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Nothing to say, yet
I recently visited Shanghai and took a high-speed train for the first time. I had already booked my ticket online, so I just scanned my passport at the ticket machine and got my ticket. Inside the train station, I noticed that the high-speed rail station was just like an airport with big display screens and shops. The train started shortly after I boarded, reaching a speed of 350 kilometers per hour. The train attendants provided excellent service. After a while, the train slowed down due to safety reasons, but it was still going at a speed of 275 kilometers per hour. A few minutes later, the train arrived in Shanghai, the largest city in China. 最近我去上海旅游,第一次乘坐了高铁,因为我已经在网上订好了票,所以到了火车站以后,我再去票机上扫了一下我的护照。 票就出来了,进了火车站以后,我才发现高铁站简直就像机场和基金一样,墙上挂着几个很大的显示屏,两边还有不少商店和快餐店。 点票上车不久,列车就正在发车了,实际分钟后,速度就达到了每小时350公里,很快,车上的服务员就开始服务了。 他们热情地新闻旅客们有什么需要,列车行驶了一段时间以后,列车长突然宣布,由于安全原因,本次列车现在减速运行,我们向各位路客表示歉意。 我快快地看了一下显示器,列车正以每小时275公里的速度运行,中国人真是太幽默了。 几分钟以后,列车又回到了原地,我坐在舒适的座位上,一边听着音乐,一边看着窗外的农田城镇和村庄不知不觉,列车就是进了中国最大的城市——上海。