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Blits game team Q&A session

Blits game team Q&A session




Blits game team hosts a Q&A session on 25/10/2024 at 9:00 AM Saturday, Eastern Time (ET). This audio was recorded yesterday and it is unofficial audio from my recording for archival reasons.


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---AUTO GENERATE TRANSCRIPT--- The team is a real company, legally incorporated in the US. They work remotely using Discord for communication and Dropbox for file sharing. They have a large international team and do not have a physical office. There it goes. It's back now. What happened? I have no idea. Are we good? Apparently nobody could hear our voices either. Hello everyone. We're good now, but yeah. Justin broke everybody. He silenced him, and so he silenced everybody else. Everyone put Justin down to 10%. I'm sorry. If I mute it like this, does it mute for everybody else, or not really? I don't think so. I don't think it muted for everybody. Whoever did that did mute it for everybody. It's fine, yeah. I guess we're going to do it without the music, because otherwise we're going to all be deafening people as they join. Okay. I guess we can start. Everybody good? Everybody okay for starting? Okay. Hello everybody. Thank you for joining us for our, technically I think this is officially our second ever Q&A, but we actually did one way back forever ago when Camp Buddy first released, so thanks in history. Thank you for joining us for our Q&A session. We are the Blitz team, quite a few of us. This is a large number of our members. We do have a bunch of other members, but they may or may not have been able to join today just based on their schedules and what not too. We're going to be here. We have collected a bunch of questions from all of you on Google Forms that we had submitted a couple weeks ago. We've received questions. We've added We have gone through and filtered some of the questions. We know some of the questions, if you don't see your question on here, it's because we grouped it with a larger category of questions or we spent some time just going through and deciding, well, we probably can't answer that one anyway because it might be something that's a little bit too spoilery for our future development and what not. That's going to be the format we're going for here. Additionally, if you do have any questions that you think of during the stream, either that's not answered or a question that we answer provides you with another question, we are going to do our best to answer those at the end of the stream after we're done with the existing questions. Please save your questions for the end when we give a chance for that to happen. With that being said, I guess what we can do first is we will go through the team and give everybody a quick introduction of who we are and who everybody is that's here. To start off, I'm Jay. I'm one of the core members of the Blitz team. I do a lot of the writing and administrative tasks as well as a lot of the general management and stuff like that. I guess I'm more of an all-around person at Blitz at this point. That's me. I guess I'll let somebody else say who they are. You guys probably know who I am already. I've been streaming a lot and I've been doing a lot. I'm Mikko, or Mikko Kud, if you guys are familiar with my Twitter. I don't think I don't need any introductions because I've already been here quite a lot and I've already streamed and interacted with you guys quite a lot already. Nice to meet you guys. I'll leave the other time for the other people to introduce themselves. Hi, guys. I'm Zael, or Zael, however you guys want to pronounce it. I'm the current project lead for Job Studio and also one of the founding members of the Blitz team. I mostly draw, but recently, due to my involvement in Job Studio, I am all over the place in the project. Sometimes I also stream here, so a lot of you guys already know me. I'll pass it to Magnus. Hi, everybody. My name is Magnus, although people are going to adopt me and call me Eric, so if you hear that, they're referring to me. I pretty much do the stuff at Blitz that nobody else wants to do. I do the legal work, the business work, so things like making sure we have legal entities for the company, that sort of thing. I also do some technology stuff with the website and also some of the business decisions, stuff like how to run the Kickstarter and physical merchandise as well. I'll be hopping in to answer some questions about some of that stuff today. I'll turn it over to Magia now. Hi. Some people here already know me. I'm Magia, for those who don't. I'm one of the Blitz artists, so I draw some of the lovely porn that you see. And that's pretty much it. I really have nothing really to say. Who should I pass it to? Let's pass it to Zemmix. I don't know if Zemmix is open to discuss, though. Yes. Hi, everyone. I'm Zemmix. I'm currently one of the producers for Job Studio. I actually started back then only as an animator with CanBuddy type of touch. After animation, I took care of some of the programming. Right now, I'm also taking care of managing the background buttons. Right now, it's mostly animation basically. But yes, BGM and animation are usually what I take care of. Time to go up next. I'll go. Hello. I'm Jay Day. If you don't want to confuse me with Jay, I run a social media and I promote the brand whenever I can to make money. Anyone else, feel free. I don't know if anyone else wants to speak, though. If you do not want to speak, you do not have to. Anybody else that's here, just FYI. It's just if you want to. I will be taking notes that you did not speak during the meeting. If anybody else doesn't actually want to, I can just give a quick rundown of the other folks that are here. But I will pause for just a moment to see if anybody else wants to say anything. I guess I can. Hi, everybody. I'm StikMek. I guess that's the second time you guys hear my voice on this server. I'm a developer on DropStudio. I guess you could say lead developer at this point. And yeah, if you have any questions about the nerdy stuff about the game, I guess I can answer most of them. If anybody else wants to speak. Mike Mann. If you guys don't want to, please don't feel pressured to. It's totally okay. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. Hi, guys. Mike Mann here. I'm a 3D artist and software developer. Sorry, programmer. But more recently, I'm just a 3D artist mostly. My job is to take the concepts given to me from Zelle and Zemmix and turn that into a 3D model, which is then drawn over by the artists. Okay. So I will let everybody else Everybody else can stay quiet. That's totally fine. So I'll just give a quick introduction for the remainder of the folks that are here. So we have Zelle here as well. Zelle is one of our team's animators, currently working on the various different sex scene animations that you guys see throughout the game. We also have Nuit here, who is one of our customer service representatives, as well as an overall helper for the team. And we also have, of course, our Discord moderators here that are doing the job of policing all of you and making sure everybody behaves. I see that we have Zelle and Duncan are both here right now. So thanks, guys. Thanks for helping. So anyway, with all that, with our introductions done, I guess what we can do is we can go ahead and get started. So first of all, we do have some interspersed Zeldoodles throughout the thing to keep everybody entertained, so welcome to the stream. Appropriate welcome for the style of things that we're doing. Like we said, we're going to be going through a bunch of different questions, and the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to go through some of the Blitz-specific questions, ones that we found that are kind of pertaining to the whole company and what generic things we have rather than about specific games and whatnot. With that being said, what I'm going to do is I'm going to read the questions as well as the person who submitted them, and if somebody is the one that I can definitely tell at least to answer this question, I will call out for them to answer. Otherwise, I might give the opportunity for our team members here to do a little hand-raised emoji here so that we can give them time to speak as well if it's more of a generic question. So yeah, so that's how it's going to work. So let's go to the first question. So first question is from Roddy or Rody, I'm not sure which one. Sorry if I pronounce wrong. Are you guys like a whole company? Like do you have a place where you all develop your games or is this like a Zoom call type of company where you all call each other and update what's been done on the game? So for part of the answer of this question, I am going to actually let, I'm going to call out Magnus directly and let him kind of answer the are we a real company thing. Yeah. So if you're asking like legally speaking, are we a company, yes. We actually went through this ordeal a few years ago of making sure we're actually incorporated in the U.S. as a legal entity. We were having some troubles beforehand in terms of signing up with different services that required you to have all this paperwork and that sort of thing. So yes, we did actually go through and incorporate as a real company. That being said, I'll turn it back over to Jay because I know he's going to want to talk about the rest of the question, which is do we have a place where we all develop the games? I'd say 99% of our work gets done on Discord. So I'll let some of the other team members talk about that. We don't technically have a place that we all come by or go to work like office style, like go commute there or meet up there. We usually just use Discord for communication and Dropbox for storage. Yeah, I'm kind of getting a little bit ahead of myself with another question that we're going to go to a little while from now. As I think a lot of you know, we are a very international-based team and we have a lot of different people from different parts of the world that are part of our work and stuff. So having a central office is unfortunately something that we can't really do practically. So yeah, we most of the time do our work. As Mika said, we communicate with each other via Dropbox. We have a couple servers set up. And we also have a Discord server, not Dropbox. And then we have Dropbox which we use to go back and forth with our files and whatnot. And also, we have a physical office here in the Philippines, but it's mostly used by accountants because they do need the space. But most of us work remotely using our own devices. But we also do have our physical location at the company which is in, interestingly, Cumming, Georgia. A real place. So, yeah. Yes, we legally incorporated Cumming, Georgia because it was funny. I'm not joking about that. That's legally where we're at. That is actually 100% the reason for it. No reason beyond. It's funny. Okay, so next question. We have another question from Alex in the Closet which is, what is your motivation to create the great works that you do? How do you feel knowing that you're helping so many LGBT youth embrace their identity? I will let Miko answer this one. Honestly, I'm going to talk about the Camp Buddy one because that's where I started. At first, Camp Buddy was not supposed to be as big of a game as it was. It was just supposed to be like a point-and-click kind of game back then. That was the initial idea of it. But when we saw how people were interested in our first visual novel, which was Batchikoi, that was my first first, I kind of sticked to using that kind of format on the next game. Since I was already in the process of creating Camp Buddy, I kind of wanted, I kind of transformed it into that, basically. I guess that's the inspiration around it. I technically can't say that I have specific inspiration on Camp Buddy because I actually didn't play a lot of film dating games back then. It was just pure... It's a little funny to admit, but the majority of the team actually hasn't played very much in terms of sim dating. It's actually something that Zales scolds us for quite a bit, actually. Just to add to the answer, one thing that Miko and I have worked on in the past when we started with our previous group, we noticed that a lot of the genre in BL a decade ago was often dark and has subjects that are not quite friendly and heartwarming. We wanted to change that. It is as if that when we were in our forming stages of our identity or we wanted... Camp Buddy was an example of something we wish we had when we were discovering that side of us. In relation to LGBT media, we wanted to put something out there that's positive while still being able to catch everybody's attention and staying true to what we know we can do best, which is BL. We're generally just pervy. We all come from different fields, but we do believe you guys can also read this on the vision on our website. We believe we can reach out to people that are similar to us with the works that we do. That's why it's essential usually in most of our projects here in Blitz to include a story that would be relatable to the gay experience. I think that pretty much sums it up. For the next question, we have from SuperSillySill. Is there a possibility for a behind-the-scenes of the producing process for the upcoming Jock Studio game or maybe a meet-the-team? I have good news. That's this. I'll just give a quick answer to this one. Basically, as far as behind-the-scenes looks as to our development process and stuff like that, I can tell you guys honestly that whenever we do produce development updates every month where we're telling you guys what we've been working on and stuff like that, that is really a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes of what we're doing. We're making sure that you guys are constantly updated with where we're at in the progress, what has been accomplished each month, and so you guys also get to see the development sneak peeks of where things are going. On top of that as well, we're doing this Q&A now so that you guys can have an opportunity to meet us and have a conversation about some of the stuff that we're working on. If all goes well and everything goes as planned, then we may do more of these in the future again to answer more of your questions as well as give other members of the team the opportunity who may not be able to attend today to join and be a part of it. Also another way to find out how we work on things behind the scenes are through the art books that we put up. We usually are very transparent in those. We put how we came up with our ideas. We cannot confirm that we can do that right away for JockStudio, but it's always a part of our plan. It's not a confirmation, but that is our best way of showing to you guys how the process is. Like Jay said, the monthly web updates, we show their stuff that we are ready to show without trying to spoil too much and letting you guys really understand how difficult and complicated and time consuming everything is behind the scenes. That is our best attempt to show you guys the process. Jake? I think that was a quick one, so let's go to our next question. It's from Red Panda Wish. Did any of you know Yowie was an untapped market when you started it or was it purely enjoyment that you started working on BL games? What I'm going to do for this one is I'm going to give a quick answer for myself and I'm going to let anybody else who wants to give an answer here. The second part of the question as to was it purely for enjoyment that you started working on BL games? Yes, absolutely. I know for myself I was literally just a member of Nico and Zayle's Patreon. When I joined their Patreon, I was just enjoying the content and whatnot and at one point or another I saw in a dev update that they needed help with programming and I was like, you know, I can kind of program. Let me send them a message and see what happens. It was really just a matter of I just wanted to do it. I just wanted to be a part of it. That's really all it was for me. It's actually funny because, fun fact, that Jay is actually my very first patron in Patreon. He was the first ever person who donated money for my Patreon. It's mind-blowing for me to think about that and, you know, this guy is still here. Yeah, literally like six years later. I wanted to answer the question too. We know that BL is not much of a fat market internationally. It's an entire culture, especially in Japan, but in the Western world there's not much to consume in anime style. So that's where we kind of started. I can speak for myself that I was previously a comic artist but it wasn't BL. I saw the potential from working with BL because there's just much more people. It's much more personal of a cause because it's an experience that I can... that I lived, so it was easier to know what the people are interested in. I also noticed back then that BL was originally created by women and consumed also by women. So for people like me who is a man, a gay man, it's still different when a content is made by someone who may have had that experience. So that was another reason to start working for BL. A greater purpose is what I can say. And it is really also for enjoyment. As you guys might notice, we put in a lot and we put in the quality first because we have seen that there's not much out there for everybody to consume. We encourage that there would be more so that all of us can have more media to consume. That is also in this fun anime style. Yeah, anybody else want to give a little bit of a why did you want to start working? I can just quickly throw in there that I was also part of the fan to staff pipeline here. Actually, when I first joined the company I was trying not to join the company. Yeah, back in 2020 I think is when I joined. At the time, I was just a fan. I actually joined the Discord because when Camp Buddy first came out there was an audio glitch and I just wanted to ask how long it would take to get that fixed before I played the game. And eventually I ended up becoming friends with Nico and Zale and we started playing games like Final Fantasy 14 together in Dead by Daylight and at one point I noticed that, I worked in technology at the time and I noticed that some of the things that they were doing were costing them probably like ten times as much as they should. And so I kind of offered to help out from time to time. And then eventually it just worked out that I ended up joining the team. And yes, I actually did used to be a Discord moderator here as well. Alright, Jay? Anybody else want to go or are we all good? I can list my thing real quick. Sure. Typically, as a typical fan to staff, I applied for me. I was a fan for like years at this point. And I was actually about to head to animation school because I wanted to be a professional. I wanted to tell stories. That's my main thing. And when I was going to send my application to animation school, that's when they opened applications for books artists. And so I was like, well, you know, I kind of should throw my hat in there and well, it kind of worked out the way it did. And I feel like also working here gives me much more creative freedom than working in a studio would, if you guys know what I mean. You know, I can just do all the I want here. So this worked out great for me. Yeah, exactly. So cool. All right. So let's move to our next one. So from Faytale, looking back, is there anything you would have done differently with Blitz games? You know, I guess like, you know, from from my perspective, I don't think that there's a ton really that I would say we should have done differently. I mean, we could have. I mean, hindsight's always 2020 right. We could have done some other things like, you know, the example that Eric is actually saying right there about, you know, our costs up front for some things. You know, there's some things that as we learned, we probably could have done better through time. But, you know, you know, you live and learn as things go. So I wouldn't say that there's necessarily anything I would have really done very differently, you know, from start to where we are now. But I will let anybody else who wants to give any advice of what we should have done differently. Everybody I definitely would love to like looking back on how the company development went through. I would love to have the sort of like how we distribute our work right now. I wish we had that back then where we had like a lot of people that worked with us on different aspects. Because back then there was like especially on Camp Buddy, I remember the time where I was the one who were doing the background, writing the story, managing the music, etc., etc. And like it really drained me a lot back back then. And right now I just focus on like especially in DocStudio, I just focus on the things that I enjoy. And I wish I could have done that as well in Camp Buddy back then. Only that. But I wouldn't have changed how it like, you know, like how it developed overall. Because I'm happy with how the fans reacted or like supported the game either way. And just to add to what Nico has said, it is true that during the development of Camp Buddy we have much limited staff. More than half of the staff that you guys see here in this Q&A are not even present at the time that we were making Camp Buddy. So it's a group of even smaller people who had to pull off that thing. So whatever we were able to accomplish back then was our best at the time. And if there was anything, looking back, that we could have done differently, there really isn't. But having more time to balance all the routes would have been like a really great way. But we learned to do that with Scoutmaster Season. We made sure we spent the same amount of care and time on all the routes and not being pressured too much by the release timeframe. But with a small team, it's always bound to be hectic across all the departments. So looking back, what we would really want is more time. But time is really impossible to have. Jay? Eric, do you want to? I didn't really have too much to say. I just wanted to add really quickly based on what Jay was saying that really we're kind of a young company by any standard that you look at. And so a lot of what we do is experimentation. And afterwards we'll say, oh, that worked well or that didn't work well. So we're still learning in a lot of aspects. And I think that's actually a good thing, especially for like we mentioned earlier, kind of a company in the BL industry where there's not a lot of people who have already led that way. So we have to find out for ourselves what works and what doesn't. So I think we're experimenting and that's a good thing. There are some times when that causes issues. Someone in the chat pointed out that the release dates we haven't necessarily been too great at in the past. We're hoping to get better at estimating the release dates going forward. But besides that, I mean, it's just a matter of experimentation and seeing what works. Yeah, exactly. Okay. So going to our next question we have from Joshie. What's a task that you work on that people might be surprised takes so much time and effort to complete? So the answer is all of them. Yeah, I think that there's I think that like, you know, the short answer to that one is that a lot of different departments take a lot of time in order to actually polish everything and get things correct. Because, you know, we want to make sure that we're putting out high quality content. So I mean, like as Nico was saying there, I mean, story is one of those things where we take a lot of effort to make sure that, you know, not only is the story polished and clean from start to finish, but like there's a lot of processes that go through it from an initial base storyboard where we kind of lay out the flow of the story to then actually giving kind of a raw draft of like this is kind of a raw way of writing it, followed by then editing it and making sure that all the characters make what they're actually saying and what they're doing. Then, you know, a final check as well where we do the proofreading and make sure that, you know, our grammar is as correct as it can be. I mean, you know, and that's just the story department. We then have other departments like the background department where, you know, Mike introduced himself a little while ago where, you know, we have a initial sketch or concept of a background that might come from somebody like Zemeckis or Zale who then, you know, pass it over to Mike who gives the full 3D render of it like you guys have seen on some of our previews. And then it gets passed to a background painter who then paints on it, who then gets passed to an artist who draws the crowd art on it, such as like Magia, and then it gets passed again back to the background artist who does, you know, masteries such as lighting and other steps to it before it's finally extracted and ready to go into game. So, I mean, you know, just from those two departments alone, you guys can kind of see that there's a heavy amount of processes and steps that goes into every single piece that we work on. So, I think the broad answer to this question of what or would you be surprised if it takes time, it's just development. Development as a whole is just a very long and complicated process. If I can say something about that? Sure. I would want to add that, like, I would agree 100% with what you're saying. I may want to emphasize that maybe what would surprise most people is that actually, and as you already described it a little bit, the polishing part is taking a lot of time and it may be surprising to people. And that, like, that covers all the departments. Like you said, art, but also programming. And I would say maybe probably the one that is maybe the most surprising, I think, to people that are not in game dev in general, but like, well, applies to Jockstudio as well, or any Blitz games, really, I think, even if I'm only part of Jockstudio. Yeah, definitely. I also wanted to add there's, for example, you guys may have attended a few streams being streamed by Magia. It's still working on the sprites and making sure every portion of the sprites are being followed. Those are misleadingly, you think it's a short task, but it takes so much, at least 10 hours or more than 12 hours a day to finish one sprite. It puts into perspective that every sprite, that's how much care that we were putting in. And then you duplicate that amount of work to the puppets, in which the animators would now have to do their best and justify the animate and match the parts to the best as they can. So, yeah, a lot of things that, even extraction for those who may have subscribed in Patreon and received image sets. Sometimes what we put out in the preview, you might notice that the final art is way different from the preview because we still add final touches. We still make sure every sequence is consistent. So, yeah, those are the things that surprisingly takes more time. Yeah. So, like I said, it's just really a whole development thing. It's definitely a long process. Okay, moving over. So, just an FYI, I'm getting some pings from some of our members, too. I need to speed us up a little bit. That way we can cover all of the questions. So, I'll try and make it go a little bit quicker through here. So, for our next question, we have Kariska Kuhn has asked, what has been the most challenging for you in working with the Blitz company? You know, I think that this is one of those things where the whole thing is, you know, not to sound negative because I don't mean this in a negative way, but the whole thing is challenging, honestly. Our whole process of getting started and getting the company going and whatnot has always been very challenging. I remember the initial steps of after Camp Buddy was released and we were actually trying to get ourselves established as a company. And I remember me constantly having to go to meetings with a lawyer and stuff like that to get things established on a legal basis and whatnot. And so many issues that we had never even thought of or seen before being difficult. So, I mean, that's just an example of like, you know, and those kind of challenges still come up as time goes on where we find new things that are new issues and whatnot that we have to deal with as we go. So, there's a lot of things that are challenging, but I'll let anybody else who wants to kind of give a brief what they think has been the most challenging so far. What we can do is call into every department. Let's start with the moderators. Moderators, what is the most challenging thing for you guys? Yes. Scheduling work-life balance. Yeah, exactly like Dale says. Because for us, moderating is like a part-time job. We do it next to our own personal lives. And having those things on a schedule is sometimes just the most difficult. And having to do with CyberJJ. Okay. And bringing the question to our programmers. Steve? If I have to pick one thing that has been the most challenging, it's complicated to pick one. I feel like everything is a huge task when we talk about working on Jockstudio, to be honest. I would say maybe the most challenging is always, of course, when the release date is approaching and there's a lot of stuff to do, so we're kind of rushing a little bit. So, yeah, I would say... The deadlines. And more often than not, when they are approaching and there's still a lot of things to do, please be gentle, guys. We're doing our best, okay? But, yeah, that's probably it. Yeah. For the animators, DL and Demyx? In addition to what Stig said about deadlines, I would say probably coordination. Because there are so many different departments that eventually have to communicate with one another. For example, when it comes to animation, of course, we need to have the art first. But we also need to have the story. Because, for example, for the CGs, we need to know what's going on in that scene to animate it correctly. Then always for the CG, there's the effects that are actually going to come after. And then there's the implementation with the programming department. So everything is a lot more intertwined than one can actually think of. And, yeah, time zones, too. Everything is busy. Lastly, for our artists, Miko-kun and Mageya, what's the most challenging kind of work that you guys had to draw? The Puppets. Our current Puppet artist is not here in the stream right now, but they've been working very hard even as we speak. I can answer the question in six words so we can go quick. Banks, time zones, and artist derogatory. Moving on to our next question. We have a quick and easy one here. From Brew, we have about asking about the next fan art contest and is it going to be organized this year? Unfortunately, I can go ahead and say that we are not going to be holding a fan art contest this year. We are aiming to hold more of them in the future, but I did want to give a quick note about that in general. When it comes to things like contests and other things like this Q&A event and stuff like that, we do our best to try and organize them pretty semi-regularly so that we can have things for people in our fan base to partake in and do things with us. As we've been hinting at and mentioning for quite a bit of this conversation, we are a relatively small team, so when we do want to post new things like this, it does require balancing our time out from our development and whatnot. With us currently working so heavily on Jock Studio, we just don't believe we have the time this year for something such as an art contest. We can definitely say again that we will have them again in the future. Moving to our next question, this one is going to be specifically for Magnus. A lot of folks asked a bunch of questions about merch, some additional types of merch that they would like to see, such as plushies, additional Gents Studio collaborations, versions, sex toys, all kinds of stuff, underwear, lots of different things. The question is, is there going to be more merch? What kind should we expect? I'll let Eric give an answer on that one. I think I'll take this one in reverse order from what's listed here on the screen. Sex toys and plushies, funnily enough, kind of fall into the same category. For those of you that aren't aware, we actually do have a collaboration with Lovance, where you can buy some of the Lovance toys, and you can actually hook them into Camp Buddy Scout Master Season, and the action on the screen will play out in the sex toy as the scene happens. So that, we do already have. I know there's some questions about additional ones on top of that, and this is where it kind of falls into the same category of plushies. The team is pretty picky when it comes to quality of the merchandise that we produce. So the challenge for most of this is finding a good manufacturer for us that doesn't require us to order hundreds of something, and also makes them in high quality. So finding a good manufacturing partner is kind of the difficulty for these. So actually, if you guys have heard of any good plushie companies, send them my way. As far as the Gentleman's Studio stuff, we're very happy with working with them so far. In fact, they are delivering the aided figures to our warehouse probably, might be today, might be Monday, so very soon, and we're going to get those shipped out to people. We were contracted with them for two figures, but I believe that the sales of those are pretty good on their side as well, so hopefully going forward we might do some additional ones with them. I can't speak on any solid details as of yet, but we would definitely be interested in having more Gentleman's Studio figures in the future. And just to add for the merch questions, we absolutely would like to explore merch as much as we can, but it's hard to put them out there because shipping can also be expensive for the fans, and we want our items to be affordable. But at the same time, we want it to be a profitable venture as well, because we ask a lot of people to get all of this prepared, and we want everything and everybody involved to be compensated really well for it to be worth for the company. And we intend to explore more merchandise as soon as we get our main games out first. Yeah, and just to give people some expectations on that, more than likely we'll probably see some more of this next year. Of course, right now the focus for merchandise is getting the Jaxx Studio Kickstarter rewards manufactured and sent out. But yeah, like Zell was saying, making merch takes a lot of departments. We need the marketing graphics, we need the artists to actually make the graphics and stuff for the merchandise and the designs. So it's a pretty involved process, and we're hoping after the Jaxx Studio Kickstarter reward is sent out, we'll have some more time to look into some of the other things that people have been requesting. Thanks, Eric. All right, so our next question is from Wenderin1984. For the Blitz programmers, what programming languages do Blitz use to make their games? In addition, how does the programming team maintain a schedule, considering programming can be a very time-consuming process? So I will let Nick give an answer to at least the first half of this. Absolutely. So that depends on the game. Programming languages differ from either if you're talking about CamBuddy and CamBuddy Scriptmaster Season on one side or Jaxx Studio on the other side. The CamBuddy games are in Python in a visual model engine called RenPy, which I have no involvement with. Sorry. Although the Jaxx Studio game is made with another game engine called Unity, which is much more generic and allows much more stuff. And the programming language for scripting with Unity is C Sharp. And we also use an asset called ManyNovel for the visual novel parts, I guess, so the story programming itself. Cool. Thank you, Nick. Yeah, and then about maintaining a schedule and whatnot, I think we kind of covered that a little bit with some of our other things we've answered here. But we really communicate with Discord, and we make sure that our tasks are assigned to everybody and just have weekly and regular check-ins with everybody to make sure that the team is all coordinated together and is working on the proper tasks and delegations. So, yeah, that's basically the gist of the programming side of things. So, to our next question from Mike. How do you guys develop the sexual identity of the characters, like their fetishes and favorite positions? So, I will actually let Zeyo answer this one. So, as you might notice from CamBuddy, it is our introductory game, so we tried to introduce very limited fetish into it because it's our first project, and quite honestly, we have a lot more that we want to explore, but since it was our first project, we want to start slow and work our way up. And as you guys saw, we experimented in Scoutmaster Season to go a bit more hardcore. In terms of sexual identity and their fetishes, you guys might notice a pattern in CamBuddy that as you progress further in a route that the character tends to shift their personality during sex. Either they get more dominant or they get more submissive, depending on their... So, we also take that into account with their character development and how do they develop with their sexual preferences. And there are a lot of fetishes that suit a character's appearance, preference, personality a lot more, so that's how we usually identify it. Miko, if you want to share your insights? Well, I'm going to be blunt, but a lot of the fetishes reflect what I find actually nice. Me, personally, as well. So, I don't usually... I try to explore so that I can enjoy drawing them or putting it in the season and whatnot, but I actually developed a lot of... I mean, for the sexual identity part, initially I kind of wanted the characters to have kind of like a pansexual identity where they can love anybody, they can have sex with anybody they like, but a lot of people were actually requesting in the future that we have some sort of solid representation for each of the sexual identities, so that's why we're kind of implementing that in the future characters now. Yeah. Cool. Thanks, guys. Alright, so for our next question, I will leave this to the artist as well. Chris asks, hi, I've loved seeing each fan of your games. I can't wait to play it for your dog studio. I just wanted to ask if there were any plans to feature guys with bigger body types in any future products, like a Socky, Chubby, or Bear body type? Thanks. I'll let the artist answer that one as well. I would say absolutely. It is also more of... across the different preferences of the ones that are currently involved in the team, and also knowing how to properly illustrate certain body types, because not having the experience is not really great if you suddenly put something out there that you have no knowledge about. So we would like to research more and understand more how to draw more body types, and hopefully put them and experiment what we put out. We actually do that with side characters. We want to test it first if there is a bigger interest for the fans, and then we start including them as main characters. Magia, would you like to share your insight about this? I honestly have nothing much more to add than what you've already said. I'm totally down. I want to draw a dad bod, and I mean an actual dad bod, not one of those, you know, those like dolled up ones. I want an actual dad bod, essentially. That's my personal preference, though, but I'm totally down to draw whatever. It will take time and learning, of course, but you know. If we think about it, I remember back then when we were designing Bryce, we were supposed to give him like a very big beer belly because he likes to drink. That was like I wanted him to have that kind of body. I wonder who gave it the red light. You know what? No. I'm just joking about this, but you know, an epilogue scene where he actually has a dad bod? Yeah, jump into the future. I actually sketched a small Bryce fan art before. I haven't posted it anywhere where I actually gave him like a full-on beer belly. I was supposed to post it for Halloween, but I got sick. So, moving to our next question. So, this one is from Sora. I know Blitz focuses on, well, BL, but I find it interesting when a female character is included in the games to add a little gender variety. I know the team's preference, but would it ever be possible to include fan service stuff on the female through separate galleries to get her the niche straight and female fan service could be kind of an Easter egg. So, I will actually answer this one. As for why we do not actually add female fan service and things like that in the game is, honestly, like just being completely honest, the majority of the team is gay men. Our artists in particular are just straight up gay men, and although they will actually tell you that they do enjoy drawing women, they don't enjoy drawing women in sexual positions. Blitz focuses on the gallery slash BL market, and that's really what we're hoping, what we want to cater for. There's a lot of other content for the hentai and straight audience out there, so we don't feel like we need to cover that market, honestly. If it makes it into 37, it's BL. Yeah, our logo is BL. If it makes it to a better, I really enjoy designing clothes for the female characters. I enjoyed so much whenever I draw the costumes for Emilia and Yuri. So, yeah. I give them the same amount of love, just in a different way. And if you guys might know this, both Yuri and Emilia both have very voluptuous bodies. I was previously also a hentai artist before I was doing BL art, so I did draw female visual novel hentai first, before this. And actually, another of our artists, Magia, also draws magical girls. Magia also did an animation for we do have the experience to draw it, it's just we also want to put out there what we think the fans want to see more. And our brand being BL is, I'm not sure it's going to align as much. Technically, we did kind of hint in the end of Southblaster season that Emilia and Yuri were getting along pretty well. Yeah, but I think that that's kind of going to be, you know, just for affiliation, that'll kind of be the limit as to what we do. We don't really go much further than that. That's why I said getting along. Yeah, they're just getting along very well. They just get along. So, moving to our next question we have from Light B. Happy 8th anniversary. Thank you. I really like your game, especially the plot. I am very curious about how you create the stories of each character and whether there are any interesting stories worth sharing with us in the conception of the plot. And have you considered inviting some enthusiastic players to help translate and release more language versions? I will go ahead and just address the translation thing right now. That is a question that's going to come up later on. In fact, I actually let it sneak by here on accident, that's my bad. But there were a lot of people that actually asked and requested translations for our works in this form. And we constantly see a lot of different comments online, you know, both on the Discord server, on Reddit, on our website, etc., etc., that is asking for translations constantly. We are very aware that folks are asking for translations and we totally understand that that is a heavy desire of our fan base. However, you know, again, I want to really emphasize that we are a small team and translations are a lot of work. Translations involve, you know, not only going back over our entire script, which is quite massive for a visual novel, especially with branching choices and translating it, but also making sure that those translations are correct and those translations aren't just, you know, somebody that says they know what they're talking about and then is incorrect and whatnot. But then it's not just translating the story, we also have to translate the images, the visuals throughout the game and whatnot, too. And it's just, it takes a lot of effort. So translations are something that we definitely want to do and we are looking into the possibility of finding some ways to do it in a more practical sense. But at the moment, we do not have a means of practically translating things and are really trying to focus on our core development first. So again, while I say translations are something we absolutely want to do, it's something that we are going to, you know, have to push a little bit on the back burner until we are actually done with the release and then see if it becomes a more practical thing. So I'm assuming we'll address the translation question later. But just to give people an idea, since we did translate, I think, the original Camp Buddy over, keep in mind that most translators charge by the word. As Val mentioned, it was very expensive for translations. And I believe the Camp Buddy script had 750,000 words in it. So just to give you guys an idea of how much effort really goes into those translations, that is a lot of time and a lot of money. And even community-based translation, we're also looking into that, but it's not within our priority right now. There's a lot of fans who want to help us for free on these kind of things. We still want it to be a worthwhile time for them and still be a very professional environment. So yeah, that's our stance in translation. And just to answer the question in the screen, when it comes to writing stories about each character, a lot of it comes from personal experiences or experiences of close people among the team members. We actually try to get to know each other a lot more and then incorporate those stories into what we make and transform them according to the character. If I were to share any interesting story, that would be in Camp Buddy. Hiro's mom getting sick and Yuichi's dog passing. Sorry, spoilers. Spoiler for a 5-year-old game. 6-year-old actually, sorry. Those are the kind of things that actually do come from an actual experience because it's much easier to write something that you have experienced. Of course, it's not like an exact copy, but you can still share. Another interesting story was writing Goro. This is kind of funny because I was not of Goro's age, so I wanted to get a perspective of someone who has more experience in life, therefore someone who was older. I remember passing the script to my dad. Dad, if you were this guy and you were presented with this ex-amateur situation, how would you react with this kind of scene? So that's one of the sillier things that I have experienced when writing When We Were Getting Stuck. I also remember that the argument scene in South Masters, even in the dinner table, I remember having to really sit on a table with Mikokun and Jay and we had to role-play each of the characters on how they would react. So that was weird and quite interesting. Mikokun, would you like to share any interesting experience when writing stories? Well, you pretty much said what our flow the process of how we write stories, but yeah, for me the most important thing for me is that it's relatable, it's easy enough to understand because a lot of people are playing this in English all around the world, so it needs to be easily understandable. And that's about it. A lot of it comes from personal experiences, like the jealousy in Hiro's route, the perfectionism in Natsumi's route, the coping of loss in Yoichi's route, and you know, all of those things, we've experienced that as we're growing up. And I'm sure you guys have as well. And that kind of realism and relatability is really important for me when it comes to writing the story because you can definitely connect more with the story and make it more meaningful to you. And I think that's one of the most important things that made Camp Buddy's story unique because it's not generated in a way where, oh, I want this to be so good. For me, I just want to explain what all of us experience and make it be heard, kind of like that. I could also add that it's very evident also in Scoutmaster Season that it's a project written during the pandemic, so it has a lot of tones of melancholy and it's got that stagnant feeling into it, which is pretty much a reflection of our personal experiences during the pandemic. Build into depression while we're also depressed. Okay, so I am going to try and push us forward through some of these questions pretty quickly, guys, because we are with less than an hour left of our time. So I want to kind of push us through a little bit faster on some of these. So I apologize if some of your questions don't get focused on as much. I want to make sure that we have time to try and cover as much as we can. So let's see if we can go ahead and forward through some. So for this one, which games are the most difficult to develop at your dock studio? Easy. I won't even go into the details as to why, but it's just a lot bigger. Yeah, 10 times the work, 100%. So next we have from Carlos, do you have any method to decide whether a character will have their dick cut or uncut? So to kind of answer this one very quickly as well, this one is really a matter of trying to add diversity to the cast and make it a preference for everybody, because everybody has different preferences. We do try and make it fitting for the actual character themselves, but it is based on what we feel like gives equal representation throughout the cast for all the various different preferences that people have. I'll let the artist speak for just a minute on this if they have anything else they want to add. In Jock Studio, it's more of a balance. We wanted to make sure that it's an equal cut. Literally. Yes, it's an equal split of the characters for this specific kind of aspect. We started exploring this only a little in Camp Buddy and then a little more in Scoutmaster Decent. But moving forward, we plan to have it always equal. For Camp Buddy, it's mostly just for my preference, because back then I wasn't really targeting any I was just trying to work with what I know basically. So that's why moving forward in the future games, we have a lot more variation. Yeah, absolutely. Coming over here, we have another question which is kind of a category question. There were a lot of questions that people asked about staff OCs and what they actually are. Will there be more and will they be seen in games? To give a quick rundown of what they actually are, staff OCs are just something that our team, our artists specifically Nico Dale and Magia are nice enough to provide to team members as time goes on. We have characters that are drawn and added based on our staff's preferences and what our staff actually want to see in a character. They're really just meant to be fun. They're not really meant to be anything serious or anything like that. Although there are situations where staff OCs can turn into other characters, just depending on our preference and what we actually do like in the case of a Mon Muto. So it's kind of just one of those things of they can be seen in game, but they're not guaranteed to be. So I will let the artists talk about that for just a minute, but I am going to go ahead and give a quick show of some art for you guys while we're talking about that of some staff OCs that has been doodled by Dale. So for the staff OCs it is actually what we wish that all of the staff would have, but it's really just our enemies always time. We put the same amount of care into designing every staff's OCs. We've had members before that had OCs, but unfortunately are no longer in the team. So those get scrapped. Some get to stay, but it just takes a lot of time and it just shows how busy we are now with all of the artists don't have that extra spare time to create staff OCs, but it is our goal and we do intend to put that into play with Jock Studio because there's just a lot of opportunities to include cameos in that game. Yeah, and we definitely want to be able to include those more in the future and we want to give our staff the opportunity to have those characters represented, but as Dale said, I think that really the biggest thing to note there is that time is our enemy and as we have only a limited team of artists, speaking with Elmiko and Nagi here, congrats, you're talking to basically almost all of the art team. So with only those three on the art team, we are limited on what we actually want to do, so that's part of it as well. But yeah, you can definitely expect to see more staff OCs in the future as time permits of course. Alright, I think we can move forward, Jake. Yeah, so this one, I will actually, again, there was another category question here of future Patreon rewards. How does the team determine the Patreon rewards and is there going to be opportunities for less represented characters on Patreon to take a shining option and stuff like that? So I will actually let Mikko give an answer to that one. For the, it's not really much of a team discussion on what appears in our Patreon rewards. It's mostly between me, Zell, and Jake most of the time because it's really a separate thing from the Blitz, the whole Blitz shenanigans. So if you're going to ask me how I determine the Patreon rewards, it's mostly due to just who I feel like I want to draw that month or who Zell wants to draw or who Jake wants to see or what's in season. For example, in Christmas or in Valentine's, that's mostly our criteria on what to, on who to draw. So if you guys have seen some Patreon rewards where we always use Yuichi and Hiro and Taiga, etc., it's mostly because those are the characters that boost up, even just a little, it boosts up the pledges. So why aren't we continuing that kind of trend? So that's why you see a lot of characters having multiple rewards versus like the other ones, the less popular ones. We do pay attention to the patrons on what they ask but also on the times that we gave in the shot, there's a significant drop of support when we draw the less represented characters and seeing as Nico-kun mentioned, the Patreon is actually not part of this company and we actually donate the Patreon rewards to the company, it's how it works. So it is one of our primary sources of income for myself and Nico-kun that's as honest as we can get. And we do listen, we know what you guys want to see, but at the same time we're also balancing our time because we are very much needed for the projects that we are involved in and we try to be as efficient as possible and making sure that we still keep the Patreon alive for the patrons who still support it. So yeah, we apologize if there hasn't been much excitement. We are listening and we are planning behind the scenes on how to change the way Patreon is being launched, trying to find a different format instead of the constant image sets. We'll keep experimenting and we'll let you guys know. We can't confirm when we are able to rework our Patreon page, but for now we appreciate everyone who's supporting it because all of your pledges are going directly to me and Nico-kun. Yeah, so I'm going to continue. This next question is great, but I am going to skip these next couple of questions here just because for time purposes it would be great for us to be able to say our favorite characters or favorite parts of development but just to save time a little bit, I'm going to skip that. This one I will give a quick answer to just because I know we said we're a worldwide team so we are very internationally based, as I mentioned before, where we have team members that are in the U.S. like myself and Magnus and Nagia. We have team members that are in Asia like Nico and Zale and we have team members that are in Europe like Stigmak and Zenix and it just goes from there. So there's a lot of different locations that our team members are from. Yeah, I guess it's just everybody's from everywhere. With that, we are done with our Blitz questions, so we're actually going to go into some Camp Buddy and Scoutmaster Season specific questions. Hopefully we can kind of speed along a little bit through some of these since I think they might be a little bit quicker with their answers and whatnot. Lightning round. Yeah, lightning, lightning round of questions. So, first question is about, this is one that actually quite a few people asked about in both the Camp Buddy and Jock Studio style is are all the games in the same universe and will there be crossovers? So, the answer to that is I don't know, maybe. Actually, I've answered this question quite a few times already in my stream and I always say for Camp Buddy and Camp Buddy and Scoutmaster Season, obviously they are in the same universe, but for Camp Buddy and Jock Studio, I always, I kind of say that they are still in the same universe, but they're not very near each other. Like, it's a different country, a different culture, you know, it's a different, like, style of people's way of living. So it's still the same universe, still the same planet. It's just that it's not very near with each other. But, yes, there will be crossovers. For sure. Yeah, yeah, for sure there will be crossovers. Alright, so, Malakai Asher Finch asks, why didn't you just target his own route? Not that I'm complaining. So, actually, I think this can be another Mikko answer. Well, when we were starting the fundraising for Camp Buddy, we initially had Taiga as part of the plan to have his own route. But we ran out of time, you know, for scheduling reasons, back then, we ran out of time and were able to only release the four routes. So it's kind of like we have to release the Taiga route, because it's initially part of the deal. It's part of what we promised to everybody. So it's not that we gave him one. He always had it from the beginning, as well as the Goro and Aiden route, the Scoutmaster Season route. Yeah, so they were, as Mikko said, they were actually all original stretch goals on the Patreon back then, that were all approved. And the only reason that they were separated out is, like Mikko said, again, you know, that same thing we talked about before, his time is the enemy. And we did not have the time to work on him prior to the main release. So, you know, once the game was released, that was when we actually took the time to make the Taiga route, as well as what ended up turning into Scoutmaster Season for the other two characters. Jay, if I can really quick. I know a lot of times people ask the question, like, why does Taiga get a little bit of special treatment? You know, people have noticed that some of the art is better in the Taiga route, and some of the animations are smoother, and there's a little bit more to it. And I'll let Mikko or Zayel answer that if they want to. But, you know, part of the reason is, during the development of Camp Buddy, the team improved. And so I know there was a little bit of debate of, like, do we deliberately downgrade the art a bit to make it the same? But I think in the end, the team decided, you know, use the experience they got during the development of Camp Buddy. You might, you know, the artist took the time to improve. You might as well use it, right? I mean, did you guys want to touch on that a little bit? The same. That's pretty much what we would say. And another thing to note is that we actually use Patreon to experiment ourselves and use it as a training ground, because we're constantly working, and the only time to really train is to really put something out there that the fans can consume. So, yeah. Magnus pretty much justified everything. It's not that people were deliberately trying to give Taiga a special treatment, it's just that the team got better over time. Yeah, exactly. The entire Camp Buddy development was around two years, so a lot can happen and a lot can improve in two years. Yeah, exactly. There was a point that, like Magnus said, that we were actually asking Nico Kun to downgrade his artwork so that it could match the others as the time was going on because we wanted it to come across as consistent and equally treated, but the reality is we are improving as time goes on. So, time also reflects the work. Okay, let's go. For the next question, related to a lot of things that we were just seeing in the chat from Algol Dust, is there a route to the true and both games? No, there is no canon route. The point of the multiple-ending visual novel is that the protagonist will have choices as per the player to make their own story. So, whatever they find canon, personally, what they should find canon, because that's the point of the visual novel, of having multiple partners. That's the point of the game. So, there's no canon. That's it. Yeah, and I'll go ahead and preempt this question as well. That is going to apply to Jockstudio as well. There is not a canon route in Jockstudio either. Go ahead and preempt that now. Slice that recording or whatever you want. No canon routes exist in any of our games. So, next question is, I think we just kind of already touched about this a little bit, but I'll let him kind of give a quick answer to this as well about what inspired him to make Camp Bunny in the first place. Bunny? Just kidding. Well, I've already told that before. It's mostly because I like making stories. When I go to sleep at night, I always try... I'm not sure if you guys do this, but whenever I go to sleep at night, I usually try to imagine myself in a different world. And when I'm bored, I always try to imagine myself in this... You know, I daydream a lot. And that's why I made Camp Bunny back then, because I was both dreamy and horny. So that's it. Yeah, and also to just kind of put a little bit more emphasis on one thing that Zael mentioned earlier as well, is that speaking in terms of what he said before, just to reemphasize it, is that we grew up with a lot of whenever there was any DL or Galway content, it was always towards the, quite frankly, darker end of the spectrum. And it was definitely one of their big goals, and one of our big goals when I joined the team, to make something that was more brighter and more positive, and more of a positive influence on people, rather than focusing on that more negative side of the DL that a lot of people do. And we think Camp Bunny is the perfect starting point. I think this question will come up later. JobStudio is the perfect transition after this project. And then we can tackle even more and more mature themes as we grow as a company in a more tangible zone. Exactly. So the next question is a doozy. It's one that we have been asked a hundred thousand times. So get ready. The Naoto question. Will Naoto get his own route in the future? So this is the question that we get asked probably more often than most anything else, which is always very funny to me because, you know, Naoto was always originally meant to be just a side character in Camp Bunny. I mean, you know, he was meant to be a side character that supported Natsumi's route and assisted with Natsumi's growth as a character. Never actually intended to be his own route or anything like that. And I can say, you know, for the future, definitively that we are not planning to release a Naoto route. So I'm sorry to disappoint everyone ahead of time on this one, but what I can say is that, you know, we will continue to feature Naoto. We know he's popular. He's going to continue to be featured in things like Rewards and other things like that, as well as he may continue to appear in cameos or minor roles as we all know. Like, you know, we do understand that he's a popular character and we do understand that, like, he's somebody that people want to see. But, you know, the big thing is that, as I mentioned, he was meant to be a foil to Natsumi and somebody that helped with Natsumi's growth. So he was not intended to have his own story or his own route. So we don't I mean, so honestly, like, just being honest, we don't have a story in mind for him. So if we don't have a story in mind for him, then it's hard for us to actually want to actually make a story for him unless there's something that we want. So, yeah. It's actually the same for Turan, as well as Yoki and Zina and Archer and Heather. All of those and Naoto. All of those people are all on the same caliber. So we really originally did not have anything planned for Naoto. Yes, he's hot. I understand why you guys are thirsting over him. But, you know, we'll just use him for that. We'll feature him in future games. We'll feature him in Patron Rewards where he will showcase his hotness. Also, we do have something planned for him definitely. Although it's not a route. That we can confirm. Yeah, 100%. We believe that all the side characters that are in the same caliber as Naoto, if we do something for Naoto we believe the other side characters should receive the same. And no, we are not doing a Yoki route in Heaven. Yeah, yeah. Alright, so for our next question. This is another one that we actually got asked by quite a few different people, which is about Goro. Why does Goro not bottom? Will Goro ever bottom? That was the question. And again, to give a quick question. It doesn't matter what person that is. As long as it has a hole, he will fuck it. Well, to answer it a bit more seriously. That's a serious question. To have that specific preference. And as much as we also want to see it, if we are ever going to do it, it would not be canon. Yeah, absolutely. So this next one is, we did have a bunch of character specific questions that were going on here. So I don't want to spend a lot of time on all of these or anything like that. Because a lot of these are questions that I wanted to put on here just so that we could see. People are asking about some additional lore of the game. Like, is he here? Who is Hiro's father? Does Yuiji have any brothers and sisters? What are Keitaro and Yoshinori's backstories? These are things that honestly I can just tell you off the bat that we don't know. Any answers that we have here would not be a certain thing because they've not been really talked about or discussed by the team yet. So I think that the short answer to these is that we're not really sure. And if they ever become relevant, then we might release information about them or it could be part of a future plan or something. But that's, I think, the quick answer to a lot of these questions. Yeah, I'm guessing that's not canon. I'm pretty sure that some of these questions actually do have an answer, but we have not fleshed out those ideas. It does, it does. Some of it has. And with regards to the...we know people ask about nationality as well. Dave, would you like to explain that? Yeah, so actually that is one thing, too, that I will just say right away. People ask often, you know, what is the nationality of the characters and whatnot. You know, that is another thing that's...the nationality is that they live in the Blitzverse. There is no specific nationality for characters. We don't try and make a specific nationality for anyone. We do often use nationalities as themes and whatnot for the character designs, as you know, you guys can obviously tell. But we don't have a specific nationality that we're going to ever give or label with the characters from the get-go. If anything, it would be mostly used for inspiration. Exactly. Yeah, for design purposes only, you know. We can only use inspiration from the nationalities the team has experience with. Exactly. Okay, so the next question. This is one that is another one that was asked by a lot of people is, will there be future sequels or DLC for Camp Buddy or Scoutmaster Season? And the answer is, again, we don't know. I hate to just keep on saying that as the answer, but anything is possible. At the moment, we are, as we said before, we are focused on JOC Studio. We are trying our best to get JOC Studio out there in its best possible shape and quality. And if we want to in the future, we will definitely consider returning to Camp Buddy and Scoutmaster Season. We do love Camp Buddy, we love Scoutmaster Season, we love all the characters. But another thing that I know we've said to everybody as the fans before is that, quite frankly, you know, for myself, from my perspective, I started working on Camp Buddy in 2017. And we worked all the way through, we worked all the way through 2022 on it. So, I mean, you know, we did, I was doing five years of development on Camp Buddy, and Miko and Zale, I mean, that was at least, what, seven years? So, I mean, with that in mind, you know, we're ready for something fresh, we're ready for something new. And we want to do that with JOC Studio. And again, like I said, it's not that we won't revisit Camp Buddy in the future, it's just that, you know, we want to change it up for ourselves some, too. And there have been many ideas for more content for the Camp Buddy mini-franchise, but like Joey said, we wanted to explore more of what we can and not stick to one brand. Yeah, but there are ideas, but we cannot really invest time on it just yet. Exactly. So, I'm going to skip a couple of these questions, just because, you know, if we could give you five characters, we're out. We kind of already addressed that and talked about that. From Flusher, this was a good question about, you know, if we could match characters from Camp Buddy. It's a good question, but I am going to skip just based on time. We talked about translations already, and I'm going to show just a couple of cute doodles here that probably should have shown ahead of time from Zale. Can I have ten seconds for translations? Wait, what? I can do it in ten seconds. I can do it in ten seconds. All right, go for it. We're going to try our hardest to have translations in the future. We're going to look into community-based translations, because I think that's really the only feasible way for us to do it cost-wise. We've had a lot of people offer to contribute, and we'd love to take you up on that. So, we're going to do our best to look into that for JockStudio. That's all I can say. Yeah, absolutely. So, with that in mind, take another cute five-character art for just a moment. I'll let everybody soak that in for a moment before we, you know, move to our next set. Okay. Anyway, so, moving on, we now have our JockStudio questions. So, we're lightning around through Camp Buddy. Let's see if we can lightning around through our JockStudio questions. So, starting us right off the bat, we have the question that was asked by, again, a lot of people. Will the jocks be versatile? So, Zey, I'll give that one a crack. Yes. They will be, but only to a certain extent. There will be characters like Goro that will prefer only a certain role. We cannot confirm who will be versatile, but we are looking for versatility. But one thing you guys need to understand is that adding another role into a character basically doubles the amount of work, too. So, that's why we're very careful on implementing this. We do want every character to be versatile, but it's about the execution that we are more worried about. We are working with the puppets that should allow us options for versatility. So, please cheer on for us that this puppet adventure would work. That's our goal right now. But we can fulfill some level of versatility, whereas in the actual storyline-based sexual events, there is a predetermined position for the characters, and some of them will be versatile. That I can tell you. Actually, most of them will be versatile. Going to our next question. So, this one I kind of want to give a little bit of a preamble for a second. These are some questions about the jocks that were specifically asked. Beyond these, there were also a lot of other specific questions about the jocks. Like, what does this character prefer for breakfast? What does this character sleep on at night? You know, those kind of things. And these were kind of the more generic ones that we found about the jocks themselves. So, what I want to give for this one is going to be, unfortunately, another unsatisfying answer in that you'll have to wait and see. As far as, like, what kinks the jocks like, what kind of food they like, what kind of porn they like, it's going to be stuff that will be revealed in the game. You will get to play and experience this in the game, so we're not going to spoil it now. Yes. And it's something that changes over time because we are still continuing to write every character, so it can still change, so there's nothing that we can compare right now. Exactly. And anything that we give now, we, again, like, anything that we said now, like, if I said, well, I made this up in the chat, you know, Leo's favorite food is honey glazed donuts. 100%. That's it. You know? Then, I mean, you know, that is subject to change as we develop. They're not supposed to read that, dude. That's one of the things that we can't really provide a satisfying answer for you guys for this now, so we're just going to have to ask for you to be patient with us, and you know, we will provide more satisfying answers with that as you play the game. So, moving to our next question of will there be various different kinks featured in the game? Leo, would you like to answer that one as well? Yes, absolutely. We're going to try and showcase, because the theme of the project is basically filming porn, so it's only normal that it's very fitting for the project to explore as much of different kinks as possible, given that those kinks are something that can be approved when we put the game up, because some of them might be a little too extreme, but we'd be happy to do it, but we're afraid it's not going to get approved when we put it to the publishers' team. So, we also got to tread very carefully, make sure we include as much kinks as possible, but be careful at the same time, that it's not something that actually would put a lot of fans. There are six jocks, and each of them will have different kinks. Some might have a little overlap. Yeah, and I will go ahead and say as well that, you know, one of the bright sides about the way that Jockstudio is formatted and whatnot, too, is that when we do feature kinks and whatnot, there can be lots of ways, and we will be looking into this as well, where if a kink is not for you, you don't have to play it. You know, that's something that we're going to be attempting to do with this as well, where, you know, you don't have to necessarily do anything you don't really want to do. But again, it is going to be something that we are looking into and trying to feature. So, okay, as for our next question, this one is going to be a Magnus question. Will Pledges ever open back up for Jockstudio? That's a good question. I think we'd like to at least give you the opportunity to pre-order the game, but I think at the moment we're mostly focused on fulfilling what we've already promised the people. At this point, we've already sort of started sending things to the manufacturers to try to get things done. So, it's subject to change in the future. We'd like to give people the opportunity to support the game by pre-ordering, if you'd like. But a lot of the physical merchandise at this point is already starting to be manufactured. We may have a few extras, but more than likely the manufacturing for physical items is probably going to be done soon. So, we'll see. We'll do our best to try to accommodate everyone who wants to contribute. We really appreciate your support. And we'll make an announcement if we decide to open things back up. Yeah. So, our next question is another one I'm going to pass to Zale. I'm going to have a theme here of passing questions to Zale about how do we end up on a college campus is the idea for Jockstudio and also how to do size or deck sizes. Deck sizes, I think we've kind of already covered with our conversation earlier about the cut and dump type thing, but you can talk about the college campus part. The college campus idea, it's mostly because the BL that's put out there, the ones that have the college theme is usually autonomous, and it's not really locking in on that part of university life, university daily life, adding to the fact that all of our pursuables on this project are athletes, too. It is quite frustrating in the world of BL that we only really ship popular sports animes out there, but there's not really a BL dedicated to sports. So, that is the goal on this project, and we thought the college idea was the perfect transition from camp buddy, which happens on a summer vacation. You go to school, you go back to school next, so it feels like a natural transition to the experience and a lot of us, it's a very relatable experience because most people have had experience going to high school or college, and this is a very common setting that's put out there, but not really done and committed in a full BL way. So, that's why we decided to lock in with this theme. We want people to recognize, oh, the project that's set in a college and sports, but make it gay. We wanted to be the one to represent that. Yes, exactly. So, I think from there, this actually next question is kind of similar to that. It's about how did you figure out what you wanted to do for Dark Studio? So, I think Zale did just give an answer to that, but one thing I do want to add is the second part of the question, which is, did the idea come to you all of a sudden or was it more gradual? So, the funny thing about that is, I think you guys might be surprised to know, but the original ideas and concept for Dark Studio started actually before Scoutmaster Season was even released. We actually started planning and prepping for Dark Studio, I believe, actually back in 2020, wasn't it, Zale? Yes, the idea started in 2019 and then we attempted to work on it during 2020. So, a lot of the character designs were pre-designed as early as 2020. So, to answer the question, it was gradual, and actually the Greek theme didn't even happen, not until like 2021, and it was actually Mikokun's idea to incorporate the Greek aspect of it, because when we first designed the characters without any Greek inspiration, Greek mythology inspiration, they were coming off a bit not good, and there is a lack of... When we were trying to design the locations, they were boring, because it's like a college. So, incorporating a musical aspect of it was really the correct choice, and it made all the character designs more interesting, we've got more inspiration for the actual stories, the personalities of the characters, there's some mythology that we can inspire from. Initially, the first pitch was supposed to be zodiacs or planets, but we ended up with Greek, which is much more vast. And we have a lot of other projects that are also sitting and brewing with those ideas that are I'm sure a lot of our members here on this, a lot of the deputy members here in this Q&A also have project ideas that are brewing behind the scenes, so the idea creation stage happens way earlier than anyone might think. Yeah, I think it's also funny to note that a lot of our projects as well kind of start off on a much smaller basis than they actually were intended, and this can be seen all the way back from Camp Buddy and Scoutmaster Season, where Tiger Route, like we said before, was actually intended to only be a couple of bonus scenes and not a full route. Same thing with Scoutmaster Season, it was actually intended to just be kind of like a separate button that you clicked on from the Camp Buddy menu and not its own game. Jock Studio at the same time was actually similar to that, where we were actually kind of really planning on Jock Studio as being more of a stopgap release between bigger projects, and then it's kind of blossomed into what it is now. So it is funny to see where it's come from, our initial ideas to how much bigger it's actually gotten since then. For our next question, I'm going to actually ask for anybody who's not myself, Mika, or Zale to answer it. Any of the other developers that are on the call here that want to share what are they most excited about for Jock Studio? I'm excited to break it. Some of the developers should know that I'm the kind of person who likes to cheat the system, so with Jock Studio having a lot of new game mechanics like the dating sim style type mechanics in the game, I'm excited to see how I can take advantage of the system to really get the high score, so to speak. On a note on that one as well, that is actually one of the things that Zale and I are doing regularly as we're developing mechanics is we tell ourselves, we literally in conversation have, how can we do this where Eric's not going to mess with it? That's one of our regular conversations in mechanics. Anybody else want to speak up and say what they're most excited about? I want to draw Derek. The more Derek I can draw, the more tests I get for him on his route, all that, that's what I'm most excited about. I just want to do it. If you draw a bad path, the more Leo and you two are programmed, the happier I get. Anybody else? I think especially seeing all the art getting done and also I think also finally being able to see the complete product will be very exciting. See how you people receive it and getting to the final line. For myself, it would be the CG, BG and FX, just actually seeing the world come alive. I think it's really exciting. We pay a lot of attention to really, really small details and I'm hoping that people notice. Seeing the world come alive and the backgrounds, it's really exciting. If I were to give a more serious answer to what I gave before, but it sums up what has just been said. I would say the one thing I'm the most excited about is that having you guys playing it, really, and having your feedbacks about it. Usually I think that's the most satisfying when we're programming games and I'm excited to see what you think of the game. One thing that I can absolutely say is that we really do pay a lot of attention to what you guys say, what you guys speak, how you interpret the game, your theories, your reactions to the characters and stuff like that. I know I personally don't do a lot of time talking on the servers and stuff like that. In fact, I think this is the first time I've actually used my voice here, but I do really, really enjoy reading all of your various different theories and ideas and stuff from them as time goes on and your reactions to things. I think that's something that we as the developers definitely really like to see. For our next question, this one we kind of already answered as well, which is, is it one of our biggest projects? Absolutely, it is our biggest project. Every project we take on becomes our biggest project. Yeah, exactly. This one is definitely our biggest project and who knows if the next one will be as big or not. We'll have to see. The next question was, do you have any style references from literature, music, film, art, or other video games for writing Jock Studios dialogue? Yeah, that was actually something that I think we kind of covered a minute ago where Dale and Miko were mentioning about the Greek influence and stuff like that. We found that our original idea for the game was really just kind of a US-based college and we kind of decided that that was a little bit boring, honestly. We wanted to have something in there elsewise that we could kind of throw a little bit more flavor into things and that was where Miko had that idea of adding in the Greek element to it and that really kind of pushed it to a different level that kind of really elevated to what it is now. Yeah, and every media that we consume in our daily lives, no matter what kind it is, it leaks into the story, it leaks into the characters' personalities. Some quotes would come from a certain obscure reference that no one would get, but we really just wanted to put there as part of our self-expression. Everybody in the team, they do that. Our background artists, they try to put a little touch of themselves, including a writing that's unique to them in the background. That's something that everybody in the team, those who get involved in the development, get to contribute their references. It's a usual process. We try to do it more often, but we usually gather people to go inside the team if we're stuck deciding on a certain idea. So everybody gets to have an opportunity and as well to contribute to the what goes in the game. And same goes to all of the fans who are constantly discussing in the channels and in forums. We do take note of a lot of those things and even those influence what we put into the game in the dialogue. I will expose this and say that there were a couple times we were reading the DEC Studio chat and someone came up with a theory that was so good and we hadn't thought of it, and then we were like, oh yes, that was the plan all along. Absolutely, yeah. That's definitely one thing that we can definitely say, and we'll probably give shout-outs to those who know us. We do things like maybe the potential art book and whatnot. It's like, oh yeah, this was definitely a fan idea that we took from there. Okay, so for our next question, this one is talking about the art styles for the jocks and ace and whatnot, and is there going to be I think that basically the gist of the question is, will we kind of have art that kind of themes the characters around their gods and the representations of their houses that they have? Kind of similar to what the art that Miko recently drew for Leo that was kind of Apollo-themed. And for that art itself, I know that was just kind of Miko was just having fun with it, and I'm not going to draw it for him one way or the other, but he's going to draw the other characters and their god themes. I actually had one for Bryce, Avon, and Derek, but I haven't posted it yet, and I'm still polishing it. Yeah, to answer the question, yes, we do plan to create a lot of promotional materials, but usually promotional materials come at the very last. We want to have a game to promote first. So yeah, we do want to maximize the potential of the ideas that we can incorporate with Jockstudio, especially with it being associated with mythology. And we do take inspiration to some of our doodles, and some promotional materials are popular references in actual form that some people might recognize, or meme culture. So a lot of those make it into the cut, actually. Yeah. So okay, our next is actually a set of questions, and I wanted to specifically give a little shout-out to TrainingDrop here, because TrainingDrop is, you know, speaking of fan theories and things like that, he is definitely somebody that we see a lot on both the Reddit and on the Discord here, you know, with the constant theories and comments and things like that, and we really appreciate that. It's actually really fun to read what you put, and we can definitely say that there have been things that you have actually influenced us on before. So you know, we did want to give you a little shout-out here, and give the opportunity to answer some of each of your questions here, since you have a few. So for the first question, which are the best parts about Camp Bunny and Scoutmaster Season that you want to carry over to JOC Studio, and which are the weaker elements about the games you don't want to have in your upcoming title? So from my perspective, some of the best parts about Camp Bunny and Scoutmaster Season are of course the art and the story, and we definitely want to make sure that the art and the story are up to the same standards and expectations of Camp Bunny and Scoutmaster Season for JOC Studio, as well as that they're different and have their own flavor as well. As for what I would say the weaker elements about those games that you don't want to have is, you know, I do know that, I wouldn't necessarily call this weaker, but you know, Camp Bunny and Scoutmaster Season are both visual novels, which involve a lot of reading and a lot of clicking through things without actually interacting, and that is one thing that we definitely want JOC Studio to be able to be a little bit more of, where there's a lot more interaction for the player, where you're busy doing things a lot throughout the story and whatnot, and it's not just reading basically a book. Also, some of the weaker elements that we had in our previous games were minigames. They were always skip-worthy, but minigames are still a crucial part to break the pace off, because you're constantly bombarded with text to read, so we are trying very hard to make the minigames interesting for JOC Studio, and make it actually purposeful to the gameplay, and then to answer the next question, who's the hardest JOC to write as we develop the story? For me personally, it's actually Yvonne. I think it's one thing that I find it's hardest to portray, because there's a lot of... Yvonne used to be my staff OC, so I didn't really plan for an intense storyline, and I want to separate myself from the character, and don't want my fellow teammates to think that it is myself. No, because it's absolutely not. So it's been hard to create the story for him, but thankfully with the help of the rest of the team, it's really starting to take shape. He's actually a character that's so far off from how I originally defined in terms of personality, and that's thanks to everyone in the team. What about you, Jake? Being as involved with writing, who's the one that's hardest for you to write? It's by far Derek. I have the hardest time with Derek because, quite frankly, I vibe with him not at all. I don't... I like Derek as a character, I really do, but he just does not vibe with me. I don't have... I don't get his personality as well, and I honestly can find a lot of the ways that he portrays himself, just being in character and whatnot that I don't get along with, which makes him very difficult for me to portray and for me to write. So yeah, I think he's the one that I would say by far I struggle with the most. Additionally, one other thing I want to note on that one is I don't really vibe with Bryce, but I find him a little bit easier to write just because he's a little bit more... he's a little bit more explosive in his personality and less about subtlety. And that is one thing about Derek that I find is a little bit more difficult, is that there's a lot of subtlety involved into his writing. And I know that there's been a few times that I wanted to hit my head against the wall trying to make sure that that portrayal is as subtle as it should be. So yeah. And just the opposite of the question, the easiest to write, I think for myself it would be Bryce. Bryce is so easy to write. Bryce is the easiest for me to... And I think followed by Yuto. And then Zane would be easy too. I struggle with Leo a little. Leo's the easiest one for me. Yeah. And I think Matt is also easy to write. Very easy to write for you, Jake. Yeah. Leo is... Leo for me is the one that is the most relatable. He's the one that I think I'm pulling a lot of my personal experiences in for his story. Not only that, but he is like... I can't take credit for his design by any means. I would say that's really Nico and Dale that did a lot of Leo's design. However, he is the one that I have a preference for anyway. So that kind of makes it a little bit easier because it's like, okay, not only am I throwing in my own personal experiences here, but I'm also making sure that I'm seeing exactly what I want to see going forward with him. So that kind of makes it easier for me is that one. And then for item number three, would it be possible for the player to receive a game over due to neglecting ACC and or grades before the intended end of the game? Yes, Jake. We do intend for this feature. We cannot confirm if we can make it through the initial release of the game, but we do intend to create scenarios where the game could prematurely end. And we need to make sure that the stats that we incorporate in the game would actually matter to the point that it could get into an early game over if you don't take care of it. Yeah. As for the next question, which is about the censor option for the Not Safe for Work scenes. So what I can go ahead and say is this one is we've actually had this request from people as far as like the Camp Buddy and Scoutmaster season goes to of making basically a censored version of the game. And I will say the same answer that I've said before with that with that is a lot harder than it sounds like. And honestly, it's not something that we intend to do in the future because honestly the sexual aspect of the games is such a core feature that to actually try and censor it out would honestly be really, really difficult. Even if you want to take out the sex scenes themselves, which we're definitely making sure that there's an option in there for people that don't like them to just skip through the sex scenes as you all saw in Demo 1.0, there are lots of just sexual aspects of the story that would be totally lost in translation if we removed them or censored them. So that is not something that we are really looking to do at this time. Yeah. And as you mentioned, I think part of the problem was that for Camp Buddy and Scoutmaster season, these sex scenes were integral to the plot. And I feel like in Jock Studio from what I've seen so far, they're integral to the gameplay. Like if you think about the filming phase and that sort of thing, I'm not sure how you would cut that out and still have a complete game. Yeah, and I mean if you even think about the theme of Jock Studio in general, you know, we're part of a porn club. It would be very difficult to write your way to, oh no, they're actually just a underwear model club or something. Like, yeah. Yeah, and we did consider making a Jock Studio Lite version where we would be able to hide the scenes, but no, it was so integral to the plot that we decided ultimately not to. And adding to that, I personally believe that sexual content is not as...this is something to be ultimately censored. It is obviously for audiences that are not meant to consume it, but to me it's a natural part of life. And for the characters that we are making, a lot of their character development has to do with their sexual identity, I would say. A lot of the characters actually when they do participate in such activities is when they get to discover themselves more, they get to screw up in their life or of some sort. I think it's just integral to their storyline, especially for our very impressionable college students who are trying to navigate through life and finding their purpose in this game. So, yes, to the next question. Well, actually, I'm going to say that I'm sorry to cut you off, but we are actually reaching our deadline of time here. We plan on this being basically a two-hour session. We did pretty good at the end. We managed to push through towards the near back half of the questions, but I am probably going to have to shut it down here as we are reaching the end of it. We've done a full two hours of questions here, and I know that several of the team members, it's late where they are and they need to head to sleep as well, so I don't want to keep us up for any longer. Unfortunately, I will have to cut it off here as far as questions go, so I'm going to quickly skip through over here where we can at least show you guys some fun sketches from Zale, just to give a little bit of a final thing here. But, yes, while we're ending on these sketches and whatnot, I do want to say thank you guys all for listening, for supporting, and for constantly giving us your thoughts and feedback. We really, really appreciate all of your time and all of your love and support. It's really helpful, and honestly, when we see these positive messages and stuff like that from people, it really makes our job easier. It makes us have a lot more motivation to keep building. So, we really appreciate all that. So, I'll let Zale. I'm going to skip through to a couple more pictures and let Zale give us a little mic. There are two questions I wanted to end the thing. One is the matchmaker. So, please go back. Oh, okay. No pictures. Oh, there we go. That one, yes. Will each pair get equal attention? No. We have more compatible pairings that we have pre-planned ever since the start. And the ones that we are showing are our most compatible pairings. But we do plan to create something out of the matchmaker. But just a preview, we can now show them, Jay. And for the last question would be the release date, Jay. Yes. So, before you do this one, can I 10-second answer another question? Sure. What's up? Which one? BryceSan101 asked about a performance integration with JackStudio. I guess the best answer we can give right now is a soft yes in terms of we're going to try our best to integrate it now that we've got it integrated with CBSS. It's definitely something that we would like to do for JackStudio. It's just a matter of that's something that's probably going to be towards the tail end of development. So, once the game is in a more complete state, we can give it a better shot at trying to get everything integrated. But we're going to do our best. Okay. And yeah, and the final kind of part that we wanted to talk about which was, you know, the general release date question and whatnot, which you know, I know that we've kind of touched on this a little bit ahead of time, you know, with Magnus mentioning ahead of time about, like, you know, we know he's been bad about release dates and stuff in the past. And that is something that you know, we do want to mention to everybody that we don't, we really want to try and avoid giving any kind of false release date or information like that to you guys because we understand that, you know, if we tell you guys, oh, it's going to release tomorrow and then, you know, it's not out, that that's going to be a big disappointment for all of you. And, you know, we'd rather avoid that disappointment and we really want to make sure that we are in a confident state about, like, when our actual release is going to be before we actually say anything to everybody. So, you know, that's something that we're trying to take as a lesson from the past and just really, you know, make sure that whenever we actually give you guys a release date, we're actually confident on it and that we're not, you know, we're not saying, you know, we don't want to pick arbitrarily that, you know, the game's going to release in February of 2026 because we just don't know that. You know, we can't say 100% right now of when it's going to be just because that's, it's hard to answer those kind of questions when it comes to, you know, how much work we have on the game and whatnot. What I can definitely say is that as soon as we are confident on our release date, we will absolutely let everybody know. So that is definitely going to be something that once we have that in mind, we will let people know. And we will only announce something once it's really sure and we are actually in the beta testing phase and we are no longer adding new more pieces and just polishing it. But we are so, even for Demo 2, we are actually still a bit far from polishing. So everybody in the team are working absurd working hours. There's only much time they could put in. Some of us work 12, 16-hour shifts, wake up and just work all day and then do the same thing. Some of us don't even have weekends. We are glad that a good half of our team were able to take a proper break last month, but we still need more time and it's actually not as easy to bring in more people because there's training, there's getting used to working together, there's adaptation to each other's style and working habits, and there's also the budget constraint also. We have basically received so much funding for the project, but we are trying to compensate everyone as best we can. So that amount is actually not, it won't cover everything. But we are doing our best to make it work and we would like to ask you guys to please continue to be patient with us. We'd rather put something out there that is of good quality and please understand that if things do take time, we want it out there as much as you guys do, honestly. Yeah, and that's exactly. I want to kind of just reemphasize that as well is that for us, it's extremely important to us that we get the game out in as good of a state as possible for you guys. And we also don't want to delay or ever to tell you guys. It really upsets us every time that we have to announce a delay. It's always really a bad feeling for us and we really don't like it. So that's part of the reason why we're not telling us if we don't want to do any kind of like fake release date or anything like that. So we really are working our hardest. We're a small team despite growing substantially over the last few years. We are still very small and we still want to, you know, it still takes a lot of time and effort from us to get things out there. Yeah, and actually I just thought in the chat too, but we are committed to making sure that everyone knows what's going on with development and keeping people informed. So that's why we're committed to doing the monthly updates or the development updates whenever possible. And we're going to do our best to make sure that everyone knows where we're at in the development process. Exactly. Yeah, and also for Demo 2.0, we did put out there that we are aiming to release it on late 2024. But by the looks of things right now and with what we're putting out with the dev updates, we are actually needing so much resources and time still to even put out Demo 2.0. We had to, or we already had to cut a lot of things that we didn't want to cut. And yeah, we are still committed to having it released this year, at the end of this year. And we cannot assure when exactly that date is, but we are working on it and we will post more official announcements when we are ready on what exact date to actually look forward to. Exactly. So on that note, I think we can end the stream. We're not going to do any questions from chat. Sorry guys, we don't have the time for it. But just ending on a little bit of a sketch and a thank you from you all. So like I mentioned before, thank you guys again for all of your support and love and time and for listening to us today ramble about random things. Yeah, I'll let Dale and Nico or anybody else who wants to say a little quick thank you before we totally wrap up. As the lead of the project right now, I hope you guys continue to support us. And we appreciate all of you who keep the community alive. And we do sincerely apologize if it does get frustrating for you guys when it comes to waiting and the lack of answers. But we are always trying our best. We are we always say we are a small team. We're trying to get ourselves to grow at the rates that we have not seen before. But please always try to be positive towards us because your support is what encourages us. And it can get quite demotivating when we get the opposite of support. So please be mindful on what you post because all the developers can see and we are all just as passionate as you guys are. We understand the disappointment. We understand that you guys are excited for this. And we're very, very grateful. We wouldn't be, we wouldn't have our position right now. We wouldn't have our careers, our projects this as our livelihood, if not for you guys who are actually supporting and supporting the game, whether sharing it with your friends or purchasing one of our games and our products. Thank you so much to all of you and please extend that support to our development team. The rest of the team, would you guys like to say anything? Nobody has to unless they want to. I mean, I'm going to sound like a broken record, but I just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone for the support. It means so much to us. And we definitely could not have done this without all of you. So thank you so much. Yeah, I would like to thank you guys as well for the support. Every little bit counts. The small messages that I get, you guys joining our streams and keeping us company. You guys don't know how much those things help us, especially on tight deadlines. So yeah, I always say I'm always grateful to you guys. So thank you. Okay. I think we're good, Jake. All right. Well, again, thank you guys for joining us today. We really appreciate it. It was fun getting to chat with you all and answer your questions. We'll definitely look into doing something like this again in the future. And as we mentioned a couple times in the chat and ahead of time, we have recorded this. We will do our best to get it clicked and posted online so that if you weren't able to attend the whole thing, you can kind of click through it and read it again later. But in the meantime, thank you guys again for your time. And we'll talk to you guys when we do our next development update. Thanks. Bye-bye. Bye, everyone. Thank you.

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