Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The transcript is about a class that wants to have their lesson outside because it's a beautiful day. One student, Donnie, is not interested in the lesson and wants to do something else. The class discusses the idea and eventually convinces the teacher, Miss Taffy, to have the class outside. They also welcome a new student named Michael. Donnie surprises everyone by arranging for an ice cream truck to come to celebrate Miss Taffy's birthday. The class enjoys the ice cream and then debates how to distribute the remaining ice creams. Donnie's dad paid for the ice cream, and Donnie decides to transfer to a different class. Miss Taffy is sad to see him go. okay hello check check check okay levels seem good the script all right cool all right whenever you want to start we can give this a go let's do it children it's everyone's favorite math time let's take out our worksheets and get started Donnie what is it I'm trying to focus you can focus all you want but you'll never understand this garbage arithmetic please let me know when she gets to billions we will for now we should try to get her to take class outside today why because it's a beautiful day then um dum-dum oh I got you I got you why because it's a beautiful day dum-dum no there's always a reason with you oh sorry my fingers slit oh say that line again for me no there's always a reason with you you'll have to tell us or we won't help you you know what I won't be held hostage okay I don't need your help watch this uh excuse me miss Taffy yes Donnie thank you so much for your quick response I appreciate it small question if I may I actually I don't want excuse me we'll start that one over from miss Taffy's line yes Donnie thank you for your quick response I appreciate it small question if I may actually I don't do small let's say huge idea in few words with a question mark at the end can we have a class outside today I don't think so let's focus it I told you what are you working on hell Jay I'm gonna need you to put that hand down what's the harm in delicious sunshine Deidre gets it she's wonderful hippie or sorry say that Deidre line again what's the harm in delicious sunshine Deidre gets it she's a wonderful hippie the best you know who this is a job for you know who she would listen to I think you're right does he have to be involved proven let's not go that far to listen to him but I can never work with him I'd rather die I wouldn't want to but I'd rather do that and I know my funeral would be incredible there we're trying to focus this is a waste of time I know it you know it J seven is that a question or an answer here's a question and an answer what do we want sunshine when do we want it answer seven very good Jay Jay come up here and sit by me I got a beautiful seat right here the best seat okay now I'm getting a little hot Barry let's get this done we have a consensus he doesn't want to ruffle any feathers I told you pursuing this Barry Avenue is a waste of time I've said it before and I'll say it again I'm on record now saying it you can check the record maybe you're right but maybe Barry isn't capable of getting it done I suggest now hold on hold on a minute sorry now a hold on a minute nice one I'm gonna pass out from this heat exhaustion and here's our next problem Barry uh miss Tabby yes Barry problems need solutions miss Tabby and I am here to offer one certainly Barry what's on your mind as you know miss Tabby as everyone in this room knows it's a beautiful day outside the sun is shining the birds are singing a song what page is this it somehow jumps but it's five okay okay sorry say birds are sun is shining or are singing a song he's gonna over sell this I'm not gonna lie this room feels little stuffy how can anyone focus while being stifled by this over oppressive heat you see now that was a bit much what we call it oppressive Barry it's not actually too bad in here right now I'm gonna cut your tongue out and I think on behalf of all of us I think we can agree that if we were to take this class take this valuable lesson that we're all learning here we go and move the learning just about 500 feet from here just beyond those doors to sweet sweet freedom the fresh crisp fall air will not only rejuvenate our minds but you will find a more engaged and unified class this guy's big on unity I think he's got it hmm all right class who would like to take this class outside oh the Sun would energize us there is precedent for outdoor school in fact the founding fathers I agree with my fellow classmates it's literally all I want in this world I can still focus outside yes well I suppose it wouldn't hurt all I have to do is just check with principal Joe to make sure it's okay Oh God come on I told you that nothing good comes from reaching across the aisle I think principal Joe is very reasonable that's not what you said the other day in private Oh principal Joe you just happen to be wandering the halls actually no I come bearing gifts yes we have a new student for your class his name is Michael he's just moved here I believe it's pronounced Miguel he's a great kid miss Taffy I already sniffed his hair okay class please make Michael feel welcome Michael you can come sit near me my name is Kamala Michael it's really lovely to have you in this class what's up Michael I've got a seat reserved for you right over here what you can sit any way you like it's a free country okay I'm not gonna lie Miguel that was probably a good choice Michael comes just from let me see here from Paris Oh taxi oh how close is that to the border principal Joe before you go the class was lobbying for us to take the rest of the class outside today with your permission well I think if you look at the properties outside in the Sun it's a day as such and such as I don't see any turtles or hurdles or reasons why that can't be arranged for the day there it is and the way that it is speaking you heard the man such as as such he's given permission thank you miss Taffy yes thank you miss Taffy okay class grab your things we're headed to the great outdoors hooray I have to say nicely done took longer than I thought I hope he's still coming cool what's all this for I started the job you finished it a united class effort more like I started it you almost ruined it and then I saved it but thank you this noise my this noise maker is my first guest that's moving to this town wait where'd all the uh oh yeah okay there we go sorry I thought though you did something this noise maker is my first gift since moving to this town what pages right end of nine I'm sure if you befriend Barry okay yeah I'm sure if you befriend Barry over there you'll find yourself with lots of gifts and I hate to say it I'm not the only one who says that a lot of people say that but I'm just a messenger is that what they call a run-on sentence Miguel I gotta be honest I'm not sure about you miss Taffy yes Donnie I just wanted to stay ready everyone happy birthday why Donnie how incredibly sweet and thoughtful how did you know it was my birthday and also for your birthday Donnie points to an ice cream truck who keeps it who beeps its horn wait ice cream we got you an ice cream truck Donnie this is the sweetest gesture how did you arrange this Ernesto has the best ice cream truck in town okay we just had him for a party at my place not too long ago some of the best ice cream around hard worker that Ernesto also Ernesto is a fun word to say Ernesto Ernesto Ernesto also the whole food truck is on me my daddy paid for it what a wonderful gesture let's all join hands and walk to the sidewalk free ice cream again not exactly free it's been paid for free is the best math see something seems fishy about this I thought so from the beginning I wonder what the angle is why does there have to be an angle why can't I just do something nice for somebody they're just jealous because they couldn't get it done Danny I wasn't gonna say that myself but you've been right quite a bit lately quite a bit is Barry right was there a hidden angle here why do you want to know because I want to learn okay class we have 50 ice creams paid for we ate 15 what do we have left obviously great startup inventory for our own ice cream business let's give it to principal Joe based on our grades we could proportionally divide it what's the vision it's how many times you can take something out of something bigger none of this is paid that none of this is fair to Donnie's dad who paid for all of this by the way I'm confused why are they arguing it was literally free ice cream at a birthday celebration in the middle of the day plus they got class outside and they're still not satisfied welcome to America kid I was born here this is very sweet of your dad Donnie please tell him that for me and I'm so sad to lose you in this class but I will honor your transfer request transfer request what are you talking about he filled this out you filled out this form oh hi principal Joe Hillary okay that was a good good first first take so hey don't want are you yeah it's still going now well why don't you stop it just save it and then we'll start a new student recording all right all right okay one thing too yeah let me stroll back up to the top here and we'll get this going so what are we doing first let's just do Donnie let's all right yeah let's do that all right let's take tackle the biggest one first sure all right children it's everyone's favorite math time let's take out our worksheets and get started give me a few different ones do one a little bit longer do one little angry do one like trying to be sneaky sure Donnie what is it I'm trying to focus you can focus all you want but you'll never understand this garbage you can focus yeah you can focus all you want but you'll never understand this garbage good listen up you can focus all you want but you'll never understand this garbage arithmetic please let me know when she gets to billion please let me understand let me know when she gets to billions please let me know when she gets to billions give me another one without the pause before billions okay please let me know when she gets to billions give me another reading like that please let me know when she gets to billions yeah like a please like you're wasting my time please let me know when she gets to billions and sure enough that was that was like that was the please just shorten the time between the please and let me know when she gets please let me know when she gets to billions great we will for now we should try to take her class we should try to get her to take class outside today do it again remember you're trying to keep it a little bit more hush-hush right like you're you know you started this with ups okay like give us you know like hey here's the plan sure please let me know we should try to get her to take class outside today it's a little bit faster yeah we should try to get her to take class outside today get me one two more we should try to get her to take class outside today we should try to get her to take class outside today let the focus on emphasis on outside okay move fast yeah we should try to get her to take class outside today good I like them okay why because it's a beautiful day dumb dumb because yeah because it's a beautiful day dumb dumb because it's a beautiful day dumb dumb I like that reading just give it to me a little bit faster because it's a beautiful day dumb dumb even faster because it's a beautiful day dumb dumb good one more even faster because it's a beautiful day dumb dumb cool and actually go back to the we should try to get her to take class outside with that same speed I like that we should try to get her to take class outside today we should try to get her to take class outside today okay cool beautiful day dumb no there's always a reason for you yeah yeah you have to tell us or we won't help you you know what I won't be held hostage I don't need your help watch this excuse me miss Steffi I like that change in you know and kind of how you were rolling when you went to the Miss Taffy yeah go through a little bit more do it again I like that okay you know what I won't be held hostage I don't need your help watch this excuse me miss Taffy you know what no I'll go all the way through you know what go through the hostage line like it's all one thought okay you know what I won't be held hostage I don't need your help watch this excuse me miss Taffy good one more a little bit faster you know what I don't you know what you know what I won't be held hostage I don't need your help watch this excuse me miss Taffy me a little bit more difference between that like really turn on the the sweet excuse me you know like really turn it on for miss Taffy you know what I won't be held hostage I don't need your help watch this excuse me miss Taffy I like that just give give me that you know what through the hostage thing like they've done this before like they always try and hold you hot they're always trying to negotiate with you they're always doing this here I'm done with this get out of here you guys ridiculous you know what I won't be held hostage I don't need your help watch this uh excuse me miss Taffy well one more time don't give me take out that comma between you know what okay you know what I don't need your help oh sorry you know what I won't be held hostage I don't need your help watch this uh excuse me miss Taffy yes Donnie thank you for your quick response I appreciate it small question if I may actually I don't do small let's say huge idea in few words which there should be a that should be you know I don't do small let's say let's say there's a huge idea in a few words so there's supposed to be in there and you take out that comma I'll try get a idea flow better when she first answers you you know really turn on the charm you know the thank you for your quick response I appreciate it like you're just buttering it up I mean she's a teacher you're like wow you know like go over the top like whoa that was amazing thank you so like just go over the top with that and yeah I just want to ask you something real quick and then you know then well Donnie corrects himself because he's like that you know the rest of it's kind of like the huge idea in a few words that's mainly like you kind of almost talking to yourself right okay thank you for your quick response I appreciate it small question if I may actually I don't do small let's say huge idea in few words with a question mark at the end can we have class outside today cool that actually actually I don't do small let's say you let's say it's let's say huge idea in a few words with a question mark at the end like all of that's kind of one thought so just kind of like it's like you muttering to yourself like wait I don't do small what am I talking about like let's say that it's this and like you're kind of categorizing it in your own head to make sure that like this lines up with the the image of Donnie that you're creating for the world right so this is more like you know you're like you're kind of inner monologue but it's going quick you're like wait I can't do small like this is how I do it okay that makes sense okay cool thank you for your quick response I appreciate it small question if I may actually I don't do small questions let's say huge idea in few words with a question mark at the end can we have class outside today that's good it's getting close that actually I don't do small like just take all of that and it's one one thing and then you kind of reconcile it in your head like huge idea in a few words with a question mark at the end cool like you've made sense of it now and then now you're back to miss Taffy right so that's that's for you that's you kind of thinking through like wait I don't do small like away so let's say it's this and let's say it's this and yeah cool okay so directing all of that directing one kind of fun on thought yeah one run on directing back at miss Taffy from can yeah can we have fun okay thank you for your quick response I appreciate it small question if I may actually I don't do small questions let's say huge idea in few words with a question mark at the end can we have class outside today I like that do that again and just you know I think when you find your where you take breaths and stuff and they're just all of that actually I don't do small just that chunk all one breath starting from actually or okay actually I don't do small it's a huge idea in few words with a question mark at the end can we have class outside today one more time and in a few words I know and actually I don't do small it's a huge idea in a few words with a question mark again so like just all one thought did great actually I don't do small let's say huge idea in a few words with a question mark at the end can we have class outside today that was good you just rushed at the end so just make sure you finish the line and then move to actually I don't do small word actually I don't do small let's say huge idea in few words with a question mark at the end can we have class outside today in a few words hmm oh there's no a there that's why yeah okay I got you um perfect you took you got it this point actually I don't do small let's say huge idea in a few words with a question mark at the end can we have class outside today cool and give me can we have class outside today just really emphasize the outside can we have class outside today hmm I don't think so let's focus it told you what are you working on help Miss Taffy Jay I'm gonna need you to put that hand down faster Jay I'm gonna need you to put that hand down one more time even faster Jay I'm gonna need you to put that hand down one more time and like you're you're just like I can't believe how dumb you are like what I don't why is your hand even up Jay I'm gonna need you to put that hand down one more time Jay I'm gonna need you to put that hand down say it like he's the stupidest person on the world like how do you not understand this okay Jay I'm gonna need you to put that hand down one more time like you're exasperated like you're done with this guy can't he keeps messing up our plan this is like the 20th plan he's messed up this week Jay Jay I'm gonna need you to put that hand down cool give me one more just like a throwaway Jay just Jay Jay I'm gonna need you to put that hand down give me one more just real quick almost like a throwaway line like don't you don't need to put the you don't need to put a huge emphasis on hand down like Jay this is the dumbest thing what are you doing put your hand down Jay I'm gonna need you to put your hand down great do that just a little bit faster Jay I'm gonna need you to put your hand down we a little pause after Jay Jay I'm gonna need you to put your hand down cool what's the harm in delicious sunshine Deidre gets it she's a wonderful hippie the best give me one more like you're surprised like finally someone gets you like there it is someone gets it someone gets me sure Deidre gets it she's a wonderful hippie the best and ad-lib a little bit more talk about how she's the best hippie on the planet okay Deidre gets it she's a wonderful hippie the best you look at her colors she's got bright colors like all the hippies do she's fantastic she gets everything good you know who this is a job for you know who she would listen to I think you're right does he have to be involved me a couple more rings of that does he have to be involved does he have to be involved does he have to be involved we're building we're building up to who he is we don't know who he is so give us a big emphasis on he does he have to be involved does he have to be involved does he have to be involved that's a little too much dial it back you know you're like an eight on that back to like a five does he have to be involved does sorry what yeah one more time like that just a little bit faster does he have to be involved proven results let's not go that far good give me a couple more days let's not go that far let's not go that far let's well he's got a proven result let's not go that far proven results let's not go that far no everyone loves him he was the best president we've ever had let's not go that far she'll listen to him but I can never work with him I'd rather die I wouldn't want to but I'd rather do that and I know my funeral would be incredible well all that just a lot faster sure I would never do that I absolutely would rather do this other thing and yeah but my funeral would be out you know like this is more about you thinking about you you make this bold statement you talk about how you die and now you're kind of living in the fantasy of like how awesome would it be if I did die though you know like but I can never work with him I'd rather die I wouldn't want to but I'd rather do that and I know my funeral would be incredible well all of it faster but I can never work with him I'd rather die I wouldn't want to but I'd rather do that I know my funeral would be incredible put the folks on never like I would never work with him okay I'd rather die I wouldn't want to you know I'd rather do that though my you know so just kind of like trail off at the end it doesn't that's more again it kind of just an aside to yourself you're just kind of thinking through this fancy like yeah but I can never work with him I'd rather die I wouldn't want to but I'd rather do that and I know my funeral would be incredible it's good it's getting there you started out kind of like you know thinking about it to yourself and just keep going down that road like you're you know like you're here and then you're like but I could never work for him I'd rather die I wouldn't want to but I'd rather do that and I know my funeral would be incredible I feel like you're still kind of like talking to someone like you this is just you thinking to yourself like you know I'd never work you know like I would I'd never work with that guy like I'd what would it what are the other things I would rather do I'd rather do this you're just kind of like trailing off so all almost all of this is to your yourself like why would you never work with this guy okay but I could never work with him but I could never work with him I'd rather die I wouldn't want to but I'd rather do that I know my funeral would be incredible well all that just a little bit faster but I would like to start thinking to yourself it's just you know random thoughts and muttering a stream of consciousness okay but I would never work with him I'd rather die I wouldn't want to but I'd rather do that I know my funeral would be incredible good it's getting there good do that again I like it you're just kind of thinking to yourself and you're in your own little fantasy world now but I could never work with him I'd rather die and I wouldn't want to but I'd rather do that I know my funeral would be incredible well you're just I feel like you're still talking to someone you just you just you're thinking out loud to yourself you're kind of floating around here yeah that's true that's why that's why these go because you're kind of going off in your own little world that's why these guys are going to bury now you were they were talking to you but now you're kind of thinking about you know how awesome your funerals are okay so now you've got over here and they're loud now they're turning over to bear okay I can never work with him I'd rather die I wouldn't want to but I'd rather do that I know my funeral would be incredible you don't have to put so much so much emphasis on the incredible incredible like you're just yeah like put a dot dot dot at the end of that you're just kind of thinking about like the other things that your funeral would be like this is the first thought of like five thoughts you're about to have on your funeral and actually you know what why don't you do that why don't you just ad-lib a bunch of lines about you know how awesome your funeral would be just kind of think to yourself about like how awesome just keep going with the line but I can never work with him I'd rather die I wouldn't want to but I'd rather do that I know my funeral would be incredible I'd have the greatest box you look at the box I'd have people would put me in a box they'd say look at that guy he's got the greatest box and they'd put me in the hole and they'd have the greatest hole nobody would have a better hole than I would good cool okay very we're trying to focus this is a waste of time I know it you know it make up a mark this is a waste of time I know it you know it this is a waste of time I know it you know it this is a waste of time I know it you know it one more fast this is a waste of time I know it you know it good Jay seven is that a question or an answer here's a question and answer what do we want sunshine when do we want it the answer is seven question here's a question and an answer that's missing a word again sir here's a question and answer because we just said is that a question or an answer here's a question and an answer what do we want sunshine perfect here's a question and an answer what do we want sunshine when do we want it great all of it just twice as fast here's a question and an answer when do we want here's a question and an answer what do we want sunshine when do we want it cool one more I'll give you the line leading in is that a question or an answer here's a question and an answer what do we want sunshine when do we want it the answer is seven very good Jay Jay come up here and sit by me I got a beautiful seat right here the best seat offer like offer this is kind of like godfather stuff like come over here I guess I gotta see we're gonna take care of this guy right over there okay Jay come up here and sit by me I got a beautiful seat right here the best seat a little bit more like you're done with them I'm gonna whack this guy Jay come up here I got us Jay come up here and sit by me I got a beautiful seat right here the best seat do one more a little bit faster and like you're kind of exasperated with this guy listen Jay Jay Jay doesn't get anything he's just he's a waste of space Jay come up here and sit by me I got a beautiful seat right here the best seat a little bit more threatening a little bit more you know godfather he's about to get wet Jay come up here and sit by me I got a beautiful seat right here the best seat got one more like that's a little bit faster Jay come up here and sit by me I got a beautiful seat right here the best seat okay now I'm getting a little hot Barry let's get this done we have a consensus he doesn't want to ruffle any feathers I told you pursuing this Barry Avenue is a waste of time I've said it before and I'll say it again I'm on record now saying it you can check the record go all that a little bit faster I told you pursuing this Barry Avenue is a waste of time I've said it before I'll say it again I'm on record now saying it you can check the record great I told you pursuing this Barry Avenue so go fast through waste of time like you know really this is this is a way because that's what's gonna waste that's what wakes up Barry like you just call them a waste of time so like go through that that fast and really focus in on waste of time I've said it before I'll say it again I'm on the record saying it you can check the right you know like all of that's you know kind of more muttering Trump muttering to himself I told you before pursuing this very attitude I've told you before pursuing this very Avenue is a waste of time I've said it before I'll say it again I'm on record now saying it you can check the record and one more time you added a before I oh yeah I told you before there's no before there that I told you before showing this way so that I told you pursuing this Barry Avenue is wasted I guess I told you pursuing this Barry Avenue is a waste of time I've said it before I'll say it again I'm a record now saying it you can check the record with that record line I feel like it's like now you've said it you said it before I'll say it again look now I'm right yeah maybe that's what's missing it's like a look look now I'm on record now I'm record you check the record everyone like so add in a look there look now I'm a bird saying it you know now we can go back and check the record I told you pursuing this very Avenue is a waste of time I've said it before I'll say it again look I'm on record now saying it you can check the record only one more just uh look now I'm on record saying just from I'm on yeah yep look yeah just from the added added in yeah look now I'm on record saying it you can check the record look now I'm on record saying it you can check the record beautiful maybe you're right maybe Barry isn't capable of getting it done I suggest now hold on a minute next one I'm gonna pass out from heat exhaustion here's our next problem Barry miss Taffy yes Barry problems need solutions miss Taffy and I'm here to offer one certainly Barry what's on your mind as you know miss Taffy as everyone in this room knows it's a beautiful day outside the sun is shining the birds are singing a song he's gonna oversell this he's gonna oversell this a couple more readings same speed he's gonna oversell this he's gonna oversell this he's gonna oversell this me one more hold on to this like he's gonna oversell this one more a little bit faster he's gonna oversell this and I'm not gonna lie this room feels a little stuffy how can anyone focus while being stifled by this oppressive heat you see now that was a bit much you see now that was a bit much you see now that was a bit much yeah we're really focusing on that because we're just we were just talking you see now that was a bit much what we call it oppressive Barry it's not actually too bad in here now I'm gonna cut your tongue out I'm gonna cut your tongue out I'm gonna cut your tongue out I am gonna cut your tongue out I'm gonna cut your tongue out I'm gonna cut your tongue out and I think on behalf of all of us we can agree that if we were to take this class this valuable lesson that we're all learning here we go and move this learning just 500 feet from here beyond those doors to sweet sweet freedom the fresh crisp fall air will not only rejuvenate our minds but you will find a more engaged and unified this guy's big on unity huh this guy's big on unity huh this guy's big on unity huh one or two more just really really focus in on what unity yeah this guy's big on unity huh this guy's big on unity huh this guy's big on unity huh a little bit less of a pause in that in the huh I like it this guy's big on unity huh I think he's got it hmm all right class who would like to take class outside the sun would energize us there is a precedent for outdoor school in fact the founding fathers I agree with my fellow classmates it's literally all I want in this world I can still focus outdoors yes I suppose it wouldn't hurt all I have to do is check with principal Joe to make sure it's okay oh god come on I told you that nothing good comes from reaching across the aisle I think principal Joe is very reasonable that's not what you said the other day it private that's not what you said the other day in private that's not what you said the other day in private that's not what you said the other day in private one more like instead of accusing him like that in private just kind of like that's not what you said the other day in private well more like that's a little bit faster that's not what you said the other day in private principal Joe you just happen to be wandering the halls no I come bearing gifts gifts we have a new student for your class his name is Michael he just moved here I believe it's pronounced Miguel a couple more I believe it's pronounced Miguel enjoy the word Miguel I believe it's pronounced yes I believe it's pronounced Miguel I believe it's pronounced Miguel I believe it's pronounced Miguel one more a little bit faster and get to the Miguel and really enjoy it give me a few different Miguel readings I believe it's pronounced Miguel I believe it's pronounced Miguel I believe it's pronounced just give me a few Miguel's go go Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel 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Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel Miguel What? You can sit wherever you like, it's a free country, ok? What? You can sit wherever you like, it's a free country, ok? What? You can sit wherever you like, it's a free country, ok? Michael sits next to Donnie. I'm not gonna lie, Miguel, that was probably a good choice. I'm not gonna lie, Miguel, that was probably a good choice. I'm not gonna lie, Miguel, that was probably a good choice. Do a real kind of like low-key like, I'm not gonna lie, that was probably really right. I'm not gonna lie, Miguel, that was probably a good choice. Couple more like that, a little faster. I'm not gonna lie, Miguel, that was probably a good choice. I'm not gonna lie, Miguel, that was probably a good choice. Michael comes to us from, let's see, Paris. Oh? Texas. Oh. How close to the border is that? Principal Joe, before you go, the class was vibing for us to take the rest of the class outside today, with your permission. Well, I think if you look at the properties of outside and sun, it's a day such as such and such as, I don't see any hurdles or reasons that can't be arranged for the day, and that is the way that it is, speaking of. You heard the man, such as, as such, he's given permission. You heard the man, such as, as such, he's given permission. You've heard the man, such as, as such, he's given permission. One more time, like it's the, kind of like the judge has made the decision, like such as, as such, that's kind of like a formalized, I can't, I don't exactly know where they use it in kind of like court proceedings, but it's like, okay, the judge has spoken, or the ruling has been stated, such as, as such, like, so that's actually like a judicial legal kind of thing, so, like, oh, you know, decision's been made, judge has already ruled, let's go. You heard the man, such as, as such, he's given permission. You've heard the man, such as, as such, he's given permission. You've heard the man, such as, as such, he's given permission. One more, like he's, you know, basically like Donnie's packing up and getting ready to go out the door, like he's, oh, here we go, we're going, all right, he's already said it. You've heard the man, such as, as such, he's given permission. Thank you, Miss Taffy. Yes, thank you, Miss Taffy, okay, grab your things, we're headed to the great outdoors, hooray! Um, I have to say, nicely done. Took longer than I thought, I hope he's still coming. Took longer than I thought, I hope he's still coming. Took longer than I thought, I hope he's still coming. Oh, and what's this for? Oh, and do the, I hope he's still coming, like a small, like, little aside. I hope he's still coming. I hope, um, took longer than I thought, I hope he's still coming. Oh, what's this for? I started the job, you finished it, united class effort. More like, I started it, you almost ruined it, and then I saved it, but thank you. More like, oh. You want me to do it again? Yeah, yeah, just a little bit faster. More like, I started it, you almost ruined it, and then I saved it, but thank you. Um, hit the, you know, started, ruined, saved, thank you, you know, just hit the keywords. More like, I started it, you almost ruined it, and then I saved it, but thank you. This noisemaker is my first gift since moving to this town. I'm sure if you befriend Barry over there, you'll find yourself with lots of gifts, and I hate to say it, I'm not the only one who says it, a lot of people say it, but I'm just the messenger. Cool, I'm sure if you befriend Barry, you'll find yourself with lots of gifts, and then the rest of it is more of that kind of like, you know, Trump dabbling to himself kind of aside stuff. You're not really talking to Michael anymore, you're just... I'm sure if you befriend Barry over there, you'll find yourself with lots of gifts, and I hate to say it, I'm not the only one who says it, a lot of people say it, but I'm just the messenger. I'm sure if you find Barry over there, um, let me start over. I'm sure if you find Barry over there, you'll find, uh, befriend him, sorry. I'm sure if you befriend Barry over there, you'll find yourself... I'm sure if you befriend Barry over there, you'll find yourself with lots of gifts, I hate to say it, I'm the only one who says it, but, uh, a lot of people say that, I'm just the messenger. Is that what they call a run-on sentence? Miguel, I'm gonna be honest, I'm not so sure about you. Miss Daffy? Um, a little bit faster on the... Miguel? I don't like that you're questioning me. Okay. The jury's out. Miguel, I'm gonna be honest, I'm not so sure about you. Miss Daffy? Miss Daffy? That's good, one more. Miguel, I'm gonna be honest, I'm not so sure about you. Miss Daffy? Yes, Donnie? I just wanted to say, ready everyone? Happy birthday! Why, Donnie, give me a couple more happy birthdays. Happy... And just give me a couple more. That whole line? Or just that, okay. I just wanted to say, ready everyone? Happy birthday! I just wanted to say, ready everyone? Happy birthday! I just wanted to say, ready everyone? Happy birthday! Why, Donnie, how incredible you seem, sweet and thoughtful of you. How did you know it was my birthday? And also, for your birthday... That's the important... I just can't track who leads it. Um, and do a... And also, you know, like a big reveal. And also, for your birthday... A little bit faster. And also... And also for your birthday... You know, basically one line. And also for your birthday... A couple more. And also for your birthday... And also for your birthday... Wait, an ice cream truck? We got you an ice cream truck. We got you an ice... A couple more. Sorry. We got you an ice cream truck. A couple more. We got you an ice cream truck. We got you an ice cream truck. We got you an ice cream truck. We got you an ice cream truck. We got you an ice cream truck. Donnie, this is the sweetest gesture. How did you arrange this? Ernesto has been the best truck driver in town. Er... Block driver. Ernesto has been the best truck in... Block has. There's no bin. Ernesto has the best truck in town. We just had him for the party at my place not too long ago. Some of the best ice cream around. Hard worker, that Ernesto. Also, Ernesto is a fun word to say. Ernesto. Also, the whole truck is on me. My daddy paid for it. Ernesto. Don't have fun with the word Ernesto until later on when he starts saying Ernesto is a fun word to say. Okay. Ernesto has the greatest... Ernesto has the best truck in town. We just had him for a party at my place not too long ago. Some of the best ice cream around. Hard worker, that Ernesto. Also, Ernesto is a fun word to say. Ernesto. Ernesto. Also, the whole truck is on me. My daddy paid for it. What a wonderful gesture. Let's all join hands and walk to the sidewalk. Free ice cream! Again, not exactly free. It's been paid for. Couple more. Again, not exactly free. It's been paid for. Again, not exactly free. It's been paid for. Free is the best math. Something seems fishy about this. I thought so from the beginning. I wonder what the angle is. Why does there have to be an angle? Why can't something just... Why does there have to be an angle? Why can't I just do something nice for somebody? Why does there have to be an angle? Why can't I just do something nice for somebody? Why does there have to be an angle? Why can't I just do something nice for somebody? They're just jealous they couldn't get it done. Candy, I wasn't going to say it myself, but you've been right quite a bit lately. Quite a bit. Candy, I wasn't going to say that myself, but you've been right quite a bit lately. Quite a bit. One more, just after I'll wait for it. Candy, I wasn't going to say it myself, but you've been right quite a bit lately. Quite a bit. Is Barry right? Was there a hidden angle here? Why do you want to know? Why do you want to know? Why do you want to know? Why do you want to know? Why do you want to know? Why do you want to know? Because I want to learn. Okay, class, we have 50 ice creams paid for. We ate 15. What do we have left? Obviously, a great start-up inventory for our own ice cream business. Let's give it to Principal Joe. Based on our grades, we can proportionally divide it. What's division? How many times you can take something out of something bigger? I know this is fair to Donnie's dad who paid for all of this, by the way. I'm confused. Why are they arguing? It was literally three ice cream and a birthday celebration in the middle of the day, plus they got class outside, and they're still not satisfied? Welcome to America, kid. Welcome to America, kid. Welcome to America, kid. Welcome to America, kid. I was born here? That's very sweet of your dad, Donnie. Please tell him that for me, and I'm so sad to lose you in this class, but I will honor your transfer request. Transfer request? What are you talking about? Transfer request? Go for it. Transfer request? What are you talking about? Transfer request? Go faster. Transfer request? What are you talking about? Transfer request? What are you talking about? You filled out this form? Oh, hi, Principal Joe. Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary. Like you're going to revenge her hard. Okay. Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Let it rise, like... Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! And we keep going down at the end, like... You're like rising in anger, like... Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Like, a little bit more like that, just a little angrier. Hillary! Couple more like that. Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Angrier. Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Zagan. How are we doing on time? I know you've got to get to your thing. You've got like ten minutes, you can just crank it up. I know Ben's done, he's got a handful of lines. I've got ten more minutes, yeah, let's do it. Beautiful, let's crank them all up. Alright, let's just go back to the top. Okay. Let's crank up Ben. Let's do Ben. Sorry, Zagan. We're still recording? Yeah. Let's do Ben and Biden. Alright. Let's crank them all up. Yeah. And just do it, put stakes on all of them, and then I'll stop you and give direction as we need to. Okay. But every line, every line, give me a few different readings. Sure. And just overall, just go fast. Okay. Go fast with it, give me a few different readings. I'll chime in if we need different directions. Okay. And I'll just chime in to give you the line before us to get you into it. Okay. Donnie, what's that? I'm trying to focus. Donnie, what's that? Or, bleh, what is it? Donnie, what is it? I'm trying to focus. Donnie, what is it? I'm trying to focus. Donnie, what is it? I'm trying to focus. Donnie, what is it? I'm trying to focus. Donnie, what is it? I'm trying to focus. With your bend, I feel like a little bit more, a little bit deeper. I think I heard your bend with, when you did your bend previously, it was a little bit kind of like, a little angrier, a little bit more like, bleh. Like a... Donnie, what is it? I'm trying to focus. Donnie, what is it? I'm trying to focus. Donnie, what is it? I'm trying to focus. Donnie, what is it? I'm trying to focus. We should try and get her to take class outside today. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? A little bit skeptical. Why? Why? Like, you're sure he, you're pretty sure he's got an agenda. Why? Like that, except a little bit faster. Why? Why? Hey, dumb-dumb. No, there's always a reason with you. You have to tell us, or we won't help you. You have to tell us, or we won't help you. You have to tell us, or we won't help you. You have to tell us, or we won't help you. I'm just happy. I'm just happy. I don't think so. Let's focus in. I told you. What are you working on, Hill? What are you working on, Hill? What are you working on, Hill? What are you working on, Hill? Okay. Okay, now I, we're on page four now? Yes. Okay, now I'm getting a little bit hot. Larry, let's get this done. We don't, we have a consensus. He doesn't want to ruffle any feathers. He doesn't want to ruffle any feathers. He doesn't want to ruffle any feathers. He doesn't want to ruffle any feathers. Good. Very. Very. Now we're in top third of page five. There was, there's one line. There's one line bottom of four. Oh, wait. It's just nice one. Oh, nice. Sorry, I missed that. Now, hold on a minute. Nice one. Nice one. Nice one. Nice one. One more, a little bit faster? Yeah. Nice one. A little bit quieter, like chop. Nice one. One more? Nice one. Nice one. Excellent. Top third of five. And I'm not going to lie. This room feels a little stuffy. How can anyone focus while being stifled by this oppressive heat? How can anyone focus while being stifled by this oppressive heat? How can anyone be stifled? How can anyone focus while being stifled by this oppressive heat? How can anyone... A little, a little bit more, a little bit more dramatic. Obviously overacting. How can anyone focus while being stifled by this oppressive heat? Great, one more time and really focus in on oppressive. How can anyone focus while being stifled by this oppressive heat? One more, a little bit faster, especially at the beginning. Just everything's fast until oppressive. How can anyone focus while being stifled by this oppressive heat? Great. Uh, Barry, Deirdre, Donnie. Top third of six. The sun won't energize us. There is precedent for outdoor school. In fact, the Founding Fathers... There is precedent for outdoor school. In fact, the Founding Fathers... There is precedent for outdoor school. In fact, the Founding Fathers... There is precedent for outdoor school. In fact, the Founding Fathers... There is precedent for outdoor school. In fact, the Founding Fathers... Great reading. Um, just, just so I've got a little bit more to work with. Finish off that sentence. The Founding Fathers back in, you know, 1776, blah, blah, blah. Okay. Yeah, so just continue it on so I've got a little bit more. There is precedent for outdoor school. In fact, the Founding Fathers in 1776 would sit outside by an oak tree and wonder why the world was turning as it was. Great. Further down. All I have to do is check with Principal Joe to make sure it's okay. Oh, God, come on! Oh, God, come on! Oh, God, come on! Oh, God, come on! Hello, I'm Principal Joe. This is Principal Joe. Uh, Principal Joe, you just happened to be wandering the halls? Actually, I didn't know. I come bearing gifts. Actually, I didn't know. I come bearing gifts. Actually, I didn't know. I think since, uh, his talking pattern's real slow, so we don't need so much in the pauses. Okay. Actually, I didn't know. I come bearing gifts. Actually, I didn't know. I come bearing gifts. Actually, I didn't know. That was good? Yep. Okay. Do that line again, or do you want the next one? Oh, the next one. Sorry, I said gifts. Oh, it comes out. Gifts. We have a new student for your class. His name's Michael. You just move here. We have a new student for your class. His name's Michael. You just move here. We have a new student for your class. His name's Michael. You just move here. I believe it's Professor Miguel. He's a great kid, Miss Taffy. I already sniffed his hair. He's a great kid, Miss Taffy. I already sniffed his hair. He's a great kid, Miss Taffy. I already sniffed his hair. Give me one more. Don't worry about it, Miss Taffy. I already took care of it. He's a great kid, Miss Taffy. I already sniffed his hair. He's a great kid, Miss Taffy. I already sniffed his hair. Do that. He's a great kid, Miss Taffy. Just do that to Miss Taffy. That's just like a, hey, just so you know. Okay. He's a great kid. He's a great kid, Miss Taffy. I already sniffed his hair. Yes. Uh, Calabari, Donnie. Donnie. Not gonna lie, Miguel. That's probably a good choice. Michael comes to us from, uh, let me see here, from Paris. Michael comes to us from, uh, let me see here, from Paris. Michael comes to us from, uh, let me see here, from Paris. A little bit faster. Michael comes to us from, uh, let me see here, from Paris. Good. Good. Yeah. You wanna give me the O? Just go straight in. Huh? Oh, sorry. I have been doing the O. I think it's just been cutting out. Oh, okay. Just go straight, go from, Michael comes to us from, as long as there's a space in Paris, I can cut it. So just go straight into Paris, Texas. Michael comes to us from, uh, let me see here, from Paris. Texas. Texas. Texas. Good. Good. Uh, class, take the rest of the class outside today, with your permission. Well, I, I, thank you for looking at the properties of our shiny, shiny. It's a day such as, such as, I don't see any turtles or hurdles or reasons why it can't be arranged for the day it is in the way that it's speaking. Well, I, I, thank you for looking at the properties of the outside and the sun. It's a day such as, such as, I don't see any turtles or hurdles or reasons why it can't be arranged for the day it is in the way that it's speaking. Uh, go all the way from, uh, basically like all, all of the, you, like Principal Joe's pretty sure he's making sense until kind of like turtles. So like the first, the first pause is really, I don't see any turtles. Well, I think if you look at the properties of outside and the sun, and it's a day such and such, I don't see any turtles or hurdles or reasons why it can't be arranged for that day that is in the way it is speaking. And you can keep, uh, just finish off that sentence and just kind of wander off. Like he's literally just like walking off as he's talking to himself. Um, yeah, do that again. I really like it. Uh, sure. You know, he kept going until the, no, I don't, I don't see any. And just give us a second. Almost like think of what he's about to say. No one's going to expect turtles. Yeah. Yeah. He's making sense. This is a pretty, you know, sometimes you're like, I think he might actually have something going on up there. And then he throws turtles out there. You're like, no, no, no. Well, I think if you look at the sun, well, I think if you look at the properties of outside and the sun and it is a day such as such, I don't see any turtles or hurdles or reasons why it can't be arranged for the day that is in the way that is speaking of green grass. It's blue sky. Out of, there's a band. It's Mr. Blue Sky. Electric ELO. Ordinal Oriental Chinese people. That's good. Um, excellent. Okay. We only got a couple more lines here and then you go do your thing. I think here until 12. 12. Top of 12. Yeah. Yeah. So you want to give me the… Let me give you a line before that. Yeah, that'd be great. Okay, class. 50 ice creams paid for. We ate 15. What do we have left? Obviously, great startup inventory for our own ice cream business. Obviously, great startup inventory for our own ice cream business. Obviously, great startup inventory for our own ice cream business. One more. Just full, fast on through. Obviously, great startup inventory for our own ice cream business. Great. Michael, Donnie, Michael, Donnie. That's it. Cool. Yeah, give me a couple of just Donnie noises. Like, huh. You know, like a couple of chuckles. Sure. A couple of laughs. Yeah. You know. Huh. You know, that kind of stuff. Sure. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Okay. Wow. Well. Huh. Well. Huh. Well. Okay. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh.