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American Flight 2101 is experiencing a disruptive passenger who is locked in the bathroom and pounding on the door. They request law enforcement to meet them at the gate. The disturbance level is elevated to level 2 as there may be a cabin door open. The passenger has been restrained. The aircraft is cleared to land at Salt Lake City Airport. Center, American 2101, we're level 330, any chance of Charlie Kilo Whiskey? American 2101, selection approved, and request Charlie Kilo Whiskey. Request Charlie Kilo Whiskey, 2101. American 2101, contact Salt Lake Center, 128.35. 2835, American 2101. American 2101, no problem, when able, declare to the Salt Lake City Airport, be direct Carter, that's Charlie, Alpha, Romeo, Tango, Romeo, Nordic, 6th arrival. 2101, do you need any police at the gate? And American 2101, just a few more questions when you're ready. Hypo disturbance, like what he was doing, and when you do find out your gate number, what gate number do you want those police officers at? 2101, just going to maintain FL290. American 2101, descend at pilot's discretion, maintain FL190. 1011, Salt Lake. American 2101, they want to know here what the passenger was saying, what made him disruptive. And American 2101, a few more questions, they want to know what's the disposition of the passenger, is he restrained, or is he just cooperating, or what's his condition? American 2101, thank you. 2101, just more disruptive behavior, he's locked in the bathroom now, and pounding on the door, so we will definitely need law enforcement meeting us at the gate. American 2101, perfect, just let us know what gate number you get. 2101. Hey again from American 2101, American 2101, is the disturbance level still level 1, or do you want to upgrade it? And American 2101, I would say it's a level 2 now, looks like we might have a cabin door open. Stay with me, and what about the cabin door again? Disregard, American 2101. American 2101. 2101. American 2101, say again. Yeah, American 2101, we're going to go ahead and, looks like this is a pan, pan, pan, pan, pan, pan, got 192 souls on board, we got the passenger constrained, we are going to need the police at Robonaut. American 2101, roger, we'll be standing by. Thanks sir. And American 2101. The passenger has been restrained in the aft of the aircraft. Approach, American 2101, go ahead and do 11,000, slowing to 210. American 2101, solid approach, roger, low about 3 miles west. 2101, turn left heading 080. American 2101, descend and maintain 7,000. Descend to 7,000, American 2101. Visual 34 left, American 2101. American 2101, contact tower 132.65. 32.65, American 2101, see ya. 32.65, American 2101, see ya. American 2101 is with you for the visual 34 left. American 2101, solid tower, wind 070 at 13, runway 34 left, cleared to land. Cleared to land, runway 34 left, American 2101. American 2101, right turn, Alpha 8, taxi via Alpha Echo, stop 16, and monitor ground. Alpha 8, Alpha Echo, American 2101.

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