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שידור חי ברדיו קריות 13.11.2024 דיגיי מוטי המחשמל

שידור חי ברדיו קריות 13.11.2024 דיגיי מוטי המחשמל

Moti MigalMoti Migal



רדיו קריות, משדר להיטים מכל הזמנים ובכל הסגנונות את כל סוגי המוסיקה רדיו קריות הוקם לטובת תושבי הקריות ולכל אוהבי מוסיקת שנות 70,80,90 והמוסיקה ים תיכונית ואוהבי הספורט את רדיו קריות הקימו שני חולי רדיו שמוליק פלמנבוים ואייל אזולאי.

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the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', In the night, darlin', darlin', I live among the creatures of the night, I love to rock the riffs and slide and fight, I'll sing to you tomorrow if I ever need you, Tomorrow never comes, but I'll tell you tonight, I'm happy if you are so free, I know the light is not what you see, I'll sing to you tomorrow if I ever need you, Tomorrow never comes, but I'll tell you tonight, I'm happy if you are so free, I know the light is not what you see, I'm happy if you are so free, I know the light is not what you see, In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night, darlin', In the night Tomorrow never knows what happens tonight I'm living in a world of dreams I know that life is not what it seems I'm hoping that something good will make a difference for me This life is never broken I'm living in a world of dreams I'm hoping that something good will make a difference for me This life is never broken I'm living in a world of dreams I'm hoping that something good will make a difference for me This life is never broken I'm living in a world of dreams I'm hoping that something good will make a difference for me This life is never broken I'm living in a world of dreams I'm hoping that something good will make a difference for me This life is never broken I'm living in a world of dreams I'm hoping that something good will make a difference for me This life is never broken Show me the way Show me the way In through your heart, light of the dark I fall for dreams of the love that you bring Oh, I'm afraid Don't turn me away Put the angel of light to sleep in the night But find me to set you free I know that you are We all have been there There's never been enough for us I call you Luna A woman you must love And when I touch you I can feel it in your eyes And when I kiss you There's a storm rising in me Woman's day Show me the way In through your heart, light of the dark I fall for dreams of the love that you bring Oh, I'm afraid Don't turn me away Put the angel of light to sleep in the night But find me to set you free I know that you are I know that you are I don't know why, I don't know how I thought I loved you but I'm not sure now Feel like a stranger too many times Love you once is over, a different kind Remember when we felt the sun A love like paradise, how happy it was Threads of distant thunder, that was rare The way you walked, you always turned every hair Oh, I'm afraid Watch them move all around Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Watch them move all around Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Don't look where we walk, I was to blame Now I know you play, a different game What you got to think of, what you are Can't, can't, can't Oh, I'm afraid Watch them move all around Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Watch them move all around Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid Oh, I'm afraid For the love that I need I'm here in the moment with you Can, can, can, can Happily I may be Aware that you need But no one makes me feel like you Upside down Down, down, down Boy, you're driving me Inside out And, round and round Upside down Boy, you're driving me Inside out And, round and round I know you got your end of me And you always can't see I'm crazy to think you're all mine As long as the sun Continues to shine There's a place in my heart for you That's the bottom line Upside down Boy, you're driving me Inside out And, round and round Upside down Boy, you're driving me Inside out And, round and round Can, can, can, can Happily you give to me For the love that I need I'm here in the moment with you Can, can, can, can Happily I may be I'm aware that you need But no one makes me feel like you Upside down Boy, you're driving me Inside out And, round and round I know you got your end of me Boy, you're driving me Inside out And, round and round Upside down, you're driving me Can you feel me now? Can you speak to me? Upside down, you're driving me I'm ready to be Can you speak to me? Upside down I've got my problems And I'll see them right We've got a new world in place We've got to see it right There ain't no danger Waiting for tomorrow We've got to leave it now But we can be who we are If we say the word Can, can, can, can When they follow you From the door and gate Why don't they hear what you say? It's just a cry in shame They say it's a lie No, it's real, it's real We've got to find the doubt We've got to see what we feel If we say the word Say the word, say the word, say the word We've got to move, we've got to leave it here There's a sign, there's a way There's a motion Reaching to where we are feeling The attitude We take the pressure And we throw away Conventionality Belongs to yesterday There is a chance We'll make it It's a fall We've got to leave it now But we can be who we are If we say the word Say the word, say the word, say the word We've got to move, we've got to leave it here There's a sign, there's a way There's a motion Reaching to where we are feeling This is a life of delusion A life of control We take the pressure And we do it here We take the pressure And we throw away Conventionality Belongs to yesterday We take the pressure And we throw away Conventionality Belongs to yesterday תהנה שר השיר נקרא You set my heart on fire אתה מעלה את ביבי באש כן, כן, כן You set my heart on fire אוקיי, בואו נתחיל, בואו נתחיל תהנה שר, זה בשבילכם You set my life on fire I'll love you There's no more to say I'll wait on the moon We are the ones that die And see the light We're not the ones that die There's no more to say I'll wait on the moon We are the ones that die And see the light We're not the ones that die And see the light There's no more to say I'll wait on the moon We are the ones that die And see the light There's no more to say I'll wait on the moon We are the ones that die כן, חברים, הגיע הזמן לעזוב קצת את החדשות יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל להזכר בימים הטובים, כן, שנות ה-80 חברים, איזה כיף יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל מוכנים לשמוע סט לאומי העולם הזה? בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל עכשיו בא אוטליים שלכם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל יש שעתיים איתי עם בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל אני אוהב אותך! אתם מוכנים? אתם מוכנים? זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל זה בי-ג'י מוט ים חשמל אני כאן איתכם חברים כל הזמן, כן, כן אני כאן בשבילכם, בשבילכם חברים רדיו קריוט FM בואו נתחיל I feel so right, so wrong I need to know if I'm here with you Maybe I'm wrong Tell me tomorrow I'm coming home too strong I've been waiting for The time I wanna be gone I've been waiting I've been waiting For a girl like you To come into my life I've been waiting For a girl like you To run away from my life I've been waiting For someone to Make me see the light Yeah, I've been waiting For a girl like you To come into my life I've been waiting For a girl like you To run away from my life I've been waiting For a girl like you To run away from my life I've been waiting For a girl like you To run away from my life I've been waiting For a girl like you To come into my life I've been waiting For a girl like you To run away from my life I've been waiting For a girl like you To come into my life Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? 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Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I'm sexy? We need to hear it too. We need to hear it too. Yes, there's nothing to do. Illusion Illusion Just an illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion Illusion 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let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, 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boogie On and on Yeah I feel boogie Darling me There's a certain song I feel boogie You make me boogie On and on Yeah I feel boogie Darling me There's a certain song I feel boogie On and on Yeah I feel boogie On and on

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