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PODCAST about the crimes against the protection of humanity

PODCAST about the crimes against the protection of humanity

Nelson Morales



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Crimes against humanity, such as genocide and slavery, and environment crimes, which cause lasting damage to the environment, have devastating effects on both victims and the planet. Global efforts, led by the UN and other organizations, are being made to strengthen environmental laws and regulations. The European Union has expanded the list of environment crimes and increased penalties for offenders. As individuals, we can support these organizations and take care of ourselves, our surroundings, and the environment. Our actions now will impact future generations, so we must take responsibility for the planet. Goodbye for now. Hello, everyone. Welcome to my podcast. I'm Nelson Morales, and today we will talk about crimes against the protection of humanity and the preservation of the environment. We will explore what these crimes are, some examples, what is being done globally to combat them, and what we can do. Starting the topic, crimes against humanity include acts such as genocide, slavery, and torture. And when we talk about environment crimes, we refer to activities that cause lasting damage to the environment. These crimes not only affect the direct victims, but also have a devastating impact on the planet and the future generations. These acts not only destroy ecosystems, but also affect the health and well-being of entire communities. But what is being done globally to solve these problems? The ONU and other international organizations are working to strengthen environmental laws and regulations. In addition, the European Union has expanded the list of environment crimes and has increased the penalty of offenders. But what can we do? As individuals, we can support the organizations that fight for this, and also take care of ourselves, tools around us, and the environment. We must become aware and take care of the planet in which we live and the people we share it. With our actions, we must inspire others to also take care of it. What we do now will have an impact on future generations. So if we want our children to have a good place to live, we must take care of the planet. And as Albert Einstein said, we do not inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children. Well, we have reached the end of this postcard. I hope you liked it and we will see each other another time. Goodbye.

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