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cover of Day One The 7th Extinction_ You Are Here (Revised 05312024)
Day One The 7th Extinction_ You Are Here (Revised 05312024)

Day One The 7th Extinction_ You Are Here (Revised 05312024)

Nzingha Dalila



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The transcription discusses the concept of mass extinctions and how the planet has already experienced five in the past. It explains the causes and effects of each extinction event and highlights the current sixth mass extinction that is happening due to human activities such as global warming. The transcription also mentions the potential for a seventh mass extinction in the future, which could be caused by things like famine, wars, and genetically engineered viruses. It mentions Elon Musk's idea of merging with artificial intelligence and colonizing Mars as a potential solution. The transcription emphasizes the role of the wealthy elite in controlling the systems that are leading to the demise of life on Earth. Path of the Gentle Warrior by Nzinga Dalila Narrated by Nzinga Dalila A free bird leaps on the back of the wind And floats downstream till the current ends And dips his wing in the orange sun's rays And dares to claim the sky But a bird that stalks down his narrow cage Can seldom see through his bars of rage His wings are clipped and his feet are tied So he opens his throat to sing From I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou If we must die, let it not be like hogs Hunted and pinned in an inglorious spot While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs Making their mock at our cursed lot If we must die, oh let us nobly die So that our precious blood may not be shed in vain Then even the monsters we defy Shall be constrained to honor us though dead Oh kinsmen, we must meet the common foe Though far outnumbered, let us show us brave And for their thousand blows, deal one death blow What though before us lies the open grave? Like men, we'll face the murderous cowardly pack Pressed to the wall, dying but fighting back If we must die by Claude McKay K1 The Seventh Extinction You Are Here Brothers and sisters, we are currently facing the potential for the end of all life as we know it. The planet has already survived five mass extinctions. A mass extinction is an event where a large number of species, within a relatively short period of time, have died away. That has happened on this planet already five times. All life on this planet is what we call carbon-based species. And that's not really significant to understand or to know about, except to understand that All life, in some form or another, needs air, water, earth, other animals, depending on the particular species, but we need these things to live. And because of different geological, atmospheric, celestial, cosmic events, we have experienced five mass extinctions. Four hundred and forty-four million years ago, about 86% of all species were lost. Animals called grapholites were sea creatures. Now their demise was probably caused by a short, severe ice age that lowered sea levels. And the newly exposed silicate rock sucked all of the CO2 out of the atmosphere, chilling the entire planet. And that's what happened four hundred and forty-four million years ago to the grapholites. Three hundred and seventy-five million years ago, about 75% of all life was lost. And that was because we scientists have been able to identify that species called trilobites. They were the most diverse and abundant animals on the planet. But their great success was helped by their spiky armor and multifaceted eyes. So that was discovered in geological remains. And they survived the first great extinction that had occurred four hundred and forty-four million years ago, but were nearly wiped out in the second one. The likely culprit of their demise was the newly evolved land plants whose deep roots stirred up the earth, releasing the nutrients into the ocean. And it's thought to have triggered algae blooms, which sucked the oxygen out of the water, suffocating the trilobites. Two hundred and fifty-one million years ago, known as the Permian Period, was what scientists call the Great Dying. It was called the Great Dying because it was by far the worst extinction event ever. It nearly ended life on earth when ninety-six percent of all species were lost, ninety-six percent. These tabulate corals were lost due to what's called a perfect storm of natural catastrophes. The cataclysmic eruption near Siberia blasted CO2 into the atmosphere. And then these things called methanogenic bacteria responded to this blast of CO2 by belching out methane gas. And methane gas is a potent greenhouse gas. Remember that. Methane gas is so potent, it's like thousands of times more poisonous than CO2. And this combination creates these global temperatures that surged while oceans acidified and stagnated. And when these global temperatures caused the acidification of the oceans, the stagnation of life, all of that life belched poisonous hydrogen sulfide into the atmosphere. Hydrogen sulfide. That was the Great Dying. Two hundred million years ago, eighty percent of species were lost. And there was this animal called a jawless eel-like vertebrae named the conodont. And it boasted a remarkable set of teeth lining its mouth and throat, and were one of the first structures built from a carbon-rich mineral that remains a key component to our own bones and teeth today. Now there's no clear cause for what caused this extinction. However, 66 million years ago, 76% of all species were lost at the end of the Cretaceous period. Now the Cretaceous period is when dinosaurs ruled the land. But the oceans belonged to what are called the ammonites. And volcanic activity and climate change had already placed the ammonites under stress. And then an asteroid impact ended the dinosaurs' reign and provided the final blow during this period. So when we often think about dinosaurs and dinosaurs becoming extinct during the Cretaceous period, but there were also ammonites. And we forget about those and how they became extinct because of the global warming. And then there were the asteroids. So that was that period, and that was about 66 million years ago. Now from the ammonite species, there were evolved a few minor species that still survive today. We can still see these animals surviving as their relatives called the Nautilus. But we're not sure how much longer they'll survive. We're not sure how much longer a lot of life is going to survive, brothers and sisters. You see, we're now experiencing global warming. Global warming may drive a quarter of land animals and plants to the edge of extinction by 2050. I know that sounds fantastical. And I'll explain some more in depth about how fast this is happening, even though we've known it's been happening and coming for a long time. But by 2050, this has been predicted by numerous international studies. The worst case scenario is that between a third to a half of land animals and plant species will face extermination. The predictions come from extinction models, that's when people studying how over time repeated patterns showing from combinations of global and geographical events, how things are going to potentially happen. So they created these models. We have models all the time that we use now to make predictions of economic forecasts. And, you know, if we have certain models, we apply to our own exercise programs to predict if we do certain things for a certain period of time consistently under certain conditions, eating certain foods, what's going to happen to our body. We all use models to make predictions, and there are lots of models that have been showing and verifying this potential that we're experiencing now. Scientists identify that the planet is experiencing a sixth extinction event now, right now. Paleontologist, famous paleontologist, Niles Eldridge, sees that human-caused activities are driving today's species toward extinction at a rate equal to or surpassing that of any of the previous prehistoric extinctions that I mentioned thus far. So it's not volcanic eruptions, it's not asteroids, it's what human beings are doing. Scientists are meeting all over the world to discuss what's called existential risks. What's the permanent, large, negative consequences of humanity which can never be undone? That's what's called by existential risk. What can, what are the risks that could potentially cause the end of all life? And they're talking about how we can prepare for this event or these events. Renowned theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking, before his death, warned that a human-designed doomsday virus could destroy mankind before the end of the millennium. Given the current accelerated rate of species extinctions and global warming, experts anticipate a series of activities that may occur within a relatively short period of time. These things are events such as famine, flooding, wars for resources. Pay attention to the wars that you hear about happening in the news. They're always for resources. A series of genetically engineered doomsday viruses, that's what they said. That's what the scientists are predicting, a series of genetically engineered doomsday viruses before the end of this extinction period could very likely contribute to our extinction, thus resulting in the seventh and final extinction period. So right now, we're in the sixth mass extinction where it's predicted that between 75 to 50 percent of all life will be extinguished by 2050. But after that, oh, it's not over, folks. Now we're talking about entering the potential of a seventh mass extinction with all of those things, famine, flooding, wars, genetically engineered viruses, those things are yet to come. How are we going to respond to all of this? Well, I'm very optimistic. I have some really good news, but that's going to be later down the road when I share those ideas. But right now, I want to share with you some of the conversations that are occurring today. Entrepreneur and inventor Elon Musk, for instance, he says that the future of humanity is to merge with artificial intelligence or AI, thus becoming like Star Wars cyborg creatures or something. Musk is currently in the process of developing what's called neuro lace or this wireless connections that are surgically implanted under the skull that can directly link a person into a supercomputer. And you know, he's also building rockets to Mars. The wealthy corporate elite, they're in control of systems that are leading all life to its demise. The global corporate military congressional complex, all of these things working together. It's like a snake eating its own tail. The wealthy 1% is preparing to use science to create new bodies, new artificial bodies, and then colonize themselves on Mars. I am not making this up, and I don't say anything by just hyperbole. But what does this AI, Android, space people, what has that got to do with us? What does it mean to be human? Can humanity be saved? Or are we destined to live on a planet that can no longer sustain human life while the elite rule over us as slaves in their robotic bodies from a distant world? That's not the kind of future I see for us. Pay attention, brothers and sisters. While Earth is dying and this civilization is falling all around us, make no mistake, we're being distracted by the media and the education system that keeps most of us fighting against each other over issues that are not real and are not relevant to our continued existence as inhabitants on this small, beautiful blue planet. Don't get distracted. Earth is an incredible, complex, awe-inspiring, dynamic miracle in the universe. All life is energetically connected and works synergistically for the highest good of us all. Illness, violence, poverty, stress, and dissatisfaction with life, these are symptoms of our disconnection with the Earth and with all life that has been designed to support us by a higher consciousness. Our extinction would be the final result of this disconnection from our own relationship with the planet and with our higher selves. Oh my goodness, brothers and sisters, the idea that the only way of saving humanity lies in science is to continue the same spiritually disconnected thinking that got us to this place. The survival of the planet and humanity of all species will require each of us to fight, to fight for life through reconnection with all things. This requires embracing our higher selves. This will lead us to evolving from just Homo sapiens to a higher being, not transplanting our brains or our bodies into artificial instruments, but transcending to what I call Homo noeticus. Homo noeticus is becoming the humans who connect, who know this connection to all things. We just live it. We understand it. We breathe it. We feel it. We feel the connection with all Earth the same way we feel a connection with our babies. When we know something happens to our children far away, or we're thinking about something, someone that pops up in our mind, and then we get a phone call, that's because we're spiritually connected to them. When we become and transcend through this loving connection with all things, we become Homo noeticus. We just know that we know. We know who we are. This will be a long and difficult path, but the destination is well worth the journey. I invite you, brothers and sisters, to step onto the path of the gentle warrior. Ask yourself, when you dream about your life or your children's life in the year 2050, what does it look like? I bet you've never asked yourself, what would it be like to live your life fully free from any obstacles to being mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy and whole? Can you imagine being free? What fears, concerns, or obstacles get in the way of you living your life in a way that could change the world right now? I hope that you will continue to join me on this path. I look forward to meeting you along the way. For more thought-provoking information, please check out the video, All Life is Connected. Brothers and sisters, I hope that you will like, subscribe, and share this message with others. And I'll see you down the road. Peace.

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