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cover of batman comic voiceover by Y and N: Plants of Peril
batman comic voiceover by Y and N: Plants of Peril

batman comic voiceover by Y and N: Plants of Peril




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Plants of Peril, Written by Jack C. Harris, Pencils by Carmine Infantino, Inking by Frank McClellan, Lettering by John Costanza, Coloring by Rick Taylor, Knight, The Gotham Penitentiary At last, free of this miserable place, now it's time to plant the seeds of terror in Gotham City. The Warden thought that letting me grow plants would rehabilitate me, when all along he was helping me to escape. Back inside the prison. I thought I heard something. Hey, look out! Cut this thing off of me! Morty! Moments later. Across town, at police headquarters. Escaped! A plant attacked the guards. They're okay. Alright, keep me posted. Those guards are lucky to be alive. Poison ivy on the loose again? We're going to need some help. Commissioner Gordon ran up the steps to the roof of the police headquarters and flipped a switch, sending a beacon into the night. Time to call the person who got hurt last time. Batman! You called, Commissioner? Batman! Batman! That was quick. A plant that tears through steel bars and attack people. It's unbelievable! That poison ivy for sure has to be stopped. This is terrible. Gotham City blackmailed? What the? Batman, glad you're here. Mr. Mayor? Take a look at this note from Poison Ivy. You must do what she says for the safety of the voters, uh, citizens. She demands that the wetlands north of the Gotham City river be set aside as a preserve. If not, she says the plants of Gotham City will retaliate. I read about the track of lands in the paper where the Enterprise is going to build a regional mall out there. Detective Bullock gets to work organizing a task force. I'll get Bruce Wayne on the line. Batman, you... Hey, what happened to that man? Batman had slipped out and headed for the penitentiary. I hope the forensics people didn't take that plant away. There it is. This dead plant can tell me almost as much as a live person. Batman arrived at the Batcave where he met up with Alfred. There. The computer will analyze this piece of ivy plant and give us an idea of what she did to it. In the meantime, sir, Bruce Wayne received a communication from Mayor Hill. Thank you, Alfred. A copy of an ivy note demanding the deed for my land so that she can turn it into a preserve. It's a good idea, but blackmail isn't an option. Sir, the deed is coming in now. Just as I thought. Alfred, this plant contains a combination of growth stimulants. I'm cross-checking the Botany database. There doesn't seem to be any chemical combination that would neutralize it if she feeds it to every plant in Gotham City. That will be overgrown in a week. I think it's time to do some undercover work, Alfred. Yes, sir. Ivy will need a huge supply if she plans to affect plants throughout Gotham City. The computer says that only three flower shops in Gotham City carry a key ingredient to Ivy's formula. And the plant is a plant. Excellent, Master Bruce. I mean, Professor Bloom. The next morning. She's got to be buying the chemical from somewhere. There have been no thefts or of it reported. No luck at the first two shops. Only the second shop. The next morning. She's got to be buying the chemical from somewhere. There have been no thefts or of it reported. There have been no thefts or of it reported. No luck at the first two shops. Only one place left. The Amazon florist. This has to be the place. Morning. My name is Professor Augustus Bloom. I've been trying to locate a colleague of mine. A young lady who regularly purchases large quantities of Tropical Plants Food No. 75. Does she frequent this establishment? Why yes. There is a woman who's been buying a lot of this plant food lately. In fact, she is due to pick up a shipment today. The roof of a building across the street. The hours passed. Closing time is only a few hours off when she is going to show... Wait! That could be Poison Ivy! I'll get your order right away, miss. There was a man looking for you earlier. Professor Bloom said you were looking for a colleague of his. Yes. I'll have to look up Bloom up. Please, how much? I'm in a hurry. There's only one man who could have figured out my scheme. Batman. I'll have to work fast. That's one batch of chemicals she's not going to use against Gotham. Time to clip some Ivy. Not so fast, flower girl. I've worked too hard for you to sell me, Batman. If I can just make it to that planter, Batman is done for. You can run, but you can't hide Ivy. Oh, our games are not over yet, Batboy. Ivy poured her chemicals onto the soil. Lucky I brought this along. Stop right there. What the... You might not like me at first, Batman, but I'll join you. That plant! Grabbing me like it's human! Yes, it can't wait to embrace you. Nice outfit, Batman. You look de-vine. What the... I moved too slow. I'm trapped. Batman flipped open a container of acid from his utility belt and threw it on the plants. I know it takes you a long time to escape, but it won't be quick enough to capture me. She's gone! Hidden in her secret plant-filled lair. All is ready, my darlings. I just have the last ingredients for your special food. If the mayor does not comply, you will all be free to strangle Gotham in your grip. Later that night, Batman and Commissioner Gordon met Mayor Hill in his office. This is a package Poison Ivy sent to me. A package Poison Ivy sent to me? Yes, your honor. The police thought to check it, and they didn't find anything. But I suggest you let me open it. Watch out! Get back! I've frozen it with this extinguisher. It's safe now. Look, there's a message in the bottom of this box. It reads, Hope you enjoyed this little demonstration, and hand over the wetlands north of the Gotham City River, or every plant in Gotham will attack the city. That does it. You've had your chance, Batman, but Bruce Wayne must turn over the deed to me immediately. If you'll permit me, Mr. Mayor, I'll contact Mr. Wayne. A personal visit should convince him how urgent this is. Something tells me you've got a plan, Batman. Yes, and I'll need your help, Commissioner. Within the hour... Within the hour... Here it is, Commissioner. The deed and paperwork for the wetlands that Ivy wants. The regional mall you were going to build would have been a great project. Actually, Mr. Mayor, Wayne Enterprises had other plans for that land, but capturing Poison Ivy is more important. Batman told me he's planning a sting operation against Ivy. He's put the papers in this bugged briefcase. But Wayne's briefcase wasn't the only thing that was bugged. He'll be meeting you, Commissioner, tomorrow. Ha ha ha! Thank you, my foul-flowering friends, for helping me eavesdrop on their every word. I shall be ready for their trap. The next day... This is the alley where Poison Ivy said to meet her. Do you have the briefcase, Batman? Here it is, Commissioner. Look, a vine from the roof. She'll be here. Good evening, gentlemen. Welcome to Ivy's alley. Now, don't try anything, my friends. If I don't make it back to Medlayer safely, the nourishing nectar will be released automatically. This machine will neutralize any tracking devices you may have. Um, planned, in the briefcase. If she gets away, we'll never find that stash of formula. She could use it in the city any time. We'll give her a lead and follow her on foot. Ivy's device will have knocked out any bugs you might have planted in the briefcase. Nope, Commissioner. Not all bugs. Huh? Call in your men, Commissioner. Smart, Poison Ivy. Very smart. Giant vines. Dozens of them. What the... Get back. Those plants are deadly. What? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Get back. Those plants are deadly. I'll call in emergency services and have them cut down those plants. Talk about a hazard to public safety. With these vines growing in all these windows, it'll take days to find her. We'll find her sooner than you think, Commissioner. How? Tell your men to keep quiet. Meanwhile, in the safety of her lair... Ha ha ha. Batman will never find me. And now that the deed is done, it's time to look at the deed. Deed? Ah! My flowers! They're driving them into a frenzy! Help! Help! Ah! Help! Help! Ah! Thanks, Ivy. Your screams led me right to you. You see, Commissioner, I did bug Wayne's briefcase, but the bugs I used were not affected by Ivy's electronic device. I've dealt with your eavesdropping plans before, Ivy. I knew what you were up to. It's not fair. It's just not fair. Several weeks later, Mayor Hill called a special news conference in his office. On behalf of Gotham City, I'm happy to present the Super Growth Formula to the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the hopes it can be analyzed and used to feed hungry millions. Too bad the person only responsible for this couldn't be here, but you know Batman. He's camera shy. Yes, Commissioner. But ironically, if the formula is a success, it will be Poison Ivy who will receive credit. Now, if you will excuse me, Mr. Mayor. Certainly. I give you, Bruce Wayne. Mr. Mayor, permit me to take this opportunity to present the city with this deed for the wetlands, north of the Gotham City River for a wildlife preserve. But Mr. Wayne, Bruce, this is not necessary. Batman captured Poison Ivy and she's in jail. This land is legally yours to do as you wish. Yes, Mr. Mayor. And I want nature to do as she wishes with the land. Although Poison Ivy's methods are wrong, her goal was a good one. That evening, at the Gotham Penitentiary, in her cell... Bruce Wayne is smarter than I thought, but Batman's a fool. He and Commissioner Gordon allowed me to keep a plant here. Maybe I can use it to escape again. Wait... Plastic? This is a plastic plant? It can't be! No! No! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Coloring by Rick Taylor

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