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DH Module 3 Class 2_English Interpretation Jun 2024

DH Module 3 Class 2_English Interpretation Jun 2024

Miriam L. A.F.



DH Module 3 Class 2 English Interpretation_M Aguilar Jun 2024


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The speaker welcomes the teachers to the final guidelines of the Course of Human Awakening. They discuss the importance of setting goals and taking proactive steps to achieve them. They emphasize the need to know oneself and work towards personal growth. They thank all the coordinators and teachers for their support. The speaker outlines the topics that will be covered in the last class, including what was learned in module three and how to reach goals. They mention the importance of organization and time management. The speaker encourages prioritizing important tasks over urgent ones. A very good evening, good afternoon, or good evening to all of our teachers of the Course of Human Awakening. What joy to be once again here with you through this video, this time for the final guidelines of the Course of Human Awakening in Module No. 3, Class No. 2. That belongs to the last sessions of the group meeting. I think that this has been a wonderful meeting, very interesting for all the experiences we've had until now. I am sure that each one of you has had in this space a possibility of sharing your own knowledge and experiences, as well as learning very much from the students. In any case, let us see that this course, what it's giving us as the tools that allow us to be able to work in our life project as human beings. And beyond that, it's beyond identifying it only, it's also to set some objectives and purposes, and to recognize that this means to analyze the alternatives and options, and go and take one of those options, to choose an option or alternative for each of the goals that I have, and to work towards that, because the dreams are fulfilled, but if we act diligently and proactively, and when we try to be diligent or proactive, we are not speaking of just acting or doing, but also to do it step by step in a series of activities or actions or decisions that I must take as a human being to fulfill my purposes. So, we don't act impulsively, but we act knowing what we're doing, why we are doing it, and how we're doing it, right? And so, this is fundamental, because for us to activate our abilities and to have that awakening in our human awakening, personally speaking, we need to know who we are and where we're going and how we're going to get there. It's not just about looking at the goal, but also we have to work towards it, and this is a great purpose that we've had as one of the fundamentals and basics of Dr. Maria Luisa, because what Dr. Maria Luisa tells us is that any person, without matter, without looking at their position and their finite difficulty, a problem, anything as such, if that person has the firm purpose of acting and activating their abilities, they will be able to overcome their problem and difficulty. So, this place is the person, the human being in the center, and the possibility of acting positively in their own life and their loved ones. Of course, always practicing the values as a fundamental basic. So, how beautiful to reach this point, but beyond what we as teachers or tutors may be able to tell the students, the interesting thing is that they may discover it themselves through the course, and you have been that fundamental part of this. And so, again, to all the coordinators, all the teachers, all the tutors, supporting personnel and administrative people, all of the persons that have accompanied us through this process, thank you very much, and may God bless you for this, and now we will begin our video of the guidelines of the last group class. Very well, as you know, all the presentation, and every presentation begins through a conceptualization process. In other words, reminding the persons who are in this course of human awakening in what module they are and why they are accompanying us. The next step is to remind them about our rules of the class, and this is what we managed in the last class, and evidently these also represent good behavior, good way of acting as students or as participants of any informative activity, independently whether we are or not in that class. So, this must be our characteristic, the way that we behave in the course of the campus of the foundation as in any other informative session. Our greeting, welcoming greeting, and three important topics for this last class. The first one is what we learned in module three, and the area of remembering and practicing. We will delve into how to reach our goals, and as we saw it in the last guidelines we reviewed, this time we will review the how. We know how to build a goal, so now we need to know how we get there, and that should be the focus in this last session, and lastly, a conclusion about the course and what it taught us. This is a thing that we must improve, so let us continue. What did we learn in module three? We will create an activity, whether it is supported by an exercise of learning through a web or a virtual tool, which is free, for example, Mantee, EducaPlay, Kahoot, any other page that we may have used, depending on your free choosing and your abilities and application that you may know how to manage or handle, or PowerPoint through here, or any activity that allows us to interact with the students and to build with them. Not that we give them the conclusions of the module three, but that they themselves may give us and tell us what they learned in the last session, right? Second, how do we reach our goals, and how do we reach our goals? Now according to what is in the learning guide, there are three steps, very important steps that we evidently do, of course it is not as evident to us, but it is so important and it is so necessary to bring it to light and to show it to them and what the materials of study taught us. Dream. Yes, we have to set our goals, our objectives, our purposes, points or situations that we desire, but for them to be fulfilled, I have to do my best, put my best foot forward. We have to talk about this proactive mindset that we have to have, so we must do three things. What we want to do is to have a proactive attitude, an activity that places me in my own responsibility to do something that things may happen. Not that I wait for everything to come to me, but I become active, and that is part of this process, to be creative, because I have to take advantage of what I have around me and to be organized, and this, exactly, this analysis makes part of being organized and being proactive so that we can go from the idea to reality, right? So we have five points here, and let us begin with the first one as to what goal I want to fulfill, and we have some characteristics there that are mentioned. The goal is concrete, reachable, realistic. We have basically short, medium, or long-term, and how do I know if I am fulfilling that goal, something that is measurable. When speaking of time, we can say, of course, if we set a date, a specific date, or a range of time, but the important thing is to set a time, and the second is how will I do this, how will I achieve it? We know what goal we want to do, so now we want to know how to do it, so we will basically organize the activities and how to do them, and give each a time with a different time to each task. An activity is a set of different tasks, so let us look at the case of Helena, for example. We said in the case of Helena that she wanted to study a maximum a year or to begin her career in business management. It is a pre-grade or undergrad or however it is called in each country, but to get there, to begin that studying, she should have had certain things done before or prior. So, for example, to select a university or an institution, the institute or college where she will study that career, that is a great activity that has within it various tasks. If I want to search a place first, I want to do a search in internet about any educational options that I have in the area where I live, that is one task, then the task, the other task must be the options that these institutions offer, the cost, the time that it will take and other characteristics. The third task is that within my own reality, I have to analyze which of these selections are realistic to me. So, you see, to select a place to study means the execution of various tasks at a time. Sometimes we concentrate on the tasks and then we lose sight of the activity. So, it is important to organize everything in order that we have to do it and to know how much time I have to give to each topic. In this example, we also must set a time because to be able to participate or to register, there are certain periods of admission in the educational institutions that I have to pay attention to these details and dedicate certain time depending on how close or how far away these times are, these periods of registration. So, if I know that the registrations or admissions begin, for example, next week, surely I will have to dedicate more time to fulfill the activity of selecting the place to study than if it was next month, for example, or next semester. Well, so this is very important to mention. So, when will I do this? When will it take place? We in all of these activities with our daily tasks, we have daily, day-to-day things that we do. We have important things to do. We have activities that are urgent and we also have activities that are priority. So, in the day-to-day, everything that we have to do, what is part of our routine and within that daily task, the daily tasks, there are activities that need immediate attention and that makes it an urgent matter. But what happens? That it's not always the urgent things that are important. Sometimes it's urgent that I resolve a situation that presented itself at home because the pipes, for example, and the plumbing had a problem where I live and this is urgent that I look after it. But perhaps there are activities that are more important that I could do, for example, to have the proactive activities or to maintain that plumbing so I could do that. So, you see those are two different things. And the priority sums the urgent things. It means that it demands attention and it is important in addition to that. I have to define these things because sometimes we as human beings, we concentrate so much on the day-to-day routine and then to look after the urgent things and then we forget the important things. So, we have to learn to manage all of these things to prioritize things. So, for me, my priority is my spiritual life. No matter what happens, I will assign a time and I respect that time and I give it that first place, my priority, my first place. That should be that. So, no matter what happens, if it is my priority, I organize my time and my activities to give it that space that deserves that activity, that priority activity, right? So, the same thing we have to do with each goal. How much priority should I give it that I could reach it and how much time should I dedicate to that activity because of the activity in my life and what my possibilities are of achieving it? This could be a deep analysis, but yes, we do it as human beings. It's here already in our minds and our hearts. We have it built within us and we don't always do this analysis with all the important topics. And that's why we are in this process of analyzing how to reach those goals, right? And who can I use as support? My first support is within me. Dr. Maria Luisa says, if I activate my abilities and I make them work and function, I will improve my situation. So, my first ally, my first ally is myself, what's within me, my abilities and talents that God gave me, putting them into practice to execute. When I know who I am, as we saw in the life project, I know my abilities, my capacity, my strengths, my weaknesses, my qualities, my defects. And so, I already know what I count on with myself and what I cannot cover by my own strength. Who can help me around? Who's around me that can help me and how they can help? So, first I begin looking at myself, what I can do as the first thing in autonomy. And then I go to my family, my loved ones, my friends, those who are closer to me, and then I go to my society, the institutions, my communities, those who are in a social circle, which is more ample. What will I do it with? I know who can help me and how they each can help me. So, I do my list, my inventory of resources that I have, let us remember that those resources is not only about money, but it's also support with abilities and knowledge that others may have that I can use, the resources that I have that I can see and touch and I can use. Money also, of course, the options, the benefits, the subsidies, the helps. I do that list, and with that list, I can organize myself, and that's it, knowing what I want, what I have to do, when I will do it, and who will support me, who do I count on. So, I can say these are my realistic alternatives, closer to reality, and I can say that I can go for A, B, or C, and with a certainty that I already analyzed my options, and I can always look at how I can do things better so that the fulfillment of my goals may be more effective each day. This same analysis is what we will do it in practice in this section of the class, and the invitation is that, for example, if we had in the first class participation of the students, those same students will continue the exercise here with these six questions, or there could be other students, new students, who want to socialize their practice or their analysis as well. You can also, to begin, you can create hypothetically, or with the case study of last week, you can also bring a case forward, but it should be the students with their own experiences coming forth who want to participate, who want to perhaps fulfill, let's say with this analysis, another option, is that we can say, my purpose is to finish the course of Human Awakening. For what and why? Well, you can have a case, let's say in the situation that none of the students want to participate, and we hope that that's not going to happen, okay? Then to conclude, to make this course and this goal a reality, let us speak of all the course, the entire course, and the lessons learned, that hopefully we can all participate in our different groups and say, well, what did I learn? What will I begin to practice from here on? What will I correct before that I used to do, and now in the course I know that I can do it better? What impact did it have within me? What would be better? What would the course better for me? Please, please, teachers, come to these conclusions, pick up all of the experience, and through your links, please get this information to us so that we, in the coordination of courses, can better each day and improve the courses and lead these goals and improvements to the following groups. Well, this is how we finalize our course of Human Awakening. We hope that this is a marvelous experience for you. I know that for us here in the Foundation it has been also. We thank you very much for all your support, for all your dedication, and we'll see you next time. A great hug for all of you. Have a wonderful, wonderful day. Bye.

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