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Ordinary Woman



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The Ordinary Woman podcast is hosted by two relatable women who discuss topics such as faith, motherhood, and building a community. They share their stories and experiences while also incorporating Bible study. One host, Taylor, is a mom of five who homeschools her children and enjoys gardening. The other host is Taylor's mom, married for 35 years with three grown children and 11 grandchildren. They moved to a smaller town in Idaho to simplify their lives and create a slower pace. They were inspired by YouTube and other podcasts to start their own and want to connect with like-minded women and share their blessings and stories. They will release podcasts, YouTube videos, and provide updates on Instagram. Okay. Hello, everybody. Hi. Welcome to our podcast called The Ordinary Woman. Or ordinary women because there's two of us. Yes. So our podcast is going to be a very all-encompassing podcast, but we're really going to be hitting on things about faith, motherhood, obviously just fellowshipping with other women that you can really relate to because we definitely feel like we can be very relatable women. I think so. And our whole point was to have something that we can have recorded as we are doing this together, a Bible study, and just sharing our stories to build a community. You know, we think it's important, especially nowadays, just to build that community of women no matter where they're at in their walk because we definitely are not somebody that are scholars in this. We're still learning as we go, which I think you'll always learn. So we want to start by introducing ourselves first. Yes. Okay. My name is Taylor. I am a mom of five children. I've been married for 12 years. I homeschool them. I love to garden, have a small little homestead, I would say. And that's pretty much me, I would say. Well, and I'm her mom. And I was married for, was? I still am. Okay. Married for 35 years, 36 I believe this year. You'll have to check me on that, Taylor. But I have three grown kids. She's my youngest, my only daughter. And I have 11 grandchildren. And we recently, I would say, well, it was the last two years ago, we moved up to a smaller northern town in Idaho. We're both from Idaho. We wanted to kind of simplify our lives and be, you know, kind of slower paced because where we are from, it just really grew with a lot of influx of people moving in. And we were looking for something that was just slower paced, really. And then we came up with this because I personally really started listening to YouTube and our podcast in about the year of 2020, and I'm sure you can all understand why. And I just have really enjoyed seeing people on there, different ones I follow that encourage me. And it's just great. And we want to build our community of people. Yeah. Of just like-minded probably women, but also I think women you can relate to. And I feel like there's always a lot to be learned in that as well, especially when you can. Share our stories, yeah. Yeah, like share our stories, what we find, the little blessings in every single day. Yeah, yeah. And so that's really what it's going to be about. You'll see us doing a podcast series probably on some Bible studying. Yeah, we'll do some of that. Plus we'll just do some where we talk and share our stories. Yeah. So we really want you to follow along on this journey with us, and it'll just be a lot of fun, I think. Yeah, I'm excited for it. So keep on the lookout for us. Yeah. We will be having a podcast out on obviously all the platforms there. We'll have a YouTube video. Also follow us on Instagram just to kind of stay up to date with when we're going to be putting our podcasting out. So stay tuned for all of that. Bye. Thank you, bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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