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The main ideas from this information are: - The speaker is asking for God's guidance and help in their service. - They read a psalm about the importance and eternal truth of the word of God. - They discuss the importance of running the Christian race with patience and purpose. - They talk about the need for self-discipline and removing barriers to growing in faith. - They emphasize the importance of holding fast to the gospel and not being swayed by worldly opinions. - They mention the example of Christians in the past who stayed faithful despite opposition. - They discuss the parable of the sower and the importance of understanding and obeying the word of God. You know where we are. You know how we've been doing. You know how we think we've been doing versus how you know absolutely where we've gotten off. Lord, you have good things for us. You want to do us good. You want to profit us in our souls. We want to be brought in. We ask you therefore that you would take charge of the service. You would rebuke our adversary. You would help us in our humanity. You would open up the word of God to us, each one of us individually according to what we need to understand. So we will go away profited, encouraged, and helped. Lord, please make it so. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. We have a psalm on our hearts. It's on page 232. The title is The Word of God. By the word of God the worlds were made and are held in place by his command. All the grasses wither and the flowers fade, but his truth forever stands. Oh, the precious Bible, counsel for the soul. Pat the faithful saints and martyrs try. Settle in the heaven true while ages roll, changeless as the throne of God. More to be desired than honey sweet. Richer are its treasures far than gold. Like a brilliant light, it shines to guide my feet. Never grows its story old. Oh, the precious Bible, counsel for the soul. Pat the faithful saints and martyrs try. Settle in the heaven true while ages roll, changeless as the throne of God. Oh, the precious Bible, counsel for the soul. Pat the faithful saints and martyrs try. Pat the faithful saints and martyrs try. Settle in the heaven true while ages roll, changeless as the throne of God. Streams of life from heaven's crystal pure shed their cooling freshness over me. Let my thirsting spirit, till I thirst no more, drink their sparkling waters free. Oh, the precious Bible, counsel for the soul. Pat the faithful saints and martyrs try. Settle in the heaven true while ages roll, changeless as the throne of God. Praise the Lord. We're thankful this morning that we're able to meet together. The Lord said in his word, where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them. This is what we've been praying for through the week, that the Lord would meet us here and lower his presence, that he would be pleased with our service, that all would redound to the glory and the honor of God. I'd like to turn over to the scriptures in the book of Hebrews, the 12th chapter and the first verse. Brother Mark, you can read that first one, if you will. Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight. And the sin which doth so easily beset us, let us run with patience the race that is set before us. All right, thank you very much. It says, wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight. And the sin which doth so easily beset us, let us run with patience the race that is set before us. The great cloud of witnesses to godly faith is calling us as Christians in expressing the proper response toward God's patience and grace by purposely shedding our sins and selfishness and to hold fast as we strive to fulfill the plan that God has in store for us. The path that faithful saints and martyrs trod is left for us to realize their success despite their hardships and in light of God's loving patience is to inspire us to do the same. So may we be encouraged to do the same as the faithful saints and martyrs that we read about from time to time have done and have been successful and finally made it through the Christian race. And the word of God tells us that we are to run for the prize and this running, running this race implies that we are to run for this prize. Let us turn over there. Sister Lois, do you have your Bible that you may read? 1 Corinthians 9, 24 to 26. You hear me well? Hello, Brother Mark. Did you hear me? Sister Lois, are you hearing me? I hear that pretty well. I'm standing up by the window. Yes, are you able to find me? I have to go get a rolling chair. Okay, I'll go ahead and read this scripture. It says, Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run that ye may obtain. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible. I therefore shall run, not as uncertainty, so fight I, not as one that beateth the air. He's competing for the recognition from Christ for how well he fought to win the people to trust in Jesus. He's living this way intentionally. This is in keeping with the main theme of his metaphor that Christians should be committed to faith as a dedicated athlete to their sport. The point is that we need to live a purposeful life of discipleship and remove the barriers to growing in faith, living in the society and pursuing a life of witness to Jesus. This also describes the kind of self-discipline that's necessary in order to be a running as a spiritual athlete. And we must bring our bodies into subjection so that our flesh with its inclinations does not dominate us and lead us into sin that will divert us from the goal of godliness and Christ-likeness in winning others to Christ. That's why we need to put on the whole armor of God that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Let us move on a little further in the book of Philippians, and this race is not to be ran in vain. Philippians, the second chapter and the 16th verse. Christi, would you read that for me? Philippians 2 and 16. Holding forth the word of life, that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run to vain, neither labored in vain. Amen. Thank you. To hold forth the word of life means that the believers, as children of God, present the living Christ to those that surround them. An obedient believer is a person who holds fast the gospel and the truth of God. When Paul wrote these words, the New Testament had not yet been completed or compiled. The definition we have here of hold fast, if you hold fast to a principle or idea, or if you stand fast, you do not change your mind about it, even though people are trying to persuade you to. When my wife got saved from sin, she had been wearing shorts and short dresses and pants and short sleeves and jewelry and makeup, just about the whole works of the world. And when she would go to her mother's house, dress saintly, and the children would dress modestly, her mother would try to make her feel ashamed like she was doing the wrong thing. Ms. Duncan would say, you don't have to dress like that to be saved. And by the grace of God, Sister Carmen's reply was, I dress like this because I love the Lord, praise God. And she didn't let her people divert or change her. You can't get her to put on a pair of pants or shorts anymore, no matter what the world is saying about it. It's hot weather and you're going to burn up. No, you won't. I've had aunts who were reared in the nurture and admonition of the Lord by their godly parents. And when it came down to the time that they thought they might die, they would come to church in pantsuits and still not change in their heart. And if they put on a dress, it had a long split in the sides, a back flashing their thighs every time they walked, and exposed cleavage and bare upper and lower arms. I'm going to tell you, they are not innocent. The saved life implies that we are running to not fall by the way. And we find that over in the book of Galatians, the fifth chapter and the seventh verse. Would you get that for us, Randall, and read it, please? Galatians 5 and 7. In this book, it illustrates what happened to the Galatian Christians. You did run well. But you did not obey the truth. Thank you, that's right. They were running well. In other words, they received the good news about Jesus with great joy. They believed that Jesus died in their place for their sins on the cross. By faith, they were welcomed as children into God's family. But they fell by the way. Let's turn over a little further. Jesus made a parable about a sower that went forth to sow. And we find that in the book of St. Matthew, the 13th chapter and the 3rd to the 23rd verse. And I'll read it, since there's quite a bit right here. And I'll read it, since there's quite a bit right here. And when the sun was up, they were scorched. And because they had no root, they withered away. And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprung up and choked them. But other fell into good ground and brought forth fruit. Some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. Who had ears to hear, let him hear. And the disciples came and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. But to them it is not given. For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance. But whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away, even that which he hath. Therefore speak I to them in parables, because they seeing see not, and hearing they hear not. Neither do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand, and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive. For this people's heart is wax gross, and their ears are dull of hearing. And their eyes they have closed, lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their hearts, and should be converted, and I should heal them. But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. For verily I say unto you, that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them, and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. Hear therefore the parable of the sower. Now this is when Jesus goes to tell what this parable of the sower means. When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and understands it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catches away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which receives seed by the wayside, but he that received the seed in stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it. Yet hath he not root in himself, but doeth for a little while. Yet he that hath not root in himself, but doeth for a while. For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, by and by he is offended. He also that receives seed among the thorns, is he that heareth the word. And the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful. But he that receives seed into the good ground, is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it, which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. Now, God did not save us to go a little ways in the Christian race and then stop. As a matter of fact, he saved us to go all the way, be all out for God, and make that big 100. In the school system where we were working, we had what was called the sliding scale. The sliding scale was used when everybody failed the quiz or the test, and I'd take the score of the person who made the highest score, which was an F, and then give them an A, and then everybody else that had a failing grade would be moved up to a passing score. Well, God doesn't have a sliding scale. His scale is 30, 60, and 100 to pass. And I'm not trying to just get by. I've got to make 100 because 99 and a half won't do. Some people have a greater capacity to receive the love of God. God, I've got to have all your love, night and day, not just a part, but all your heart, saints. 99 and a half just won't do. Oh, no. It just won't get it all right. I don't want to be led in the wrong direction. I've got to start this thing off right. God wants us to be all out for him. That's what they told us when we got saved, be all out for God. That's what they told us when we got saved. Let's go. Let's let go and let God have his way in our life. We've got folks in the family, some going to some church, so-called, and they still hold on just about all the world and worldliness. But they're Mr. Christian and Mrs. Christian, and you can't tell the difference in them and the moral centers except their mouth service. Sometimes that's not right. Sometimes that's not right. Jesus said, this people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Somebody said, oh, you're just looking on the outward appearance. God looks on the heart. Well, he sure does. And if the heart is right, you'll clean up the outside, too, with the right teachings. The poet said, Dear Redeemer, we would holler all thy words so firm and true. In thy footsteps meekly follow thy commands we love to do. There are too many so-called Christians going along with just a formality and no grace of God in their hearts to live day to day. Maybe a little grace, but you have to use a magnifying glass to see it. Over in Deuteronomy, the 22nd chapter in the fifth verse, it said, The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, and neither shall a man put on a woman's garment. For all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God. Abomination is something that's detestable, something that just can't hardly be put up with or stood or be able to stand it. It's just so detestable and abominable. Sinners who come around and folks who haven't been reared in the nurture and admonition of the Lord in the evening light are going to present themselves with their worldly flair, and we got news for them. But the saints that are in light who got saved in the evening light, I don't expect women to be in the pants garb of effeminate men with women's clothes and things like that on. We got saved on the basis of the Lord telling the Lord that I'm sorry and I repent from the heart, and if you save me, I'll live for you the rest of my life, and the agreement was made. I believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe in my heart that God raised him from the dead and confessed with my mouth, amen, and believe he saved me because he said thou shalt be saved, didn't he? Now what made folks stop short? Who made you stop short? He's asking the question. Who did hinder you? The race is not finished. We got to run to the end to get the crown. There used to be a dear soul in Tulsa when we lived there some years ago whose name was Anita, I think her name was, and they called her Sister Girl, and she was one of the Reed daughters. And Sister Girl had a kind of a mental handicap or disability as you call it since her youth, and she got under conviction and came and got saved. Sometimes she would come to church with a picture of one of her relatives hanging around her neck that she thought a lot of, and the picture was tied with a string, and she would speak to you and say, this is my auntie or whoever it was, then she would testify. Thank the Lord for being saved, and I'm glad I got out of them pants. She had enough sense to know that God wasn't pleased with women wearing pants. The saved life implies that we are to run the way of God's commandments, and we find this over in the book of Psalms, the 119th division in the 32nd to the 37th verse. Let's turn it over to there. Sister Lois, would you get that for us in Psalms 119 and 32 to 37 please? I will run the way of God's commandments. Amen. Lord God, how you enlarge my heart. Keep me open the way of my values, and I shall keep it until the end. Give me understanding and keep my love. Yea, I shall observe it with all my whole heart. Make me to go and pass God's commandments. Lord God, forgive and do us right. Guide us unto the right way, and not to righteousness. Turn away my eyes from beholding vanity, and quicken thou me in thy ways. Thank the Lord. Praise his name. Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity, and revive me in your ways in the 37th verse. The psalmist expresses his need for help when it comes to his eyes. There are dangers and distractions everywhere. Consider how Achan over in the Old Testament and David found themselves in great trouble because of their eyes. Achan lusted after Babylon's garments and gold, and he hid them in his tent against the rules which were given, not to take the spoils of Babylon. Most of us know about David and the problem with his eyes. Those conditions not only affected themselves, but the whole camp of saints were affected back at that time. Israel started losing the battle against the enemy. And the man of God got so concerned, and he sought the Lord, and God pointed out Achan. God pointed out David too, and he sent Nathan to David, the prophet. And he said, Thou art the man. Thus said the Lord God of Israel. The damage was done. Afterwards, David repented. There are promises to those who run to obtain the heavenly prize. We find that in Proverbs the fourth chapter and the 12th verse. Remember, would you get that over in Proverbs 4 and 12 for us and read it please? Proverbs 4 and 12. When thou goest, thy steps shall not be straightened. And when thou runnest, thou shall not stumble. And when thou runnest, thou shall not stumble. Everybody will meet obstacles in life. But wisdom will save the prudent person from most of them. He will not trip and fall over difficulties like the fool. He will not fall flat in shame very often. Life is short, and only wisdom will save you from the troubles that can ruin your life. Proverbs performs all the functions of Scripture that's mentioned in 2 Timothy 3 and 16. And it corrects us when we are wrong. And it teaches us to do what is right. In Proverbs, God teaches us principles that will bring us peace and contentment. Shides us for the things that we have done in sin. Shows us how to correct our way of life. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. And is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. God doesn't want us to be a fool when it comes to obeying what His Word teaches us and the principles that He reveals to our hearts. You know, it speaks about people calling people a fool, that we're not supposed to do that. And a person can call somebody a fool, and they may not be a fool. But if God calls them a fool, they're a fool. Now, we read over in Isaiah, the 40th chapter, in the 31st verse. If you would get that for us, Christian, and read it. Let's see what Isaiah says in 40 and 31. Yes, it's Isaiah, the 40th chapter, in the 31st verse. Isaiah 40 and 31. You're welcome. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They come on up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. Praise the Lord. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Praise the Lord. They that wait upon the Lord. Now, it's not so much of us that's waiting, but it's how we wait that God is concerned with. He said, they shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. How do you wait on God? Here are some ways we can practice biblical waiting. Acknowledging God's sovereign control of all things. Coming to terms with our dependence upon God. Seeking spiritual strength from the Lord. Being patient. That's one thing that Psalmist David said, I waited patiently on the Lord, and he inclined his ear unto me and heard my prayer. Refraining from needless fear and worry. Continuing to learn and obey God's commands. Then there's a part here that says, having wings as eagles. That helps us to rise toward the heavens, and we wait upon the Lord by patiently trusting in him and keeping our covenants. He blesses us with his divine help, and in his strength, we are lifted up so that we can receive peace in this world and eternal life in the world to come. Well, how does waiting on the Lord renew our strength? This is a metaphor of mounting up with wings like eagles can be particularly beneficial. Like eagles can be particularly inspiring as it suggests that those who wait on the Lord can rise above their difficulties and soar to new heights. It speaks of a renewed energy and a sense of purpose that comes from putting one's trust in God. Let us bow our heads today, each one of us in a word of prayer in our hearts. Heavenly Father, I come to you now in the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father, I ask that you will renew my strength, the one that waits upon you, that I shall mount up with wings like eagles, that I will run and not be weary, and that I will walk and not faint. Give each one of you a promise of hope and encouragement, especially during these difficult times that we face. Keep us reminded to have active anticipation of looking for that which will happen next through you. Lord, help us to rise to another level, just as the eagle is able to soar to spectacular heights on wind currents. We know that every child of God will gain new heights by being uplifted by the Spirit of God. You are our endless source of strength, because your Word tells us that you give power to the faint, and to him that has no might, you increase his strength. These and other blessings we ask in Jesus' name. Amen. We have a psalm that says, I am now running in the Christian race. We shall run and not be weary. Let me turn over to that and get it. That's page 197. I now am running in the Christian race to gain the promised Christ, who Jesus, matchless, saving, giving grace, will crown Him in the skies. We shall run and not be weary. We shall walk and never faint. We're traveling to our happy home. We'll walk and never faint. Can anyone take that second verse? I now am running in the Christian race to gain the promised Christ, who Jesus, matchless, saving, giving grace, will crown Him in the skies. We shall run and not be weary. We shall walk and never faint. We're traveling to our happy home. We'll walk and never faint. I'll stand upon His Word and prove His power. The rock of ages passed. I know He'll keep me trusting every hour. While life on earth shall last, we shall run and not be weary. We shall walk and never faint. We're traveling to our happy home. We'll walk and never faint. The path is easy, but it is a dangerous one. Life before us is frail and hard. There's no path easy, which can be tried. Our hope is clear and bright. We shall run and not be weary. We shall walk and never faint. We're traveling to our happy home. We'll walk and never faint. When life and labor here is done, can we thus say with hope, I fought the fight and there's a story to tell that's waiting for us all. We shall run and not be weary. We shall walk and never faint. We're traveling to our happy home. We'll walk and never faint. Praise the Lord. Does anyone have a testimony or excitation for Thanksgiving? People who keep the mind of this scripture, this last one we have, Isaiah 4, verse 31. They that wake up from slumber should renew their strength. They shall come back to peace. They shall not be weary and they shall not faint. Praise the Lord. First, we get rich. We have to look for the essence of strength. More people walk the path, more people walk the path. Thank the Lord. Now the church has more faithful men. There's always strength, no matter how much we need it, there's always more. Praise the Lord. All right, next. Another song says, all is grace is free as the air we breathe. We may each have a full supply. If we will obey and His word believe, He'll prepare us to dwell on high. Praise the Lord. I am free in His love and grace. Oh, His blood reaches me. I abide in His smiling face. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. God has more grace for us as we get wearier like sisters. The Lord says in our bodies, we can go to Him and let Him know. Praise the Lord. We'll walk in that faith. Anyone else? It's a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to send praises unto His name. If nothing further, we thank the Lord for everyone that's on the call today. And we trust that your hearts be encouraged today with the word of God, that we'll receive the meekness, the invested word, which is able to save our souls, to give us instruction in righteousness, and help us to know how the Lord wants us to follow Him and to continue in His way, to be steadfast and unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. If this is all, may we have Christi to dismiss us with a word of prayer, please. Heavenly Father, we thank you for the word today. We're grateful for this opportunity to gather together in your name. We thank you that you were the same yesterday, today, and forever. And we thank you for your faithfulness. Help us to run and not be weary. Help us to walk in the path of thanks. Help us to hold fast to your promises. We trust your goodness, as we lean on your understanding, as we walk by faith. May our journey of seeking you be marked by trust, surrender, and unwavering belief in your Son, Jesus Christ. We claim victory over every struggle, healing over every sickness, and provision for every need in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. If this is all, we're going to say goodbye to everyone. Thank you again. Say goodbye everybody. Goodbye. Goodbye.

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