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What's this about and why the weird voice?

What's this about and why the weird voice?

Ms. XMs. X



Nothing to say, yet

Podcastweird voicegen xanonymousfunnytraumaticsurvivoropen mindedtrue storieschangepersonal growth

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Gen X Single introduces themselves as someone who wants to create a platform for anonymous conversation where people can be themselves without worrying about being politically correct. They encourage open discussion about personal experiences, different lifestyles, and funny stories. The only topics not allowed are politics, religion, and racism. Gen X Single hopes to avoid filtering their speech and wants to connect with others through this journey. Hey, hey, hey, this is Gen X Single. I want to introduce myself as Gen X Single. That's how I'm going to be speaking throughout this journey here that I hope that you all will chime into so that we can get to know one another anonymously. And I think that's important because when we meet people in real life, sometimes we have to filter the way we speak and worry about being PC. And mainly I'm talking about cursing. Well, I say fuck a lot and I kind of curse like a sailor. So, not all the time, but I want people to feel confident that they can be who they need to be here. Nobody needs to know real names. The only thing that I will not tolerate is a couple things, and that is discussing politics or religion. I should say pushing videos. Like, don't try and argue with someone and tell them why they're wrong about seeing things this way or that way. People are entitled to their own opinion, but this is not the space to argue about those things. And I will not tolerate racism. No racism on here is allowed. Makes me sick to my stomach. Okay, so, but besides that, I want this to be an open space for people to be able to talk about things that they would never talk about to their friends, things that have happened to them, things that they've done, different lifestyles they've tried and what happened, stories, funny stories about people you've seen, whatever. Whatever the thing is that you would like to talk about, I want to talk about it too. So, I have a lot of experiences that I'd love to share, but I have to pick and choose who I can speak to. So, that's what I hope to avoid here. Alright, time for now. Gen X single out.

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