Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
所以目前為止他們認為是你通知的,並且你拿走了那個箱子 我沒有拿走箱子 他們認為,他們不知道你在監獄裡了 然後他們認為你還在外面,並且你的箱子是你拿走的 我怎麼解釋是我沒拿到箱子呢 所以我真的沒拿到箱子 所以雇用你的人呢,他們並不知道你沒有拿到箱子 他們認為呢,你呢是拿到了,並且你還拿了那個箱子,拿好了 那你幫我想辦法,我現在怎麼辦呢,我現在走不了 所以現在呢,就是我跟你說的,你的家人呢,就在一個危險的狀態當中了 因為他們呢,認為是你拿走了那個箱子,而且不歸還 而且呢,他們也並不知道你在監獄裡面 所以他們接下來要做什麼事情就很難說 那我唯一的辦法怎麼辦 我能夠出去嗎,還是怎麼樣 你能夠出去嗎 不,他要去監獄 那我什麼時候能夠出來監獄呢 我不知道,可能要很久 我不知道,可能要很久 那我家裡面怎麼辦呢 那就是我跟你談的,你必須要告訴我實話,我才能幫忙你啊 對,我都是實話的 我已經告訴你真相了 好,那你去監獄吧,你可能會在那裡一段時間 好,那這樣沒有辦法了,你要去監獄了,可能會要待蠻久的時間 OK,因為我現在等我想好這幾天,我再重新的講一下這個故事 因為現在我的故事,現在警察又說這樣那樣,我有時候回答不上來 OK,所以我可能要花這幾天的時間去冷靜下來 因為我告訴你的故事,發生了什麼事 有些,有些,有些,對,有些故事,我沒辦法說出來 所以我會想想整件事,如果我有什麼事情要告訴你,我會告訴你 OK 好的 因為我告訴,我現在告訴警察這邊 因為我太太不會英文,也是對我,我去做什麼事她不知道 然後我就告訴她,我出去幫老闆拿貨,老闆拿箱子 我沒有告訴她我去哪裡,所以這就是發生的 Hey, Cole, are you available for a transport? Yeah, you want to go to jail? Yeah No, yeah, I'll head that way OK Hey, anything else you need? OK What's that? I'm gonna send you a message right here OK OK OK OK Which phone was that one? 哪一個電話? OK, for the other one? OK Do you want to give us the passcode for the other phone, so we can get Michael's information to verify what he told us? 那你呢,可以給我們另一支電話的這個密碼嗎?因為我們要在上面查一下那個Michael的這個訊息 OK 也是630,630737 626 我打開密碼是吧,626 然後呢? 我寫一下,我不懂英文 Let me write it down for you OK 6307 呃,我不懂 OK 不知道是四個還是六個,我忘記了 I'm not so sure, it's four over six digits 630737, which phone is that one for? 那這個呢,是哪一支手機的接嗎? 兩個都是 Both Both phones? 兩支手機都是一樣的 Give me a second, OK? 好,等一下 OK 630737, for both phones 那個Michael,Michael 630737 Will you give us permission to send, to look through the phone for Michael's name? 那你可以呢,我們可以得到你的許可,你必須要口頭許可 他們呢,要查你的手機找那個Michael的電話 Michael的電話 可以嗎?可不可以?他只問你可不可以 可以,可以 OK, you can give us permission 可以,他那個通話記錄那裡有 他有沒有打電話 給我們許可就對了,是不是? 許可,許可 Yes OK, say yes Alright So he's under arrest for financial fraud 所以呢,你呢,現在被逮捕了 是在這樣什麼樣的名字? 所以呢,你呢,現在被逮捕了 是在這樣什麼樣的名目之下呢? 是金融方面的這個騙局 詐騙 是我,是我詐騙嗎?還是老闆詐騙? So it's my fraud or my boss's fraud He took part in the fraud, he's a part of it 你呢,參與了,所以你是在這個詐騙,你是有關的,有份的 So he will be going to the Rice County Jail 所以你要到這個Rice County這個監獄去 唉,沒辦法,那我怎麼辦可以出來呢? So in what way I can get out of jail? He'll have court on Monday 在星期一的時候呢,你要出庭 OK,有誰在嗎?有翻譯嗎? So court, am I going to get an interpreter to help? Yes, you can ask for an interpreter at court 對,你在法院的時候,他們會,你可以要求,也要求一個翻譯 And that boot on his leg, he only has to wear it during the day, he can take it off at night And if it feels better, he doesn't have to wear it, that's what the doctor said 所以醫生說你腳上還是腿上套著的那個東西,如果你有變得比較好的話就不用再戴了 OK,我就想上庭的話,我解決這個事情,我就想出庭了,我不想耽誤太多 Yeah, I want to go to court on Monday as well, so I want to resolve whatever is there and get out of jail Yeah, he'll have court on Monday 沒問題,你是星期一的時候你會有出庭 OK,有那個客人出來嗎? 有沒有客人? 就是說那個屋主啊,什麼之類的 So is there anybody else who will also attend the court on Monday? Like the person that I'm supposed to pick up the stuff from in the house? No, because he's the only person that got arrested The fictitious person, Michael, I don't think that person is, he's not being honest about who that person is OK,沒有,你是唯一一個受到逮捕的人 然後呢,他說那個屋主呢,還有你的Michael,不知道怎麼樣的原因呢,他們並沒有被逮捕 那就是我頂這個罪啊 So I'm the person who just, I'm the person who sacrificed that to take over the crime? He's the one that got arrested, Michael was on the phone, so Michael wasn't there He's the one that showed up to pick up the package, so yes, he's the one that can get charged 他是,這個Michael是用兩個電話,一個是用那個626打的,有通過紀錄 有一個是網絡電話的,我這個沒看到顯示,那個小手機是有通話紀錄 他是說呢,因為呢,Michael當時不在場,所以他沒有被逮捕 然後呢,他說現在,然後我幫你說那個部分 So your client said that Michael call him by two phone number, there is a number, area code is 626 That phone number, the record you can find, you can find it in that, on that smaller cell phone The iPhone S? 最小的手機就是iPhone S嗎? 對對對 That's right OK 我現在想吃東西,想吃飯可以嗎? I'm very hungry, can I get some food? Yeah, give us a minute, OK? 給他一點時間 The code works? Yes, it does On both? Alright 我想吃飯 Alright, I'll send him Do you want him here, since we're going to go to the phone, or do you want, which way to Warnford later? No, no, we don't Warnford OK, I'm going to send him a cell phone Yep, I'll call your wife Yes, let's go He'll be going to the jail right now, and I think they'll be serving food down there OK,你現在就要去監獄了,然後去監獄那邊呢,他現在的時間是剛好他們在用飯的時間,他們會給你吃飯 OK,我想打電話給我家裡面報一下平安好嗎? OK, then can I call my family and tell them that I'm safe? I'll give him the phone number for his family, and when he gets to jail, he can make a phone call down there, OK? OK,他說呢,他會把你家人的電話號碼給你,然後你帶著家人的電話號碼,你到監獄的那時候可以從監獄那邊用監獄的電話打電話給你自己的家人 OK, OK 那我手機不能打電話嗎? So I cannot make a phone call to reach my family through my phone? No, no 不行 還有,我就想,我就想呢,我家裡面那個ABNB那個軟件我想關掉,因為我在監獄的話,沒有人幫我看ABNB,OK? So I'll give him the number 因為我家裡,因為我家裡,我家裡是,我家裡有那個ABNB嘛,我家裡面開個愛比營嘛,我現在我想,我想把它關閉了以後,我出獄了以後,我再,我再做 So your client asked that he has a, like a software currently is running on his computer at home, it's called ABNB, and he said he needs to turn it off OK, well, I give him the phone number for his wife, when he get to jail, he can give her a call, OK? OK,好,那他呢,呃,給你呢,你太太的電話號碼,你去監獄的時候打電話叫你太太關掉,啊 但他,他,他關不了,我手機我帶上了,他關不了,我要手機控制 So, but I need to use my phone to control that software on my computer, my wife couldn't help, cannot help Yeah, his phone is evidence right now, so we're gonna, we're gonna keep it for right now 那沒有辦法給你,你的手機是證據,沒有辦法給你 不是,我,我就是想把那個ABN那個開關關閉了以後,我到時候我再,我到時候我出獄的時候我再開,我現在把它刪掉,把它退出來 So can I, can I like use it now to just turn off that software, after I get out of jail, I turn it on again? No 不行 那我ABNB我開著,這樣子的話有客人接受了,我不接受那訂單,他,他會影,他,他要是有客人會進來我這裡住,我家裡面不知道,怎麼辦 你是ABNB是不是 對,對,對 Yeah, so now, it's the app for ABNB, so I turn it on, so it will accept the customer to, to come and to live in my house So if I don't pay attention to it, or I don't take care of it, then without notice the customer will come at my front door and check in to live there, so what can I do, I need to turn it off 我,the wife live at the house 你太太不是住在家裡嗎 住在家裡,但是他,他這,因為他軟件他不會用,因為我就是隨時我,因為通過我的手機我又可以控制,這個階段 My wife doesn't know how to manage or use the app, I normally use my phone, and the app on my phone, I'm able to use it anytime Yeah, the phone is evidence, so he cannot have access to the phone right now 無論如何,他說你的手機是他們的證據,所以沒有辦法給你,讓你拿來使用,關掉這個軟件 不是,不是,在警察這裡我就想把它,就把它關閉,你在這邊幫我看,因為,因為,因為我,因為,因為你在這邊可以知道這個軟件是做什麼 So can I do it in front of you, so I won't add anything, I just need to turn off the app No 不行 現在呢,你要跟這個Officer一起走 So 放在背後 OK OK OK Do you have any property in common with them He had a backpack, and he's got some discharge papers, I think they're outside OK The backpack may be in evidence, so OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK