The power of God is at hand!!!!
The power of God is at hand!!!!
The host of the Hour of Power radio show talks about the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He shares his personal testimony of transformation and emphasizes the power of the resurrection to bring new life and freedom. He encourages listeners to surrender their lives to God and experience the power of the resurrection daily. He also discusses the importance of being baptized in the Holy Ghost and fire and the impact it can have on one's life. The host concludes by praying for deliverance and healing for the listeners and urging them to embrace the resurrection power in their lives. Hey, I hope you're doing well. This is your Hour of Power with your host, Pastor Terrell Scott on Conviction Radio. Listen, we're coming up on Resurrection Sunday, where the whole Christian church celebrates the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen, without the resurrection, there's no power, there's no victory, there's no hope, there's no new life, there's no experience of God's goodness and love in the land of the living. Without the resurrection, we are on our way to hell because of sin, because of death, and because of the enemy. But because Jesus Christ, who loved me and you so much, he died, took our place, and rescued us from the grasp of the enemy. I don't know if you heard Episode 1, but if you didn't, go back to Episode 1 and listen to my testimony. Because of the resurrection, I'm no longer a drug dealer, I'm no longer a gangster, I'm no longer a thug. But I've been saved, redeemed, and now I'm a pastor living for God, serving the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. I believe your hour of freedom is at hand, and God is going to rescue, save, and redeem you. All throughout the Christian world, people are celebrating the resurrection of Christ. But I want to tell you, one of the things that concerns me about that is many people are doing it out of tradition. They've never truly experienced the power of the resurrection. When I was saved in prison 18 years ago, the power of God came in the prison cell and changed and transformed me. And I received a new spirit. Listen, I was born again, and it's where a person dies to his old nature, his old habits, his old plans. And he gives his life to God, and then he has a new unction, a new desire to serve God. But listen, the power of the resurrection carries evidence, it carries strength, it carries the promise of the Father. The promise of the Father is when we receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And we're made brand new, and we carry power to go and witness and tell others about what Jesus Christ has done in us. Listen, I've been telling my story for 18 years, and there ain't no devil in hell, or no one else can stop me from telling my story. I was once bound, I was once a drug addict, I was once money-hungry and power-hungry, and then I was radically saved by the power of God. Jesus Christ wants to save you, heal you, and deliver you, but you must surrender your life. You must yield your life. The greatest thing you can do on Easter Sunday is lay your life down and give your life to God. God can change anything if you're a willing vessel. If you allow God to touch your life, if you allow God to minister to you, if you say, God, I'm tired of the things and the way I've been living, God, and I want you, I desire you. God can change anything about us, but we've got to be willing vessels, we've got to yield our life. If you weren't created for yourself, you were created for God. God desires to bless you, and teach you, and minister to you, and for you to experience the good plan He has in your life. But listen, that takes you saying, God, here I am, change me, transform me, heal me, and deliver me. That happened for me 18 years ago. I got in depth on that in episode 1. And if you haven't heard that, go back and check it out. I'm telling you, it'll bless you. A woman I had robbed at gunpoint becomes my future wife, and now we have five children together. God is using us to reach a community I once sold drugs in. But that's all because Jesus Christ took my place 2,000 years ago. He who knew no sin died for me. He died a sinner's death. He was persecuted, he was beat, he was mocked, he was abused. A crown of thorns was placed on his head. Nails were ran through his hand, a spear through his side, nails through his feet. He was whooped 39 times, lashings upon his back for my and your healing. So listen, I'm telling you, the blood of Jesus, the cross of Jesus Christ, the power of His resurrection, there ain't no sin, there ain't no addiction, there ain't no pain, depression, sorrow. There's nothing that is bigger than the power of the cross. There's nothing bigger than the power of the resurrection. Jesus Christ can empower you to walk in victory. It says the same power that raised Christ from the dead now lives in those that believe in God, those that serve God, those that yield their life to God. And I tell you what, that powerful resurrection power lives in me now. And Jesus can take and set you free and break the chains off your life. If you're depressed, if you're angry, if you're frustrated with life, listen, the power of God can change you. Jesus can deliver you, He can heal you, and He can set you free. In 2 Corinthians 5, 17, it says this, Therefore if any man be in Christ, all things, he's a new creation, all things have passed away. Behold, all things become new. Do you want to be new? Do you want change? Nobody wants to go around depressed, angry, broke, frustrated, beat down without purpose. What happens when you experience the power of resurrection, you find purpose right where you're at. I was in prison, and I experienced the power of the resurrection. And at that point, I found divine purpose. I started ministering, preaching, sharing what God had done in me with everyone I could see. The Word of God says in Revelation that we overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. And we love not our life, that's key. Love not our life, our will, our plan, our desires. And we love not our life unto death. That means we put to death our will, our agenda, our mindset, so we get the mind of God. The Scripture says also that the mind stayed on Christ is kept in perfect peace. You know, the fallacy about Easter is, you know, that people can just go to church and experience Christ for one day out the year. On Easter, on Christmas, two times out the year. My wife calls that a Christer. Christmas and Easter, right? True gospel is when we surrender all. We yield all. So that we experience the resurrection power day in and day out. That we become a walking testament of the power of God in the earth. So when people see us, they see a change. When people experience time with us and relationship with us, they know something's different about that individual because they carry resurrection power. In the gospels, Jesus tells when Lazarus dies, he tells Mary and Martha, I am the resurrection and the life. This resurrection life can change anything and anybody. It can break any change, any chain in our lives. Holy ghost of God. Hallelujah. The power of God can break any chain in your life. You need the power of God. If you ain't been baptized in the Holy Ghost and fire, you need a fresh baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire. What is that? Listen, that's the promise of the Father. When I was in prison, I read about the Pentecost and the day when the power of God came. And I said, God, I want that. And then my future wife, Brandy, she comes in and she starts to pray and she prays in tongues. She didn't even mean to. And when she started praying in tongues, fire hit me from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. And then I started praying in tongues during worship. That's the power of God operating through you. That's resurrection power. That's an unknown tongue edifying, building you up, speaking a heavenly language to your father, a perfect prayer where he can answer. Listen, a perfect prayer that he knows everything you need. Listen, you need to be baptized. I wasn't planning on going here, but I'm just letting the Holy Spirit to lead me right now. If you are born again, but you need the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues, that's the promise of the Father. That's the promise to go and witness and tell somebody about Jesus. That's the power you need. That's, listen, the Apostle Peter denied Christ. But after Pentecost, he stood up with backbone and he called out the Jews and said, you crucified the Lord of glory. He said, you need to repent of your sins and turn to God. I'm telling you and I'm compelling you to repent of your sins. And then once you're born again, now it's time to get baptized in the Holy Ghost and fire. Let me pray this for you right now. Lord Jesus, right now, everybody up under the power of sin. I break that yoke of sin off of them by the power of Christ. Depression, I command you to loose them right now in the name of Jesus. The spirits of addiction, I bind you right now by the authority. I command you loose them. Go from them now, right now. Right now, heaviness, weightiness, depression, lack. I break it off of you right now in the mighty name of Jesus. I pray you be healed by the power of the cross, by the stripes that went across his back. Be healed in the mighty name of Jesus. Be set free in the mighty name of Jesus. Right now, in the name of Jesus, I want you to raise your hands and just receive the Holy Ghost. Right now, I baptize you in the Holy Ghost and in fire. I release it now. Be baptized in the Holy Ghost and fire. Listen. Start to pray out loud. Start to say the name of Jesus and then start to speak out loud. And let tongues flow like a river out of your belly. May tongues flow like a river of living water. Loose their tongue right now. Loose their mind right now. Loose their emotions right now. Loose their will right now. I bind you, devil, and I command you to loose them. We're celebrating the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ. The scripture says, saints, that you are baptized into his death, burial, and resurrection. What that means is when Jesus died on the cross, you were placed in Christ. And what that means is when he went to his burial place, you were placed in him. But when he was resurrected on the third day, you came up victorious with Jesus. That means you have a new nature. How do you overcome addiction? How do you overcome sin? How do you overcome pornography? How do you overcome the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life? Through being resurrected in Christ. It means you die to that sin. You die to that behavior. You die to that old, carnal, sinful desire. And you become alive in Christ with a new unction, a new power, a new strength to serve God. Listen, if you're being touched by this, I want you to go on and email us. Let us know what God is doing in your life. I really believe God is setting people free in this day and hour. He's raising up an army so that they can go and march to the beat, to the drum of Jesus Christ. Listen, we don't want to be caught standing there when he sang a song, and he did a dance, and he played music, but we didn't hear him. We didn't understand him. We didn't get in tune with what God is doing in the earth. God is moving right now in this day and hour. Extraordinary. Let's be about our Father's business. And if you don't know God, just say, God, I surrender. Forgive me. Change me. Deliver me. Heal me. Set me free. You've got to personally act on this thing. You can't just expect a preacher or a friend or a parent or someone just to do everything, right? You've got to pray. You've got to ask for God's help. You've got to surrender your life, right? That's what happened. If you go back and check out episode one, right, that's what happened to me. I was in a prison bound, and I said, God, here I am. If you'll take my life, here I am, right? It don't matter how many bad things you've done. Nothing's bigger than the blood of Jesus. Nothing's more powerful than the cross of Calvary. Nothing's greater than the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ that you get to experience when you surrender your life and you're saved and you're born again. Listen, we all need the power of the cross. We all need the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Listen, when I got saved, I experienced forgiveness, and the presence of God washed over me. It was a presence full of joy and peace. My mind settled all the racing, and there was a calmness that came over me when I was saved. But when I got baptized in the Holy Ghost, I had the same type of experience where the presence of God washed over me. I remember having tears run down my cheek because I experienced love, and I experienced his presence, and I experienced joy. There's nothing in this world that can give you what God has for you. There's no amount of money. There's no relationship. There's no career. There's no level of success. Listen, it doesn't matter how powerful you become or how much money you've got. None of that will get you into heaven. The only way you can get into heaven is through relationship with Jesus Christ. You need a personal relationship with Christ. I had a spiritual mother who died when she was 100, but she mentored me from the age of 92 to 100. So listen, I'm just getting out of prison. I used to be this big thug, gangster, hard, all those things, right? And I didn't let nobody in, but I submitted to this older prophetess of the Lord, and she started to minister to me and pray over me and bless me and prophetically speak over me and speak into my life. Let me know that I was going to be used mightily by God. I was going to go to the nations and preach the gospel, and God saved me for such a time as this, and God was going to do a quick work in my life. Listen, I'm here to tell you, God loves you. God has a good plan for you. God, listen, even I believe right now some of you are being saved and delivered as I'm ministering and preaching this word of encouragement on Resurrection Weekend, right? You are being delivered right now. You are being healed right now. You are being changed right now because God is going to do a quick work in you. Look, he that smokes, smoke no more. Stole, stole no more. Drink, drink no more, right? He that was in pornography is not in pornography no more. Immoral, immoral no more, right? You're coming out right now. You thought you could never change. I'm telling you, God can change you. Let me say it again. You thought you could never change. You would always be an addict. You would always be bound. You would always be the underdog. Listen, God can take you from being the underdog to the top dog. God can take, listen, if he took me out the prison house and he set my feet on solid ground, and so instead of being a community destroyer, now I'm a community leader, God can change you. God can heal you. God can deliver you. My God, there's nothing impossible with my God. Listen, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, he became sin. He died at Calvary. He took on the penalty of everybody's sin and all of humanity, past, present, and future. He's laying dead in the grave. His spirit, he goes down and he conquers death, hell, and the grave. He snatches the keys from Satan. And on the third day, this is a miracle now, he resurrects in power bodily resurrection. This is the foundation of the gospel. Resurrection Sunday is not about tradition. Tradition nullifies the power of God. Resurrection Sunday is about experiencing the power of God, getting saved, born again, baptized in the Holy Ghost, walking in fire, testifying of God's goodness, being a living testament of God's power, love, and mercy so that others see you and know God is a good God and has a good plan and God can do anything. There's nothing impossible with our God. Do you believe that? Do you believe that? Listen, again, this is conviction radio. I pray the Holy Ghost is convicting you. If you've been lukewarm, it's time to get off the fence and get on fire for God. Hallelujah. Now, I don't want Jesus spewing me out of his mouth. I want to be on fire for God, so I'm used mightily in this day and hour. Come on, this is conviction radio. I say conviction radio. May you be convicted by the power of the Holy Ghost. May you be changed by the power of the Holy Ghost. May God touch you, transform you, heal you, and deliver you and move mightily in your life like never before. My God is good and he's able. And he can do exceedingly, abundantly more than you ask, think, or imagine. Look, it's resurrection. It's the weekend. I'm preaching. I'm on fire. I'm ready to go to march, to pray, to preach. I'm ready. Listen, we're ready to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. Listen, if somebody falls over dead, I just believe the power of God is on us and we're going to be able to raise them up. Right? Hallelujah. We're going to do the manifest. We're going to cast them out. We're going to pray in tongues. We're going to do what Jesus told us to do in the word of God. Hallelujah. I'm your host, Pastor Terrell Scott. This is conviction radio. You're our power and deliverance where your deliverance is at hand. We're going to take a break for these commercials, and I'll be right back with you in a moment. Hallelujah. I'm back with you now. This is Pastor Terrell Scott. This is episode two, your hour of power and deliverance where the gospel comes alive and changes everything in your life. Hallelujah. The scripture says the old man has passed away. That means he's dead. The quicker we understand that we die to our old nature and our old self and our old habits, the quicker we can experience resurrection power. But this is conviction radio. You're our power with your host, Pastor Terrell Scott. I'm excited, guys. I'm crunk right here just getting crunk up for this resurrection power. You need resurrection power in your life. There's so many scriptures that lean and press us into the understanding of the resurrection. I think of Galatians 220. It says, I am crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live, yet not I. But the life I live in this physical body, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. All repentance is the sin. God, I agree with you, and I turn from my sin, and now I reckon my sin nature, that desire to sin, I reckon it dead, and I believe I'm alive to God in Christ. What happens when we yield ourselves to Christ? We start becoming more like Christ each day through reading his word, through prayer, through spending time with God. Again, guys, I wasn't raised in the church. I'm not the third or fourth pastor in my family. I'm an ex-con. I'm an ex-drug dealer. I had my future wife robbed at gunpoint, and then she came and shared forgiveness and mercy with me. And when she shared that forgiveness and mercy with me, my life was changed. Because if this woman could forgive me, there had to be a resurrected Savior. There had to be a living God. And God started to convict me and change me, and he came in and cleaned me up and set me free. And all the things I was looking for in life, through all the other outlets, I found in Christ. I found in Christ power, control, money, women, drugs, the streets, career, sports, athletics. All those things could not compare to knowing God. When you truly experience the love of God and the forgiveness of God, and you're transformed, and you experience the power of his resurrection, you find true joy in life. God's created you to have purpose in life. There's a scripture I love in Ephesians 2.10. It says he's preordained good works for you before the foundations of the earth. What I discovered in my life was I was not living out God's plan in my early years. I was living out the plan of the enemy. And when the Lord convicted me, again, this is conviction radio. When God convicted me of my sins, and I didn't play like, okay, the scripture says this, and I'll go back into understanding conviction. It says if you lust in your heart, you've committed adultery. If you've hated someone in your heart, you've committed murder. So when I seen sin in me, and I seen the past, the things I did, and the desires I still had after I repented, I called it what it was. I realized Jesus Christ died for every sin I committed, and I didn't want to break the heart of Jesus anymore. I wanted to serve God wholeheartedly and please my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And if you want to change, you've got to call sin what it is. Rebellion is witchcraft. Stubbornness is idolatry. And lust is adultery. Hate is murder. So don't walk around offended, hurt, angry, reciting your past over and over and over again. You're caught in your past because you won't let it go. Let your past go so you can move forward. There's a bright future ahead for you. There's promise ahead for you. There is a plan that God has preordained for you. And the gospel is personal because only you will stand before God and give an account for your life. No one else, your wife, your family, your loved ones, your friend, or your foe, won't stand before God for you. It says all must die and come before the judgment. The judgment seat of Christ is the beam of seat of Christ. Those are for those that believe in God and they're born again and they're serving God. But now they've got to stand before Jesus whose eyes are like fire, hair like wool, voice like many waters. And he looks on us with eyes of fire and he burns through every strata of our soul. He looks at every area, our motives, what we do, why we do it, the motive and why we give or why we serve or why we pray or why we go to church. Or why we, like for me, you know, why do this radio station, right? Why am I on this hour of power? Listen, I want to see people saved. I want to see people delivered. I want to see people know their true identity. I want to see people living on full-blown purpose. When God touched me, the natural response of resurrection power touching your life is you want everybody else to know about it. You want everybody else to experience what you experienced. You want everybody else, listen, it's like you got the next best thing and you want everybody else to have it. You ever remember, I remember being in school and when I used to listen to gangsta rap and when certain songs would come out and they would hit. This is back in the 90s, so, you know, Master P and all that was really hot back then. And so back then, as soon as it come out, man, we wanted to be the first one to get the CD. And listen, we were bumping it everywhere we go. Come on, I found something better than the old gangsta rap I used to listen to. I found a king who loves me, adores me, forgives me, has given me plan, purpose, and destiny. And now I get to go tell everybody what God has done. Come on, will you go tell somebody what God is doing in your life through this radio station? Will you go tell somebody God convicted me. He showed me where I've been in sin. I've been blaming everybody for my problems. And as God convicted me, I turned my life over to Jesus Christ. And I'm not blaming nobody anymore. I'm going to be thankful now. I'm going to be grateful now. I'm going to have a good attitude now. Because you know what? I can't help the things I did past, but I can help what I do moving forward. If all you do is recite your past, you're going to be bound and afflicted by the decisions of your past. But here's what the blood of Jesus does. The blood of Jesus washes away your sin. The blood of Jesus washes away your past. When you ask God's forgiveness for any sin you've committed, the blood of Jesus comes in and washes away. What does that mean? When you have faith in Christ and the finished work of the cross at Calvary, you are justified by faith. What does justified mean? It means just as if you never sinned. So God doesn't hold it against you no more. Because he put that penalty on his son. That's what Easter Sunday is about. It's not just about tradition and going to church and going out to eat and having traditional activities afterwards. No. It's about meeting your Savior and living a life that pleases him. And spending time with God and getting to know, what do you want from me, God? Why did you create me? What is your desire for me? God, if you love me so much, Lord, what does that even mean? For me, guys, I came out of so much. And when God forgave me, I didn't feel like I deserved that. I didn't understand his love. I didn't understand his forgiveness. So I had to say, God, will you teach me about your love? Will you teach me about your forgiveness? Will you teach me about this resurrection? And then I didn't just pray that prayer and not do anything. I prayed that prayer. And then I got busy reading his word. I got busy writing notes. I got busy listening to other pastors and leaders. I got busy and I got focused on, what do you want to do now that you've saved me? Now that you've changed me. Now that I'm forgiven. Now that I'm starting to experience your love in my life. Because the scripture says, if you love God, you keep his commandments. But you've got to experience his love and his forgiveness so that you can pour that love back out. And so when I repented and I started to receive forgiveness for all the immorality and all the rage and all the hate and all the murder and all the gang activity, all the violence. And God started to wash away the shame, the guilt, the failure, the feeling less than and inadequate and insecure. And he started to genuinely clean me up when he started to clean me up. I just wanted to tell everybody how good he is. How much he loves them. How much he cares about them. How he wants to change them and set them free. I'm just so thankful for Jesus. Are you thankful that Jesus died for you? Are you thankful that Jesus cares about you no matter the mess you've made? And no matter how many times you've fallen into this trap of sin that all humanity has fallen into at one time or another, that Jesus still died for you? The word of God says, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. So what hit me when I was out thugging, gangbanging, running around, when I was being violent in my younger years, all those things. While I was living against God, Jesus died for me. Even before I committed the sins. I'm so thankful he would take my place. I'm so thankful he would take your place and he would die for you. He loves you deeply. If you don't hear anything else, I say, I want you to know God loves you. God loves you so much, no matter the sins you've committed, no matter the failures, no matter the betrayals, no matter the backbiting, no matter what you've done in life, right? He died for you and took your place at Calvary. Now, that love is compelling you right now by the power of the Holy Spirit to come to him. The scripture says no one can come to God unless the spirit of God draw them. And when I'm preaching the word of God and I'm teaching the truth and I'm compelling you through my testimony and through the word, and you feel conviction, you feel captivated right now by what I'm saying. God is convicting you so he can change you and deliver you. He wants you to lay your life down. He wants you to receive forgiveness right now for every sin. If you have sins that you've never confessed to God, right now would be a good time to say, God, I'm sorry for whatever it is, cheating, stealing, adultery. You know, I did so many bad things. I had to go to God and say, God, I'm sorry for those sins. Call them what they are. Don't sugarcoat it. Don't water it down. Call it exactly what it is. And as you do that, I promise you, Jesus will touch you and deliver you and he'll remove any demonic power that is holding you in bondage. He's a good God. He's a powerful God. The power of the resurrection brings full-blown deliverance. The power of the resurrection brings life and eternal life. Jesus said in the word of God that he goes and he prepares a place for us so that when we pass from this physical death, that we will pass on and have a place in heaven to live. Through the power of the resurrection, we can have eternal life. What does that mean? My spirit and my soul are going to go be with God one day. Even though this physical body will go to the ground, it will go back to the dust. My spirit and my soul is either going to go to heaven or hell. Jesus loved you so much. He died for you so that you don't ever have to go to a devil's hell. But I want to promise you, I preach internationally in different nations. I've laid hands on people and God has given them visions of hell. There are family members there. And then God took them to heaven and said, will you seek me? I have it on our YouTube channel. So I'm telling you guys, heaven is real and hell is real. But the reality about hell, there's no exits in hell. Hell has an address with no exits. It's padlocked shut and nobody has the key. You need to respond now because Jesus can unlock that and let you free from the power of hell, from the power of sin, and from that wickedness and enslavement the enemy puts people in. But you have to be willing to surrender your life. And as you surrender, don't worry about changing everything instantaneously. Just cry out to God. Say, God, I'm sorry. God, change me. God, help me. Listen, I was in an isolation cell for six months when I was in prison. I started to cry out to God. And I want to be frank with you. I was callous because I was a criminal. I was a thug. I had been doing violent crimes and all types of things, flooding the prison with drugs. And I was a kingpin drug dealer in the prison. So in that, when I'm flooding the prison with drugs, I get this moment in isolation and I'm wanting to change. I'm just sort of getting sick of the lifestyle I'm living. And I start to cry out to God. But I'm callous and nothing's moving. Nothing's changing. And so as I keep, throughout time, crying out to God, God starts to soften my heart until he sends my future wife and she ministers to me. Don't get discouraged and don't quit if you've cried out to God and you haven't experienced the kind of change I'm talking about. Cry out again. Say, God, change me. God, deliver me. God, help me. And as you start to cry out to God, God is not a man. He can't lie. God is a God of truth. God is a God of love. God will keep his word. And when we cry out, the scripture says, call on the Lord and whoever calls on the Lord shall be saved. So it's our responsibility to call on God. It's his responsibility to change us. If we confess our sins, I'll give you more support with that. 1 John 1 says this, if you confess your sins, he's faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you of all unrighteousness. What's your responsibility? Confess your sins and give your best to turn away from it. But it takes the power of God, the resurrection power of God, to break the chains so that you can break out of the power of sin. We're a slave to sin until we become a slave to Christ. And so when we start wrecking ourselves dead, we start to repent. We start to confess. We start to change our mind through renewing our mind through the word of God. When we do that, it takes the power of God to bring us out of death into life. There's only two options in this thing, either you're alive or you're dead. The only people that are truly alive are those. I'm not talking about this physical life. I'm talking about spiritual life. The only people that are truly alive are those that have made Jesus Christ Lord of their lives. And so I want to encourage you, yield yourself, make Jesus Lord of your life, and allow God to continue to come in and change and transform. Because God's no respecter of persons. If God can do it in my life, he can do it in your life. If God can change me, I deserve death, I deserve hell, I deserve to be in prison for the rest of my life, for the way I'm living. Listen, I've been out, how many years I've been out? I've been out 16 years now. I was saved 18 years ago. I've been out 16 years. Sermon God, I've been married 15 years. And we just had our anniversary this March. So thank God for mercy. God wants to change you. God is a merciful God. And he can change you, and he loves you, and he cares about you. Don't think this lie. When I was in the streets heavy, I thought this. I'm so deep now, I can't get out. Have you ever been in something where you say, man, there ain't no way out for me. I'm in so much debt, there's no way out. I'm so deep in this affair, there's no way out. I'm so deep in deception, there's no way out. Listen, hold that thought about no way out, because we're coming to another commercial break. This is Pastor Terrell, your host of your Hour and Power Conviction Radio. I know God's convicting you. But wait one second. We'll get right back to that conviction while we pause for these commercials. Hey guys, I hope you're doing well. This is your Hour of Power with Pastor Terrell Scott on Conviction Radio. I know the Holy Spirit has been dealing with some of you. He's challenging you right now. He's compelling you to change. He's convicting you of your sins. That's right where you want to be. Don't despise the conviction of God. We all need to be convicted, because we cannot change without the conviction of God. What the resurrection did for me and you, it gave access for the Spirit of God to come back on the day of Pentecost, so the Spirit of God can convict us and change us. See, Jesus rose on the third day, and then He walked, and He ministered to His disciples before He ascended from Mount Olives. When He ascended from Mount Olives, He was exalted to the right-hand side of the Father. What that was is Jesus took back the finished redemptive work He accomplished through the cross. See, He was the Lamb that was slain before the foundations of the earth. The Lamb went before the Father, and the Father said, This is my Son, in whom I'm well pleased. This sacrifice Jesus made, I'm pleased with. This redemptive, completed work He's brought back to me, I'm pleased. And so, after Jesus walked the earth 40 days, and then He ascended and was exalted to the right-hand side of the Father, now He sits at the right-hand of the Father. Listen to what He does. When you're born again, and you're praying, and you're battling an addiction, you're battling an area you're struggling, and you say, God, forgive me, and you say, God, have mercy on me, Jesus goes right before the throne of God, and He presents the nail-scarred hands. He presents the crown of thorns. He presents the body that was beaten and abused for me and you. He presents the stripes that were upon His back before the Father, and He says, Have mercy on my child. The verdict is ruled in your favor. Glory to God. Listen, you are acquitted of your sins when you ask God's mercy, when you ask God's forgiveness, when you ask God's healing, when you ask God's deliverance, when you plead the blood of Jesus. Listen, I can't tell you how many times I've been going through something, and I had to plead the blood of Jesus. I didn't know what to pray. I didn't know what to say, but I knew there was power in His blood. Listen, sometimes you've got to plead the blood before you tap into the power of the resurrection. Jesus had to go through the cross before He was resurrected from that bodily death and before He walked this earth. And then, listen, on the 40 days that He walked, then He ascended and was exalted. Ten days after that, there's Pentecost. Before Jesus ascended, He told His disciples, Go to Jerusalem. Go to the upper room and pray. For ten days, 120 people prayed together in unity. And on the tenth day, the Spirit of God came rushing in, and it was like fiery tongues that rested. It was like a mighty, rushing wind, and tongues of fire rested on the 120 in the upper room. Glory to God, I'm getting excited. May tongues of fire come and rest on you. And, listen, they started speaking in unknown languages. And as the people were traveling in for the feast, they heard in their language tongues glorifying God in the highest. And thousands of them are saved as Peter preaches the gospel. The same man that denied Christ is now standing there telling about the power of God and standing with backbone and integrity. I'm telling you, God can change anybody. Peter denied Him, and then he changes and he preaches the first sermon. And thousands of people are saved. Glory to God. The apostle Paul, he was murdering Christians. Listen, if you think you did something bad, I did something bad. Paul is killing off Christians. He's so zealous for the Jewish law, and he's a Pharisee of Pharisees. He's this Jewish murderer of Christians. But Jesus meets him on his road to Damascus. And it said there was a light that came out. And the light came and shone, and he fell off his horse. And then out of that spoke, Paul, why do you persecute me and kick against the goads? That means a sharp edge. And he came, listen, he came to Christ through a supernatural encounter. My life, I experienced a supernatural encounter in prison, and I came to Christ. When you experience supernatural encounters, God radically changes you. Those supernatural encounters in our life cannot happen without the resurrection of Christ, without the resurrection of God. Jesus Christ being resurrected from the dead, you can't be saved. You can't be healed. You can't be delivered. You can't make it to heaven. And you can't receive the Holy Spirit to come and reside in you. Because Jesus Christ died for all of humanity, his death through his blood covers our sins. And now God can come and infuse himself in our spirit, his spirit coming into our spirit and changing us and transforming us and resurrecting that part of us into his likeness. God is a powerful God who changes us through his son, Jesus Christ. I want to share a testimony. When I was younger, I struggled with lust and immorality. And when I came to God, I got married, and I loved my wife, and I was struggling. But I was continuing to pray. I wasn't giving in to those past sins. I wasn't giving in to them. But there was a battle. There was a war. And I kept on having to pray and seek. And I genuinely stood on 1 John 1.9. And we teach people, 1 John 1.9 is your beginning step. You confess your sins to God. He's faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you of all unrighteousness. So I would say, God, I don't want this anymore. I repent of this, the desire, this passion that's against you and that's against my wife. Forgive me, God, and change me. I believe your word and that you said you will cleanse me of all unrighteousness. So I'm trusting you right now, God, to cleanse me from all this unrighteousness. And I would stand on that word. And I would get breakthrough. But then when I wouldn't get full breakthrough, I would go to the next step. James 5, 16 says this. If you confess your faults one to another, you may be healed. And so I would find and went to a mentor, a trusted brother in Christ. You need to find good people to talk to. Don't just go to anybody. Just don't go praying with everybody. Don't just ask anybody to pray and stand with you. Make sure there's solid, trustworthy people that aren't going to take and share your pain and share that you're struggling with and scatter what should be brought in private and scattered abroad in public. That's ungodly. And if you do that, please don't do that. Be a safe place for people to come to so they can talk and you can pray with them and stand with them and help them in this process of life. Because, listen, life can be tough. Life is hard. And I want to remind you, go back to Episode 1 and listen to my story again. This time, this hour of power is about the underdog. It's about the person that's going through something who needs to be lifted up. And I'm here teaching today in Episode 2 about the power of the resurrection, how it lifts us out of our mess. But going back to my story, when I would go to my mentors and I would confess, I would say, I'm struggling with this. I don't want this no more. But it keeps coming up, these images, these thoughts, these temptations, this lust. And I would tell them, I would say, will you pray for me? And as soon as I would ask them to pray for me, the presence of God would come in and it would minister to me. And I would experience God's forgiveness and God's cleansing. And when God cleanses you deeply from something, it loses its power over you. This is your hour of power and deliverance. God wants to break the power of sin off your life. But you've got to agree with God. What is confession? I'm saying, God, I don't agree with the world anymore. I don't agree with my sin anymore. I don't agree with the devil anymore. I agree with you. I'm confessing that your word is true and that God, I believe you. I believe you died for me. I believe you love me. I believe you have a plan for me. And I believe this sin is preventing me from experiencing your good plan. That's what sin does. Sin is missing the market. It gets you off course so you don't experience everything God has for you. You'll get part-time breakthrough. Nobody wants part-time breakthrough. Listen, if you go work full-time, do you want part-time pay? No, nobody wants part-time breakthrough. Nobody wants just a little breakthrough. Everybody, listen, you've got a desire for full-blown breakthrough, not partial deliverance. I've heard people come to me, they're smoking cigarettes, and they say, well, I'm down to one or two. I say, well, I'm glad you're down to one or two. You ain't smoking 10 packs a day no more, wasting your money and killing yourself. But God wants to set you free from that addiction. God wants to break every chain. God wants you to throw the cigarettes away. God wants you to throw the alcohol away. God wants you to throw the pornography away. If you're in witchcraft, right, you're trying to find power in a supernatural way. So you've gotten into a cult, in the cultish realm. And you are reading books and Harry Potter and dream catchers and sorcery and incantations and spells and enchantments and all this mess. And you're reading how to move things and astral project. And you're doing all, you've gotten into this demonic realm seeking power. Repent, go throw that mess away. I know a higher power than anything a witch carries, than anything, listen, a necromancer can offer you or a soothsayer, a fortune teller. So someone can tell you what's going to happen. That's a spirit God. Demons can tell you what's going to happen in the future and all that. No, I renounce that. I break that right now off of you in Jesus name. You don't need that false power. You need the power of the Holy Ghost. God can raise you up. God can change you. God can deliver you. There's still power in the name of Jesus. That's what the resurrection is about. I didn't come to you with eloquent words, but I came to you in the power of the gospel. I came with you with supernatural power that delivers. The scripture says these signs will follow those that believe. So when you preach the word and believe, and I got testimonies on our YouTube, you can go and look and find out on our church's YouTube with Passion Life Church, where we've seen people healed, the lame walk. We've seen people delivered from demons. We've seen people go out under supernatural visions. God is still healing and delivering people by the power of the cross and the power of the resurrection. Y'all, you don't need a witch in your life. You don't need new age in your life. You don't need these foreign eastern religions and meditations. You need the power of God. You need to get delivered from that mess. Yoga and all this stuff. No, you need the power of God. How do you get delivered from that stuff? You just say, God, I renounce yoga. I renounce a fortune. If you went to a fortune teller and they read your palm or tea leaves or any of those things, just say, I renounce it right now. I renounce the fortune teller. Say their name. Forgive me, God, for going to them. And I repent of that. Lord, I believe that you rose on the third day and you're all powerful. And listen, there ain't no power like your power. I come to you, God, because you're all powerful. And you're more powerful than anything the enemy camps offer. See, Satan manifests himself like an angel. What he does is he presents himself like he's something that he's not. He's an angel of darkness. He's a fallen angel, but he manipulates people through deception, manifesting himself as an angel of light. Come on, is somebody getting some insight and revelation so that you can shut the door on the devil and kick him out so he won't keep ruling and reigning in your life so that you can live a life in Christ where you have power, authority, and dominion? You quit letting fear and anxiety control you. Say, I break that off of you right now. I break off of you witchcraft and the occult. I break off of you rebellion. I break off of you that negative, ugly, self-centered attitude where we make everything about me, right? Life ain't about me. It's about God. You want a fulfilled life? Make your life about serving God and serving others. And the scripture says in Matthew 25, it says, when you've done enough to the least of these, you've done enough to me. So one day we're going to stand before the great white throne of judgment. And they're going to be, this is the judgment where God separates the living from the dead. A group of these people will go to hell. A group of these people will go to heaven. This is separate than the beam of seat, the judgment seat of Christ. But the great white throne judgment, the judgment's going to come according to Matthew 25, according to how you treated others. Did you take care of the homeless? Did you visit the prisoner? Did you visit, listen, the orphan, the widow, the prostitute? Did you care and love for those that could not do for themselves? Did you go and minister to people that did not have the means or do not have the means or the provision to take care of themselves? They can't do anything for you. Like if you only do stuff for those that can do for you, you've missed the mark. You struck out. You're out of course with God and you're going to stand before this God I'm talking about. The Lord Jesus Christ is going to say, depart from me, you worker of iniquity. I never do you. That is the most scariest day of any man or woman's life. When you stand before God, he says, no, you're not welcomed in. You're saying, but God, I did this. But God, I went to church. But God, I didn't. No, he's going to say, no, depart from me. And you're going to say, well, God, when did I not love you? When did I not take care of you? When did I not do what you've asked me? And he's going to say, when you've done it unto the least of these, you've done it unto me. God wants you to tend to other people and care for other people. And actually your fulfillment is connected to that. Don't get pulled into the nonsense of witchcraft and the occult and all this occultism. Don't get pulled into that. There's real power in Christ. Just because the traditional church you grew up in, the denominational church you grew up in didn't have power. You ain't never seen people healed, delivered, demons cast out. There's a remnant of people right now that walk in power. There's a remnant of people right now that have really sold out to Jesus. They're not playing church. They're not fake. They're not deceptive. They're not saying one thing in front of you and doing something else behind your back. I know there's been Christian leaders and people that have fallen. I know there are people that have been caught in the trap of tradition, been caught in the trap of Easter, just showing up on the Sunday of Easter and on Christmas being a Christer. But there's real people that love Jesus and love you. And you don't have to watch what the people are doing that are in hypocrisy. Watch what the people are doing that are genuine. Watch what the people are doing that are genuinely serving God. Hallelujah. Listen, I hope this time has blessed you, encouraged you, convicted you, challenged you. And if you've got witchcraft books, throw them away. You've got drugs, throw them away. You've got alcohol, throw them away. Repent right there. Get down on your knees and say, God, forgive me. Look, I was created for you. I'm sorry for living this way. I'm going to live right and serve you from now on. Do that. Reach out. Let us know what God's doing in your life, how he's impacting you, how he's touching you, how this time and this hour is ministering to you. I believe in you. I know God loves you and has got a good plan for you. And I know you can overcome and do those things I just called you to do. Why? Because this is Conviction Radio. This is your hour of power with your host, Pastor Terrell Scott, where the spirit of God is convicting you, changing you, transforming you, and healing you. Listen, this Resurrection Sunday, go and be a walking, living witness of the resurrection power of Jesus. So everywhere you go, it's a testament that Jesus Christ has resurrected and he lives in you. The scripture says, Christ in you, the hope of glory. Glory to God. Let me pray for you, God. Lord, I lift up everyone now under the sound of my voice. I pray they would experience resurrection power, deliverance, healing, the freedom of Christ. May the power of the resurrection come now and set them free. I pray now, God, that they would hear your voice and respond to you. They would obey you, God. They would serve you wholeheartedly and serve others. They would turn from their sins, oh, God, turn from their sins. Listen, if God is still dealing with you, turn from your sins. I'm compelling you by the mercies of God. Turn from your sins. Turn from your wickedness. Turn from the enemy. Turn to God. Turn to God. Turn to God. Allow God to change you on this Resurrection Sunday. Allow God to change you on this Resurrection weekend. Allow God to change you. God's a good God who loves you, who is to die for you because he cares about everything going on in your life right now. I pray you be changed, convicted, healed, and set free in Jesus' mighty name. Hey, we'll catch up with you next weekend, next episode. You be blessed, and you have a great day. In Jesus' name.