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visionary leadership

visionary leadership


Saying visionary leadership is like a tautology. This is because all visionaries are leaders. But this is an emphasis that a leader is continually being visionary.

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The speaker discusses the concept of visionary leadership and its characteristics, using examples such as Steve Jobs from Apple, Elon Musk from Tesla and SpaceX, Indra Nooyi from Pepsi, and Richard Branson from Virgin Group. They highlight the importance of visionary thinking in leadership, as it can inspire teams and drive success and growth for organizations. Visionary thinking helps organizations stay ahead of competition and adapt to changes in the market. system can be perfect, but the human being cannot be perfect. So, now what I want to look, after looking at the expressionality, visionary leader, I want to look at existence. So, coming to characteristics of existence, we can say that visionary leadership, that the system that we have created, visionary, can be optimistic. It can be resilient also, just like the human being of this can be resilient. It can be risk-taker. It can be innovative. It has innovative creativity. It can be intensely focused and enthusiastic. It can be communicative. And that is it. Now, this is a typical example, human being. So, help me to understand better. Typical, let us try to bring them to something we can use human being to put up as an example. Now, I try to use this for each of these people. Our visionary leaders that in our contemporary world, people can easily connect to. They are allies from our days. Number one person is there anyway. I used to joke, the man behind Apple Inc. That Apple company that you already know, the one called Apple, yes. Now, he joked, didn't go to university. He didn't, but his name brings light to us because of what he did in Apple. Today, Apple is the most admired company in the whole world. The most admired. America's most precious company. Apple fund can never be broken into. Their security can never be broken into. Their security cannot be broken into. If Apple's security, if Apple needs to be broken into, even if it's American government that wants it, Apple will not be surprised. Apple don't play with their customers' secrets. Nothing can make them to reveal their customers' secrets. There was a time when Donald Trump had an issue and he disrupted Apple fund to be unlocked. Apple refused to reveal their customers. They can never open this fund. To tell you how Apple play with their customers. If you lost an Apple fund, just communicate to Apple. Apple will play with the fund. Who is using it can go there and take the fund. If Apple has a new model and you want to get the new model, you can return the old one. You just return the old one. Apple gives you another one and you give them the new one. So, it is the most admired company. No company can lose. Do you know that Apple computers don't interact with other computers? You can lose an Apple fund. You can lose something in this computer now. If you look for an Apple machine. To tell you how Apple is, if you get it, open up that system. Apple runs its own operating system called iPhone X. They don't use Android. In the computer, they use the other one called Mac OS. That is a Macintosh operating system. They don't use Windows. Everything Apple uses is their own. They have cameras. They don't use another camera. Their camera is more powerful than any other camera in the world. Their music is separate. Their music goes through only ISOs. They own ISOs. They don't play music with others. And their music you must play it from their cloud. They cannot allow you to download music. So, who is carrying all of these things? The Jews. One of America's most iconic missionary leaders. His passion for innovation and design led to the creation of grand record products like iPhone, iPad, iPod. Despite the fact that he participated with the mission, ultimately the world is in a state of war. The second person is the present world businessman. You need to see the stories of setbacks this man has suffered in this world. He has failed in many businesses. Over 100 businesses. And he was vicious. Today, he is the owner of Tesla. He is the space X owner. He is all of the AI vehicles that you have seen. He is replacing the battery caps with the electronic caps. Many countries of the world have reached a state that has galaxies. That every people bringing caps will be out of their country. And all caps will be electric. Charge and use. And this is the man behind it. And he is fighting that he can never go down. Because what he is denying is what he is doing. Now he has produced a car without driver. I don't know whether you have watched it or not. Car producing, doing everything, carrying passengers, stopping them, uploading them without driver. They call it driverless car. And they are working on planes without pilot. Now this is Elon Musk. The father of multiple grand pressure companies such as Tesla. He is another example of viciousness. He always cheating. And every day this man is cheating. Every day he is always cheating. I saw him on Twitter. Few days ago, few months ago, he was on Twitter. And after one day of, one week of Twitter underneath, he met 5 times what Twitter used to meet and copy. He has monetized the people on Twitter. So Twitter is a different budget. He changed the name of his green Twitter to X. X of course. Now another one is this madam, Indira Nooyi. Indira Nooyi was former CEO of Tesla. She is a visionary. We all know her for her strategic and forward thinking approach. This is the person who took Pepsi to where it is today. Pepsi is taken in America more than Coke. Do you know that? Americans take Pepsi more than Coke. Americans take Pepsi more than Coke. She transformed Pepsi by shifting the company's focus from traditional sugar-free drinks to healthier alternatives. The Pepsi they give you in America is not the Pepsi you take here. The Pepsi you take in America is a C.H.S. product. The one you take here is a sugar product. I'll let you know why. Now the other person is the man that didn't go to school but he controlled it. Van English. At the time, Nantian went and he brought his Van English here and he was playing a ticket in their house. When Nantian got there, they turned off their phone. So he got there, he advanced. Surprisingly, he was the founder of a body group exemplifying visionary thinking with diverse ventures. His airline was to space travel. Space travel that countries don't support. Countries don't have this kind of space travel. He controlled space. He sent a print to the space. Nantian cannot do it. His ability to achieve potential in various sectors and his willingness to take risks have positioned his body group as a leader in the multiple industries. Not to talk about just his brother who resigned being a male altar employee and today owns the largest online store, Amazon.com. So the ability to see beyond the present and the techniques can inspire his team and make him a successful leader reshaping the world as you know it. So what is the take home for this model? The take home for this model is this. Visionary thinking is integral part of leadership and is a powerful tool that can help any head of department, any head of division, any head of institution, any head of organization, any person in need, any head of a co-op association to take their people to a creative age to lead with diversity. Visionary thinking helps organizations get ahead of competition and helps leaders extend the changes in the marketplace to achieve their sustainable growth.

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