing you, transforming you, and setting you free. You know your hour power is about deliverance and deliverance is important for me and you. Everybody needs some form of deliverance. You know when you get touched by God, God can change anything. God can do a deep work in your life. I'm an ex-gangster and ex-thug who was radically saved by Jesus Christ and not only was I saved but now I serve as a lead pastor and founder of an outreach ministry where we're reaching the community impacting them for the glory of God. God wants to change you but you got to give him permission. You know 18 years ago in a prison I was bound. I was addicted. I was running a gang and I was a thug but Jesus Christ said you know what I love that one. I choose that one. I care about that one and he rescued me and saved me and pulled me out of the mess I was in. You know I'm so grateful that Jesus didn't leave me in the sin of my choice. He didn't leave me in my past and my failures. He didn't leave me bound in that prison cell but he rescued me and as I've grown in the Lord and I've grown in my relationship with Jesus he's really given me a burden to help others, to care for others, to serve others, and to love others. God cares about your story. He cares about where you're at, what you're going through, what you're experiencing in life. He cares about areas of your life where you have been in bondage and pain and you need a touch from God. The scripture says that if we don't cry out, if we don't worship, if we don't pray, right? It says the rocks will cry out and I like to say the rocks ain't gonna cry out for me. I'm gonna cry out to God and I know God can change, heal, and deliver. You know the enemy works overtime to destroy people's lives, to rob, to steal, to kill, and destroy. He comes in to attack our minds to keep us from understanding who we are in Christ. He wants us to stay under the power of sin so he's in charge and that we're a slave to sin. Well to be a slave there has to be a slave owner and the enemy is the slave owner for the soul that sins because the scripture says the soul that sins will surely die. And so we want to repent of our sins. We want to close the door on the enemy. We don't want to listen to the divisive schemes and plan of the enemy. We want to walk up right before the Lord and serve God, honor God. Listen I've lived both ways and if you haven't heard my testimony go back to episode 1 and listen to my testimony. I married a woman I had robbed at gunpoint. I serve and pastor in the same community I used to run drugs in. Jesus Christ can turn your life around. There's nothing impossible with God. Some of you feel like your situation, your circumstance is impossible. That there's no way you can change. There's no way your circumstance can change. But I'm telling you I know a God that can change you and change your circumstance. One of the most futile things you can do in life is pursue changing your situation without allowing God to change you. Come on that's good. If you allow God to change you from the inside out he'll start to change the circumstances around you. Many times negative circumstances are God allowing these circumstances to bring us to him. If you're in rebellion to God but you want your circumstances to change. If you're rebelling to the truth and the Word of God and what he's asked of you but you want your circumstances to change. You're fighting an uphill battle that you'll never win. But if you say God here I am. Change me. Transform me. Heal me. Deliver me. And you're not just giving lip service. You know I did prison time. And there are times people would give lip service to God. They would start to serve God. You know they start to serve God in prison. They get jailhouse religion. You know there's some folks in church they got church house religion. You don't need church house. You don't need jailhouse. You need intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Because when you really meet Jesus, hallelujah to the lamb. He changes you from the inside out. He sets you free from captivity and he teaches you a new way of life. What conviction really does is it changes the way you think. When you truly repent of your sins. For instance me being a thug and a gangster. You know I thought having money, control, power, women, all those things was a good way of life. And the more I had the better off I was. But when the Holy Spirit started to deal with me through his word. The word of God convicted me of my sin. And I said oh I've been building my own kingdom with my own power. For my own glory. God forgive me for building my kingdom. What I want. What I think. And what I feel Lord I'm sorry. And when I repented and asked God's forgiveness. And I immediately turned from the direction I was going of building my own gang. My own empower. Building my resources and money and accolades. And all those things and street fame to Jesus. And said God I want to build your kingdom for your glory with your power. The scripture says thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. That conviction turned me around. I was going one way then I hit a 180. True conviction does not condemn you. Where you beat yourself up over and over about the failures of your past. If you failed welcome to humanity. For all of sin and falling short of the glory of God. But thank you for the gift of God. While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. He took our place. He forgave us at Calvary's crawl. So that we could come back into intimate relationship with Abba Father. God the Father. And Jesus loves you enough to compel you. To woo you. To draw you by the power of his spirit. So that you can have a strong relationship with God. You were created for relationship with Christ. You were created with divine purpose. He says that in Ephesians 2 10. He says he's preordained good works for you before the foundations of the earth. God didn't create you to be depressed, angry, broke, frustrated, negative, hating others. God did not create you to be bound by the power of demons and evil spirits. God created you for freedom. He created you for purpose. But see what happens when we do it our way. And we say we love God. We say we serve God. The scripture in Isaiah and in the New Testament the gospel says this. You honor me with your mouth but your heart's far from me. When your heart is aligned with God. What really happens when your heart is aligned with God. He changes you from the inside out. See it's Christ in you. The hope of glory. Jesus can change anybody. Jesus can heal anybody. Jesus can deliver anybody but you got to give him full access to your life. See demons trick us into sin and entice us into sin because they know if we get into sin they have legal access and legal rights to our life. And so the scripture talks about us having our mind renewed and being changed and allowing this mind to be in you the mind of Christ. See the mind that's kept stayed and on Christ is kept in perfect peace. I tell you what I found peace in a prison cell all those years ago when I met Jesus. But but it took me surrendering. I said God I don't want to live life my way anymore. God I don't want to live life my way anymore. I don't want to live life just to please people and others and and that chase things and materials God. But I want to live a life that pleases you. And so I surrendered my life to Christ and what a work he did in me. He replaced heaviness and depression with joy and peace. He replaced hatred and murder with love and sacrifice. He replaced heaviness with rest and peace and joy. He took that yoke that burden of sin off of my back and where Satan had been standing on my neck all those years. I made a decision. I said the enemy you've had your foot on my neck all these years. From now on my foot's going down on your neck and you will not control me anymore. See that's the beauty of knowing Jesus. You don't have to live up under the power of the enemy anymore. All you got to do is surrender to God and say Lord forgive me. Lord change me. I make you Lord. I'm not just incorporating you into my life only when things are going well or when I am in a crisis. I call it no. Listen he is the God of the breakthrough but he's also king in the valley and the mountaintop. You need to serve him all the time no matter the circumstance. Serving Jesus through good and bad circumstances tells you where your heart is. I love him. I care for him. Do you love the Lord? You say well I love him but I don't keep his commandments. I'm still bound by these addictions. I'm still bound by the enemy. You need to repent. You need to cry out. You need to ask for the power of God to come because the power of God can even come right now through this radio station, Conviction Radio, and convict you and change you. Right now I just pray for every heart that is weary, every individual that is beat down, that is struggling, that wants to change. There's a true part of them that wants to change but you keep going back to the vomit like a dog returning to his vomit. You keep going back to that same old sin like a hog returning back to the muck and the mire, right? But right now Jesus I believe is coming upon you and he's starting to touch you right now. Lord right now in Jesus name I pray for change to break off every and every individual under the sound of my voice. I bind every devil right now stealing, killing, and destroying. I command the enemy off of you right now in Jesus name. I thank you Holy Ghost for your conviction and your power convicting every heart, every soul on Conviction Radio. May they be changed right now by the power of God. I thank you for the anointing that breaks the yoke. May every yoke of bondage and of sin be broken right now in the mighty name of Jesus. I thank you God for the power of the Holy Ghost that brings transformation, healing, and deliverance in Jesus mighty name. In Jesus mighty name. Hey this is Pastor Terrell Scott your hour of power and deliverance on Conviction Radio where God is healing you, delivering you, and setting you free through the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Every deliverance I've ever experienced and let me let me just testify some of who I am and what I do. God has given me a mandate to deliver people. That is cast demons out of people. Demons are a person without a body. They look to house people so that their appetites can be fulfilled. You know a spirit of lust looks to operate in lust through an individual. A spirit of gluttony looks to operate through gluttony, overeating, excess. You know there are different types of spirits that look to operate within an individual addiction. You know a spirit that is addicted it never gets enough. You know if you have an excessive desire for things and you're never fulfilled whether that's tobacco, whether that's alcohol, whether that's women, whether that's pornography, right? And you continue to consume, consume, consume. There's a spirit of addiction behind that and it's getting fulfilled by your actions and that's how demons operate. They operate through individuals to get their fulfillment, to get their lust gratified, to get their desires gratified. And so when you repent of the sin and the action that you are involved in, then you command the demon to release you. So if it's lust, if it's it's perversion, it's pornography, you say, Lord Jesus forgive me for pornography and watching pornography and violating myself and others. I repent of that sin right now in Jesus name and I command every evil spirit that has came in through pornography to release me right now in the mighty name of Jesus. If you haven't watched, if you've been delivered from the actual act of watching pornography, right? And you haven't watched pornography in years but you still have pornographic images coming up to your mind, you need deliverance. You need that spirit to be removed because the scripture says be renewed in the spirit of your mind, okay? Deliverance is for you. If you're serving the Lord wholeheartedly but you keep running into blocks, you keep running into struggles, you keep running into these places where you're not experiencing the presence of God, the joy of God, the love of God. You're not experiencing God touching areas of your life. You're always beat down. You're always struggling. You need deliverance. You need some demons cast out of you. Demons are persons without bodies and they look to occupy souls and bodies to get their gratification through the sins of choice that they desire. Now we all have to take responsibility as individuals for our sins and our mistakes and things we've done but to think it's only my flesh and that there's never a demon involved would be denial. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. We wrestle against evil wicked spirits that work to entice us so once we're enticed into that temptation then they have access to hold on to us. So evil, you can be a believer in Jesus Christ, you can be born again, you can have the Spirit of Christ in your spirit man but then you still have areas where there's strongholds, there's demonic powers that operate in your life that you need freedom from. Jesus set me free from thousands of demons and so in that now going back to who I am and what I do, I cast demons out of people all over the world. I have people come to our ministry and we cast demons out of them but I had to overcome my own demons first. I had to overcome the own evil inside of me. I had to repent. I had to cry out. I had to command demons to release me. I had to receive prayer from others right but then after that God anointed me and gave me grace now to pray for others and set them free. Glory to God. Hallelujah. I believe God wants to set you free. There's more to life than being in bondage. There's more to life than being bound by the wicked one and evil spirits. Jesus went about doing good, healing all who were oppressed by the devil. Come on, you weren't created for oppression. You weren't created for depression. You weren't created to be beat down by no devil. You were created to reign in Christ Jesus and walk in authority. Glory to God. Hey guys, this is Pastor Terrell Scott. You're our power and deliverance on Conviction Radio and I will be right back with you after this commercial break. Glory to God. Hey, hey, hey, hey, we're back now. I'm so excited to be with you. I bless you. I'm praying for you and I'm believing God is ministering to you in this time with your hour of power and deliverance with your host Pastor Terrell Scott. I'm telling you God is good and his mercy endures forever. We're talking today about being delivered from evil spirits, evil entities that entice you, that pull you in so that they can get their gratification, their fulfillment through operating through a human body. Evil spirits or evil entities, persons with personalities that work against you to keep you from fulfilling God's will, plan, and purpose and having joy and fulfillment and prosperity in your life. I tell you we're putting the devil on notice because he's not going to continue to bind you. He's not going to continue to harass you. He's not going to continue to keep you broke, beat up, defeated, addicted in all these problems. No, you are free through the power of the blood of Jesus in the authority of Christ. Let me tell you some of the things we take people through when we're taking them through deliverance. We have them pray to break false religions and you'd be surprised how many false religions are out there. We also deal with pride and rebellion, witchcraft, come on, come on, rejection, wounds of rejection. If you've been rejected by someone as you were growing up as a child in family, in relationship, in divorce, rejection, that wound of rejection, anger and hate, that's a big one, right? Depression, we attack that fear. We deal with death and destruction, murder, lust, isolation, and loneliness. Jezebel and Ahab, that's a major one. Jezebel is running rapid in our cultures, in our society with that spirit. Listen, everywhere I travel, that spirit operates in nations. Anyone that has a prophetic gift and anointing on their life, the spirit of Jezebel will attack them to keep them from fulfilling the promise and destiny on their life. So, let me continue. Addiction, we address, you know what, let's let's hit that one right now. Let's pray this out loud, come on. If you're right there with me, I want you to pray this. I renounce addiction. It is rooted in rejection, gluttony, overeating, bulimia, anorexia, nervosa, binging, purging, addiction, craving for food, sweets, and fat. Right now, I break the addiction for food in Jesus' mighty name. All addiction and craving for bondage to alcohol, including beer, wine, and strong drink, we renounce and we break that. Come on, break it. Say it out loud. I renounce and I break the desire for alcohol, beer, wine, and strong drink. I denounce the alcoholic syndrome in Jesus' mighty name. I break all curses of hangover, morning after after the night before, stupor, deception, stupidity, dishonoring the body, the temple, the Holy Spirit, also slow death. All addiction, let me say this to you, all addictions are slow death. We renounce the power of those addictions right now. All addiction to and craving for and bondage to all drugs, legal and illegal, heroin, barbiturates, marijuana, speed, uppers, downers, hypnotic drugs, LSD, hallucinogenic drugs, drug peddling, making drugs, opium, acid, PCP, cocaine, spray paint, methadone, psychotic drugs, morphine, glue, crack, ice, bootlegging, hash, psychoactivating drugs, Valium, Paxil, Angel Dust, Librium, Lithium, Ritalin, mushrooms, all designer drugs, Demerol, also nicotine and caffeine. I renounce those right now. Let me just pray for you that are bound to any of those I just said right now in the name of Jesus. I command every addictive spirit, every addictive agent to break off of them right now in the name of Jesus. I bind every devil and I command it to lose you right now in Jesus' name. Every addictive spirit, release them right now in the mighty name of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus. Now listen, sometimes when we're praying for people, there are a number of things they'll experience. When we're talking about evil spirits and they have evil spirits, their heart will start to race. They'll start to sweat. Also, at times when we're breaking and renouncing stuff and we're removing those evil spirits, what will happen? A person will yawn. They will throw up. They will have abnormal things start to happen. They'll start to cough. They'll start to cry. So if those things are happening, God is delivering you. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God. Jesus is touching those areas and removing and breaking that curse of addiction so those evil spirits can go. Jesus Christ became a curse on the tree to set you free from the curse. But many times through confession and prayer, we have to be specific with the curse that we're operating in. And when we're specific through prayer and we break it, then the evil spirits that hold the curse in place have to leave in Jesus' mighty name. Glory to God. Some other stuff we deal with, new age, nationality. Nationality will be generational curses from the ethnicity that you were born into. Also, amusements, false wisdom. That's like false holy spirits, false direction, mimicking spirits that mimic the Holy Spirit. Infirmities, mental illnesses, things that connect to the way you speak and talk your tongue. Also, stuff that's connected to your body, your organs. Those things we break and we're announcing. Listen, the curse on, let me pray this one out for you guys. Come on, on finances. In the name of Jesus, I ask forgiveness on behalf of myself and my ancestors back to Adam for the following areas of sin. I ask the Lord that you would break all curses off of my family line back to Adam. All curses off myself, my family, and future generations in the following areas. Also, Lord, sever all soul ties as I denounce any spirits attached to these areas. Love of money. If you ever chased money, come on. I renounce the love of money. I renounce greed. I renounce covetousness. I renounce theft, stealing, using of unjust scales, poverty. I renounce poverty and lack. Right now, moth and rust and mildew. Come on, because when you chase money, what happens? The scripture says you're building up treasures here on this earth that moth, rust, and mildew will overtake. Come on. I want treasures in heaven. Where your heart is, there your treasures are. They're also glory to God. So, look, get your heart in heaven. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. We break right now the love of money. We break right now greed. We break now covetousness. I ask, come on, pray this out. I ask forgiveness for not paying all taxes due and for not tithing. Listen, if you in tax fraud, say, God, I'm sorry, forgive me. Lord, if you ain't paying your tithes, Lord, sorry, forgive me. Listen, you ain't giving money to a man. You're giving money to God when you tithe. Somebody, hallelujah to the lamb. You thinking I'm too broke to tithe? No, no, no, no, no. It's more risky not to tithe. I'd rather give God trust with 90% than me being trust with 100%. God can do more with my 90% than I ever could do with my 100%. Glory to God. I ask forgiveness for not tithing. I ask you, Lord, that you would break all curses from Malachi and for robbing you. Prevent pests from devouring the crops and vines in our fields. Listen, you might not be a farmer, but wherever the enemy is devouring and taking your money and taking your godly prosperity, we break that curse off of you right now in the mighty name of Jesus. Glory to God. Every spirit sent on assignment to steal and rob and kill your financial prosperity, I break it off of you right now in the mighty name of Jesus. I thank you for angels that excel and strengthen, hearken unto the word of the Lord. Be dispatched now with reward, with treasure, everything the enemy robbed from your bloodline and from your family and from your forefathers. Right now, I command the devil to give it up and bring in the harvest now in the mighty name of Jesus. Hallelujah. Glory to God. I'm getting excited. I feel like God's going to bless my finances the way I'm praying. Holy ghostly God. See, when you ain't chasing money, you're chasing the king. You're building the kingdom, but you cannot build the kingdom without finances. You cannot build the kingdom without provision. I listen, just sitting out here praying by yourself ain't going to get you, ain't going to get your bills paid. Pray, seek God and trust God that he's going to send destiny helpers around your life to help make sure your bills get paid in Jesus mighty name. Glory to God. Let me keep reading. Let me keep reading. Glory. I agree. Come on. If you ain't been paying your taxes, I agree that I will pay you 10% of all my income where you, Holy Spirit, tell me to and pay my taxes in an honest and honorable way in Jesus mighty name. Another thing we deal with is biblical curses. They come on breaking the curse of illegitimacy. That's a powerful one. If you were born outside of wedlock, there's a curse of illegitimacy on you because your father and your mother were not one. And so we come up under that curse and God did not create us to be illegitimate. He created us to be adopted into the family. We're part of a new kingdom with a new king. The devil ain't king over this kingdom. The devil is king over illegitimacy. He is king over darkness. He is king over deception. He is king over lies. But he's not the king over this kingdom. When you're born again, you put your faith in Jesus Christ. Listen, you're translated out of darkness into light. You're changed from the inside out. And then the Spirit of God is in you now, in your spirit, man, because I teach people I am a spirit. I have a soul. I live in a body. And when I am a spirit, right, glory to God, my spirit is recreated in Christ, but then my soul has to continue to be cleaned up. And when those things would carry stuff in our soul, it affects the physical realm, our experience here on this earth. And so we need Jesus and the power of his word to clean our soul up so that we're made in the image and likeness of Christ in every area of our life. God did not create you to be bound by the spirits that come with illegitimacy. One of the major spirits that is carried with illegitimacy is an orphan spirit. You're not an orphan when you put your faith in Jesus. You're a child of God. You're born again, you're blood-bought, and you're adopted into the family of God where now you're serving the king of all creation that you love and you serve wholeheartedly because he's a good, good father that cares about everything going on in your life. He cares about you. He cares about your financial well-being, your mental well-being, your emotional well-being. He cares about your soul, man, your mind, your will and emotion. He cares about your physical man because your physical man is the temple of the living God. It's where the spirit of God dwells. Hallelujah. And he wants all those things cleaned up so he can dwell in a pure temple that's serving him and honoring him and living for him. See, when you make this thing right with God and you're doing it for his kingdom come, his will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, I'm telling you, God will bless you because he wants your soul to prosper. And as your soul prospers, every other area of your life will prosper. I've been reading a passage lately from Deuteronomy 8.18, and it's so powerful. I'm so grateful for this passage, and it says this. Listen to what it says. It says, But you shall remember with profound respect the Lord your God, for it is he who has given you power to make well, that he may confirm his covenant with which he swore solemnly promised to your fathers as it is this day. Glory to God. You know, we can either carry a godly heritage or an ungodly heritage. And irregardless what your forefathers did, irregardless what your family members did, you can come under the mercy of God. We break curses like this. We say, Lord, forgive me and my father's fathers. So if there's alcohol runs in your family, forgive me and my father's fathers. Poverty runs in your family, forgive me and my father's fathers. And when we do that praying, we're breaking the power of the curse so the curse can't operate through our life. Jesus became a curse on the tree to set me and you free from the curse. So when we're praying these curse-breaking things against our finances and addictions and pride and lust and rage and anger and hate and all these things, when we're breaking those curses, hallelujah, we're doing it by the power of Christ and what Jesus Christ did for me and you at Calvary's Cross. He paid a high price at Calvary, but we have to apply to our account what he did. It would be like me writing you a check for a thousand dollars, but you've never taken it to the bank. This is what happened at Calvary. Jesus wrote the check, he paid the price to break the curse, but now you've got to take that check and cash it in. Now you've got to apply by faith what Jesus has done for you. Now faith is right now, so you have to right now apply by faith. Now faith is our victory. Faith is where that's our currency from heaven where we defeat the power of darkness and the enemy. We've got to apply by faith and we've got to stay in faith. We've got to attend to our faith and walk in faith and continue to encourage ourselves in the word of the Lord and get built up by faith knowing that God is who he says he is and God will do what he says he will do. God is faithful and he'll do it for you because he's no respecter of persons. He cares about what is going on with you. He cares about the things you're facing, right? One of the things that broke me out of that mindset, that illegitimate mindset, that orphan mindset, was when I experienced the love of God. I surrendered my life and he said, son, I forgive you and I love you. I don't hold anything against you. No matter how bad you are or how many times you made mistakes or how many mistakes you made in life, no matter the degree of it, the blood of Jesus speaks a better word. The blood of Jesus is more powerful than your failure. The blood of Jesus is more powerful than any demonic spirit, any evil entity, that demon that keeps lying to you, that tells you it's not going nowhere, you can't change, you're a nobody, you're always going to be a loser, you're always going to be less than. He's a liar in Jesus' name. You are so valuable that Jesus died for you. You are so valuable. The Son of God who never committed a sin took your place. The Father loves you so much and desires so to be in relationship with you to such a degree, he allowed his son to suffer and die a sinner's death at Calvary's cross so now you could go free and live in holiness and purity and power and have authority over the enemy. When we break curses and we command demons to leave and we command them to get out of our life and out of our mind, out of our will, out of our emotions, right? We're using the authority that was given to us by Jesus Christ because he who knew no sin became a curse and hung on the tree so we could be set free from the power of sin, from the power of death, and from the power of hell. So any evil spirit connected to hell has to release you now in Jesus' mighty name. Hey guys again this is Pastor Terrell Scott with your Hour of Power and Deliverance on Conviction Radio where God is setting you free, transforming you, healing you, and delivering you because he loves you so much. Look we'll be right back in a moment after this short commercial break. All right guys we are back with your Hour of Power with Pastor Terrell Scott on Conviction Radio where the Holy Ghost is convicting you, changing your mind about things so that you can change your behavior and your attitude. But first it starts with changing the way you think. Repentance is I've changed my viewpoint. I've changed the way I think about life in the direction I'm going. Now I'm going in a new direction. Hallelujah. I'm grabbing a scripture that I love in Luke chapter 10 for you because I think it's important to understand like you don't have to be scared. Now if you're not living for the Lord, the enemy has a hold on you. The enemy has a control in your life. But when you start serving God and you've given your life to Jesus, you don't have to be scared of demons. You don't have to be scared of the enemy. Now engage your process to walk in freedom. Everybody has to go through an individual process to experience the freedom of Christ. In my process and they may look a little different. The experiences may be a little different. But don't minimize the process you're going through. Don't minimize your story and what God has done in you. Speaking of stories, if you're getting on here, just get on it. Go back to episode 1. Listen to my testimony. Ex-gangster, ex-thug, drug dealer, 20-year prison sentence. Ended up getting out in 5. Woman I had robbed at gunpoint. Shares the gospel with me. That becomes my future wife. I run a ministry now in the same hood I used to run drugs in. So Jesus is alive. He's well. He's still on his throne. He's seen something to me when I've seen nothing in myself. I wasn't even thinking about changing. I was bound in the lifestyle I was living. I was off the chain. When I went to prison, I did not get better. I want to be very frank with you. It wasn't like it was a wake-up call. It wasn't like I was like, oh wow I need to change. No. I started thugging even harder. I got worse and worse and worse until Jesus Christ walked in my prison cell, turned my life radically around. I went from a gangster and a thug to preaching and ministering the gospel. People that were in my gang, people that were working for me, were radically saved, radically changed, radically delivered. But I'm telling you the same God that saved me, the same God that healed me, the same God that delivered me, the same God that has set me free, loves you, cares about you, wants to set you free, wants to heal you, wants to use the pain and problems of your life now for purpose. I get the honor to tell everybody about my past pain, my past failure, the issues I had, and now how God has turned everything around and my pain is now used in my purpose to encourage others, to pray with others, to guide others, to instruct others in the Word of God, to let them know that God has a plan for you and that God loves you. Romans 8 28 says this, for all things work together for the good for those that love God and are called according to his purpose. How do you love God? You start to serve him. You fall in love with his will, his ways. You fall in love with God's people. You assemble yourself together in church. You get around godly influences. You listen to Christian music and spend time with the Lord and intimacy and devotion and as you love on God and he loves on you and he changes you and transforms you, then you get to go and encourage others and share with them. And what a beautiful thing, like he took all the mess in my life and now he's turned it into a masterpiece. Nothing's wasted, all the failures, every shameful thing I did, I'm forgiven, I'm a brand new creation, I'm loved by God and now he's using me from the very mess the enemy made. Now this is something I want to encourage you with before I give you this other scripture. The messes you made and the enemy made through your life, right, because you are under an attack. Because you're a human and you walk in the earth, you're going to be attacked by the enemy. Because the enemy hates you. The enemy hates you because the enemy can never get back the place he had with God. He fell and was cast out of heaven like lightning and so Satan hates you because you are a son of God. You are a child of God. You are loved by God. He can never be restored. He will be cast, him and all his fallen angels, into the lake of fire. And now his mission is to take every person he can to the lake of fire. That's the second death. Now the beauty of knowing Jesus is when you die one day, a physical death, you will not die a spiritual death. Your soul and your spirit. Your physical man will go to the ground but your spirit and your soul will go to heaven to be with Jesus. And it says, Oh death where is thy sting? Oh grave where is thy victory? You will not have a second death. But the unbeliever, the apostate, the rebel, the atheist, they, when they die, will experience the second death and they will be cast into the lake of fire. It was only made for Satan and his fallen angels that followed him. Now these angels surely got to hate Satan because they were deceived, they followed him, and they were cast out of heaven. But they cannot get their rank back. They cannot go back to where they were. Even though we have sinned and we've made bad decisions and sinful decisions, we can have our place where Adam made a bad decision and lost his place with God. Now through relationship with Jesus Christ, we're restored back into that right relationship with God. That's an awesome thing. And now everything the enemy did before we knew Christ, we can use to put it in his face. And let him know, thank you Jesus that we are saved, that we're healed, that we're delivered, and that my story will be told to everyone that will listen because I'm no longer under the power of the enemy. You're putting that in the enemy's face every time you testify, every time you tell your story. Listen, when you get saved from something, you overcome something, make it a habit in your life. Please listen to me. Tell other people what God has done. You're not bragging. You're not being braggadocious. What you're doing is you're saying, God saved me, God delivered me, God loves me, God has a plan for me, and I am so grateful for what Jesus has done for me. And when you do that, you're putting it in the enemy's face. The scripture says that we overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb that was shed at Calvary, the word of our testimony, and we love not our life unto death. So we give up our own life so we can serve God because you were not created for yourself, you were created for God. And when you get that right, everything else will fall in order. And so I want to encourage you, tell somebody your story. Testify. Whatever influence you got with whoever you're talking to, let them know what God has done. Let them know what God is doing. Share your story. Listen, it may be you just, if it's you, you broke free from cigarette addiction. Don't, tell somebody, glory to God, hallelujah. That may be in a mountain in your life. Be encouraged, overcome that mountain, and tell somebody about your experience of overcoming that mountain. So let me, let me go to this passage. I love this passage. It's Luke chapter 10. Luke chapter 10. There are 70 disciples that come back to Jesus, and this is dealing with the demonic and dealing with demons and casting evil spirits out. And it says, the 70 returned with joy saying, Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name. And he said to them, I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven. So remember I was saying, once you're a believer, once you're serving the Lord, once you're overcoming or going through your deliverance process, even if you still need deliverance, don't be fearful or scared of the enemy. Right here, what did it say? Behold I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions. That's evil spirits. And over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. So it's letting you know, don't get fearful, do not allow the enemy to trick you, to deceive you, to pull you away from the reality that you have authority over the wicked one, and that he can't hurt you. Satan, we put you on notice, you have no rights to us. You use the authority God has given you through his son Jesus Christ. These 70 came back, they were rejoicing that they had authority over evil. But then Jesus speaks, Jesus is a master of this. He speaks to the core and heart of what's going on to let them know, hey don't glory that you have this authority, because if you do glory that you have authority over the enemy, you'll get prideful. He says, nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that you have authority over evil spirits, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven. Hallelujah. So when you're born again, your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Be excited about that, be thankful that you're saved. You know, I deserve hell. The life I lived, I deserve, I should have been in prison way longer than the amount of time I did, right? But God didn't not only get me out of prison, he didn't only bless me with a ministry, and bless me with a wife, and five beautiful children, and bless me. Now I was serving the Lord wholeheartedly, so I don't want you to think God is a genie, like, oh I'm gonna serve you now, God you're just gonna bless me. That's weird. No, but I was serving God my whole heart when I got saved in prison. I started preaching right there in prison, ministering to guys, and gangsters, and thugs, and all the different gangs and stuff. I was just ministering the gospel there. We've seen people healed, delivered, and set free while I was in the prison. But with that, you know, the Lord does want to bless you. He loves you. He cares about you, but he wants that to be through relationship with him. He's not looking to just bless you to bless you, he's looking to bless you so you can display his goodness in the earth. He's looking to bless you, like, listen, one of the things people get caught up with the deliverance thing, you know, having a demon and getting delivered from an evil spirit, a demonic spirit, is something to rejoice about because that's mean you've been met, you've met with Jesus, you've spent time with Jesus, you experienced the power of Jesus. It's nothing to be ashamed of. When we testify about overcoming the devil, that gives opportunity for God to minister to someone else so they can overcome the enemy. But in this passage, he's saying, hey, keep the main thing the main thing. You were on your way to hell, but now your name's written in the Lamb's Book of Life. And you may not have lived, I remember where I was going a moment ago, I was talking about how I deserved hell, I deserved to be in prison the rest of my life, but God had mercy, and God not only had mercy, He extended grace, and He's given me more than even I could ask for. I'm so grateful. And so with that, no matter your lifestyle or your history, or maybe you didn't live to the degree and the things I did, right? But the Scripture says we've all sinned and fallen short of the goal. God said if you failed in one thing, you failed in all in James. So let's don't be judgmental and religious, acting like you don't deserve hell. That's the basis of the gospel, that we are on our way to a devil's hell, but the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords stepped in the way and has rescued us from the enemy's camp. Why? Because He loves you. Why? Because He cares about your future. Why? Because He wants to spend eternity with you because you were called to be a child of God. Glory to God. You know, serving God is the best thing I could ever do. I'm so grateful to serve the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. I wouldn't rather do any other thing in my life. When I first got out of prison, I went down to a ministry out in the middle of nowhere, and I'm from the south side of Atlanta. I'm used to the city, and I'm used to certain things, and God placed me out on this farm, running a ministry, helping with this ministry out in the middle of nowhere, helping guys just like me that are coming out of addiction, coming out of drugs, coming out of a lot of problems, pain, and issues. And so, with that, God took me and placed me out there, and I found purpose out in the middle of a farm, out in the middle of nowhere. And during that season, the Lord really loved on me, and he really ministered to my heart, and really encouraged me, and fathered me. And I found peace and joy right there in that season. God did a lot of soul care during that time. So, point being, you may be in a season that doesn't look like your past season. You may be in a season that looks different. Find joy in the journey. Find joy in the season you're in. If God's wanting to take you through more deliverance, more healing, be open to the Holy Spirit. Search me, O God, and see if there's any anxious way in me, any evil way in me, and change me, Lord. And when you pray like that, and when you serve like that, and when you allow those things, God will do a great miracle and work in your life. God absolutely cares about what's going on in your life. He absolutely cares about where you're at, but you got to surrender and allow him to work. You know, it's so important for us to give God access to every area of our life. Quit focusing on your circumstance and situation. See, the mind stayed on Christ, but it says, if I'd be lifted up, I would draw all men unto me. So, the purpose of this hour of power is to educate people to understand the process of deliverance, but also, it's the main focus of it is to glorify Jesus. And talking about the enemy is teaching people battle tactics so that they can overcome. You know, we want you to overcome. We want you walking to freedom. God doesn't want you bound anymore. He wants you free. Again, hey guys, this is Pastor Terrell Scott with your hour of power on Conviction Radio, where God is convicting you, healing you, delivering you, and setting you free. May God listen. I pray this over our church every week, over my children every day, over our other ministries all the time. Let me pray just a blessing over you, and you guys have a great weekend, and I look forward to being with you again next weekend. May the Lord bless you, and the Lord keep you. May his light and his countenance shine upon you. May the Lord our God be gracious unto you, and may he give you peace in the mighty name of Jesus. Go in peace in Jesus' name. We'll be back at you next week. Have a good one.

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