Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
In this transcription, Pastor Rich Cagnali discusses the importance of preparing for difficult times and calms a storm using the example of Jesus in the Bible. He emphasizes the need to plant the Word of God in our hearts ahead of time and not just rely on prayer alone. The Word of God is more effective when it is in our hearts rather than just sitting in the Bible. Pastor Rich encourages listeners to study the Word of God to find success and victory in times of trouble. Hello, our listeners, it's Pastor Rich Cagnali here. I'm back with another subject that I want to share with you that I believe is going to impact your life. First, I also want to thank you for always being a faithful listener to our program, God Questions, God Answers, where we come in and answer a lot of questions that have to do with the lives of people and, of course, transform people's lives and point them to Jesus using the Word of God. Today, something I've been studying that I think is going to be a blessing to you is the subject of Cold Steps to Calming a Storm, Steps to Calming a Storm. I want to share about this because I recognize that we all go through storms. Life happens to all of us. If life is not happening to you right now, life will be happening to you very shortly. How do you survive those moments? How are you able to stay alive, not commit suicide and this and all these kind of things that a lot of people do when they go through storms? It's primarily because you've got to prepare yourself for difficult times. Man, I don't know how to communicate this, but I'm going to do the best that I can using the Word of God to point you to the Word and help you understand that, man, storms happen to all of us. They have no respect of a person. They come to the weak. They come to the strong. They come to the short, the tall, the fat, the skinny, the black, the white, you name it. Believers, unbelievers, storms come to all of us. One of the reasons why some people are able to overcome and stay afloat and thrive and survive all these storms that come in life while other people fall apart and some of them never recover from some of these things is because, man, there's a preparation process that needs to happen to be able to survive these kind of moments. But before we go through all of that, I want to emphasize this as well, that, man, you don't want to wait when the storm is knocking at your door, when trouble, when difficulty, when hardship is knocking on your door to begin to prepare, to seek your—to begin to prepare, you know, to counter and to survive these kind of storms. You have to be intentional in knowing that, man, difficult times will come, and so you have to prepare and make sure that when they come, you know, you're not in a place of panic. You've already prepared your heart, so to speak, to be able to overcome all these things. And let me say this also, the way to experience victory is by preparing for a rainy season or the drought. A lot of people wait for the drought to show up again and all these things, and then they begin to prepare their hearts, to begin to prepare for the rainy season. It's too late in many ways, and many times it's not going to work very well. You have to be ready to be able to survive and thrive in such times. But like I said, these things will come, like it or not, believe it or not, you know, these difficult times are going to come to all of us. And so I want to encourage you as we go through this to, of course, recognize that these things are going to come, but also, you know, just get your heart ready to be able to win even in the times that are difficult. So what I want to share with you today are the steps—I've called them the steps—to calming a storm, or points, whatever you want to call it, is all fine, to calming a storm. And I want to take you directly to the book of Mark, chapter 4, verses 35 to 39. That's the book of Mark, chapter 4, verses 35 through 39. The Bible says, And the same day, when the evening was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side. And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him, even as he was in the ship, and there were also with him other little ships. And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was full. And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke him, and said unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? Do you not care that we are perishing, in other words? And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Now, a lot of people, when they see this, they see how Jesus was able to do all these things, they just think, Man, he did it because he was a son of God. Well, there is a truth to that, but the real truth is not really that he did it because he was a son of God, because this same power and authority, as I will show you shortly, he has given unto us. But why is it that all of us cannot do the same? One of the reasons I believe that Jesus' heart was always in the right place, was always in tune with God, was always prepared to counter any situation that he came across that was contrary to the Word of God. But I want you to pay attention to what's going on here. First, if you back up a little bit on these verses, and you go from Mark, I believe, chapter 4, you go all the way down from verses, let's see, from verses 33, I believe, and you go down, Jesus is taking time and teaching them through the parables, and teaching them the Word of God, and all these things, this is what Jesus was doing before the evening came. The evening is what we just read there, when the evening was come, the very same day. So he was teaching them the Word of God, he was planting the Word of God in their hearts, before time, before the storm ever showed up. The first point I want to highlight here is that, man, one of the steps to overcome, or to calm any storm, any trouble, any tragedy in your life, first, you have to plant the Word of God in your heart ahead of time. A lot of people want to do it in the midst of the time, in the midst of the storm, during the storm, and all those things, I mean, it's still worth it, I mean, you try the best you can, but boy, you're better off to plant seed in your heart, to plant the Word of God in your heart ahead of time. This is before the storm began, when Jesus was teaching these guys, the disciples, the Word of God, he was helping them plant, he was planting the Word of God into their hearts. And I really believe, personally, that he knew what was going to happen, you know, shortly after that, so he prepared his disciples by giving them the Word. The number one thing you need to calm any storm is the Word of God. This Word of God, not the Bible sitting on your coffee table. No, I'm talking about the Word of God in your heart. You have to get that Word off the pages of the Bible, the written Bible, into your heart. That is the Word that will cause you and bring you victory in times that are difficult. A lot of people don't understand this, and they bring the Bible out when the devil, they hear something, walk at night, they get the Bible and they wave it in the air and scare the devil off. Some people think that stuff works. And I've heard stories where that stuff works for some people, but boy, that doesn't work very long. You have to get to a point where this Word is in your heart, you just speak it. You can't just be throwing the Bible all over the place or waving it or putting it under your pillow, telling you this is not like a magic stick or something that you just use and things just happen. The Word of God is more effective in your heart than in the written book of the Bible. I repeat, the Word of God is more effective in your heart than in the written Bible. A lot of people don't understand this because what's happening is we are lacking and we're missing out on victory and all these things because, man, the Word of God is sitting on the coffee table. It's not in our hearts. But what I want to bring out here, one of the reasons, one of the ways, one of the steps to overcome and calm a storm, and calm a trouble or tragedy, a difficult time and hardship time, is you need to plant the Word of God in your heart ahead of time. In other words, it means you have to get in the Word of God, you need to study the Word of God. This is the way you're going to win, that's the number one point, there is no way around that. You can't say, I'll wait, I'll call the pastor to pray for me, and the prayer of this faith shall save the sick. Ladies and gentlemen, what happens if the pastor doesn't answer your phone call or something, or it's not available, or nobody's around, what are you going to do? You need to take the Word of God very seriously and plant the Word of God in your heart. That's the number one step to calming a storm, is the Word of God in your heart. That's why Jesus was teaching the disciples the Word of God prior to the storm. The storm hadn't arrived yet. He was teaching them the Word of God, and I believe He knew where the storms were going to come. They were inevitable anyway, so He was giving them the Word to be able to overcome in such times. But let me say this, prayer alone may not be sufficient to get you out of trouble. Some people are just relying, I'll just pray, I'll just beg God, help me Jesus. That's tough. Listen, prayer alone may not be able to save you. You need to get to a place where you have the Word of God. Jesus wasn't just praying over these guys, He gave them the Word of God. The Word of God is the seed. Prayer, I liken prayer to water. You water the seed, prayer is what waters the Word of God, but you cannot water the ground that has no seed in it. You need the seed of the Word of God in your heart to be able to calm storms and difficult times and hardships that you are going to encounter. In other words, what I'm saying, there is no success without God's Word. For you to see success and victory, you have to have the Word of God grounded in your heart. And I believe your success and victory is going to be proportional to the Word that you have in you. The Word of God is powerful. That's why Jesus was giving it to these guys. It's more stronger, more sure than bricks and mortar. And I'm telling you, your harvest is going to be determined by the seed that you planted. There's no way around it. You have to plant seed. And again, I repeat, prayer is not seed. Prayer is not seed. It is the Word of God that is seed. And you have to plant the seed of God's Word in your heart. That's a very simple point that a lot of people are missing today. And I hope I've driven that home really well enough for you to recognize that if you're wanting to calm storms in your life and hardships and difficult times in your life, you have to acknowledge and receive and allow the Word of God to be sowed, a sown in your heart so that you're able to stand in difficult times. The number one weapon against the enemy that you have, ladies and gentlemen, is the Word of God. I hope you're really receiving what I'm really saying. It's powerful if you really think about it. There is no substitute to this. I wish I could tell you something different. I wish I could tell you something that is easier. Oh, wow. Just wave your hand and lift your hands and all your problems go away and you're able to... It doesn't work like this. There is effort in the things of the Spirit. There's effort in the things of the Lord. And there's no way around it. You can't just microwave your miracle, your breakthrough, by just calling another person. There comes a time where you need to be an adult, grow up, and be able to just use the Word of God and get results yourself. Now, by the grace of God and the goodness of God, the seasons and moments in our lives where God just reaches out to us and helps us out of those times, boy oh boy, it's not going to be like this forever. You better step up. You better get to a place where you begin to value the Word of God and begin to plant this in your heart, because I'm telling you, this is going to change your life forever. When other people are falling apart, you'll be standing. And again, I liken this to, again, to someone that has been saving money in the bank. When tragedy comes, that person goes to the bank and makes withdrawals. And the person that has not been saving, they can pray all they want. At some point, you know, you have to recognize that I need to save to be able to calm storms in my life, to be able to make a withdrawal. Many people are going to the bank and trying to make a withdrawal, but yet they never made any deposit. And I'm telling you, you kick the machine, you break the machine, but I'm telling you, it's not giving you money if you never made no deposits. I remember one time I was going through a difficult time in my life, and man, the Lord spoke to me. And the Lord said, Rich, if you hadn't been sowing and planting the Word of God in your heart, you would be destroyed. And the Lord told me, since you had been doing that, now you're living off of savings. That's the kind of terminology the Lord used. You're living off of savings. In other words, I'd been saving up the Word of God, I'd been making deposits of the Word of God in my heart when I went through some very nasty, difficult times in my life. I was able to stay afloat, I was able to stand and not die and not fall apart, not go crazy. Why? Because I planted the Word of God in my heart. I had savings to live off in the times, in the season of drought. A lot of people have no savings. If you have no savings of God's Word, and if anything were to happen, God forbid, you'll be falling apart. You don't want that to be you. But that's the first thing you have to understand, that Jesus demonstrated that you need the Word of God prior to the storm. That's why I believe he shared the Word of God with the disciples before the storm ever showed up. Let me say this also. Point number two, you need a revelation of God's love for you. Now this sounds basic too, but it's powerful. If you don't know how much God loves you, if you don't know how much Jesus is in love with you, ladies and gentlemen, you're going to have problems. It's going to be difficult for you to calm the storm, because you're going to be doubting, God, you sent this problem to me. Now what? Look, you love me. And once you begin to talk like this, you're in trouble. When you're going through a storm, you have to be sold, convinced that Jesus loves you regardless. And in that moment that you're going through, however difficult it is, God is working to get you out. God is on your side. He's not against you. He's working to, man, just redeem you out of that difficult situation. But if you don't have this, and you're not grounded in how much he loves you, ladies and gentlemen, you're in trouble. Say, prove to me how much Jesus loves me. Well, if someone is willing to die for you, rest assured that person loves you greatly, more than you could even imagine. Jesus laid down his life for you and I. How much do you want him to demonstrate? You know, that's the greatest sacrifice of love, right? The Bible says that. And so, at the end of the day, man, you have to come to a place where you recognize that Jesus loves you greatly. And so, once you have this revelation, and you're going through a storm, it's going to give you a little bit of stability. Actually, I should say, it's going to give you stability, because on this is a foundation also that allows you to stay strong in difficult moments. When I was going through some of the most difficult times in my life, I knew this deep in the inside of me, and I already said it, Lord, I don't understand. I don't know this. I don't know that. But I know this one thing. You love me so much more than the whole world. And I'm convinced, and he does, and he does love me so much. But I was convinced, and I believe during those difficult times, this really helped me. But, you know, when you go back and read this passage here, the disciples questioned Jesus's pretty much love for them. They said, Master, do you not care that we perish? You know what that says? Do you really love me? That's what they're really saying. I mean, you can spice it any way you want, or spin it any way you want, but boy, oh boy, what they're really saying here, they're questioning the love of God for them. I'm here to tell you that, man, Jesus loves you greatly. This shouldn't be this. These guys had a revelation of how much he loved them. If they were rooted and grounded in the love of God for them, they would not be asking this question. Even if they didn't know what to do, they'd have said, Lord, help us. You know? But man, do you not care? I mean, you're talking about a person that cares the most, cares for you more than you care for you. That just tells me there's a deficiency of understanding or of the revelation of the love of God for this kind of people. So you have to be, point number two, you have to be grounded in the love of God for you, and this is going to really help you greatly. And if you don't have this, you're in trouble. But backtracking a little bit also, pay attention to this. Before the disciples crossed over to the other side, the Lord told them, before the disciples got on a ship to go to the other side, the Lord told them, let us pass over to the other side. Going back to point number one a little bit here, it not only gave them the word of God that I was teaching them before, all of this, He gave them a promise and assurance that they're going over to the other side. I repeat, He said, let us pass over to the other side. He didn't say, let's pass over and drown halfway, let's pass over in the middle of the waters, we die. He didn't say that. A lot of people don't recognize these things. They don't have the word when they're going through difficult moments. I'm telling you, you need a word. When the disciples only remember this word, this alone, He said, let us pass over to the other side. He didn't say, let us go and drown. Martha is with us here in the ship, there'll be no dying. If they only held on to only this word, it would have been sufficient for them to stay strong and not fall apart during the storm that was happening. So I'm saying this to emphasize again that you need the word of God. So point number one, you need to be grounded and plant the word of God in your heart. You know, ahead of time, Jesus did this, and we see this was the key. If this guy had followed it, they'll be thriving, they'll be doing great. Point number two, you need a revelation of the love of God for you. There is no substitute to this. You need to get in the word of God and see how much God loves you. John 17, 23. Man, so many scriptures. I mean, one of the common ones, everybody knows, even the children know. John 3, 16. We take it lightly, but it's huge. It just demonstrates the love of God for us. Man, Jesus loves you to the point that he laid down his life for you. I mean, if you don't understand this, if you believe in the lies or the fake news and people telling you that, man, God is the one behind all the things you're going through, you're not going to be grounded in the love of God for you. I'm telling you, John 10, 10 reveals that Jesus is in love with you. He didn't come to steal, kill, and destroy. It's the devil. I repeat, it's the devil that came to steal, kill, and destroy. It's not God. God came to give you life and give you life more abundantly. He did not come to hurt you and do all these things. Maybe you've believed it for many years. I'm here to say, ladies and gentlemen, it is not God that is against you. Even when you've done foolishness, even when you screwed up, God is not trying to get you. Oh, God is coming after me. I did this. God, listen. If you believe that kind of stuff, you're in a very shaky ground of the revelation of the love of God for you. I'm telling you, that will hurt you. When you're going through a difficult time, when you lose a very dear one, all these kind of things that are very, very precious and all these things, you'll be falling apart. You need to get this grounded. Point number two, of course, is getting a revelation of the love of God for you. You want that. You want that. Point number three, you don't want to let your heart to be troubled. One of the things that you see stands out in this passage, Mark chapter 4, we're reading from 33, I believe, through 39. If you go there and read all that, you're going to see one thing, that Jesus never let his heart be troubled. He was in the middle of the storm, just like the disciples, but how is it and why is it that he was not troubled? There are reasons for these things. The answer can't be because he was the son of God. Come on. That's not accurate. That's not accurate. Jesus had the word of God in his heart. I can argue that. Jesus knew how much God loved him. He talked about that in the book of John 17, you can read it. He knew that the Lord loved him. Number three, he knew that this was not coming from God. God was not trying to kill Jesus in the storm. He was sending the storm something to teach Jesus a lesson. A lot of people's stuff they believe is just like straight from hell. Like, man, how? Seriously? Really? You want to believe that? Well, good luck. How's that working for you? That stuff is no good. People don't like simplicity of the gospel, like things I'm sharing. Some people struggle with these kind of things and they wonder, but I'm here to tell you, things you're hearing are so complicated. You don't even understand it. You can't even apply it to your life. You might be in trouble. You might be not listening to the right thing. But that aside, Jesus did not let his heart to be troubled. And this is one of the keys that you need when you're going through a difficult time. When you're going through a storm, you don't want to let your heart to be troubled. And Jesus did this. And we see for him, he was sleeping. Can you imagine? The man was sleeping on the pillow. The Bible says the ship was full of water. Maybe you can say he was almost floating. You know? Man sucked in water. The man was fast asleep. This wasn't saying he was asleep, awake. It says he was asleep. Some people may judge, oh, how can you sleep in, you know, awake? Can kids sleep through sleep when they've peed on the bed? And sleep through that? Jesus slept through this time, all this ship being flooded, because he was at peace. He was not worried about all this kind of stuff. He knew he was in control. He knew the situation was not going to intimidate him no matter what came. He was going to rest. And I personally believe that certain storms and difficulties that you don't even have in the beginning, you just have to sleep through them. Sleep through them. I'm telling you. But Jesus, actually the Bible says in the book of John chapter 14 verse 1, Jesus was speaking to the disciples and told them, let not your heart be troubled. Let not your heart be troubled. No matter what it is, you can come to a place where you let not your heart be troubled. But he told them how not to let their hearts be troubled. He said, ye believe in God, believe also in me. That's how you let not your heart be troubled. If the disciples were believing in Jesus, who was in the boat with them, they would not be troubled. Their hearts wouldn't have been troubled. They were troubled because they were not in faith. That's why one virgin, Matthew chapter 8, uses the word, Jesus asked them a question, why fear? You know, ye of little faith, and Jesus says they had little faith. They were not really operating in faith. And they had all this unbelief and all this kind of things. Why? Because they were not believing in Jesus. When you're not putting faith in the Lord, your heart is going to be troubled. You want to be careful when you're dealing with that, when you're in difficult times, that you let not your heart be troubled. But you just can't say, I'm not going to let my heart be troubled. No, you have to do the things we talked about above. You have to plant the Word of God in your heart. That's the foundation to not letting your heart be troubled. You have to get a revelation of how much Jesus loves you. That's another foundation to not letting your heart be troubled. And if you do not do those things, listen to me, you're going to panic. Was Jesus panicking? Of course not. He was aware, I believe, of the situation, but he was not panicking. And I have a word for somebody that is listening to this. When you're going through some difficult times and you're wondering, where is Jesus? God, you've given up on me? No, no, no. God has never given up on you. God is right in the boat where you are. If you call upon the Lord, the Lord will come to your rescue. He's right there to help you. He is in the boat of your life. No matter what you're encountering, no matter what you're going through, He wants to come to your rescue. So don't believe these lies and all these things that people are telling you that the Lord has given up on you and all this kind of stuff. Don't believe that kind of stuff. But I'm here to tell you, one of the other things, the third thing you have to ensure to be able to come in strong, ladies and gentlemen, is not to let your heart be troubled. Let me ask this question, actually. Do you really believe that Jesus didn't know what was really happening, what was going on? I believe he did. He knew. But I believe also he knew that he had equipped the disciples to be able to overcome the situation. He didn't have to be awake. He could have slept through this if the disciples knew what to do. If the disciples remembered that he told them, let us pass over to the other side. If the disciples remembered the word he was teaching them from early in the day all the way to the evening. If the disciples knew the love of God and how much Jesus loved them, they would never let them drown. He didn't tell them to go die halfway. If they knew all these things, they could have taken care of the situation. But they didn't, I believe because they didn't have the foundation of all the things we're talking about. Their hearts were troubled. If your heart is troubled, you cannot be able to overcome and defeat a storm when it comes in your life. You have to be at peace. You have to be calm. So no matter what your situation is, you can live through any situation if you let not your heart be troubled. I repeat that. You can live through any situation if you do not let your heart be troubled. So you have to work on this. I don't know what your background is. I don't know what you're going through. I don't know what's happening in your life. But I can tell you, this is true for all people. You have to make sure your heart is not troubled. When I say troubled, your heart is not at distress. Your heart is not at unrest. When your heart is unrestful, you don't have turmoil in your heart. It's not like raging seas and raging stuff and things going on inside of you that is not settling. When your heart is not settled, that's another word you can use. You have to keep your heart settled. These things don't just come by prayer. I wish they did. But hey, they don't. So you have to get in the Word of God. Point number four. Steps to calming the storm is be at peace. This is very similar to the one above. When you don't let your heart be troubled, you'll be at peace. The question asked by the disciples reveals not only that these people did not know how much Jesus loves them when they asked him, Master, do you not care that we perish? They revealed two things. One, I believe they revealed that they did not know how much he loved them, but also they revealed that these people were not at peace. You are not going to overcome a storm, to calm a storm, to calm a hardship and all these kinds of things, if you are not at peace. Let me say it this way. If you're not at peace, you cannot rebuke the storm. If you're not at peace, you cannot rebuke the storm. You have to be at peace. Your heart has to be at rest. Your heart has to be not troubled. Your heart has to be in a place of tranquility to ensure that when you rebuke the storm and all these kinds of things, there is a result, a positive result that happens. So you have to ensure that you stay at peace. Grace and peace, you need that in your heart. And I believe where there is grace, there is peace. So if you're lacking in peace, ladies and gentlemen, most likely you're lacking in grace. You lack a revelation of how much God loves you, independent of your performance. You lack a revelation of how much God loves you, independent of your self-effort. Because most people, one thing that hinders them from walking in peace is because they don't have a good revelation of the grace of God. They're trying to earn everything from God. They're trying to do everything by performance. And this is not effective. You have to get to a place where, man, you allow grace, God's unconditional love, God's goodness to just overwhelm you and just take over. And when you understand these things, you're going to begin to walk in peace. In the Bible, when grace is talked about, Paul is writing, he says, Grace and peace be multiplied unto you, grace and peace, grace and peace. These things go together, just like beans and rice. Right? These things go together, just like pork and beans. These things go together, so you can separate the two. So I'm saying this to say you want to be at peace before you try or before you recognize, before you try to overcome a storm or a difficult moment in your life. You have to be in a place of peace. This is going to give you better results. And I say this, Jesus slept through the storm primarily because he was at peace. If he wasn't at peace, there is no way he was sleeping through that storm. There's no way. He was trying to sleep through it because he was at peace. Peace on the inside. Have you ever met people that slept through something that almost killed you? And they're like, man, I was in that situation, almost died. How did you do it? You look like nothing happened. You look like you look all right. And, you know, what happened? One of the reasons is because people had peace in that moment. They slept through it. It's possible to sleep through a storm. And I like to say this for some of our beautiful listeners. Some of you need to hear this, that if you do not let the storm get on the inside of you, you can calm it. If you do not let the turmoil, the hardship get in your heart by taking away your peace, you can calm the hardship. You can calm the storm. God has equipped you. You have the ability to do exactly that. Man, I hope you're understanding what I'm saying here. Another point here that I want to bring up, a step to rebuking, the steps to calming the storm is that, man, you have to get to a place where you exercise your authority. I like to say it like this. You have to rebuke the wind and the sea. A lot of believers do not recognize, do not even know that they have authority over all these things. You have to take your authority. You have to take your authority. God has given you authority over this kind of thing. This is exactly what Jesus did. And I really believe one of the reasons a lot of people don't see victory in many parts of their lives is because they don't know the authority they have. They're waiting for some other person to come exercise it for them. They're begging God. They're pleading with God. Those things are appropriate when you're a child, but, man, you're going to grow up and you have to begin to take your authority. Jesus did not beg God to take care of the situation. Jesus did not beg God to rebuke the sea and rebuke the wind. Jesus, Jesus rebuked the wind. He did it. I didn't say, I never say it in the sea, unto the sea. But he did not speak to God about the sea. He did not speak to God about the wind. He exercised his authority and changed the entire situation. You need to know the authority you have. And when you're encountering a difficult situation and you're in the storm, you need to exercise your authority. Peace, be still. The Bible says he rebuked the wind and he said unto the sea, peace, be still. You can do this. The same Jesus that did this, if you're born again, lives on the inside of you. The same power, Ephesians chapter 1, 18 through 20, that rose Jesus Christ from the dead resides on the inside of you. You can see the same results, Jesus, so you can rebuke the wind. You can speak to the sea. And this is, you know, this could be a situation you're going through or hardship and all that kind of stuff. You can take your authority over all these things and you can see victory. The disciples didn't see that because, one, they did not know the authority they had. But we have this authority. We can take authority over these things and we can see victory in our lives. But the disciples missed out. We could be reading about them how they rebuked the wind and untold the sea to be still. But again, this is critical. This is critical. You cannot do this if you're not in a place of peace. You'll be shaking. You'll be speaking unbelief. You have to have peace in your heart before you step out to do all these things and taking authority and speaking to the wind or rebuking the wind. Amen? So hopefully this really helps you. You know, these are very basic things here that I've shared with you that I really think could help you when you're going through a storm. Believe it or not, you're either in a storm right now or you're coming out of one or you're headed right into one. This is a very timely message. Regardless of where you are, you're going to need it. So I encourage you, if you want to hear more about this teaching or you want to get the teaching audio, we can join our WhatsApp group and we can share this with you. And our guys will be happy to share it, of course, and you can listen to it as many times as you want. Boy oh boy, you want to hear these things. These things will really, really help you. These things will cause you to win in life. Number one, I said, plant the word of God in your heart. Number two, I said, get a revelation of God's love for you immediately, quickly. Number three, I said, let not your heart be troubled. John 14, verse 1. Don't let your heart be troubled. And of course, these things are progressive. When you get in the word of God and you have a revelation of the word of God, your heart will not be troubled, then you'll be at peace. And when you're at peace, then take authority and rebuke the wind. So plant the word of God in your heart. Get a revelation of how much he loves you. Let not your heart be troubled. And then be at peace. You let the peace of God rule in your heart like an umpire. You know, the Bible says that. It's believed about the book of Colossians chapter 3. Let the peace of God rule in your heart. And so, again, here we are. Then you let the peace of God. And then lastly, rebuke the wind. Rebuke the wind. You have to do it. You take the authority. God has given you this authority. You know, Luke 10, 17, Matthew 10, verses 1, Matthew 10. Verses 6 and 7 and 8. You know, God has given you supernatural authority. You have victory over all these kind of situations that we encounter in life. So, man, I hope this has been a blessing for you. And please don't hesitate to give us a call. And our numbers will be mentioned shortly after this. And we love you. And we just look forward to hearing from you. And, of course, don't forget our fellowship that happens every Saturday, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Nagasoro Primary School. We look forward to seeing you. Please bring a friend. We're going to be teaching God's Word like we do here on radio. You know, man, I really believe that as we point you to Jesus, you're going to experience so much victory than you've ever seen in your life. And, man, don't forget that, man, when I pray, you want me to pray for you. I promise you. When I pray, things happen. When I pray, things happen. Sometimes I'm scared of me too. Thank God loves me so much. When I begin to pray, all heaven stands still. Angels stop singing. And then God tells them, shh, my son is praying. Rich is praying. And boy, oh boy, do I get results. And I'd love to pray with you. Don't hesitate to reach out. By the way, I can share a story of a guy that we heard me teach on radio and called me on the financial situation that was going on. No, I didn't give him money. I prayed for him. I gave him the Word of the Lord. And, man, this man was paid. I think it was $2 million or something like that. Someone is owing him money seriously after doing a job. Listen, I really believe God has given an anointing besides teaching God's Word to pray and things happen for people. So bring them on. We believe God together. We're going to see victory happen. And we love you, and God bless you. We look forward to hearing from you. And take care.