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playing the vale shadow of the croun part 2

playing the vale shadow of the croun part 2

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Mason Accoma is playing a game called Veil, Shadow of the Crown. He is in a town called Braga and is exploring the game's options. He interacts with a merchant and sells some items. He then takes on a quest to find a stolen strongbox in a cave. He enters the cave and encounters a bear. After defeating the bear, he finds the chest, but it is empty. Mason then goes to a tavern and takes on more quests. He buys a bow and goes hunting with a blind woman named Eva. They successfully hunt and butcher an animal. Hey everyone, it's Mason Accoma here tonight, and here is another playthrough of the Veil, Shadow of the Crown. This will be a playthrough part 2. Where we left off in the game is, we were in the town of Braga, which is a village town. So, we just got through some of the digital real estate. Let's go ahead and launch the game. I want to hit, um, I think it's T. There it is. Press Enter on the Veil. The Veil. So, I'm going to press Spacebar. I'm going to press the Options. So, I'm going to... I'm going to continue the game. So, I'm going to press Enter to select Continue Game. I'm loading it. Your leg. You going to be alright? I don't have any money. My clothes? Your fancy clothes must be worth something, and you'll draw less attention without it. Have a look around. I'll be at home here with the animals. So, I want to see this merchant stuff. Something... He's got a little warm dog. Warm furs. So, I want to go to his booth. So, we're going on. An excellent price on the furs. Actually, I'm looking to sell my cloak. A hundred copper? What do you want then? Now, his procedure. Twenty. Oh, man! We have you covered north and south. Now, for the good old lady who was selling the turbos. Tickets for the... Shepherds. For my friend. Can you bring him in? I can have a look. I'll just take the supply. It will be ten copper for the bandages and bullets. Here you are. Thank you, child. And this is everything you'll need. So, now the shepherd is calling me. Right a little bit. Left, sorry. One center. Over here, sheep. This way, Alex. So, a little forward and more. I have the supply. Thank you. Do you need help with the dressing? I know what I'm doing. Not my first blade wound. I've spent more time in pastures fending off bandits than wolves. I suppose you're not used to sleeping with livestock. Thankfully, no. They're warm, at least. I'll need a couple of days before I can travel. But it will give us time to collect a few things. We'll need a bow for hunting. And money. Don't suppose you know a trade? I'd like to find a better weapon. Perhaps some armor. A sheep in wolf's clothing. I suppose it will make bandits on the road think twice. Get some sleep, Alex. All right. We should head for the inn and ask about work. Won't get anywhere without going. Just follow the music. There's the inn, I bet it. Red, red. It's too long for a clopper. Red, red. It's too long for a clopper. Here we are. The Wandering Goat. I'll assume it's an inn and not a stable. Shall we enter? Press spacebar to enter. Alt key to leave. Press spacebar to enter. It's pretty empty in here. But I guess it won't hurt to ask around. Use down and up arrow keys to cycle through interactions of interest. Press alt key to leave. I'm too old to be wandering around the wilderness. But I've heard there is a stolen strongbox in a cave north of here. Thieves are gone, but the box is still there apparently. Why would they abandon it? I don't know. It's just what I've heard. And the account was very detailed. They hid the box behind a waterfall at the back of the cave. What do you think, Shepard? I think it's a good way to get ambushed by a cave full of thieves. Press spacebar to take up this quest. Alt key to pass. So let's take up the quest. So I'm going to press spacebar to take up the quest. We could at least see if the cave exists. At the first sign of trouble, we turn back? All right. What do I know? Loading. Well, the old man was right. I can see the opening. What do you see? It looks wet and dark. I don't see any footprint in the mud. Perhaps we are safe to enter. It's very dark. I can hear the water. Follow me. I'm going to follow. He's going to follow me. There's an old fire. And deer bones everywhere. There's a waterfall. I see the box. I think I know why the thieves left. What is it? A very angry-looking bear. It will chase us down if we try to run. I'll try to distract it. You hit it. Hey! Hey, you! Hey, you! Hey, you! Hey, you! Hey, you! Hey, you! Hey, you! Hey, you! Hey, you! Hey, you! Hey, you! Hey, you! Hey, you! Hey, you! Hey, you! Hey, right here! Hit it now! Over here! Now on it! Shepard? You alright? Yeah. Let's see if this was worth it. It's empty. It's empty. The chest itself might be worth a few copper. Well, it's something at least. So we're going to do all the quests in the tavern. You have gained 30 copper in coin and salvage. So we're going to do all the quests in the tavern. So we're going to do... this is the first one we took up. We're going to do the other ones. We have a little coin, so let's see about getting that bow. We should head for this myth. Okay, let's go and get our bow. You can choose to do the quests if you want to. There it is. Can I help you? We need a bow. And perhaps a little steel for the road east. Do you know that the horde is on the march? Well aware. Thank you. I haven't done much in weapons since the local garrison left years back, but I have a couple of salvage pieces laying around. Use up and down arrows. I have this sturdy sword for 30 copper. Press. I have this old hunting bow for 15. Press. I think this padded armor and bracers might fit you. You can have it for 50. This oak shield should serve you better than that barrel lid you're carrying. We'll say 20 copper. Press spacebar to consider purchase. Use arrow keys to cycle item stats. Press space for item quality. Tier 2 shield. Your current guard block coin value, 20 copper. This item will cost 20 copper after salvage of old item. Your current coin amount. To find peace, take good care of it. Use up and down. The blade. Press space. The bow. Use arrow keys to cycle item. This item. Good luck with that. If you're headed east, you will need it. Use up and down. The blade. This item. I don't have enough coin. Use up game options menu. Up and down arrow. The blade. The padded armor. Use arrow. This item. Can't afford it yet. Use up and down. I'll be going now. Thank you. Always welcome. Well, we have our bow. We can move on now. Unless you want to find better equipment for the journey. When you are ready to travel, press the tab key to bring up the character menu and select the travel map. Character menu. Use arrow key. Travel map. We are here in Blaga. Rivertown is four days journey from here. Press space bar to begin travel. Press alt key to remain at this location. So let's go to... Let's go on the travel. What is it? Just changing my dressing. How's your leg? Better. My hand I'm worried about. Your hand? My fighting hand. What did they do to you? It's why you wear the cloak. Let's just say I had more fingers before the Odadan arrived. My uncle would go on about the savagery of the Odadan. I never knew how much to believe. The Odadan are not savages. They are nomads. Raiders. I traded with them. Why would they be attacking shepherds? I was simply in their path. Warriors are savage when they need to be. You may need to be savage one day too. I'm not supposed to be outside of the keep. What if we get caught? Father's not even in the city. What about uncle? He has you swinging his sword. Why not shooting a bow? I suppose. What am I shooting? There are pigs that come around here looking for scraps in the evening. I don't want to kill anything. The arrows are blunted. I doubt they would go through parchment. There's one now. Just at the tree line. Do you hear it? Yes. Let's move in slowly. To set up the shot. Use the WASD and arrow keys to move in on your target. Hold down alt key to move more slowly and quietly. Let's do that. Where is it? There he is. We should move closer. There. Perfect. He's frozen. He knows we're here. Any closer and he'll run off. Center your target by tapping right and left arrow keys. Push and hold space bar. Push and hold space bar to draw your bow and release to fire. Well done. You hit it. I did? Ooh. There's a nice fat one. Do you hear it? It's peeing on that tree. You're close enough. You can shoot from here. Hey! This is a... Goal? Honest mistake, Rose. She mistook you for a pig. I could spit in your food, you know. That wasn't nice. But it was worth it. What if he tries something to get back at me? He won't. You know Uncle and I will always protect you. Even when you're busy being king? Especially when I'm busy being king. So there's a lot to this storyline that... It's our enemies. Alex! What now? We're back in the peasant. I hit an animal. Wolf? No. I think it's a boar. Our provisions will only last so long. This could mean food for a week. What do you need me to do? Stop snorting. I snort? Right there. I have a clear shot. My hands. My hands. It's too weak. Here. Give me the bow. What? I used to hunt with my brother. You're a hunter now too? Not really. But I can shoot a bow. I'll try to get closer. I think I recall an old adage about never hunting with a blind woman. Shh. It's Eva. You hit it. It feels ready, Alex. You did it. I'll be damned. Suppose you don't know how to butcher it. I'll leave that to you. I've got the pretty hand. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. I'll be damned. Heavy attacks are most effective when fighting in single combat or against hesitant enemies without shields. In addition, impact weapons such as hammers, axes and maces are favoured to swords when using heavy attacks. The important thing to remember is that the warrior with the most options will more often win the day. So you've met many Odedin? A few, yes. What are they like when they're not trying to kill you? They come from tribes across the northern plains. Some are farmers and herders. Some are nomads hunting or raiding or trading with the great cities in the far west. Some have olive skin. Some are darker. Some are pale as milk. What they look like means very little to me. Ah, yes. Though it means a great deal to some people. That's why their warriors brand their skin. And they dust themselves with chalk before battle. It makes them feel like one. An avalanche of white crashing down on their enemies. Huh. I wonder... Alex, wait. I see traps ahead where the path narrows. What's happening? Odedin. You're brave. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. I'll kick your ass. They're closing in. We'll need to fight them back before they overwhelm us. I've never seen wolves that aggressive. We may have been better off on the road. We should find the village before nightfall. So this game seems to be a little long because I want to get through a lot. So let's continue on. So, what is the life of a shepherd like in the Borderlands? Quiet. Too bad you can't skip these stories. Sometimes dangerous with spring floods or raiders sweeping through the vales. Mostly lonely. Do sheep make poor companions then? That's the subject of too many jokes in the Borderlands. I smell smoke. There's a village beyond the treeline. What's happening? I think there's a fire. Follow me. Oh, we'll have to rescue somebody. Looks like raiders came through. Stables and manor houses are ablaze. You, in the hood! Don't stand there gawking. Grab a bucket and run it down to the river. What's wrong with you? Grab a bucket! Can we help them? Wait here, Alex. I'll see what I can do. Help! Where are you? I'm trapped in a stable. Hello? There's someone trapped in a stable. The smoke is too thick. I can't see. I'm coming for you. Help! Over here! Where are you? I'm right here. Come with me. Take my hand. Thank you. Alex! What are you doing? The shepherd. Over here, Alex! This way, Alex. Alex! Over here, Alex. I leave you for what? Two minutes and you run into a burning building. She saved my life. Who did this to your village? The desert. Only a handful, but they took the sheep down to hostage. We were helpless as they looted our stores. They said they'd release her on the road as long as we didn't follow. We're sending a small party as a gesture. We'll come with you. Safety in numbers, right? I don't think it's wise, Alex. They will have cells to go by now. Are you sure? We're better off on our own. If you want my help, you have to trust me. You'd better go on without her. We don't need to throw you down. So you think they'll kill the hostage? Most likely. Those villagers have little to offer them in ransom. And you would still defend their sabotage? It's not a matter of defending it. I understand its purpose. One brutal statement sends a clear message. It discourages the resistance which only leads to more bloodshed. Why are they doing this? Invading the borderlands? That is a good question. The Odedin have little interest in claiming land. That's something for you Easterners. Perhaps the Odedin want to remind the Blades that the borderlands don't belong to anyone. You have no love for the kingdom? Do I love castles and garrisons and taxes? No. What about burning villages and killing hostages? There are many things I'm sure you'll find unpleasant outside the fancy garrisons and castles. I hear voices. By the river. I'm telling you, it's been ten miles. They're not following us. I think it's safe to kill her. They're not going to free her? How long do you think she will last? We'll be doing her a favor. She's still alive. Hold on. There are at least five warriors. We're not charging in there. I'll use my bow. Take out a few before they see her. That is a terrible idea, Alex. You're going to let them kill that girl? No, I'm going to keep you from killing yourself. This way, Alex. Leave them. Alex, let's go. Don't be stupid, Alex. Over here! Over here! Got one of them. They're coming. You won't find me a forgiving. No! Your death is stronger than yours. Damn, my charge went down too quick. Fuck you up, girl. Come on. Come on. Come on. Shepard? I'm here, Alex. He's dead. I'll feed the girl. Wait here. Thank you. Your disregard for your own life is wearing off on me. I can't thank you enough for saving my daughter. Leave me alone, it's strange. Go to hell. I see. I've done it. Stop. Track one. Reaper. Mixer. Grouping. Doctor. Control. No next. Mixer. Master. Solo. Master. Track. Volume. Fader. Slider. Set. Fader. Slider. Mixer. Menu. Button. Mute. Master. Track. Set. Master. Track. Mon. Game. Options menu. Use arrow keys. Take this gold band. It was my wife's. I used to think it was my most important keepsake of her. I know now. It means very little compared to the daughter you've returned to me. We can't accept this. Nonsense. Don't hesitate to sell it for what you might need on your journey east. Thank you, then. It will surely help. I'd send you on with an escort, but we need to rebuild, and I couldn't spare the men and women. We travel light and quiet. We'll be just fine. And be wary on your way in and out of Rivertown. Your bandits and pirates have laid siege to the place. We will. You have gained 100 copper in coin and salvage. Thank you. Guard up, Theo. You need to protect your head. If you were quick enough to hit me, I might consider it. Alex, please join us. Theo is in need of a good smack in the face. I'd like to see her try. Take your sword. Are you sure about this, Uncle? It's our new system. You'll do no such thing, Theo. You must first defeat your enemy before granting quarter. And here is your shield. Do I get a shield, too? It's only fair. Would you also like a blindfold? Uncle, you know he won't let me win. I'm counting on it. You need to teach him a lesson. Theo is quick, but predictable. He'll come at you with a flurry of swings. Block them all before you counterattack. You must wait until combo attacks end before safely counterattacking. Go to it. Damn it, you're quick. Not you. You need to vary your attacks, Theo. Alternate between the heavy overhead swing and the quick splashes. All right, Alex. You should be able to hear his heavy attack a mile away. You can counter that right after you block it. You will be able to hear the difference between a heavy single swing and quick combo swings. Recognizing the difference will allow you to time your counterattacks. Damn it. Vampire shield. Enough, Alex. Sorry, brother. Next time, she fights without the shield. Next time, you'll keep your guard up when I tell you to. I shouldn't have upset him. He needs to learn humility. Every good king does. It's one of the traits I fear he lacks. I suppose I was born with humility. You, Alex, were born with a great many gifts. Don't you ever forget that. Stay close, Alex. We are at the gorge. I can see rivers down in the distance. Describe it for me. It's a steep climb down to the ferry dock. But the river will be our best hope of getting ahead of the horde. No. Describe the view. The view? I suppose it's nice. Go on. The sun is setting. Beyond the town. The sky is red. I can't picture colors. The sky is like... fire. It warms the clouds piled up like wool on the horizon. Yes. However, the light on the river has turned it into a riding serpent, burning its way through the forest. That is our path. Thank you, Shepard. You're quite the poet. In a past life, perhaps. I like the instrumental music in this game. You look worried. I don't like bone. Not to worry, then. This is more of a makeshift raft. Nearly drowned with you. Slipped into the castle reservoir. My brother was there to pull me out. Theo was always there when I needed him. Well, do your best not to fall in. I can't swim. Ferryman, how much farther to Rivertown? My name's Kadir. I always go around calling people by their occupation. Will we be on the water much longer, Kadir? Not long now. What's this now? They know I don't bury anything. What's this now? They know I don't bury anything valuable. No offense. Pirates? Two boats. If you have steel on hand, I'd flash it now, and they'll dump you in the river as soon as Robb you. You don't sound that worried. Killing the ferryman is bad for business. Hey! Watch it with the arrows! Shepard, get behind my shield. Nothing aboard. You're not from around here, are you? Another boat, Alec. Let's see if that's what we want. Is that the last of them? Yes. Those lot were amateurs. The pirates downstream won't be so easy. Here we are. River town. We don't plan on staying long. How will we find you when we are ready to leave? I ring the bell when I'm heading out. I gather you intend to travel east. That is the plan, yes. I don't take travelers past the archipelago. How far is that? About five miles. How much do you want to take us all the way to the King's Road? How much? We are not haggling here. I don't go past the archipelago. Any thoughts on how we get back to the kingdom? Become a pirate? Good luck. Let's have a look around. See if we can find a way east. Fish! Fish! Koby! Stonehead! Fish! Fresh from the river this morning. Koby! Hey, you with the bow. Me? Don't suppose you like fish? I don't mind it. Well, I hate fish. Have all my life. You can't choose your parents, can you? No, you can't. It puts food on the table, mostly fish, of course. But we used to get regular shipments of venison and salt pork before the pirates took to the river. I could pay decent if you were to put that bow to work. What do you consider decent? Five copper for rabbit, fifteen for boar or deer. You won't find a fairer price in town. I'm also the only butcher. You must be desperate, Alex. That's a very good price. Press space bar to take up the... We'll do it. I'll let you know what the ward has to offer. Good hunting. Wait, I see something. It's a rabbit. Good shot. It's down. We should bag one more before leaving. You hit it. It's down. Well done. I think that's all for today. It's not going to be such a side quest, so I can get enough money to... Very nice. If I need more things... I can make the wife some nice gloves to boot. Five copper each, as I promised. You have gained ten copper. Where to, Alex? Case fresh from the river this morning. Call me. Don't suppose you're heading out to the wood on my behalf. Press space bar to... We'll do it. I'll let you know what the ward has to offer. Good hunting. There's something just ahead. It's a boy. Great shot. Well done. Let's go collect from the merchant. Something is short. Others are long. You need a carrot enough for the merchant. I'm such a size piggy. Don't suppose you have an apple for the mouse. Fifteen copper, as promised. You have gained fifteen copper. Let's do one more. What now? Fish! Fish! Don't suppose you're heading out to the wood on my behalf. Press space... We'll do it. I'll let you know what the ward has to offer. Good hunting. Wait. I see something. It's a deer. Good shot. It's done. Well done. I think that's all we're going to find. Look at that. A magnificent stag. I'll give you twenty for this. That's just the guy I am. You have gained twenty copper. Where to, Alex? Coffee, green beans, stonehead. Are you still looking for fresh meat? Fully stocked up now, thanks to you. Another time, perhaps. Are you interested in some fish? No, thank you. Aye, I didn't mean to go fast ahead. Coffee, green beans, stonehead. Good. We're at the inn. It is busy. A lot of people passing through, whatever's done. Press space, Baltic. I'll let you know what the ward has to offer. Good hunting. I'll let you know what the ward has to offer. Good hunting. I'll let you know what the ward has to offer. Good hunting. Press space, Baltic. If you want to move anything on the water, you'll have to get in with the pirates. Well, they accept coins for passage. They're not about to accept coins that they already take freely. You need to plead your case with the washerwoman. The washerwoman? Her entire family is in with the pirates. She sends them signals down the river with the way she hangs the clothes. You'll find her down at the dock, sunrise to sunset. Thank you. We should talk to a few more people before heading to the dock. Use down and up. Miss? What is it, child? I'm traveling with my father and brother. They're still missing. Missing? Here in town? No, my brother and I were playing by the mire. Hugo got lost, and my father went in to look for him. They haven't come out, and no one here will help me. Alex, we don't have time for this. Press space, Baltic. Yes, thank you. Thank you. This is where we left for, Hugo. Honestly, Alex, it looks like a safer murderer than the victims. Shh. Let's just go in a way. Hugo! Father? Wake up. What's her name again? Robin. Stay with us, Robin. Hello? Robin? Father? Father! I see them. They're in that tree ahead. Why are they in a tree? This way, Alex. Over here. Over here. So, now we're going to encounter some enemies that we are getting into much more difficult levels. So, I'm going to continue on. This way, Alex. Over here. Robin! Don't come any closer! We're here to help you. Are you hurt? There's something in the water! Robin! Stay next to me. And don't move. They're coming! Who are coming? Describe it. I don't know if I can. Ready your weapon, Alex. Where is it? Where is it? I don't know what that is. Is that a creature, I think? I'm alright. Is it still there? I think so. If I have to kill it underwater, I'll do it repeatedly. Enough of this! That was not ready in time. I think you killed it. I think you killed it. Robin! Hugo! Oh, Robin. We need to leave this place now. Yes. Please. I owe you everything. Yes, I have nothing to repay you with. Pirates made off with the sea we were sailing. You owe us nothing. I'm just glad to be of service. Yes. You have the heart of one who sails. You wouldn't happen to be heading east on the river? No. We will be taking the road west. But I will make sure that stories of your bravery travel with us. Goodbye, Alex. And thank you, Shepard. You must take some pleasure in that, Shepard. I suppose I do. Where to, Alex? Playing the Veil Shadow of the Crown Part 2 Modified. Reverb. So, let's stop Part 2 here. Part 3 is coming right up.

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