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Neville Goddard- Consummation (Enhanced Audio) Full Lecture HQ(1)

Neville Goddard- Consummation (Enhanced Audio) Full Lecture HQ(1)




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No one knows how many civilizations will come and go before the end of mankind. Jesus Christ is said to be the consolation when that time comes. Jesus is here to fulfill Scripture and not to change government. He speaks of a pattern that must be fulfilled in individuals to bring an end to the historic process. The Old Testament speaks of David as the shepherd over Israel, and in the New Testament, David is referred to as the Christ. Jesus reduces the 613 commandments of the Old Testament to two: love God and love your neighbor. He says that God is our own imagination and that everything in the world is a reflection of what is happening within us. When the chief shepherd, David, is manifested, we will obtain the crown of glory and become God ourselves. This knowledge comes from personal experience and must be shared. Jesus can only fulfill Scripture, and all his words can be traced back to the Old Testament. The end of the historic process will be Jesus Christ, our own wonderful imagina No one knows how many civilizations must rise and fall before the end of the historic process of man. But I can assure you that when it does come to its end, the consolation will be Jesus Christ, the Pattern Man. But no one knows how many convulsions will take place in this world before that ends. But it will all be consummated in Jesus Christ, the Pattern Man. So tonight I want to share with you what I have experienced. I want to share with you what I've been sent to tell you and tell you I must and will. When you are taught in Scripture that he who now is called Jesus Christ is here only for one purpose, and that is to fulfill Scripture. Not to change government, not to get involved. He leaves everything as he finds it. He's only telling of a pattern, a pattern that must be fulfilled in the individual to bring this historic process to an end within him. The Scripture must be fulfilled in me. Now, the only Scripture spoken of is the Old Testament. The New was not written. So he's only speaking of the Old. Now we go back to the Old. Here you read all the people of Israel came to David, and they say to him, we are your bones and your flesh. And the Lord said to you, you will be, bear the penance, you will be the shepherd over my people Israel. I have made a covenant with you that is everlasting, that you will be the shepherd over my people Israel, and you will be their prince forever. You'll read that in the 2nd Samuel, 5th chapter. It's also repeated in the book of Kings, and also Chronicles. But the 2nd chapter, the 5th, the 2nd book of Samuel, the 5th chapter will give it to you. Now comes the thought of David as he's leaving the world. And these are the last words of David. And the Spirit of the Lord speaks by me, and his word is upon my tongue. Here is David speaking, his word is upon my tongue, he speaks by me. Now we turn to the New Testament, which is the interpretation of the Old. He is not called David, he is called in the New Testament, the Christ. And in the New Testament, in the 14th chapter of John, he makes the statement, the words that you hear are not mine, but the Father who sent me. And the Father is the Spirit, the identical thought is conveyed in that statement. Prior to this claim that he makes, he said, the day is coming, it hasn't yet come, the day is coming, when you will know that I am in the Father, and the Father in me, and that I am in you. That day is coming. Then he goes on to say, I will manifest myself to you. Then Judas, not Iscariot, but a Judas, he doesn't say who Judas is, and he said to him, Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us, and not to the world? And he replied, he who keeps my commandments, my Father loves, and I love, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who has my commandments and keeps them. Well, what are his commandments? Remember, he cannot say anything that is not in the Old Testament. He's only come to fulfill God's word, which is in the Old Testament. He reduces 613 commandments to two. For the rabbis have taken the Old Testament and they've discovered 613 commandments. 365 are negative, 248 are positive, 613. He reduces them to two, which you will find in Deuteronomy, the sixth chapter, and you will find in Leviticus, the nineteenth chapter. And this is what he said to the one who said to him concerning the commandments. They asked him, what is the greatest commandment? He said, hear, O Israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is one. That's the greatest. And one that is equal to it is this, love your neighbor as yourself. Now, the Christian believes that's an original one in the New Testament. It's taken from Leviticus, the nineteenth chapter, the eighteenth verse. For he's only going to fulfill scripture. So he takes 613 commandments and reduces them to two. If you hear these two and abide by them, I will manifest myself to you. And my Father and I will love you, and we will come and make our home with you. But what is the first one? There is only one causation. I heal, I make alive. I wound, I heal. I create the light, I form the darkness. I make the wheel, I form the world. And there is no other God beside me. Never forget it, there's only one creative power, and I'll tell you who he is, your own wonderful human imagination. God became as we are, that we may be as he is. He allows us all the liberty in the world to create wheel or road, darkness or light, to murder or to give life. It's the same power, there aren't two creative powers in the world. That's the first commandment. And the second is equal to the first. Love your neighbor as yourself, because your neighbor is yourself pushed out. There is nothing in this world but God, and God is your own wonderful human imagination. And everything in this world is God pushed out, bearing witness to an activity that is taking place within us, of which we may be totally unaware. But it bears witness to what is taking place within us. So said he, I will come and manifest myself to those who abide by my commandment, and he reduces the commandments to two. Do you really believe in that first confession of faith? It's called the Shema, Israel's confession of faith. Hear, O Israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is one. There is no room for a devil, there is no room for a Satan, there is no room for any power in this world outside of God. All these are negations of the 365 commandments that are negative. 248 positive, all reduced to two, and the two are so simply stated, to hear, O Israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is one. And love your neighbor as yourself. Regardless of the pigment of his skin, regardless of his tongue, regardless of his background, he is yourself pushed out. So whatever you are doing to him, you're only doing to self. The whole vast world is the individual, pardon me, pushed out to bear witness to the activity taking place within him. Now listen to these words carefully. This is now from Peter's first epistle, his fifth chapter. And when the chief shepherd is manifested, the chief shepherd is manifested, you will obtain the unfaithing glory of the crown. You will actually obtain this unfaithing crown, and if the crown of glory, and in scripture, glory is identified with God, you become God. When the chief shepherd is manifested. In the Old Testament, the only shepherd spoken of is David. That is David. When he makes himself manifest to you, he reveals you as God the Father. For God became you, that you may become God. But you will not know, not in eternity, that you are God, until that chief shepherd is manifested to you, who reveals you as his Father. And his Father is God, and he is the Son. So I'm telling you what I know from experience. It is not written in any book that I've ever read. It's not recorded in any place where I've ever encountered it. I've never heard it from another man. But I have been sent to tell you what I have experienced. When the risen Lord embraced me and sent me, and the words were done with the blue blood, meaning protocol, church protocol, all these extraneous things that keep us from man, the truth that God will reveal to man. All ceremonies, all rituals, all these things that hide the truth from man. And then it was revealed within me through actual experience. And I cannot restrain my words. I must tell it to you. Should I go tonight, and each of you have a record right now, no need here of movies, and you have a record of what I actually have experienced. He can only fulfill Scripture. And Scripture is the Old Testament. So every word spoken of him that is real, go back. So to think something new came when he said, I give you a commandment. Love your neighbor as yourself. Go back into the 19th chapter of the book of Leviticus, the 18th verse. Love your neighbor as yourself. That's the command. Go back to the 6th chapter of Deuteronomy. Name the greatest of all the commandments, and he names that 6th chapter, the 4th and 5th verses. Hear, O Israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is one. By him all things are made, and without him was not anything made that was made. There is nothing but the one Creator, good, bad, or indifferent. So here he sends himself into the world, a waking man. And I cannot tell you how many civilizations must arise and fall. We think that we are permanent forever. England thought that. Russia thinks that. Greece thought it. Rome thought it. Egypt thought it. The ancient worlds thought it. And they have come and gone. And they will rise and fall. But in the end, the consummation of it all will be Jesus Christ. Jesus being your own wonderful I AM. That's the Lord. No one can say that Jesus is Lord, except by the Holy Spirit, which is remembrance. And you can't remember that you are until the Son reveals you as the being that you really are. So Christ must come. And Christ is the Anointed One. So rise and anoint him. Anoint whom? Jesus. This is my chosen one. So rise and anoint him. I have chosen him. So Christ is the Son. And Jesus is the Lord I AM. So they will come and make their whole misery, if you prefer and accept the two commandments. Those who have heard my commandments and abide by them. Then I will manifest myself to them. This is now the Son speaking. So he speaks, although under the name in Scripture, as Jesus Christ. Learn to discriminate if the Son is speaking or the Father is speaking. In that capacity, when he said, my Father, then he's speaking as Son. And so the Son is saying, I will manifest myself to you. When the Son manifests himself to you, he reveals you as his Father. For no one knows who the Son is except the Father. And no one knows who the Father is except the Son. And anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him, he will choose to reveal himself to you. When you accept and abide by the commandments and only choose. That is only one creator's power in the world. Your own wonderful human imagination and that is God. There is no other God. And the next commandment is, love your neighbor as yourself. If any friend of mine tonight was accused of any crime in this world. And they asked me, what should I do? What is your opinion? I would say, forgive him. If my daughter, my wife, the dearest of my heart, had committed the most horrible crime in the world. And I was called as a witness and the judge asked of me, what would you do? What would I do? I'd forgive him. I wouldn't care what anyone I love did. I want them forgiven. That's what he's saying. Love your neighbor as yourself. Am I going to stand and judge them? And pass judgment that she is deserving of death? She's deserving of this, that and the other? No. Not as I understand scripture. Not as I understand the unity of being. I want to forgive every aspect of my own being. For in my own being, I caused it. I could not become aware of it were it not within me that it happened. It happened in me. Now I witness it and it bears witness to what I did within myself. The whole vast world is myself pushed out. When I told this 40 years ago concerning my first wife, I was violently criticized. I only told it to explain a certain principle. But they didn't understand what I'm trying to say. And she criticized me, no, verbally in the most marvelous way as she could conceive it. But it's perfectly all right, that was her right, she's myself pushed out anyway. But here was one I pleaded with the judge to forgive her. A simple little thing that she did. But it means six months in jail. And I pleaded with that judge to please forgive her. You do not know the emotional strain under which she's been going. And she is eight years my senior. And therefore she must now be 45 or 46 and going through the normal change of life that happens to women. Maybe it happens to men too. But it's an obvious happening in women. Take that into consideration and forgive her. If you must sentence her, do it. But then suspend her. Divided by my request. And she met me on the outside. And said it's a very decent thing of you to do me, give me the papers for my divorce. But I didn't have any papers with me. So I took her home to my place. And I gave her the papers. A thing I'm told legally I'm not supposed to do. But I nevertheless, I gave them to her. And I got my divorce in New York City. She only responded to my dear and deep need. I wanted a divorce. So she was forced to do what she did. Based upon what I was doing within myself. I was sleeping in the assumption that I was blissfully happy. And married to the girl to whom I am now married. And it's a heaven in this world with me. No matter what at the moment is happening to her. It still is a blissful state with me. Blessed with the most glorious daughter. And she did what she had to do. That I may get my freedom. For in those days the arcade law rested over New York City. And you couldn't get a divorce by saying we are incompatible. You had to bring all kinds of the stupid lies of the world to do it. So we didn't have to bring any. I simply got my divorce. So I'm saying that the whole vast world is bearing witness to what you are doing within yourself in your own wonderful human imagination. For that's God. There is no other God. God became as I am. That's His name. That I may be as He is. And He is God the Father. He is God the Creator. He is nothing but God. So I tell you. This story is the truest story in the world. And how many countries must rise and fall. Civilizations must come and go. I do not know. But I do know that whenever it is consummated. It's going to be consummated in Jesus Christ the pattern man. That pattern must unfold itself in every child born of woman. And it will. It cannot fail. As it unfolds the day will come that you will accept these two commandments. That there's only one causation in the world. He didn't cause it. She didn't cause it. They didn't cause it. I am causing it. That's the only cause in the world. Are you big enough to accept that responsibility? That no one in the world has caused anything that ever hurt you or praised you. You're doing it all within yourself. And they only bear witness of what you are doing and have done. That's the first and greatest commandment. And the second is now. Because of that love your neighbors as yourself. For they only see what you are doing within you. And if one has to go to jail to fulfill what you've done within you, you love him. He's paying a price that you yourself have placed upon him. The whole vast world is the individual who shall. It's an egocentric world. For there's only God. And God is one. So this is the story that I want to share with you. So I've come into the world, so to speak, to bear witness to the truth. And the truth is your word. And your word can only be found in the day when these words were written in the Old Testament. And thy word cannot be broken. Now he goes and he finds out who is the chosen one to express the will of the Father. And he finds it is David. And the whole of Israel came to David. And they said to David, we are your bones and your flesh. And the Lord said to you, you will be the shepherd of my people Israel. And you will be the prince of Israel. That's future. And even in the New Testament, it is still future. Because it's going to happen to the individual. It's not something that happened once and forever. It is taking place in the world. So when you go home, read that 2 Samuel, the 5th chapter. Then read the 23rd chapter of 2 Samuel. And then find who that real shepherd is. Read Peter's first letter, the 5th chapter. You'll find it in the 4th verse. And not to go too far, the 5th chapter, the 4th verse, it tells you when the chief shepherd comes. And when the chief shepherd is manifested, you will obtain the unfading crown of glory of his God himself. The minute he is manifested, you see him, the chief shepherd. And he's David. And David reveals you as his father, and the father of David is God. That's the story. So I tell everyone here, yes, you can have all the things in this world that you want, but everything. I don't care what it is. In the world of Caesar, it's simple. It's very easy. But let me share with you a little thing that happened to me today. I may remove from you a certain prayer. A friend of mine came back just before I took the fast path, and allowed me to read a certain little letter, which I will not quote. But it's for his benefit, too, to show you how, in the world of Caesar, they try to scare you to death. I brought my wife home today from St. Vincent Hospital. So I went downstairs to the cashier to pay my bill. And he said to me, as he looked at it, he said, I think that you owe $30. And then I said, I didn't say anything. She said, oh no, your deposit when you came in exceeds the $30. Because my wife is now 65, so she's on Medicare. And we also have Blue Cross. So Blue Cross and Medicare is supposed to pick up something like 80% of expenses. So she said, no, you do not owe us anything. In fact, we owe you. I didn't ask for any refund, because we'll be going back for another six visits. I came home to find in my letterbox a bill from St. Vincent posted only yesterday. Today they tell me that they, I owe nothing, that they, in fact, owe me. And as I opened the letter, that is, this little bill, that I owe them $5,403.63. Does that amuse you? The 63 cents. So I got on the telephone right away, and I called the credit department, and I asked to please give me the head man, whoever he is. I identified myself. I said, I've just brought my wife home. And you told me only two hours ago that I owe you nothing. In fact, you owe me something, which I did not collect. And now you tell me that I owe you $5,403.63. For a second. Then they go back and, will you hold the wire for me, will you? So they came back, and they said, that was the computer's mistake. So the computer went to town. All kinds of things over the years, the year and a half that I've been there, on double or a half pay them that much. And so they're billing it to me again, because I've already paid out to the two hospitals over $14,000 before she became Medicare. Now that she's on Medicare, and this is billed in the month of March, when she's already on Medicare in the month of February. So I said, you know, my wife has Blue Cross Plus Medicare, and I can't conceive that 10 days, only 10 days in the hospital, that I could owe you $5,403.63. So she confessed. Then she said to me, don't worry, Mr. Goddard. I said, may I tell you something? I do not worry. I won't tear it up. I'm going to frame it just as a little laugh. I'm not going to tear it up. I'll take this little bill and frame it just for fun. So may I say to my friend who came back tonight, don't let anyone tell you for one moment, he can cut your ears off. Or in any way, he'll incarcerate you. Forget it. You have caused everything that has happened to you. That little silly thing that came amused me. So that was my little amusement for the day. I brought her home. And she came home, and she's lovely, all together sweet. Didn't lose any weight, and she's strong. She has to go back to the normal. Her things must be done to her. But that came as an amusement, because we both got a good hearty laugh out of it. And so I will say to my friend, go down on the day that you were told to come down. But go with a laugh in your heart. They can't do a thing to you. Because you caused it all, and you can change it all. There's only one God in the world. Only one creative power in the world. And that power is your own wonderful human imagination. Let them go all over the world looking for another cause, and they aren't going to find it. You'll only find one cause. And that cause is resident in everyone in the world. His own imagination is entirely up to us. If tonight you are fired, may I tell you, it could be a blessing, because you grant bigger dreams than the present job could ever give you. So if you are fired, in my own case, when I was fired from J.C. Penney, twenty-two dollars a week I would make a living. And they're fired. I asked, why? What have I done that is wrong? Said, nothing. But we have a certain system here, and when things decline in business, we let people out. And so, after a year and a half in the service, you have to go. I said, what will I use for money to pay for my rent? I'm saying five dollars a week for my room. That's not our concern. Well, he realized I was completely green, so he gave me a little letter to Macy's, a friend of his who employs people. So Macy's employed me at four dollars less. They gave me eighteen dollars a week. So then I determined I will not work for anyone, but never in this world. I'm going to work there just long enough to quit. So I worked there for a year, and one day I said, you are going to fire me. I'm quitting. Worked there a year, I'm still making eighteen dollars a week. So then I quit. And many a day I starved. Many a day I went hungry. I didn't have the money. Didn't have any food. But I wasn't going to work for anyone else in this world. I'll work only for Neville. And then came my visions. And from then on, the follow gave me an outside source of income. And that was my story. So I tell it and share it with you. You don't have to be afraid of anyone in this world if you know this principle. And take everyone in this world as your self-pushed out. So when I was fired from J.C. Penance, they were my friend, but I didn't know it. Everyone who tried to put me down, they were my friends. Then I went to a little school and they said, you'll never make a living using your voice. I resented that, but she was my friend because she fired me. She fired me to disprove me. If she hadn't said that, I would have gone blindly on and not have done it. But she struck something in me that simply rose the fire in me. So if someone can strike you to rise the fire in you, it's yourself, because of your own activity. Within your own mind, you are dreaming noble dreams far greater than your pleasant job allows. The more you're fired, all right, it's a turning point in your good fortune, I tell you. I know that from my own family's history. When we were completely dumbed to the ground with no food and nothing, it was a turning point in our family's fortunes. So from nothing, with all these children, the family rose. And today, well, you couldn't buy them out. If anyone wants to come today and buy them out, don't come under 50 million dollars, because you couldn't even interest them under 50 million. And we were fired out in 1922 with nothing. 22, we just celebrated our 50th anniversary. And from nothing, and you couldn't interest us, unless you brought 50 million dollars if you want to buy us out. And that's because they did not accept us finally. It was a challenge, if you're going to take a blow and go down with it, all well and good. Not knowing the whole vast world is your selfless self. But I am telling you, the whole vast world is your selfless self. And everyone is only bearing witness to the man or the woman that you are. And you are your own wonderful human imagination. And morning, noon, and night, you are active, imagining. And the whole thing is taking place in your outer world. And they are telling you who you are. So read it carefully. I quote tonight from just a few passages. 14th chapter of John. It's a glorious book, John. But I took the 14th chapter. And I took the 5th chapter of 2 Samuel. I took the 23rd chapter of 2 Samuel. And I took the 5th chapter of the first letter of Peter. These are all that I've taken to weave together this thought that David is the son of God. And by David I mean he is the resultant state. God is the only reality. But in the end, he is going to manifest himself because he dwells in you. And may I tell you what's going to happen? There's going to be an explosion within your brain, I tell you what. You'll feel the whole head explode. And when the explosion is over, and it all settles, he who was within you, listen to the words. The day will come that you will know that I am in my father. And when the father explodes, he releases his son. He promised he would. And the son comes up and calls him father. And the father knows exactly who he is. But he also tells you, and you are in me. So the whole vast world is himself pushed out, but the son is in the father. And the son is David. He is the great shepherd. So when the chief shepherd is manifesting, then you will obtain the unfading crown of glory. Now let us go into the silence.

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