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SSP Season 1 Episode 3 From Porn to Purpose

SSP Season 1 Episode 3 From Porn to Purpose


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The host of the Seductively Subbed Podcast, Orchid, discusses her transition from the adult entertainment industry to living a purposeful life. She explains that she started as a sugar baby before entering the adult entertainment industry in 2022. Orchid had a stable job in healthcare management but was forced to leave after a legal issue arose. She turned to sex work to support herself and her children, starting with solo videos and eventually branching out into oral shoots. Orchid emphasizes the importance of being selective with her work partners and avoiding more intimate scenes. She also discusses the wild parties and potential dangers of the industry. Despite being offered a million-dollar deal, she turned it down to maintain her integrity. After contracting an STI during a shoot, Orchid decided to reevaluate her career and prioritize her health and well-being. She ultimately decided to leave the industry. Hi guys, and welcome to another episode of Seductively Subbed Podcast. It's your host, Orchid, and I'm back today with another topic. This episode, I think, is going to be a little bit lighter, a little bit more fun. You guys are going to understand me a little bit better and my journey. So, we're going to talk about sex. The title of this episode is called From Porn to Purpose. So, in this episode, I want to kind of go through how I transitioned from the adult entertainment industry to living a more purposeful, amazing, abundant life without being a sex worker. So, to understand my journey and how I kind of got into the adult entertainment industry, you would have to understand that before I even became an adult entertainer, I was a sugar baby, like years and years, like probably like a decade plus before that. So, yeah, just kind of having those skills that kind of like put me to the forefront of me leaping into the adult entertainment world. So, let's start from the beginning, shall we? Okay, I won't take you all the way back through like my entire life, but we can start in 2020, which is when I kind of, I mean 2022, which is when I kind of started in the adult entertainment industry. So, I had a job in healthcare management doing very well. A lot of people are probably wondering like, okay, healthcare management to porn, like why such a drastic shift? Well, in 2022, I had my job. I was good. I was secure. I was like on my way to a whole new road and world, right? Owling separating from my abusive ex until I took a plea from the stabbing and that kind of changed my whole world. So, before any of this happened, I never had a background. I never really had any run-ins with the law. I have a suspended driver's license at like 16. Oh, wow, who cares, right? So, when I took the plea, it flagged in the system, the IDPH system. So, that's like the system used really healthcare workers to, you know, see if their background is clean or not. So, it flagged for the job that I was working for at the time. And they called me into the office and they were like, oh, like is everything okay? Like they already knew about the stabbing and everything that happened and that I was like waiting to go to trial and all of those things. When I found out about it or it flagged in the system, it wasn't like an immediate, like you're fired, you're bad. It was more like, no, take the work phone home. Like, it's going to be okay. We're going to reach out to our corporate people and see what we can do to get this thing resolved. I left work that day. I did some research of my own and I found out that when things like this happen, you kind of have to let it go through the motions and wait about a year or so before you can file for this thing called a waiver. And when they called me back and they were like, unfortunately, I was like, I'm going to stop. You already know, like, it's out of your hands. There's nothing you can do. Like, I know that I have to step down and walk away from this, like, essentially today. There's no way I can keep going. So, I brought everything back. I was without a job. I still have two kids, can't be without a job with two kids. So, it shocked my world a little bit. I think I legitimately tried to find a different job. I ended up working at a jewel for like two weeks, and that was crazy in itself. I could never picture myself working at a jewel. It was wild. It was not for me, that's for sure. I'm my own person. I march to the beat of my own drums. I don't really conform well. So, I did that. And then, I kind of got in this head space of like, okay, I need fast, legitimate, heavy amounts of money. And essentially, I kind of went back to sugar babying a little bit. I wanted something that was more consistent. So then, randomly one day, I just kind of was like, okay, like, here it is. I'm going to take some money that I earned for doing a caregiver job, and I'm going to invest it in getting my hair done and revamping my look and getting a whole wardrobe. And I started out legitimately on ex-vids on my own, solo, doing solo vids and things like that, posting old vids. I had the clearance from exes to post, and I just kind of took off from there. It kind of took off for me pretty quick, and it just became a way for me to make money. I just dove in, like, and that was my full-time gig. I was always constantly looking or booking shoots. And to be very clear, I was a, I call it an oral transactionist. I was never a vaginal or anal porn girl. I knew that's where I drew the line. That was too intimate and too much for me. Like, I didn't know if this ever got out or if anybody got to it. Just for my own preference, that was the part that I just wanted to keep sacred. So, yeah, I did a lot of oral shoots. I kind of used repeat producers, repeat castmates. Even in that, because I believe that sex is a very powerful energy exchange, I think that I was more comfortable doing shoots with people who were proven to be alive, to have good energy. When you're doing porn, you're still, like, a lost soul, and you still intermingle with a lot of lost, damaged souls. But at least I wanted to be with people that I felt comfortable with and, to some degree, spiritually aligned with. Because everybody that does porn is not bad. I mean, hence me. I'm not a bad person at all. It was just part of my journey and a time frame in my life. So you always had to test, like, a vibe check. I always, like, met up with fellow castmates, like, before. We kind of, like, talked and vibed. And even at shoots, I wasn't, like, the type, like, get in, get my money, and leave. I would, like, you know, hang out, talk, vibe a little bit. One thing I will say, the shit that you see P. Diddy going through right now, like, those parties are essentially, like, extremely real, especially the higher up that you get in the industry. A lot of sex parties and wild, crazy things that happen and go on. A lot of things that you get invited to. A lot of things that you're exposed to. I just knew early on that's something I just didn't want to get myself into. So I think there are levels in porn. I definitely wasn't, like, one of the top ones. I didn't do it for long enough to be that. I actually made my exit before I, what I call, sold my soul. I was offered a million dollars on a deal, and I essentially turned it down because I knew that if I took that, I would be selling my soul, and I would be headed down a path that would not really align with who I knew I really was in life. And I think that was one of the hardest things I ever did because at the time I was into this whole, like, manifesting millions idea and to turn down a million dollars. And when you're offered that type of money, let me tell you how it goes. Like, they tell you essentially what they're going to do with your body, what they're going to do with your image, what they're going to do with your look, what doctor they're going to use to shape you up. Yes, even at the BBW, they, like, you still have body requirements and things to uphold. They tell you what videos you're going to shoot, how many people are in them, how it's going to go. They essentially, like, map out how it's going to go for you. And so I decided that wasn't for me, and that's not something I wanted to be a part of. And I think kind of after I did that, I started rethinking my decision as a whole. Like, what am I doing here? Like, what's the end game? What's the purpose? Like, how long am I going to do porn before enough is enough, or I'm tired, or something happened? So, of course, something happened. I ended up contracting an STI, thankfully one that I could get rid of. And to be very clear, like, before you do porn shoots, you're all talent tested, and your results are there, and everything's supposed to be clear and clean because you're supposed to get them, like, at least seven days in advance before you come to a shoot. So I'm thinking everything's good, but this one particular shoot that I went on, I had almost, like, a bad feeling. Like, I shouldn't be doing this. This is where I want to kind of tap out, but I'm not going to tap out because Lord knows I need the money right now. So I go do the shoot, whatever. Like, before you come to a shoot, your expectations and your outlines of what you will do and what you won't do has already been discussed. The contract's already kind of been ran over with you, and there's really no wiggle room for, like, we're going to do anything else. But at this shoot, it was like I felt like I was being pressured and pushed to, like, do a little bit more, and, like, can you show more? Can you do this? And I'm like, no. Like, very clear as to what I do and who I am. So then I have the most sensitive body in the world. I don't think too many days went by, or not even like a week went by, and I felt off, and I went to my doctor. Boom, yeah, I was positive for an STI. That kind of made me, like, reevaluate. So then I reached out to the producer, and I was just like, you know, like, I contracted this STI. He's like, oh, no, like, all our people are clean. Like, you're good. Like, just finish out the medication and then let us know when you'll be back to finish the next three films. I was like, what? Like, I think, like, the disregard for health and wellness kind of threw me off, and I was just like, I don't want this for my life. The fact that it's brushed over so much, like, oh, whatever. Like, yeah, you're good. Like, take the medicine. You're good. You'll be good to come back. Like, basically, like, the swab again and come back to work. Yeah, no, that doesn't work for me because I also had partners that I was dealing with in my private life, and at this time it was super hypersexual. I'm not going to lie. So imagine the amount of conversations I had to have and testing that needed to be done on other individuals because of this, because I'm very open and honest with that. I'll never jeopardize somebody's health, especially at the time, like, don't judge me, judge your mom. Like, I was dealing with a married man. I was dealing with someone in a relationship. Like, there were other people involved, and they needed to know about health concerns. So I let everybody know at 10 inches. Faded a little bit from the industry. Ended up coming back, like, months later, and I just felt this tug on my heart that I was just like, I don't think I'm for this. Like, I did all of it. I did OnlyFans. I was real talking on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat. My Snapchat was insane. I literally had messages after messages, like, all fucking day long, like, pic pics, anything. You can name it. I had it. I was, like, real popular. Like, my shit circulated. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty skilled in oral transactions. I knew that. So that's why it was so profitable for me. But, yeah, I did all of it. But when you do believe in a higher power and you do kind of start the journey to healing, you kind of think differently. While I was doing porn, I was also, like, in therapy and, like, trying to heal. And I remember at one point I was telling my therapist, you know, like, I love me. I love, like, doing sex work. I love all of this. Like, I'm fine with it. It's fine. I'm, like, thinking that would never change. You know, okay. The more I continued to go to therapy, the more I continued to heal myself. I just felt more convinced that every time I did a shoot or I just felt bad. Like, even having to leave my kids with the babysitter or a friend while I go do a shoot. Like, I felt bad because I had rules. Like, I wouldn't kiss my kids or I really couldn't even talk to them before the shoot because it would throw my mind off. I had to be in a whole different mindset before I went to shoot. Yeah, I kept it pretty private, pretty secret, pretty low for a while. But the more I got out and the more people started to notice, I think that bothered me too. Because I think as much as I tried to put on the tough armor, I think it did hurt me to hurt people that were, like, family members that were close. I feel like disappointing my godparents was one that really kind of helped me go on my straight and narrow. Because they're extremely Christian and believers, and they're so strong in the church, and they're so involved in something every week. And it's like at the time I was staying with them, but it was a conviction on my heart every time I walked through the door. And I just felt like my dad was just, like, so disappointed. That weighs heavy on my heart. So I knew I had to get out and stop at some point. So I think the conversation with me and Doc was kind of like, Lord, I want to do something better than this. I want to be able to help women in this industry. Because there are. There's so many, like, dark souls and dark spirits and things like that in the industry. I want to try to, like, save women from that. And Lord, if you let me get out of this and be able to get a job that I can actually make money and be okay, then I'll stop this and I'll share my story and be truthful with others and let them know where I came from to where I am and to your glory. So that's kind of what happened. I essentially stopped doing porn. I got a job working in domestic violence. But before that, I think that even the journey of, like, doing porn, it kind of opened up doors for me to get into just different channels for podcasting and being able to use my voice in that way and talk about the issues in the industry. That was pretty insightful and helpful. So, yeah, it all ended up working out, but the transitional period was rough. I'll tell you that. If you've never made fast money, you would never understand fast money. Fast money spends fast. So what do you have to do? Do whatever you did the first time on a more amped level to make more money. It's the same for, like, addicts chasing a high. It's the same for drug dealers who sell ample amounts of drugs. It's a crazy intense high. Like, when you wake up and you just hear dings and chimes and coins dropping in your phone, like, you become almost, like, addicted to that. So to literally cut it off, cold turkey, and not have that, and now you have men who were, like, genuine followers of yours being like, hey, like, what's up? Like, are you still selling tics? Are you still doing this? Are you still whatever? And you're just like, no. Like, it's really a crazy transitional time because it's like reinventing yourself entirely. And, yes, you have a separate identity. I'll say I feel like I wasn't. Like, who I was in porn is not who I am as a human being, but it's like a death of a being, a sense of being in that world, in that industry. Yeah, it's a crazy transition. And, like, my journey with it is how I'm able to help women today who are sex workers, sex trafficked, sexual assault survivors, and just thrive in that aspect. And I thank God for my journey and my time in porn. I think it changed me for the better. I think that your words are powerful and can manifest things. And I feel like before, when I was in that sexless marriage, I kind of manifested my way into it. As crazy as it sounds, it's very true. I remember my friend asked me, she was like, what would you do if you had no qualms in the world and you wanted to do whatever you wanted to do? And I had said I would do porn. Like, and I think I said that at a time when I was just in a sexless marriage. I wasn't happy. I wasn't having sex. I wasn't fulfilled. And I think I said it, and ultimately, two years later, it happened. Yeah, I'm glad it happened. I'm glad I got through it. I'm glad I'm able to help others get through it. And it served its purpose, essentially. It got me through a pretty difficult, dark financial time. It was very lucrative. It gave me a story to tell. It opened me up to different platforms. It opened up relationships with celebrities. And one thing I will say to you ladies who are so thirsty to get to these celebrity guys, like not to bash anybody, but celebrity dick is the same as regular dick, to be honest. It's the character that you want to look out for. It's the individual. So why you're so, like, hellbent on you want to fuck a celebrity guy or a basketball player or any of these guys you see on Instagram, TikTok, or whatever, they're just regular men. You want to know the character of that man and who he is because it's really not hard to get invited into something or to be backstage with something or to get blown out. Like, it's really not that difficult. You want to make sure the character of the individual is great. In my experience, personally, I met some amazing people. I really didn't have any negative experiences. I never share names. I never really talk about anything, so you will never see me. I don't think I'm in any pictures with any celebrities that I've dealt with, but you won't see me, like, flossing it. Like, it's not a flex to me. If I was ever in the company of a celebrity, it was more so, like, I enjoyed their character and, like, who they were as a person, and we talked at a more deeper level. It wasn't just that because I think doing porn attracted a lot of celebrity guys to me, but then when they saw that I was, like, a real person with an actual, like, humble and amazing spirit and heart, they were kind of like, I'm not going to lie, some of them were like, no, I can't even, like, dog you out like that. Like, I'd rather be cool with you because you're a beautiful spirit. I've gotten that, and it's led me to some great friendships, so I thank God for the entire journey. I'm still real open and honest and real about it. I mean, even on Instagram, I left my photos up. I've left things up in different places because one thing I won't allow is for my podcast to grow and then me on different platforms to grow, and I'm not being 110% honest sharing all of my story and all of what I've been through. So I'm very real in leaving that up and acknowledging that it was a chapter in my life. I know there's still videos available for purchase that include me. I'm not upset about it. I know what I signed for. I circulated on still one of the biggest porn sites, and I'm not upset about it. I know what I signed up for. I know that when you engage in something like that, that's for life, and there's really no erase button that you put to it. There's really no legal protection. I mean, there's some if you want to get technical, but there's really no legal protection with the porn industry. So you kind of tap it up to what it is. You use your experience for the greater good, and if you get out here and you get on a mission, you serve the world, and that's what I chose to do, be on a mission to help women conquer this. Because it is a beast. It is a demon that you have to deal with. And even for me, I'm a super hypersexual individual, and even with not being attached to the porn world, it's still a daily struggle that I have to address and deal with and be honest with myself with and not put myself into situations where I'll fall short. I have an amazing man now who he knows who I am and essentially, like, where I come from and what has happened, and he's chose to love me anyway and to realize that that was a chapter in my life that's attached to a lot of trauma, and he doesn't judge me for it. So there is life after porn. There's life through porn. It all comes full circle. I even dated while I was doing porn. I would not recommend zero out of ten, but I did it the wrong way. I lied. I wasn't honest. I essentially had to come clean when I found out that one of the producers of the video that I had just shot was one of his favorite producers. So I had no choice but to come clean because he would have found it out anyway because he watched it pretty regularly. So I think that from porn to purpose is one of my greatest sleep, and I don't regret anything at all. It was a chapter in my life. It was a story. It was a part of my life. It was part of my journey. The chapter's been closed. There's no wiggle room there anymore, and I'm honest about it, and I'm real, and I'm open. So I thank you for listening. I thank you for allowing me to take you through just a snippet of my journey. You guys will hear me talk more about it on various platforms and various things. So there's so much more to my story that has to be written. I know that for sure. So thanks for tuning in, and I will see you on the next episode. Make sure that if you loved what you heard today and you want to hear more and you want to hear more stories from me and eventually guests and friends that I'm going to bring on, that you make sure you tap in. Tune in, like, share, subscribe to all these seductively side podcasts. We're on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Spotify, and I am committed to working to getting onto other platforms where you get your favorite podcasts. So stay tuned for that. Everything's a learning process, a learning curve. I've never been on this end of it, editing and doing everything on my own, so bear with me. Just make sure you stay tuned in and that you remember to say everything that you have to say seductively. That way they might actually listen to you then.

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