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MMG Deep Dive Episode 2 - MonstrousAI and all of the other marketing hype

MMG Deep Dive Episode 2 - MonstrousAI and all of the other marketing hype

Monstrous Media GroupMonstrous Media Group



In this episode of Deep Dive, we cut through the hype surrounding AI in marketing, focusing on MonstrousAI—the proprietary AI platform by Monstrous Media Group. Discover how MonstrousAI empowers humans by automating tedious tasks, providing real-time insights, and improving efficiency without replacing human creativity. Tune in to explore how AI can revolutionize digital strategies for businesses of all sizes!

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Monstrous Media Group (MMG) claims to have built an AI-powered marketing solution called Monstrous AI. It aims to address the inefficiencies of traditional marketing methods and empower human expertise rather than replacing it. Monstrous AI offers automation, centralized insights, real-time competition analysis, and a development boost. MMG offers different subscription tiers to make their AI tech accessible to a wider range of businesses, including a marketing partner package and a website package. Case studies show that Monstrous AI can save businesses money and improve performance. However, relying heavily on AI also comes with potential downsides, such as job displacement. You are listening to Deep Dive brought to you by Monstrous Media Group, the world's best digital marketing agency, probably. Episode 2, Monstrous AI and all of the other AI marketing hype. It's like the digital world, it never slows down, you know? Always faster, cheaper, better, no breaks. It's relentless, especially in the digital space. So that brings us to Monstrous Media Group, MMG. They're not just chasing the train. They claim to have built a whole other train, a bullet train. Powered by AI. Right. Monstrous AI, they call it. So in this Deep Dive, we're cracking open their playbook. You know, they've got this documentation, and we're going to see if it's revolutionary or just, well, hype. Cutting through the noise is important these days. Totally. I mean, we've all been burned by marketing promises before, right? That's why we're here. Giving you the insights to make smart choices for your own strategies. Exactly. So MMG, they start by laying out this problem, and it's something I think a lot of us know too well. The inefficiency of traditional methods, they call it. They're tapping into that frustration of pouring time and money into your digital presence and feeling like you're barely staying afloat. Like building a sandcastle during a hurricane. Exactly. MMG argues these traditional methods, like month-long website projects, huge costs, questionable returns. It's just not sustainable anymore. And it gets worse, right? They talk about these fragmented teams. Developers over here, marketers over there, and nobody's talking. Silos. Kills efficiency. Just makes those inefficiencies even worse. Okay, so the problem's clear. But what about the solution? Monstrous AI. Are we talking robots taking over the marketing department now? That's the big question, isn't it? And MMG is very clear on this. It's not about replacing human expertise. It's about empowering it. Empowering, not replacing. I like that. How does that actually work? Imagine you're a skilled artisan, but you're bogged down with these tedious, repetitive tasks. Monstrous AI is like your tireless assistant. It handles those tasks quickly and accurately so you can focus on the creative, strategic work that actually requires your unique skills. So it's like a super-powered intern who actually knows what they're doing. Exactly. MMG breaks it down into four main functions. Four pillars of Monstrous AI. Okay, let's hear about these pillars. What's the first one? Automation. Think of all the tedious tasks that eat up your time. SEO audits. Scheduling social media. Data entry analysis. Monstrous AI swoops in and takes those over so you can work smarter, not harder. A tireless assistant who never complains about the boring stuff. I can get behind that. What's next? Centralized insights. No more juggling platforms and spreadsheets. It's one dashboard. You get a real-time view of everything digital, like all your data telling a story all at once. That's powerful. What kind of story would your data tell? Okay, pillar number three. This is where it gets interesting, especially when it comes to competition. Real-time competition. Monstrous AI becomes your market intelligence agent, always watching your competitors, everything they're doing digitally. A secret weapon in the digital world, huh? I like it. It means Monstrous AI can spot those opportunities, those threats, as they pop up. It gives you an edge in a space that never sits still. This is starting to sound like a spy movie, and I'm here for it. What about the last pillar? The development boost. A lot of businesses, they get stuck in these long, extensive website development cycles. MMG wants to fix that. Monstrous AI steps in as, like, a super-powered assistant for developers. Imagine catching coding errors before they become big problems or making suggestions that make the website way faster. So not replacing developers, but making them better. Exactly. It highlights their focus on this human-AI synergy, that the best solutions come from combining the best of both. I'm impressed, but I know what our listeners are thinking, especially the ones running smaller businesses. This sounds great, but can they even afford it? Is AI just for the big players? That's a good question, and it seems MMG thought about that, too. They've actually set up their offerings in a way that makes this tech more accessible to a wider range of businesses. Now, that's something I want to hear more about, and I bet our listeners do, too. But first, a quick break. We'll be back soon to dig deeper into this world of Monstrous Media Group. Attention. Information in this one-minute message could save your life. Don't wait for the next emergency to happen. Act now to be prepared. Now more than ever, civilians and communities must communicate with family, friends, and neighbors in the event of civil unrest, natural disasters, or other emergencies. That's why there's CivilDispatch.com. 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Marketing partner? Who's that for? Give me the elevator pitch. You're a business owner. Right. A million things on your plate. Digital marketing feels like a full-time job you just don't have time for. This is like your virtual marketing department. They handle it all. SEO, content, social media, even paid advertising. So a whole team but without the actual team, the overhead. Yeah, and they're clear that you still need that human touch, especially to make sure things fit your brand, your message. But the day-to-day grind, monstrous AI takes over. Interesting. So for businesses that are struggling to manage all that online stuff, this could be huge. What about the website package then? That one's for speed. You need a high-performing website and you need it fast. New product launch, marketing campaign, situations where you wish you'd had it done yesterday. Oh, tell me about it. They use those platforms everyone knows, like WordPress, Elementor, so it's user-friendly. But then they bring in their own design expertise and, of course, monstrous AI to optimize the whole thing, speed, user experience, SEO, all of it. So even with these more affordable options, they're not skimping on the AI part. It's baked in. But you know what they say, the proof is in the pudding. Do they have examples, real-world stuff, that shows monstrous AI actually works? They do. A couple of case studies jumped out at me. One was a national retail brand. They were spending, get this, $300,000 a year on their digital marketing team. That's a lot of marketing. What happened? They brought in MMG's monstrous AI, and they cut the manual labor for their digital marketing by 40%. Seriously? Yeah, they saved something like $120,000 per year. And their performance didn't drop either. It's not just about saving money. It's about working smarter. Right. Their SEO rankings got 20% better, more website traffic, more leads. Okay, wow. The other case study is that one. This one's all about development speed. Financial services firm. They were looking at an eight-month timeline to launch their new website. Way too slow for their industry. Time is money, especially online. Absolutely. They used monstrous AI, and they got that timeline down to five months. That's a big difference. Did they have to cut corners to do it? That's what's interesting. MMG says the website was still fully customized, met all their needs. So you don't have to choose between speed and quality. It's finding that balance. Yeah. And that seems to be the thing with monstrous AI, right? Not replacing us, but making us better. Like we could work smarter, faster, if that makes sense. It's like giving a surgeon a better scalpel, I guess. Exactly. But let's be real for a second. This is great and all, but there's got to be downsides to relying on AI this much, right? What could go wrong? It's a double-edged sword, no question. We'll get into that after the break. Attention, business owners. Are you ready to take your digital presence to the next level? Monstrous Media Group, the multi-award-winning AI-empowered agency, is here to revolutionize your marketing game. From web design and development to social media domination and SEO, that skyrockets your rankings, we've got you covered. And guess what? For a limited time, subscribe using promo code BEATDIVE to get one month free of social media or SEO marketing on your first-year subscription. Don't wait. Join the future of digital marketing today with Monstrous Media Group. Visit us at monstrousmediagroup.com. Monster Creative Management. Back again. That double-edged sword thing, it's really stuck with me. Yeah. Got to be realistic. There's a lot of good that AI can do, but you can't ignore the potential downsides. For sure. So for you, what are the big ones? What should we be watching out for as AI gets more powerful, you know, more common in the business world? Well, there's job displacement, right? Yes. If AI starts doing things that humans used to do, what happens to the people who relied on those jobs? Right, right. And MMG, they seem to get that. I'll just talk about human-AI collaboration, but it can't just be taught, you know what I mean? It's going to actually work that way in the real world. 100%. And then there's the risk of, like, relying on AI too much. Yeah. You lose that human element. And in marketing and customer service, that stuff matters. Yeah, you can't automate empathy or creativity, you know? That human touch, it builds trust. You need that. It's about finding that balance. Which is probably different for every business, right? Exactly. You can't just chase the shiny new AI thing without a plan. You've got to be thoughtful, strategic. How is it actually going to work for you? Like, don't buy a Ferrari if what you need is a pickup truck. Perfect analogy. So this AI thing, it's not just about the tech itself. It's about how you use it, your strategy, your judgment. All that still matters. The companies that succeed with AI, it's going to be because they use it to enhance what they're already good at. They don't lose sight of that human element. Really good point. Well, we've covered a lot of ground in this deep dive. MMG, they're definitely shaking things up with this monstrous AI. It's a glimpse into the future of marketing, of development, for sure. But like you said, powerful tools. You've got to be careful. We're all explorers right now, figuring this digital age out as we go. AI can help us find our way, but we have to be smart about it. Well said. Big thanks to you for sharing your expertise with us today. This has been fascinating. And to everyone listening, we hope you found this deep dive insightful. It's a lot to think about. Until next time, keep exploring, keep asking questions. That's how we'll figure this whole thing out together. This has been another episode of Deep Dive from Monstrous Media Group. For more information on this topic and others, please visit our Deep Dive podcast page on monstrousmediagroup.com. Thank you for listening.

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