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As a Voice Actor contracted to help bring my client's works to life, I felt compelled to create this personal project. I truly enjoy Western themed work. With this particular project "Midnight Rider's Stagecoach Company," in which I wrote and recorded both Narration and Character, I endeavored to create a unique story. A story that included certain elements such as Redemption, Purpose and Faith, while undertaking a dangerous journey, through the often wild and hostile frontier of the Old West.

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Daniel Waters, a former cattle rustler, gave up his life of thievery after meeting Mabel. They settled in Tucson but faced challenges with agriculture and Mabel's asthma. Father Longo arrived and helped improve Mabel's health. They heard about a stagecoach in need of help, and Daniel and Father Longo volunteered. They faced obstacles on their journey but arrived in San Diego and successfully delivered the goods. Joe Bob, a friend, sacrificed his life to save them. Daniel received a farm as a reward and shared the news with Mabel. Midnight Riders Stagecoach Company, Telegrams from Daniel, fictional audio series. Daniel Waters, now 35, was a former cattle rustler from San Antonio, Texas. He had been with Jim Tanner's rustler group for ten years, helping to steal thousands of herds of steer. However, five years ago, in 1860, he had met Mabel, a beautiful and kind woman from town, whose husband had died of tuberculosis. She helped persuade Daniel into giving up his old life, settle down, and turn from his former ways of thievery. In the beginning, Daniel knew it wouldn't be easy to break away from the group, but he was granted a pass after saving the leader, Jim Tanner's, from a cougar attack. Mabel was informed by a friend of a piece of farmland quite a distance west. It was past the state of New Mexico to a village called Tucson. It was near the Santa Cruz River. This would be the perfect time for them to relocate and start over after their marriage. After living in Tucson the first year, things were prosperous, growing cantaloupe and honeydew melons. However, the second year was tough for agriculture due to a drought. Also, Mabel became ill and developed a strong case of asthma. Daniel had to hire a full-time caregiver to help out as he worked the farm, but it was to no avail and drained their finances. However, in 1864, things would look better for Daniel and Mabel. Father Diletto Longo, a former physician-turned-priest, came into the village from New Mexico to pastor the local Catholic church and help with building up the missions in the area, as well as help medically. His specialty was respiratory ailments, which was a godsend for Mabel. Upon arriving into town, Father Longo had also brought many medical supplies to be distributed where needed. In no time at all, Mabel's condition greatly improved, as did Daniel's spiritual walk. He and Father Longo became very close, reading and studying the Bible every day for six months. However, Father Longo stated that Mabel did have some lung issues and would eventually need cleaner air to breathe. He advises Daniel that the west coast ocean air would be very good for her full recovery. Daniel and Mabel accompany Father Longo on a trip to the postal and telegram office. Father Longo receives a letter from the archdiocese that the mission Basilica San Diego de Alcala needed emergency medicine, as well as a supply of Bibles. But Father Longo felt concerned on how to accomplish the task, as he had no way to get there, and his spiritual and medical services were desperately needed in Tucson. As they were leaving the postal office, they heard a stagecoach ride up, and a young man was crying out for help. As it turned out, two of the three riders were injured in an Indian attack a few miles back on the trail. Immediately, the two wounded were helped into a wagon and taken to the doc's office with Father Longo's assistance. David Boatley, the young boy injured but still in shock, begins to tell Daniel and Father Longo the story. He explains that the three of them are all from Houston, Texas, and are on a non-passenger, privately funded stagecoach. Midnight Riders Stagecoach Company, owned by wealthy land developer Charles Maywood from Houston, Texas. They were hired to deliver a shipment of money, medicine, and other important personal items for him. The boy further explains that it is overdue and vitally needed to ensure a big development deal in San Diego, California. It needs to arrive in one week, or the deal is null. Daniel looks over to Father Longo as if they were reading each other's minds at the irony of the situation. Daniel then looks over to Mabel. She knows what Daniel is thinking, but without saying a word, nods in agreement. Daniel confides that he would gladly take over as whip, having experience on long cattle drives, but would also have to recruit his sharpshooter friend, a former Confederate soldier, Joe Bob Kessler, as shotgun messenger. Father Longo also asks Davey if Mr. Maywood would mind if Daniel brought more medicine and supplies, as well as Bibles, for delivery to San Diego. The boy states that he knows Mr. Maywood, also a Christian, personally. He would not only accommodate them, but would help to ensure their delivery, as well as pay handsomely for their help. After a fine meal and bath, restocking supplies and fresh horses, they all agreed they would leave in early morning. The next morning after prayer, Daniel reassures Mabel that he would be safe and that they would start a new life on the California coast. Daniel thanks Father Longo for his mentoring and special friendship. In turn, Father Longo reassures Daniel that he would watch over Mabel, pray diligently, and eventually visit him on the West Coast. Upon departure, Daniel reaffirms his priority to send telegrams throughout the journey. Two days later, telegram one. Telegrams from Daniel's series, Dear Father. Dear Father, hoping this telegram finds you well. Me and the boys have been riding long and hard for two days. Ran low on food and water until we reached the first stage stop, but station keep was good to us. Had one bushwhacker on our trail, but Joe Bob's keen eye and fancy shooting? That scared him off right quick. He's a real good shotgun messenger. Davey boy's a good kid and a good coach hand. And he's pretty handled pistol. Me, I'm a riding whip with one hand and holding tight to the good book with the other. Well, sir, it's a time we best to saddle up again, because I want to keep schedule. Please give my love to my precious Mabel. I'll send word again at next stage stop. Your humble servant and lord, Daniel. Three days later, telegram number two. Telegrams from Daniel's series. Miracle at Apache Gulch. My dearest Mabel, just got into Eagle Eye's stage stop an hour ago. Sorry for the late message. Now, don't you be worrying about what I'm about to tell you. Well, darling, we had us a miracle yesterday. God is good. I just have to tell you this story. Everything was good on the trail the first day after leaving Logan Pass stage stop. But as we come up to Waysan Peak Mountain, a bobcat jumped us. Cut up Joe Bob something fierce. He lost a lot of blood. I fixed him up real good. But he took fever. We had to stop for the night. Though it did give me time to read the passage Father Longo instructed me to. Proverbs 3, 5, and 6 from the good book. So glad I did. Next morning after Joe Bob's fever broke, we pushed on. Got to Apache Gulch on the other side of the mountain. Busted a wheel and almost lost the coach down the ravine. But the miracle happened when we found we were surrounded by the Apaches with arrows drawn at us. Well, I just started praying. Dear Lord, my faith is in you to deliver us and make our paths straight. All of a sudden, the ground started to shake. They looked at each other, then us, and rolled off faster than you could blink an eye. Scared like. Most powerful thing I ever did see. Oh, God is good. Please tell it to Father Longo. Thank him and give him my love for it. Darling, please stay healthy. Because I'm looking forward to us being together. As I said, don't you be worried. Just keep reading the good book and praying as you always do. It'll be fine. We're going to get through it. I'll send word again when we arrive at the next stage stop. Most beloved and affectionately yours, Daniel. Two days later, telegram number three. Telegrams from Daniel series. We've arrived. Delivery accomplished. We've arrived. Now in San Diego. I'm addressing this long telegram to you both. You, my dearest Mabel, and my good friend Father Longo. Lot to tell you and a lot I want to say. We got in an hour ago and just in time. Mr. Maywood was very delighted because he was able to settle his business right quick. Our journey come with cost, though. We lost my good friend, Joe Bob Kessler. After we had a big sandstorm, I noticed Joe Bob's fever come back. When I checked him, I noticed his wounds were reopened and infected. Had to set up camp for a while to care for him. It was nightfall and me and David Boy had our backs turned, tended to Joe Bob. Didn't see the two bandits that followed us. They had crept up the camp and were about to bushwhack us. Joe Bob spotted them and with every ounce of his strength, he shot them dead. He saved us. I remembered the Lord's prayer from Father Longo and prayed it with him. He encouraged us to press ahead and finish the course and live life to the fullest. So, we buried him proper and saddled up, riding all night and all next day. After delivery was accomplished, Mr. Maywood put us up in a fine hotel. Turns out the mission is close by. I also wanted to make sure the delivery was made there tonight. But David Boy took care of it for me. Didn't know at the time, but he had prayed with me and Joe Bob and accepted the Lord. Said he was honored to do it for me and for God. Gonna miss my friend Joe Bob, though. The way I see it, I trusted the Lord and he worked through Joe Bob to get us through. Well, I'm gonna get some shut-eye. Besides, Mr. Maywood wants to talk to me in the morning. I will write to you both soon. Sending my love and grateful ones, Daniel. The next day, telegram number four. Telegrams from Daniel's series. Our new home. My dearest Mabel, I'm so excited. I got to tell you some great news, darling. But first, give my love and my warmest regards to Father Longo. Because my blessing started with the seeds he planted in me. Let him know that the medicine arrived on time. And the people have already started recovering while reading the word of the Lord. They were grateful. But on to the pressing news I got to tell you. Well, Mr. Maywood was so grateful for my help that he not only paid me a handsome sum, but after telling him about my life and your health challenge, he gave me the deed to his former property, a 20-acre farm by the ocean water. He told me a very interesting story that I felt I needed to share with you. Tell Father Longo, too. He said his pa was also a former outlaw who got shot in the back and was left for dead. He was found barely breathing by a farmer who was also a minister of God. The minister and his wife nursed him back to health. Out of gratitude, he said his pa stayed with the minister and his family for three months, working for him while attending church. His pa and minister didn't talk much, but one day he had asked him why he wasn't scared finding out he was an outlaw. The minister said the good Lord told him that a dangerous man would come into his life one day but would change and serve him. It was then that his pa turned his life over to the Lord. He left to find his ma. Later, his pa got into real estate, building and developing churches and houses. Mr. Maywood learned from his pa and got wealthy developing large properties of his own, all with a heart for God. He told me that I reminded him of his pa and he wanted to bless me. He also told me that a well-protected large convoy of stagecoaches carrying equipment was coming in a month. He said he'd have a comfortable seat for you and his wife. Glory to God, we got a fresh start. I'll be making preparations right away and send word again soon. All my love, Daniel.

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