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Jesus asked his disciples to feed the multitude even though there was no food because he wanted them to have compassion like he did. He wanted them to understand the importance of feeling for others and wanted them to experience the power of God through their compassion. The disciples lacked this deep sensitivity and were not able to distribute food until they opened themselves up to compassion. Jesus did not multiply the loaves beforehand, but the multiplication happened as the disciples gave. This miracle teaches us the importance of feeding others, not just physically, but also spiritually. Welcome to our weekly exhortation. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for your time. My name is Guilhem Lloyd, Servant of God, Servant of Jesus Christ. Today we are wondering why did Jesus ask his disciples to feed the multitude, knowing that there was no food to give? Praise the Lord. We are familiar with the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves by Jesus. A great crowd of people followed Jesus all day long to listen to him and see him heal the sick. One evening come, Jesus opposed his disciples who wanted him to let the crowd go get something to eat. Jesus replied, they have no need to go away, you give them something to eat. This is my question, why did Jesus ask his disciples to feed the crowd knowing that there was no food to give? What message did he want to convey to them by this order? In order to understand the intention of Jesus, we will read Matthew chapter 14 verse 14. It is written, And when Jesus went out, he saw a great multitude, and he was moved with compassion for them and healed their sick. Hallelujah. This verse is telling us that when the Lord Jesus got out of the boat, he saw that the crowd was starving, and this crowd was following him. So Jesus identified with their hunger. Jesus put himself in the shoes of the crowd, and he was moved with compassion for them. The sight of all these men with their knees pierced his heart. That's what compassion means. And this is exactly what Matthew tells us. So friend, let's ask this question, if the Lord was touched by the condition of the crowd, why did he not himself feed them, since it was he who was moved with compassion for them, isn't it? This is the message Jesus wanted to convey to his disciples when he ordered them to feed the crowd. The Lord Jesus wanted to express feelings of resentment he had toward the crowd. He would like his disciples to share his compassion for this hungry and thirsty crowd that followed him. It is as if Jesus was saying to his disciples, have compassion too. Do you feel what I feel for these people? If so, then you will understand why it is necessary that the crowd be fed by you, praise the Lord. Do you see? It is necessary that the disciples have the compassion that Jesus had for the crowd so that divine power can flow from them to the crowd. Compassion is somewhat the key that would allow the power of God to manifest through the disciples. By feeling compassion, this makes it possible for the power of Jesus to reach the multitude, praise the Lord. Conclusion You give the healing in grace our hearts always hunger for. Why did Jesus ask his disciples to feed the crowd knowing that there was no food to give? What message did he want to convey to them by this order? In fact, Jesus asked his disciples to feed the multitude because he knew they could do it. But something was still missing in them. The disciples didn't have the feeling of compassion Jesus had for the multitude. Although the disciples showed some concern for the welfare of the multitude, they did not give them the compassionate look that Jesus desired to find in them. They lacked that deep sensibility that would allow them to get closer to people's needs. If you read all the following verses, you will understand that the compassion of Jesus is the element that allowed the disciples to distribute bread and fish ceaselessly until the 5,000 people were fed. Without that, the disciples took part in the distribution of food at the command of the Lord who is compassionate. The disciples, in turn, had to be open to compassion to imitate that of Christ in order to do this great work of charity. Remember, there is one important thing to know. Jesus had not multiplied the loaves beforehand in such a way as to place before the eye of the disciples an immense provision. Jesus did not do that. The loaves and fishes began to multiply the moment they left the hands of the disciples. As they gave, they had more and more to share. Hallelujah! Friend, how many people have you already fed? Because we also have our crowd of 5,000 men to feed. I am not talking about the physical food. There are a hungry multitude waiting for us to feed them. Praise the Lord! The miracle of the multiplication of the loaves then became a spiritual lesson of encouragement for disciples of all times. Praise the Lord! We have come to the end of this message. I hope you enjoyed it. If God wills, we'll be together next time. Shalom.