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The host, Shelby, is excited to be recording an episode about her recent trip to Japan. She shares that she has always wanted to go and finally made it her graduation trip. She talks about the kindness of the people, the affordable food, and the safety she felt while there. She also mentions the convenience stores having good food and the family-centric culture in Japan. Shelby shares her highs and lows of the week, including her obsession with dry brushing and her internship ending. She talks about a bad job interview experience but is excited to focus on her podcast and social media during her unemployment. She mentions her goals for the podcast, including doing interview-based episodes and improving the audio quality with new equipment. Hi welcome back or to the show if you're new here. My name is Shelby and I'm the host of My Perspective. I'm so excited you're here. I've missed talking to you and we are finally recording an episode about, I don't really know what I'll name this episode yet. I think it's going to be 75 soft, 75 soft challenge with 75 soft challenge wellness edition. Or maybe it's going to be soft girl lifestyle this fall or something like that. All right we have so many updates for you all. Let's start off with our segments. So first update is I went to Japan. It feels like it went so long ago and somehow the trips go by so fast but then at the same time I get there and I don't believe that I'm there. I have so many takeaways and maybe I should even make a whole episode just about their culture and what I learned from them. But pretty much a lot of things. Okay go look on TikTok because I did a day by day and I'm still posting them about everything I did in Japan. What I ate, what I wore, what I learned. So highly recommend go to my TikTok it's just so bright. But if you didn't know already I'm a quarter Japanese and ever since middle school I have always wanted to go to Japan. It's been on a bucket list for me and I finally decided to make it my grad trip for myself. So when I graduated college that was a goal of mine was to go to Japan. I try to go to one trip per year and this was obviously a way larger trip than I've ever done because I don't speak the language and it is a 12-ish hour flight. So my sister was actually there for work. She was hosting an entrepreneurship, she wasn't hosting it, she was invited by some of her investors to go speak at this women entrepreneurship, what is it called, like workshop and stuff. So she was there for work and then I tagged along because I've always wanted to go. But some things that I realized was the people there are so so kind. They really go out of your way, they won't miss work, they'll be late to something, they will walk you in the direct place that you need to go, they will try to speak so much English to you which is really hard because if you think about it when tourists come you kind of want them to speak your language not the other way around and they really try to just make you feel welcomed and hope you have a great trip. And then some other things was I never realized that their restaurants are so small but the food and the quality of it is so good and actually everything is extremely affordable. One thing I realized was if you want water it's 70 cents like when you, it's probably a dollar but the yen was not as strong as the American dollar. So if you go to the, where'd we go, if you go on a bus, if you, not a bus, if you go on a train, if you go to a vending machine water is always the same price and that's crazy because when you're in America water will be free at a water fountain. Then you'll go to an airplane and it's five bucks and you go to a baseball game it's eight dollars and then you go somewhere else and it's ten. So water always has so many different values but there was always the same price. And another cool thing that a lot of people talk about is the vending machines and the 7-elevens and the convenience stores have actually really good food. So Japan a lot of the stores don't open until noon and I always eat breakfast. I always eat pretty early so I would just go to a 7-eleven and get a Spamisubi or get a bento box and eat something because it needed to hold me over till lunchtime. So that was something really interesting and then I also noticed that they are a very family centric. So you see kids, you see older people everywhere around the town and I think it's mainly because it's not surrounded by cars. So older people and younger kids can get around with the trains and the buses and they can walk everywhere which I love as well because in America we kind of just send a lot of our elder people to senior homes and there to me I feel like people kind of forget about the senior community. But at least in Japan you take care of your family and they're always there. You don't just send them away and I understand you can't always take care of your family and that's why we have to send them away but like that's just not as common in Japan I'm pretty sure. So it's really cool to see people of all ages out and about and lastly I want to say that, what was I going to say, people there, oh another thing is I felt so safe there. When I went to France I would not go out past sundown but in Japan I was out and about all night, not all night, but like I like to be in probably in the hotel by 9 but the sun set pretty early and I was still able to go about the town and I never felt unsafe once. Men don't even look at you when you're walking down the street which is insane because if you're in LA and New York you will get catcalled in broad daylight. So being in, I would be in like a pitch black alley and never felt unsafe. I spent the last three days alone because my sister went home and trip was 10 out of 10. I would definitely go back. If I went back I'd probably want to spend more time in the countryside. We went to Tokyo and then we went to Nara and Kyoto but I definitely would want to go to the countryside because I'd want to see the rice farms and just a slower pace of life. The city was very much a city and I guess when I think of Japan I don't think of Tokyo a super busy city so it was a little bit of a shock to me even though I knew. Like it was just hard to conceptualize because I just thought it would be a lot different because it was a foreign country but a city is a city. Okay going into our next segment which is my highs and lows of the week or just kidding. The second segment if you're new here is something I've been obsessed with and then like a low of the week, something not great. So I think it's important to not only show the good but to show some other things. So starting off with the high is I'm actually going. I wonder if my high should be something I'm going to do. Something I've been obsessed with this week. Something I've been pretty obsessed with recently is my dry brush. So I've always had a dry brush for a little over a year now but when I was in Japan I was doing this every single day and when I was home I wasn't even doing it. So if you don't know already going on a trip it's actually a lot easier to start habits because your body is not in its usual environment and you're not used to the habits. You're kind of thrown off your routine so if you start a habit on a vacation it's actually more likely for you to stick with it. But towards the end of my trip I realized I didn't have it anymore and there were two instances, crazy stories where I almost lost my bag and lost my phone and I was like oh my goodness I must have left my dry brush in one of the hotel rooms. And then I forgot that I put some stuff in my sister's luggage when she went back and she sent me a photo. She was like oh come pick up this stuff and my dry brush was in there which is actually so exciting because I did not want to buy another one. It was only probably $20 but my next low will kind of tell you what's going on. So my low kind of goes hand in hand with a high at the same time. So my low is my internship is ending on Friday which is a huge bummer. But I do know that I'm kind of excited to be unemployed for a little bit because I'll get to really reset my apartment and get on my workout routine and hang out with Max and focus on my social media and podcast. I think that's the hugest thing. I had the worst job interview today. It turned out to be a total pyramid slash scam and I was actually so furious when I came out of that interview because I was there for two hours and my work was like hey where are you because I was going during my lunch break but it went way longer than it was supposed to. Then they kind of made me feel bad for needing to leave. I'm like no interview should be this long. So it was really a bummer but then I was talking to Max and he was like you shouldn't just take a job because it's a job. You should take a job because you want it. And the highlight is I can file for unemployment because I'm not working. So I think I'm going to just put all my time and energy into the podcast into my social media and use this time to one obviously apply for jobs but also to pursue what I'm passionate about and what I do want my career to end up being which is this podcast. So a little plug for the pod is please please follow the show and read it and send it to friends. Post it on social media. That is the best way for my show to get out there and also you can follow the TikTok. It's just my name Shelby Wright and then Instagram is my perspective pod. So get ready for a ton of content coming out soon. Some goals I have for the podcast coming up is next year so that's in a couple of months I'm going to start doing interviews. I'm thinking of doing like one interview a month maybe just start it off slow. It's always been the goal of mine to make this an interview based podcast I'm pretty sure because the Skinny Confidential is my favorite podcast of all time and they're mainly interview based. But if I'm producing something for you all I want it to be the best quality there is and so I think that's what's really holding me back. And in my Japan trip I really was able to kind of think about how I was going to go about this. So as soon as I get my big girl job or I wait for Christmas to come around because I'm going to ask these things for Christmas is I'm going to ask for a ton new equipment so that I can produce the best podcast audio and interviews that I can because if I'm going to do something I'm going to do a hundred and ten percent. And I also want my guests to have a good experience as well. And what's also nice is this podcast is mainly just me like I haven't had a guest on so I'm really trying to build my relationship with the people that listen to my podcast before I bring in other people because this podcast is about me it's about my perspectives on everything. And yeah that's pretty much it. So let's just get into this episode because it should be a pretty quick episode actually but I'm really excited for this. I keep seeing this trend all over TikTok of like the soft girl lifestyle and I feel like I feel I really embody the soft girl lifestyle but I'm not the clean girl. So let's like throw the clean girl aesthetic out because even though I want to be the clean girl aesthetic I'm just not like if you want to know something gross about me actually I'm not going to tell you yet because this might be your first podcast listening and you're going to be grossed out by me. But I very much am the soft girl aesthetic. So okay at the very end okay so to explain this episode a little bit I'm going to go into ways that you can embody the soft girl. I'm going to go into ways you can embody the soft girl lifestyle this fall and winter and then I'm also going to talk about a 75 hard challenge that I'm doing at the end of this episode. And that maybe you want to join me on. I'm doing the 75 soft girl challenge but wellness edition. And to me fall really screams soft girl lifestyle especially coming from summer which is like known as like hot girl summer and you're going to parties and you're hooking up with a lot of guys and you're drinking alcohol. Like obviously that's not my summer but I know a lot of people like that lifestyle when it comes to summer and now fall is like cuffing season and we got holidays and family. And to me when I think of fall I think of winter. I really think of being more wholesome and getting closer to your friends and staying in watching movies. I just think of like a cozier Scandinavian vibe and something I wrote down was like fall and winter you're a born again virgin. I like let's throw out everything you did in the hot girl summer that you had maybe like clean slate. You are a born again virgin. It never happened. You never had a hot girl summer. Now it's time for you to just become your inner self again. And maybe you don't have a boyfriend. Totally fine but you can do this with some of your girlfriends and your dog. And I really like the soft girl lifestyle because I think it's me. I am basically a grandma and I'm 21 years old. I actually went to like a networking female founder event yesterday and I went up to like a random table to network and they were talking about how they love to party into their 30s and 40s and 50s and one of the guys is talking about it and he's older. I think he's in his 40s or 50s and he's like I still party and all of them were talking about partying and they knew I went to Cal Poly SLO. So like oh my god like Cal Poly is so crazy on St. Patrick's Day like tell me about it and little do they know I've never been to one of the St. Fratty's. St. Fratty's at Cal Poly is basically everybody wakes up at like 3am, you chug alcohol, you get ready and you run around the town of SLO plastered and there's a ton of parties. All the frats have parties and I heard it's really fun but here's the thing. I don't think my body could fathom waking up that early and then indulging in alcohol. I think I would vomit immediately. So I've never partaken and also it follows along with Max and I's anniversary. I might actually go up to SLO and visit my friends this year because it's technically supposed to be my senior year and I might go but little do they know those people. I've never been even though I talked about it to them and so they probably think I was a huge partier in college when I probably went out less than a handful of times this past year. And then I did go out a bit in my freshman year and like barely in my sophomore year. So I barely partied all of college and I don't really know. It's just not my thing. I get in like moods like I want to go party and then sometimes I'm like I'm not. So I think the grandma aesthetic is me. I want to be curled into bed at 9pm with a little my kindle. And I want to be drinking my tea. And I have a long term boyfriend so I am not having any type of hot girl summers. I'm not hooking up with anyone. So I feel like the soft girl lifestyle is really just being within. Being wholesome and cozy and not being chaotic. Not going out till 4am. If you follow Alex Earle, she is not the soft girl lifestyle. So I would say like the opposite of what Alex Earle is. But let's first go into ways that I'm going to embody this or ways that I do embody this that I recommend. Some of these are I would say a little bit of a repeat from my other episodes but not just ways to like calm down your life, take it a step slower. Number one is not setting an alarm. And I'm personally going to be able to do this because I'll be unemployed. But if you're not unemployed or you're in school or something, this is for the weekends. I was a little bit embarrassed about becoming unemployed and wasn't going to tell you guys but I was like you know what, a lot of people become unemployed and I'm going to use it to the best of my abilities. So how I'm going to set no alarm in the morning because I think your body actually wakes up when it needs to. And I have since coming back from Japan, I felt extremely sleep deprived. I have not been my 5am workout girly. I have been waking up right before I have to go to work. And another part of that is Max has been sleeping over a lot and I feel bad waking up early and him having to also basically wake up because I wake him up. So I've been sleeping in a little bit but I'm so excited to not have to go to work and I can just sleep in every single day. And I think after maybe like a week of me sleeping in, I'll go back to having an alarm for like workouts or just naturally start having an alarm because I don't want to waste my day. But basically if I were to do this from scratch or how I'm going to wake up without an alarm because that seems pretty self explanatory is hopefully you'll wake up with the sun and that regulates your circadian rhythm. And I've talked about circadian rhythm before and basically it helps ensure your production and release of your hormones at the right time. So for females, our hormones like estrogen and progesterone follow a natural rhythm, which impacts our period, our menstrual cycle and even fertility. And when you're disrupting your circadian rhythm, it actually can lead to hormone imbalances. So like some ways you can combat that is to wake up with the sun, go to bed with the sun, take morning, evening, night walks. But obviously it's not realistic for everybody. I got a hatch alarm clock, I think when I moved to slow this year. And what I love about the hatch alarm clock is it's not an alarm on your phone that's like literally gives you a headache and gives you anxiety from waking up. It's waking you up gradually with like birds or chimes. I went on a vacation this year and my roommates were like, Shelby, there's always birds. We can hear them from your room because I was my windows right by a tree. And I was like, guys, I must have just forgot to turn off my alarm clock all week. You can't hear the birds that bad. And they're like, oh, my God, I thought they were legit birds. But so it wakes you up super gradually and it wakes you up also with a sunrise. So I usually make mine start half an hour before I actually want to wake up. So I think what I'll do when I'm unemployed is I'll have the alarm clock only the light portion. I won't have the sound. But honestly, my apartment is filled with windows and some parts of it I can't put a curtain there. It's just too high. So naturally, a lot of sun comes into my apartment and in the morning, it's extremely bright and I just can't do anything about it. So I think I'll naturally wake up anyways. Going along with waking up at a certain time, I also highly recommend going to bed early. Soft girl lifestyle is not going out to the club till 4 a.m. It is being in bed with your Kindle at 8, 9, 10 p.m. I already do this. Max always complains. He's like, we go to bed so early, but we always fall asleep right away. And pretty much when the sun goes down, the nighttime routine starts. So let me tell you a little bit about my nighttime routine because it is perfection. We're going to do it pretty quick. So as soon as the sun goes down, I turn on all my lamps and most of them are red lamps. So I have a mushroom lamp. It's not red. And then I have a red lamp by my couch and I have the hatch one by my bedroom or by my bed. And then I have a salt lamp in my bathroom. So the reason why I do not overhead lights is because overhead lights actually trick your body into not producing melatonin because it thinks it's the sun. So it's going to think you're still awake. So when I turn on the other lights, it doesn't produce melatonin. It's telling my body. Oh, no, it does produce melatonin. It tells my body it's time to go to bed. The sun went down. That means Shelby needs to go to bed. So after I turn off the lights, I actually recently, I'm not going to lie, but I have been watching TV at 8 p.m. instead of reading my Kindle. And I've been loving a late night snack. So my favorite dessert is cookies and ice cream. Warm cookies and ice cream is my go to favorite thing. So recently I've been making cookies and ice cream. I put it in a little tiny tart dish, the ice or the cookie, and then I bake it in that and then I put ice cream on top. And that just helps me portion control because I'd probably make a ton of cookies and eat a ton of ice cream. So this helps me just eat like one a day. So recently I've been watching Suits and Lessons in Chemistry. It's been my fix of the week. I actually, I usually update you guys on what book I'm currently reading. I finished Lessons in Chemistry. I finished The Secret Society of Witches or something. I'm in a book club for it. But sometimes I'll read my Kindle and I like my Kindle because there's not a lot of blue light with it. Obviously you can read from a regular book, but I hate the feeling of paper. I just, I hate it. And I read so much faster on my Kindle. Another thing I do for my nighttime routine, like obviously my skincare and all that, but I take magnesium and that really helps your body wind down. Oh, and then I also drink tea and that's just like a warm beverage at night. A lot of people drink tart cherry juice and I've tried it once, but it's very, very sweet for me. So I need to dilute it with something. But quality sleep is so important. It's important for your mood, for your hormones, for your happiness, and you have to just sleep as much as you can. I know what's actually interesting, something I heard recently was because we think time is so short and we don't have a lot of time in the world or we don't have a lot of time in the day, we actually self-sabotage ourselves by staying up late. Because we're trying to gain that time back. But really, we really need that sleep to be healthy and feel good. And you're actually just self-sabotaging by making yourself feel worse by staying up late. And usually the stuff you're doing late is unproductive and unnecessary. It's not like you are building your company at 2am. Maybe you are, but most people are scrolling on TikTok, watching binging TV shows, and you're actually not doing anything. I learned this pretty quickly on in college, but one of the reasons why I don't drink and I try not to go to bed late is because I can't control my thoughts sometimes. And the later it gets, the darker my thoughts get. To be honest, I struggle a lot with depression. And sometimes my thoughts go into really scary places. And the best way I've been able to combat that is to not go to bed late. Because when I go to bed late or when I'm drinking too much alcohol and it's late, I kind of freak myself out or my TikTok algorithm gets really scary. And it's just not good for myself. I know that boundary for myself. And I think that was something I realized really early on that I cannot do that. And maybe that's also just an excuse for myself to stop drinking and going to bed late. But honestly, I think that's a good reason, a very good reason. Third way you're going to embody this soft girl summer or this soft girl fall and winter is you're going to go outside more. And I know it's kind of cold for some people, but I live in Southern California, so it's not that cold. But even if you live in the snow, go outside and touch the snow. Ground yourself, okay? I highly recommend going on walks. We talk about this all the time. The walks are really good for your circadian rhythm. I feel like going on walks is very nature and very wholesome. I feel like the key word to this whole podcast is how to be more wholesome. Kind of like think back to what you did as a kid in a way. Like what did we do as kids? We went outside and we played in the dirt. So personally, I'm going to go on a ton of walks since I'm unemployed now and I have a dog. So he obviously wants to go out and about. And then two is I'm going to go to the beach. So my sister gave me her long leash from like her cat. I think it's like 30 feet long. And Max and I took Miso to the beach this weekend or this past week and he loved it. He actually was terrified of the water because he went in once and I think he hated it. But the long leash, I realized he's really good and he doesn't try to run away and he just sits there and kind of tries to chase the birds and then he gets yanked back. But I'm going to take him to the beach because I live two miles from the beach and I don't go enough. And every time I'm at the beach, I want to take a nap. I feel very relaxed and safe and it's really good for you to put your feet into the sand. It's the grounding habit to connect with like nature and I think the sounds of the waves are very nurturing. But maybe you don't live by the beach. Maybe you go to the snow and you go sledding or you walk through the forest. I don't really know. But you just take it slow. Nothing too crazy. Just getting outside and what I think I love about walk so much is that being outside is so good for you and you can listen to a podcast, you can listen to a book, you can call a friend. But also it's free. There are so many products out there that people are trying to push on you to purchase, purchase, buy this. I love this and obviously I'm guilty of that too. But being outside is free. Being outside, everybody has access to, I would hope. And we should utilize it because why not? All right. So kind of going along with walks is I'm going to probably keep my workout routine kind of more low intensity. And I feel like this time of year, you don't like I want to cuddle on bed and eat cookies all day and not be working out. And so I think I'm going to be completely honest. In Japan, I was walking so much that my feet, I'm pretty sure, are broken. But they're starting to feel better because I'm not walking as much. If you don't know, I get stress fractures on my feet extremely, extremely easily. I have had, I think, 9, 11, I've had 9 or 11 stress fractures just in my feet and a combination from gymnastics and also track and just walking in general. So a little back story is when I, basically like when I first got injured for the second time, I kind of, it took a year for my feet to heal. And I was pretty much told I would never be able to run again or walk long distances or my feet would break. And I got checked for osteoporosis this summer and I don't have it, thank goodness, that's a bone disease. But for some reason, so I started running again this year, a year ago, and my feet weren't hurting. So I was like, oh my gosh, finally I can run. I was running maybe like a 5k or less, never more than that. And, you know, the reason why I want to run is because it's free and it gets me outside and I have a dog and it's great exercise. But the thing is, I also couldn't walk long distances. I remember my first week in college, I was walking so much on campus, but like moving and everything, my feet started hurting. And I was like, you gotta be kidding me. I can't even walk the first week of college. So the thing is, I was in Japan and my feet started hurting really, really bad to where I was limping across the city. And I for sure was like, oh my god, my foot's broken again. So I think for myself, I'm trying to lay off the high intensity workouts. And I really only do high intensity workouts during my auditory phase and my follicular phase. So I like to run and do HIIT classes. But I think for the rest of the year, I really want to keep it low key, low intensity. And I want to inspire everybody else to do that as well because people are so hard on themselves this time of year. And people go two ways during this time of year. They either go all out and burn themselves out because it's the end of the year and they want to either cross something off their to-do list or get those abs before the new year. And they do all the HIIT classes, they do all the diets, and you kind of burn yourself out and maybe you don't even see the results that you wanted in such a short amount of time. Or you're on the other side of the spectrum and you kind of gave up on yourself already because you're like, okay, I'll just start January 1st. That's in a couple months or it's because the holiday season's around and there is so much family and events and food and comfort things around the holidays. And you feel so bad about yourself, you're like, let me just let go because if I let go, at least there's a reason why I'm not happy with myself. But instead, I think that there should be a middle ground because we should still take care of ourselves and be kind to our bodies, be kind to our minds and our heart during this time. And we shouldn't give up on ourselves, but we shouldn't go all out to where we're extremely burned out and need a vacation. I think this is why I'm really excited to do this 75 hard version of the Wellness Girl because I don't care about drinking a gallon of water, I don't care about doing two workouts in a day. I care about how I feel at the end of the day and how good of a friend I am and what I learned and I don't really care about the progress picture before 75 days and after. And we'll get a little bit more into that because we still have a couple more things to talk about. But I would say in like the workout aspect, I would try to keep it more low key, try to do more Pilates and yoga and walking. And you don't have to run a marathon, you don't have to do a F45 hard berries class either to for it to be productive, you do not have to sweat for it to be considered a workout. And I think as an athlete, you're really told that if you're not sweating or if your heart rate's not above this, then you're not working hard. And that's complete BS. Like yoga and walking is still moving your body. Even if you're not doing any of those things, if you're cleaning your house, that is still moving your body, that is still better than being sedentary. Okay, some other things that I feel like are very soft girl energy is reading more romance books. I feel like I'm so burnt out this past year with self-development and self-help. And I think that's what's making me excited for this to kind of slow my life down is I realized that I don't always have to be productive. I don't always have to be learning something. I don't always have to be 1% better. I can read a romance novel and veg out. I can be horizontal on my bed and not have to worry about anything in my life. And I realized that I love romance books. I think they're so interesting. I low key imagine every main character as my boyfriend and just imagine that I'm the main character and that we're just living this happy ever last ever. Whatever, happy life. And sometimes I tell them like, hey, you're a sexy chef tonight. I mean, you're a sexy, you're whatever, you know what I mean? You're a sexy chef in the book today that I'm reading. And it gets me more intrigued with the book. I know that's really cringy and weird, but it's fun. And I joined a book club and I actually want to start a book club for people who aren't like super into reading but like to read. And you don't have to read 100 books a year. Just read like my goal last year was to read one book a month. And then now my goal for this year was to read three books a month. I didn't reach it. I'm pretty sure, but maybe I will now since I don't have a job. You know, there's a bright side to everything. I have a few side things as well that I kind of just made little notes about, but not only for like romance books, I feel like are very in, but also spending time with your family and friends. I feel like this is the time to host themed nights, like game nights with like board games. I think that's so fun. And like puzzles, wine nights, like spooky Halloween, and maybe go see Christmas lights. I don't know, anything fall and winter themed is so much fun. I'm actually so excited for this. I'm very much a Christmas girl. I'm not going to decorate or anything, but I love to do all the Christmas things. I go see the lights, have hot chocolate. I want to go to Disneyland so bad. So I think this is a time, maybe you are traveling a ton this summer, but to see your family, see your friends, really connect with them and do all the little fun activities. I know a lot of people say it's cuffing season, but also like it's just as fun to do these things with your friends as it is to do with a boyfriend. Okay. Other things is comfy clothes and warm foods. I don't know what it is about comfy clothes, but I guess like summer, when summer comes around, I'm a lot more self-conscious because I don't like wearing a super tight fitting clothes and summer comes with like beach and bikinis and just being very out there with your body. Personally, I like to dress oversized. I like to wear sweatshirts and baggy jeans. I got a massage in Japan and the lady was talking to me the whole time. I didn't want to talk, but she did. After the massage, I put my clothes back on. Granted, Japan is very, very conservative in what they wear and I want to be extremely respectful, so I didn't show any shoulders. I didn't show my knees. I was very modest the entire trip and pretty much I dress pretty modest. I mean, I show my legs and my shoulders, but I never really show my midriff anymore and I don't show cleavage or my ass. I pretty much keep that hidden nowadays unless I'm wearing a bikini or Halloween costume. The lady was like, why are you wearing such baggy clothes? You have such a nice figure. Women with not good bodies wear revealing clothes and you have a nice body and you don't wear fitting clothes. I was like, I don't like to. I don't really want people to see my body unless I'm 110% confident that day. That's more of an insecurity of me, but I feel like fall and winter, because it's cold, it's just normal to wear baggy clothes and then the cute sweaters come out and the matching sets. I love wearing matching sweat sets. If you know me, that's all I wear. Warm foods like hot tea, hot coffee, hot matcha. I love warm cookies and ice cream. I'm not totally a soup person. I wish I was. Just like the smoothies and the salads are out and in with all the warm foods, it's also really good to eat warm foods for your body, because your body's naturally warm inside, so it's actually better for your digestive system and your hormones and eating savory breakfast in the morning. I'm a holistic health coach, if you didn't know. I'm actually in school for that right now, so that's where I get all these little backing things from. That pretty much concludes everything that I think is in for the fall and winter for soft girl lifestyle. Now we're going to talk about the 75 hard challenge that I'm doing. I'm calling it 75 soft girl wellness edition. 75 hard wellness edition? I don't really know. First, I'm going to go off. I downloaded everything that the 75 ... If you don't know already, there's the 75 hard, 75 medium, and 75 soft. I downloaded the 75 soft details or whatever that you're supposed to follow. If you don't know what it is, basically it's 75 days. It's supposed to be a physical and mental challenge for yourself. It was made by a man. You can just tell that a man made this, because to me, I don't want to do that. At first, I did want to do it, because I wanted a good challenge for myself, but I feel like this is more fit for myself, and I'm not going to be hard on myself. This is what it was. This is the soft challenge. Literally, just think of this times three would be the hard challenge, and people actually do this. Number one is stick to a diet of your choice. No alcohol and no cheat meals. The reason why I have a problem with this is because no cheat meals. Now we're describing food as good and bad, and I really hate when people say, oh my god, I cheated, or I'm going to indulge in this meeting. Just think of food as neutral. Just eat it, and don't make a fuss about it. You're going to look and feel the same tomorrow as you did maybe before. Whatever. Just eat the food, and don't say it, because so many people struggle with food. I don't want to hear your comments. Number two is do two 45-minute workouts. One must be outside. I think the 75 soft is more like you can take a day off or something. I think that's really hard for a lot of people, because a lot of people work a 9-5 and have kids and commute and all that sort of stuff. To me, I could honestly do that now that I'm unemployed. I actually walk at work the last 10 minutes of every hour to get myself out in the sun, so technically I could do that, but we're not going to do that. Step number three would be drink a gallon of water. I do that, so that's not a big deal to me. Number four is read 10 pages. It's supposed to be a nonfiction book, or the soft challenge is any book. Step five is take progress pics. I don't understand why the progress pics are. You don't really see a difference between 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. You really see a difference between 1 and 75. You know what? I didn't like those, so we scratched them, and I made the 75 soft girl challenge wellness edition, because I think caring about your mental and your physical health is a lot more important than taking a progress picture. Here is my version of the 75 hard challenge, and if you want to do this with me, I'm going to be posting it on TikTok. You guys have to hold me accountable to actually doing this. I was going to do a day in the life every single day of being unemployed, but maybe I'll just attach it to this, because why not? I kind of want to do more lifestyle videos and show you guys what I do every day to benefit my well-being. Rule number one. Oh, wait. Also, let me preface. I'm not going to do the 75 hard challenge and like, oh my God, maybe one day I didn't go on a walk, and then I'm going to have to start all over. I'm just going to do this for 75 days or until the new year and be easy on myself. It's supposed to be soft. It's supposed to be fun and make me feel good. I'm not supposed to stress over this. It's just maybe like a to-do, pretty much like a to-do list every day for myself. So, rule number one, I'm just going to call it rules because it's easier. I'm going to have the crowd out mentality. The crowd out mentality basically means it's having a less restrictive mindset when it comes to like a diet. So, instead of telling myself I have to do this, this, and that, I'm basically telling myself to crowd out all the things I don't want myself to eat by incorporating more veggies and protein and foods I really enjoy, because the more I add in to my lifestyle and my diet, I'm gradually going to get rid of the things that don't serve me without even realizing. So, crowd out mentality when it comes to food, obviously like food neutrality and like eating intuitively, like we always love that. Rule number two is to move my body in some type of low intensity way. So, we're going to take a yoga class, walking, Pilates. Like I said, I don't really want to stress my body out more than it already is, and I feel like this time is really to just settle down and enjoy and reflect on the year. And no better way to do that than basically tell my body I love you by doing slow movement, and maybe that movement is going outside. So, rule number three is to go outside as much as I can. So, hopefully the morning, evening, and morning, midday, and evening for at least five minutes. It's really good for your circadian rhythm to get sun on your face. There's so many benefits for being outside, and I think going out at different times of the day is really good for your body as well, and that's so easy. Like I, when I'm at work, like I said already, I walk the last ten minutes of every hour. So, it hits 9.50, I'm out there walking, and I actually calculated how long it takes me to like walk down the street and back, and it's ten minutes exactly. Or go to the restroom, go get water, like get anything to get yourself up and out of your seat during the day. And that's how I get ten thousand subs a day too. Number four is to read ten pages a day of anything. I just want to get back into reading more often. I read so much in Japan. But read anything. Read a self-help book, read a romance novel, fiction, whatever you please. I just want to be more of a reader. And rule number five is one self-care activity. So, journaling, affirmations, meditation, grounding, seeing a friend, therapeutic drainage, going to the beach, whatever a self-activity or self-care activity means to you, do it. You should have time in your day to do one thing for yourself. Maybe it was taking a shower. Don't be hard on yourself, just give yourself a little love throughout the day. And I think for me, my main self-care activities will probably be like lymphatic drainage, going to the massage, or going to the beach. I would love to get back into journaling. I'm just, that's just not my thing sometimes. But one self-care thing a day to just remind yourself that you've got it, you love yourself, and you can make it the next day. And then my last rule for myself will be to sleep seven hours or more. I think everyone should sleep eight or more hours, but you know, just sleep, sleep, sleep. Get that sleep, my aura ring. Now it tells me when I'm stressed, so now I'm trying to keep my stress down. But I have six rules for myself, and they're pretty much not really rules, they're just ways for me to remember every day. They're kind of like daily reminders of things I want to do. And I feel like in 75 days, I'm going to feel like a totally new human. And hopefully in 75 days, I am my best self. This is kind of like a self-help challenge without being a self-help challenge, because I'm tired of it. I'm tired of self-improvement. This is more of just like taking care of my body so I don't burn out. All right, so that concludes today's entire episode. Please, please, please share the pod, like the pod, follow the pod on TikTok, on Instagram. And I have so much more coming for the podcast. I'm so excited. I'm getting my health certification too, so I'm excited to share more about that. But I have to go pick up Niso from Max's house at 7 p.m. And yeah, I am so excited for you guys to listen to this episode. Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye.

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