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The patient had lab work done before her visit, so the focus now is on finding structural abnormalities that may be causing her infertility. They will start with a transvaginal ultrasound to check for ovarian, uterine, and pelvic issues. If any abnormalities are found, they will do a sonohistography to further evaluate endometrial problems. Lastly, they will perform a hysterosalpingography to assess the fallopian tubes and uterine cavity for any abnormalities that may be causing infertility. This will help rule out certain conditions. Our patient already got lab work done prior to her visit, so today we're really focusing on the structural abnormalities that could be causing her infertility. So today we want to start with a transvaginal ultrasound. We use this to screen for ovarian, uterine, and pelvic abnormalities. And if we find any abnormalities detected on that ultrasound, we want to get a sonohistography. That helps to further evaluate any endometrial abnormalities. It also helps us distinguish between endometrial polyps and submucosal lyomiomas. So then lastly, what we want to do for infertility is we want to get a hysterosalpingography, which helps evaluate the patency and morphology of fallopian tubes and uterine cavity abnormalities. It helps us rule out tubal occlusion, septate uterus, submucous thyroid, and intrauterine adhesions.