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012424 Full Moon Leo

012424 Full Moon Leo

Natalie SkrinjarNatalie Skrinjar



Nothing to say, yet

Voice Overenergy updateenergy healingastrology

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The speaker expresses gratitude for the listeners and discusses their excitement about using audio as their medium. They mention the energetic impact of the full moon and how it affects each person differently. They encourage embracing creativity and divine timing. The speaker reflects on the importance of self-love and letting go of negativity. They emphasize the power of choosing love and living in alignment with one's desires. The speaker encourages listeners to imagine a life filled with love, self-expression, and personal growth. They emphasize the need to prioritize oneself and trust one's intuition. The speaker concludes by highlighting the strength and bravery that comes from living in alignment with one's true self. Hi everybody. Happy full moon. I wanted to come on here and say hi to anybody listening. And I wanted to first say thank you for being here and tell you how excited I am about a few new things. I think that audio is going to be my medium, so I'm just going to share that here for those that want to stay updated. I wanted to get some notes, or I have my notes here, and I think I just wanted to share if you want to call this an energy check-in or if you want to have a cup of coffee or just be cozy. Or what day are we Thursday night? Thursday. I'll have to check and see what time the full moon hits, but it's already active. It's been active since yesterday. And tomorrow you'll get a good you'll understand a little bit more, a little bit better. There's a lot of energy and it's impacting everybody a little bit differently, which it always will, and you'll notice that. And sometimes you'll realize that this one's a little bit easier, this one's a little bit harder. But that's just everybody's plan. Everybody always in their own divine timing. I had a laughter day where I was in a creative mind today, and I think today is a good day for that. I think Neptune's on the moon as well. So it's a good day for like kind of like ethereal, creative things you kind of want to bring into the world. Ideas, they're just kind of happening naturally. So there's been a lot of things today, and one of them was just like a picture of a meme, and I don't never seen it. I was thinking of it. I was like, oh, I'll just create this. Maybe I will. And it was like divine timing. Can't wait. I was dying. Oh my god. Oh, I thought it was so funny. It had like a different one underneath. Originally. Oh, I think I'm gonna have to make that. It was too good for me. But I want to get to some of my notes, and that's because I'm definitely just going to talk about the energy. I'm going to talk about a few things that have been going on recently. That's cool with you guys. And I am thinking, and maybe this will all tie in at the end when I bring back in the astrology, but I was thinking, or maybe it's just easier to explain it, because there's a big energy of like with this creative energy. It's very bright, and it's almost asking like, are you ready to be seen? Like, are you ready to do what you know you got to do? What you say you do? Are you in that? And there's no worry, because you always, this is where we're going back into everyone's in their own divine timing. But there is that question that's out there. And part of me just feels a little funny. A little funny thinking about this, and maybe that's why recording is starting now. It's 4-4-4. There's so many like cute little like cheat codes that just kind of pop up, and like little symbols and synchronicities, and just things all over the place that are just kind of confirming your own knowing, and confirming like how much you freaking know. Like, imagine like over the last, pick an amount of years, or even six months, but pick like five years, how much you've learned in that time. And how far you've come, and like, how different is your world than it was? And all the things that you have brought into it, all the things that you have already manifested and brought into it. And think about how, five years ago, if you could even imagine where you are now. Which makes me just wonder, like, why? Why not give up just trying to know what it's going to be like when you get where you think you're going, or when like everything seems perfect? What if it's just you? And when the future comes, so we don't have to worry about it coming, or obsessed about what it's going to be like. We know, we feel, we have our internal signature, our like core essence that's running programs for us. And what we do every day in our best interest just brings magic to us, just brings more than you could ever even imagine to you. It just relieves all worry, all anxiety, all fear, all hate. Why would you have hate if you knew that everything you ever wanted was yours? How could you have nothing but love in your heart? All you had to do? No, not even, I don't want to say it that way. But you had to do it. And you had to do it. All you had to do. No, not even, I don't want to say it that way. But there's a deep trust when you just give it over and let your daily choices, your daily choice for yes, for good, for God, for the higher power, choosing heaven to be in every day. Choosing heaven to be in every day. What if we just chose that? How do we get to play? What would our life look like? We were doing what we wanted to be doing all the time. How can we make our lives look like that? How can we do that right now? What's one thing you want to do? What's one thing you want to make? Pick up a piece of paper and draw it. Great. You just need to be extravagant. You're so knowledgeable now. What you know about what your specific area of expertise, I promise you, you're an expert by now. I promise you. And if you weren't made to feel that way, that's fine. Those aren't your people. They are like if it's your family or if it's whoever, but they're not the ones that that gift is for. For them, their gift is love. You love them. But what lights you up? It's about to be lit up and you're about to find all the people that want to hear everything that you think, all the things that you love, all the things that you want to teach. And imagine how full your heart will be when you're teaching with love, when you're doing what you want with love, what you're creating, what you're playing in, what you're dancing in. Whatever your imagination wants, imagine. That's richness. That's gold. So in this, this is the moon, I want if there's anything that you have to release to let go of that and look, if this is the first time you're hearing something like this, it's never as difficult as you think it's going to be. It never is. I'm not asking you to completely abandon the things that you love or to convince you that there are things that you love that you should get rid of. It doesn't work like that. Unconditional love, love, love. Love every being, every animal, every plant. There's no room in your heart for hate or fear anymore. There's no room for jealousy or judgment. The other half of this is letting go of all the things. But I think an easy way to think of this is what you don't like in other people. And I mean that to say, what is it that inside yourself is bothering you that you haven't looked at yet? That you're seeing so far outside of you, but don't see inside yourself. And how can you let that touch you? And how can you let that sink in? I did, what I did is I, I heard this today, so I did it when I got home. And I only wrote down one thing and it opened up a whole bunch of love and amazingness. And how can you use these things to love yourself more? How can you see, where can we see where we're not giving unconditional love? And if we're not giving it to ourselves, and judging ourselves, being harsh on ourselves, if we're not doing it on ourselves, then we're definitely not doing it on everybody. And if you can do it on yourself, in a way where you are living in your best and highest timeline, in the most love, doing what you want to do, or doing what you're doing with love, sometimes you do things you don't want to do, and that's okay. Or doing what you're doing with love, sometimes you do things you don't want to do, and that's okay. That's always fun. But we can change our perspectives and release the things that bother us. What if there's like this bravery that you have to let go? By just being good. Like, what if you're just so brave that you just like didn't let anything impact you? And not in a way where you're enforcing harsh brown boundaries. There's no harshness about this. This is love. And with every chance that you get to remember, you bring it back to that, even if it's only just for you. Even if you have to love yourself through what something said to you. If that's the choice in the moment that needs to be done, where love can be brought, always bring it to yourself. Always bring it to yourself. Always bring it to yourself. Fill your cup. Always bring it to yourself. Always bring it to yourself. Always bring it to yourself. Always bring it to yourself. Always bring it to yourself. What if you could love yourself enough that nothing else mattered? Just imagine that solar plexus energy so bright, so strong, breaking any chains. Opening up your heart, opening up your voice, connecting to your creativity, bringing it down to earth to share. Do you know how clear you would be? Do you know what your vision would be like? Do you know how many amazing things would just happen to you? I'm recording this a day early. I never need to know the whole answer. We just have this core frequency of ourselves that we trust. And we just do the things that keep us in alignment. I gave you guys space on here partly because I need to think and allow thoughts to come. But see how they're reflecting on you. And if they're not reflecting, if it's not dropping questions in you or giving you answers, or reflecting the answers within yourself, I know nothing. And let that silence be. And in the same way, bring yourself love. Bring yourself back to love. And continue. It's your life. We've been through enough and we're strong enough now to not allow ourselves to be so affected or so up-shelter. We have built a foundation. If we need to build our nervous systems, we work on that. We work on what we need at every given moment. That's all we're here to do. What do I need in every moment? And allow yourself to be selfish like that. That's not bad. There's part of an ego with Leo. And this is it. It's very simple. It's not boastful. It knows. It's humble. But the strength of it's knowing. And it's bravery of it's own heart. And it's bravery of it's own heart. Because it makes it king of the jungle. I've seen someone with a queen. Well, a queen too. But it meant a crown. Let's see. Let me know in these things if there's something that you guys want to hear or if you have questions. I will just record an answer or I'll keep them all for another time and figure it out. I am slowly building my website and Patreon. And now that I figured out how to do this, I'm going to start recording meditation. So I will figure out how to get those to you guys. If there's, I'm going to record a few of my favorites. But if there's anything specific that you guys want, if there's something you want to specifically work on or a way that you want to connect, let me know. I'm figuring out how to share everything that I have with you guys. I'm excited for that. It's a lot. It's a lot of organizing. A lot of figuring out. So the other thing is just be excited for all of the newness that's coming. So I want you to know that you guys are so special, so unique. There's no one else like you on the planet. I want you to know how much you're loved, how amazing you are, how bright you shine. I want you to take it in for yourself. I want you to take it in for yourself. I want you to dance with your inner child. I want you to feel that brightness as much as possible. I want it to take over your entire nervous system, every cell in your body. And I want to shift your perspective to a whole new frequency. So if any of this resonated, let me know. And if you notice anything or this pops into your head in the next day or two, or something clicks for you down the line, let me know. I'd love to hear what it was. And yeah, I'm just sending you guys my love. Thanks for listening, and I'll talk to you later.

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