Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The main ideas from this information are: - The speaker starts with a prayer, expressing gratitude and asking for blessings on the service. - The topic of constancy and staying steadfast in the things of the Lord is discussed, with examples given. - Scripture verses from 2nd Thessalonians and 2nd Timothy are cited, emphasizing the importance of holding fast to the teachings of the Word. - The speaker shares personal anecdotes about individuals who turned away from the faith and the need to remain loyal to God. - The importance of not being diverted or influenced by worldly things is emphasized. Let's bow our head in a word of prayer. Our Father in heaven, we approach the throne of grace in the name of Jesus, a name that is above every name, and we're thankful that the name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous runneth into it and are safe. We appreciate that you've kept us in the hall of your hand, cleaned from sin, and we're encouraged to follow the Lord all the way. Regardless of the tests and the trials and circumstances that arise in life, we cling to your promises and we're thankful that you are a deliverer, you are a strong high tower. We're thankful, Lord, that we can keep ourselves hid way behind the cross and that you would take care of us and meet our every need to the glory of God. We ask today that you would bless the service today that it would be carried out to your glory and honor, that you'd help us, Lord, in sharing the word of God, and that you would cause there to be a reception of the word, that we will receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save our souls. We thank you and praise you and we look to you to bless and that you would lower your presence in the service today, and we're also thankful you said and we cling to it, that where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them. So we appreciate that and we look to you to take charge of the remainder of the service. I give your name of praise and of glory for all that is accomplished. In Jesus' name, amen. As we open our Bibles today, let us turn to 1st Corinthians 15 and 58. In 1st Corinthians 15 and 58, we have the Apostle Paul speaking of the Holy Ghost, and he says, Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. These are the thoughts that the Lord has been putting on my heart about us as saints of God having constancy, being constant in the things of the Lord, not being moved away from the hope and the calling wherewith he has called us with the heavenly calling. To be steadfast is to be firmly fixed and not subject to change, to be firm in belief and determination, and to be loyal and faithful. Likewise, to be immovable is to be unyielding and incapable of being moved or diverted. The word diverted means something that has been turned from one course or use to another. An example, during highway construction, which there has been a lot going on here in Texas, workers will sometimes be ordered to close a certain highway and divert traffic to a side street, and when one road is closed, several blocks of traffic will be open and signs will be placed and they call it a detour. There was an early pioneer minister named E. E. Barham, which some have probably read about, and he wrote a tract titled Marching Along the Bypass, which was republished in the Faith Publishing House in Guthie, Oklahoma, and Brother Barham wrote this back in 1910. Brother Barham pointed out in the tract that a bypass is a private or obscure path near the main way leading out from it, and that along a well-traveled road to a certain point, there are often many bypasses which appear to be branches of the main line, and they are used for convenience, but upon closer examination is found that they do not belong to the main line, neither are they for the travelers of that road. Furthermore, none of these paths lead to the end of the road. He showed diversion by saying, if a job requires you to wear a necktie, then take it off when you leave. Anyone who knows human nature, that that was the end of the anti-necktie custom. Many others in that movement made the same diversion, and it has affected a swath of people down through the whole Reformation of the evening light. In the spiritual realm, there is but one road that leads from earth to heaven. There's a big picture in the gospel trumpet book where he's wearing it, along with other brethren who diverted to that. We don't know if Brother Barham ever was straightened out. It was way before our time. However, we see the effects of folks who once walked in the light, and it's not just this one particular thing, and they once walked in the light of God and took a bypass. Many of their children in congregations may never find a true path because of unspiritual detours that have been taken. Jesus tells us, straight is the gate and narrow is the way. It's not only the main line, but it's the only line. It's a narrow way, but it's sufficiently wide enough to admit everyone who will forsake all other ways. Leading in another direction is a road of which Jesus said, and he said, as wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. And immediately following that scripture, he says, beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves, and ye shall know them by their fruits. Over in Matthew, the seventh chapter, in the 13th to 16th verse, what God wants the saints to beware that these bypaths lead to death and out into the broad way. He wants us to be consistently following in the narrow way. I will say that there's a great gulf between the two roads. Now regarding our constancy as commanded, let's turn over to the book of 2nd Thessalonians, the second chapter and the 15th verse. Brother Mark, are you able to get the scripture for us today, please? Can you read that? Yes, 2nd Thessalonians 2 and 15. Speak a little louder, please. Therefore, brethren, stand fast, all the traditions which you have been taught, for the power of the Lord. This is a command. It's not optional that you can take it or leave it. No, this command is to us to hold fast to the teachings of the Word. And when Paul talks about traditions here, he's not just talking about just the kind of things that you could or could not pass down from one generation to the next that are not that important. He's talking about bedrock truths of God's Word. This is the global message is that amid suffering, believers must remember the sovereign grace that has rescued them in Jesus Christ. Everything that we read in 2nd Thessalonians contributes to these twin themes of endurance through suffering and the eternal scope of divine grace. All of God's minutes should be constant. Let's turn over to 2nd Timothy, the first chapter, the 14th and the 15th verse. May I have you to read that? Yes, 2nd Timothy 1, 14 and 15, Sister Just a moment, please. I think you might not have the right one. It's 2nd Timothy 1, 14 and the 15th verse. Hold fast to the form of sound words which thou hast heard of. In faith and love which is in Christ Jesus, that good thing which was committed unto thee, kept keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us. Thank you. Read on. This thou knowest that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me of whom are Phrygelus and Hermogenes. That's good. Thank you. These two appear to be prominent Christians since they are single out from all other Christians in Asia who deserted Paul. Thus they could have, in fact, been pastors, teachers since these constituted the leadership of the churches who served under the authority of the apostle like Paul. Paul mentions Phrygelus and Hermogenes by name as being among those Christians of Asia in western province of Asia Minor who had turned away from the apostle. From the context in 2nd Timothy 1, 13 and 2nd Timothy 1 and 14, it may be assumed that the apostasy included the repudiation of Paul's doctrine. Paul was mentioned both, or he had mentioned both God the Father and Jesus Christ in the early parts of this letter, but in this verse the Holy Spirit becomes the focus. He dwells within us. The Holy Spirit began this indwelling work at Pentecost which we find over in Acts the second chapter. And in the best and the purest ages of the church there were those that had embraced the Christian faith and yet afterwards they revolted from it. And there were many such. He does not say that they had turned away from the doctrine of Christ, though it should seem they had, but they had turned away from Paul. They had turned their backs upon him and disavowed him in the time of his distress. And should we wonder when many had turned their backs on a much better than Paul? They turned their backs on the Lord Jesus Christ. I witnessed something in the congregation years ago during a camp meeting as God sent a minister to preach the word with power and authority of God by the Holy Ghost. And these words were made clear and pure on the subject about how has the faithful city become unharmed. And after he was finished, one of the supposed leading ministers, if we put it that way, got up and you could not deny the convicted power of the truth that had been presented. And I think he was under it also. And his statement was, well, I'm guilty. This kind of nonchalant. And I partook of that drink when I was traveling out to California and I didn't have anything else to drink and if that was sin, I'll repent. Then he said, sometimes we can get carried away with these things. Right behind the first few words that he said. When he should have been supporting the truth that the precious brother had brought out. Not only that, when the minister from Florida took the first evangelistic tour out of Goulds to Wichita, Kansas, among the saints, they made them welcome and told them to make themselves at home and you can have what you want or need. And he said, lo and behold, when he opened the refrigerator, a big Pepsi-Cola stared him in the face. Now the saints that called the Goulds congregation out of the gospel trumpet were the ones who taught Brother Hargrave against drinking that. And when my wife was sick with that kidney problem, some of the saints told her right there on her sickbed said, leave any kind of beverage like that alone. And this was their first trip that was out of Goulds among the saints. Not too long after that, this brother that challenged it succumbed to the medical technology and got his legs amputated. And he got one, he got the second one cut off. What he did was in direct contravention of the message of the Word of God. And it talked about the caffeine is what we're after. And they mentioned about how that you take an aspirin and it's got just about as much or more or less of the same ingredient that the cola does. And if we said it's all right as the ministers, well that comes into divine healing because folks start taking aspirin for whatever reason that they're doing it. And that goes right against the divine trust that we have for our healing. You know old ministers can get off track with God as anyone else. The Bible says, and many shall follow their pernicious ways of whom the way of truth is evil spoken of. God's ministers should exhort the people of God to be constant. Let's turn over to the book of Acts, the 13th chapter and the 43rd verse. Would you get that for us Christi and read it? Acts 13 and 43. Now when the congregation was broken up, many of the Jews and religious fossilized, both Paul and Barnabas, who speaking to them persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. Yes, thank you. Paul closes sermon with a warning and he quotes the prophet Habakkuk who warned Israel of impending judgment in Acts 13 and 41. And his point is you can't avert the judgment of God because you don't believe it or don't like it. It's coming. What you can do is make provisions for it by calling upon Christ. This is carried out in the church of God today. His ministers are watchmen on the walls of Zion and when the enemy makes a raid, they have a grave duty to perform to properly warn the flock and sometimes it's difficult to detect sufficiently at once to expose the enemy until the fruit is manifest. The enemy does not always appear in the form of a lion or represent himself to be an opposer of the truth. Jesus said that there would come those who wore sheep's clothing but within were ravening wolves. Some would have a profession and claim to teach the true way of salvation but their hearts would be far from God. Some become deceived and believe that they're right when they're wrong and lead many astray work in division instead of striving to keep the unity of the Spirit. I want to say by the Word of God that ministers should pray for the constancy of the people of God. It's turned over in the first Thessalonians the third chapter and the twelfth and thirteenth verse. First Thessalonians 3 and 12 and 13. It says, and the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another and toward all men even as we do toward you. To the end he may establish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God even our Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints. God help us to love one another. We ask that God would make us increase and abound in love for one another. We pray for that. Lord help us to increase today to abound today in our love for one another specifically as brothers and sisters in Christ. By the time we travel thousands of miles to be with the brethren we either love them or we're crazy one. Now this constancy should be manifested in keeping the faith. Turn with us over to the book of Colossians 2, 5 and 7. Colossians 2, 5 and 7. For though I be absent in the flesh, yet I am with you in the spirit. Joying and beholding your order and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ, as ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him. Rooted and built up in him, established in the faith as ye have been taught, abounding therewith with thanksgiving. Paul says we receive Christ as Lord and now we should show him to be Lord in our living. This means that we live by his example and follow his commands. It means that we have been changed. The true test of genuineness of a person's confession of faith is the life that they live. We sing a song that says let a holy life tell the gospel story. A sister in Okmulgee used to come and say, said with all that we do and say unless we live the life it won't amount to a hill of beans. Jesus warned us to watch and pray over in the book of Luke the 21st chapter and he said watch ye therefore and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man. This means that we should be understanding of the things that are happening at the present time so we know how close we are to Christ's return. There are a lot of people who are saying where is the promise of his coming? We've heard this all of our lives and he hasn't come yet but he's coming. God help us to see the prophecy unfold so you can escape the things that are coming on this world. Nation rising against nation. Kingdom against kingdom. It's about every nation that you hear about today. Someone is against another one and this one against that one and there should be famines and pestilence and earthquakes and damaged places. Some people think that the COVID-19 is gone but there are still some developments and pestilence and things that are deadly and overwhelming diseases that affect entire communities. The constancy that God wants us to have should be manifest in resisting the devil. 1 Peter 5, 8 and 9. Peter says be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may defy, who resists steadfast in the faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. What does it mean to be alert and of a sober mind? Sober minded means you are focusing on the grace that will be revealed in Jesus Christ. You're living with eternity in view and because of that your values are clarified and you live with motivation and hope. As believers we battle the evil one every day. His mission is to discourage and defeat us at every turn. Some good brethren have favorably considered some of the things that's propagated and expressed themselves accordingly not discerning the false spirit that's back of it and their souls may not yet have become tarnished but the danger comes when a false spirit is exposed and rebuked. When someone undertakes to defend it then it fastens upon him and he partakes of it. Fanaticism and compromise are equally dangerous. Neither of them belong to the highway so beware of both. The compromised spirit can be effectually exposed and rebuked without resorting to fanaticism. There's a song we say that says, watch and pray the tempter may be near us, keep the heart with jealous care, bless the door a moment left unguarded, evil thoughts may enter there. Watch and pray, the Lord commanded, watch and pray to not be long, soon he'll gather home his loved ones to the happy village song. Watch and pray, nor let us ever weary, Jesus watched and prayed alone, prayed for us when only stars beheld him while on olive groves he shone. Watch and pray, the Lord commanded, watch and pray to not be long, soon he'll gather home his loved ones to that happy village song. Watch and pray, nor leave our post of duty till we hear the bright gold voice. Then with him the marriage feast partaking we shall evermore rejoice. Watch and pray, the Lord commanded, watch and pray to not be long, soon he'll gather home his loved ones to that happy village song. That's my desire to continue to watch and pray that when the bridegroom's coming and we hear his voice, we're ready to go out and meet him. It won't be like those foolish versions that didn't have enough oil in their lamps and they wanted to get some from the wise versions, but it was too late. Jesus is not coming back to get us ready, he's coming back to get us and we need to be ready. Like he says, be also ready, for in such an hour as you think not, son of man coming. Constancy is manifest in standing fast in the faith. Let's turn over to 1st Corinthians 16 and 13. 1st Corinthians 16 and 13. Would you get that for us, Christi? Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men be strong. Praise the Lord. 1st Corinthians 16 and 13 means that they must be on the lookout for any kind of false teaching. Paul also tells them to act like men or to be men of courage and to be strong. He's made it clear that our faith in Christ will face opposition from the culture that's around them. We must be resolved to remain in our faith with strength and courage. That's all that we do be done in love. How do we stand firm in the faith? Well, one way is to keep yourself in God's Word, to stand firm in your faith. Stand firm in your faith by continuing to put the Word of God in your eyes and ears, through reading it daily, through speaking it, through reading it aloud, through memorizing it, and while you read, write down scriptures that speaks to your heart. Sometimes the first thing in the morning, the Lord's been speaking to me through the night, and soon as I got up that morning, I start searching where that scripture is and studying it. Like he said, study to shoo thyself or prove unto God. Workmen that need not be ashamed, rightly divide in the words of truth. Constancy is manifested in holding fast our Christian confidence and profession. Let's read a little bit more over in the book of Hebrews, the 10th chapter and the 23rd verse. Sister Lois, would you get that for us in Hebrews 10 and 23? Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering, for he is faithful to promise. Thank the Lord. In this verse, we are reminded that God made the promises and he is faithful. When we hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, we find the strength and the energy to do things that can't be explained. God wants you to affirm your faith in Jesus and in the Word of God. The word profession means to confess, to promise, to acknowledge, assent, to give thanks. This is a substantial substance here and it is our covenant affirmation or acknowledgement to God. How do you profess your faith in God? Let's look at a few things here. Five inspiring ways that you can practice your faith and continue to connect to something greater than yourself. Participate in Sunday devotional services. Begin each day with morning prayer or meditation. Read your Bible. Participate in small group Bible study sessions. Participate in reaching out to souls as God presents opportunities with gospel tracts and literature. An example of a profession of our faith is according to the Scripture and it goes like this. If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved. We read a scripture on this past Friday over in Psalms 107 from 2 to 8 and it said, let the redeemed of the Lord say so. When you save, you need to say so. Does that mean that you have to go around talking and saying and telling people that I'm saved, I'm saved, I'm saved? They'll know it by the change in your life and the way that you live, the way that you walk day by day. You're not participating in this world and the worldly ways that the world does. So he said, let the redeemed of the Lord say so whom he has redeemed from the hand of the enemy. It ought to make us happy that we've been redeemed and set free from the devil's doings. And he said he gathered them out of the lands from the east and from the west and from the north and from the south and they wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way. They found no city to dwell in. Hungry and thirsty, their souls fainted in them. Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble and he delivered them out of their distresses. And he led them forth by the right hand that they might go to a city of habitation. Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men. May the Lord help us to learn to be thankful. We had received a text message that Sister Lois had sent where she was asking for prayer and she was having trouble with her arm, pains from lifting and pulling and the overuse of her limb. And they were needing a buyer that would pay the price that Brother Mark wanted for some of the chickens and more customers for the eggs which were being gathered to buy. And we talked to Christy about Sister Lois requests in Scripture. That's the way we usually do those that are faithful to the Lord. We tell them about the requests of other saints. And when I spoke to Christy about Sister Lois requests and the scripture that I had given her, Christy said, I just read that same scripture. And I was just thankful. I said, our minds were on the same plane. You know the word tells us over in Malachi that they that fear the Lord speak often one to another. And the Lord hearken. Don't you know the Lord has listened to us and heard it? And a book of remembrance was written before him for them that fear the Lord and that thought upon his name. Praise God. God wants us to encourage one another to remember the Word of God and rely on his promises. As we put that request in and fasting and prayer, we found that that one of the requests had been answered of a buyer for the chickens. And I was praising the Lord for that answer. He answered that one before we even called on him. Oh when Isaiah said it should come to pass that before they call I will answer. And while they are yet speaking I will hear. The answer to our prayers is prepared before we pray. The desire to talk to the Lord about our needs comes from him. Before they call I will answer means we have to rise to the level of this prayer. Before they call I will answer. That means we must learn spirits prayer. Many times we don't even know what we ought to pray for as we are. But the Spirit make it in a session for us. That's why we need to learn the spirits prayer. We must fast and pray also for hard cases. And then and only then we can see results. And such prayer will not be a laborous one. The Spirit will guide us into all truth. Saints have that song book over there on page 252. To your covenant made with God and trust for the cleansing in Jesus' blood. Hold fast for the strength you shall need in life. He surely will help you amid the strife. Hold fast, hold fast, hold to the Savior he's all in all. Hold fast, hold fast, hold fast to the promise you'll never fall. Hold fast for the beautiful land in view. Hold fast for the crown that's awaiting you. Hold fast for the meeting of loved ones there. Hold fast for the bliss they have gone to share. Hold fast, hold fast, hold to the Savior he's all in all. Hold fast, hold fast, hold fast to the promise you'll never fall. I'm finding more and more that's what the Lord wants us to do. To hold fast. We may get tired sometimes physically, but we don't have to let our spirit get low. We can hold fast in the Spirit. God will strengthen us. He'll strengthen us for the things that we need in life. We'll just hold fast. Yes, that's the Lord. Yes, amen. Yeah, the Lord really answered prayer this past week for us in many ways. We just thank him for it. He knows what we're tracing and he knows how to help us. Yes, he does. We just appreciate his, the help that he has given to us this week. It just, it's just overflows. Praise the Lord. And nobody else can thank you for this. You're the only one. You don't have to hold fast. Praise the Lord. Amen. Amen. I have a track that was published some time ago and I can't remember who it was that wrote it, but it was called, The Devil's Vision. And the devil once said to the demons below, our work is progressing entirely too slow. The Christian people stand in our way. And since they don't believe in the show, not even in the play, they teach that the carnival, circus and dance, the taverns and honky-tonk with his games of chance, drinking and smoking, these are all wrong. That Christian folks don't mix with the ungodly throne. They're quick to condemn everything that we do to cause unbelievers to be just a few. They claim these things are all of the devil. That Christian folks live on a much higher level. Now, fellows, their theology, while perfectly true, is blocking the work we're trying to do. We have to get busy and figure a plan that will change their standards as fast as we can. Now, I have a vision of what we can do, Harkin, and I'll tell you this deception to you. Then find me a wise, degenerate man whom I can use to help work out this plan. There's nothing so real as the things that you see. The eyes and mind and the heart will agree. So what can be better than an object to view? I'll say it will work and convince not a few. The home is the place for this sinful device. The people deceived will think it quite nice. The world will possess it. Most Christians can't tell. That is all of the devil and was plotted in hell. We'll sell them with pictures of the latest of news. And while they're still looking, we'll advertise booze. And the soul-snatching cigarettes also. They'll look until they forget what God says in his book. At first, it will shock them. They'll see in a haze. But still, they'll be hardened and continue to gaze. We'll give them some gospel that isn't too strong and a few sacred songs to tow them along. They'll take in the ads with the latest of fashions and soon watch the show that stirs evil passions. Murder and love-making scenes they'll behold until their souls are bitterly cold. The old family altar, which once held much charm, will soon lose its place without much alarm. Praying in secret will also be lost as they look at the screen without counting the cost. The compromising preachers who don't take their stand will embrace this new vision and think it is grand. They'll help fool the people and cause them to sin by accepting this evil and taking it in. Influence is great and this you can see. Just look at my power and you'll have to agree. It won't take long, my demons to tell, that vision of Satan will populate hell. Divorce will increase. Sex times will abound. Much innocent blood will be spilled on the ground. The home will be damned in short order, I say, when this vision of mine comes to stay. Get busy, my co-workers, and put this thing out. We'll see if the church can continue to shout. The Christian people who stand in our way will soon hush their crying against any play. We'll cover the earth with this devil vision, though we'll tell everyone that it's television. We'll win through deception. This cannot fail, though some gospel preachers against it will rail. And he's done more than that. He's come right into the computers now and a lot of things will be on there. We have to stay on guard. We have to have it fixed in our hearts and our minds that we're going to not be distracted and detoured off the path of holiness. And we're going to have to be and we're going to have to be proudful and watchful in order to do this. In that way, Jesus exhorted us in the Word of God today to watch and pray. I'm thankful for each one of the saints that have answered the call for the service today. And we thank the Lord for his faithfulness to us. Is there anything further to be done? Testimonies, answer prayers, exhortations, thanksgiving? Well, we appreciate your burden of other saints for us. And we just thank you for your prayers and answer. And the Lord's been answering prayers for us. And we still have some things some things that are in the future that we, this young man that's been working for us, this past week was his last week. And he said he might be, he's going to get a contractor's job and he won't be able to come as much. But he said he still might come some. So we have some things that need to be filled there. But we're trusting God to take care of them. Yes. Amen. Thank God he's able. Yes, he is. Now one evening, one afternoon, we had some advice given to us. And when I left, I just talked about, Lord, what do we want, what do you want us to do about this? And the next day, the next morning, the Lord just made it plain what we should do. And one of the bath ladies offered to, she already was coming two times a week. And she said, would you like for me to come on Wednesday too? And I said, and she said, I only have one client. And then she said, I can come again. It would be her third time in a week to come. Praise God. It was the very, the very last thing she did for us. Yes. Because we needed help. Thank the Lord. Thank the Lord. Just really thank the Lord for how he made himself strong. Yes. And helped us to know the path that we should take too. Praise God. Really appreciate the Lord's feelings. Thank the Lord. We're glad to hear that. Well, let us be encouraged to hold fast. I just want to say that I'm thankful. I'm thankful to God for his goodness and mercy and constant presence in my life, this constant hand in our lives here. I have so much to be grateful for. Yes. Really just so thankful for all that I am, all that I have, all that he is, and who I am in Christ. I'm just grateful for his presence. I'm grateful that I have the privilege of being able to have a relationship with God. Thank the Lord. Yes. You know, when, you know, it's, it means something when the babes in Christ start crying. And, you know, if a child doesn't cry, you may think there's something wrong with them because that's normally what a baby will do is cry. Exercise those lungs. And we appreciate how God blessed you to be able to speak out and give the testimony and just keep and hold fast to the profession of your faith. Live like God wants you to live day by day. Reading and praying, giving yourself more and more to the Lord. And he's able to bring you out into a wealthy place. Well, Brother Mark, would you dismiss us with a word of prayer, please? Lord, we thank you for your faithfulness, your faithfulness, your faithfulness, your faithfulness. Help us to be vigilant. Help us to be sober. Tonight, let's pray fast and stand in peace. Help us to be free. Help us to be faithful. We pray that you help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant. Lord, help us to be unimportant.