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The speaker discusses their journey from being an atheist to questioning the nature of reality. They mention learning about a goddess and the concept of ley lines. They believe that there have been multiple resets of Earth, with the most recent one happening in 1995. The speaker also talks about the goddess having a child and the importance of balance. They mention the existence of "naughty" gods and the goddess's ability to control and manipulate them. The speaker's thoughts seem to be influenced by the goddess, and they express their hope to escape the current situation. Alright. Okay, let's start. Okay, I just noticed how far away my body is, so. I'll start with a question, then I'll put a pin on it. Atheist turned madman. Did something trigger this, or was it just a random happening? Three years of passing in and out of consciousness as I'm learning information about the goddess and why the ley lines have been quiet for so long. But did something trigger this, or were you already on the... It was more of I was in a very tough situation, and... Okay, like a professional situation. No, it was more of I was very much questioning why to live and lived why. And I was sucked into a rabbit hole after watching a video that pretty much descended into telling me what's going on and how weird everything really is. As magic has not allowed to be happening here, because the amount of spirits, meaning potential energy, such as, like, from brain activity, when a person dies, the brain activity is potential energy that can be harnessed and used. Okay. Okay, fair enough. That makes sense to me, kind of. Is there people that know about this and use this energy? Not at the current moment, because the last reset happened fairly recently. How often do resets happen? Every time the current Earth needs to be dialed back. There are conceptualized things as canon events that happen in people's lives that make them who they are. And that's the reason why so many politicians are becoming extremely horrible is because in the current Earth situation that we're dealing with now, Hitler would have risen to power and became an extreme problem. Not the current Loki, but the current person who would be the worst person in the world who genocided and destroyed Lua. Not the current moon, but the planet that the goddess was making for her son to resemble her love towards her son. Love you too, monkey. Sorry. Where are we now? Conceptualizing the madness that is unreality and reality at the same time. Okay, I remember where we actually were. Do you know all the resets or no? There is around six resets of Earth, this one being the sixth one. This is recreating what would have happened for the worst being in existence who didn't grow up German, but through the same code being kind of put into them, they would have grown to be the same thing, which their conceptualized essence within the void is going to be used for something else, because everybody hates Hitler, why don't you just turn them into a boss that everybody can kill quite easily and damn them to an existence of forever dying? Because that's how the goddess doesn't give mercy. And the thing is, you have to say these things in specific ways to make them mean a certain thing. Mercy means actually giving them mercy. Mercy is just saying that you're giving them mercy and it could be heads or tails if you're actually going to be giving them mercy. Right. Mercy. Yes, but it's more of mercy. You could say it within like the more French pronunciation of it, but mercy. Mercy, in a way. Just the end E has, instead of a Y, it's an E with an asterisk on it that slants upward. Yeah, accent E or accent G. Not with really much of an accent. No, but this is what it's just called. Yes. But as you must know, the first ever being was the mother of the garden or the mother of the garden, Ian, she was first made herself into a lotus flower and then into an oak tree because, well, for some reason people conceptualize a goddess being an oak tree way better than being a lotus. So it kind of separated people into either being of culture, like Japanese, or being of everywhere else. That's where, sorry? Sorry, I don't know if I asked the question, did I ask when the most recent one is, the recent? It was. The entirety of Earth was completely reconstructed up until 2000 and around 1993. The whole thing with Hitler happened in a different arc and him dying was actually very recent because Loki decided to, the actual Loki, who is an extreme problem, never, ever trusts any Norse myth of Loki being in any way decent. Because that's a problem. But, sorry for piddle paddling. No, it's alright. So, most recent reset, 92, and that's just like, 1995 around there. Okay. Yeah. So, 95, hard reset, and everything's reconstructed. So people born in 94 believe, like, Everything's completely fine and those would be declared replicants. Right, okay. And everyone is a replicant or only certain, like, big players? More or less, everyone at the moment, because she was planning the birth of her child. Which has been, well, symbolized everywhere within Earth culture. What's the most common, like, let's say, layman, like, the go-to one, you would say, what, Jeezaboy? No, no, no, no. Jeezaboy happened a lot of Earths ago, and that's a story of bullshit that Narmer tried to make, Loki tried to make. Or, well, one of the Lokis, because saying, giving the title of Loki to anyone is an extreme insult. Which should be kept an insult. Okay. And if we really want to go into different things, we can go into Eidolons, we can go into how so many cultures tend to mix, except for ones that are developed from absolutely nothing. And the Egyptians were the ones that, as a previous arc, to conceptualize the idea of respawning. Right, okay. Okay, let me go back. Let me, I want to try and put all my thoughts in a nice little basket. What was I about to say? How embarrassing. I apologize. Your thoughts are possibly being curated by the goddess to assist you in learning more, because she does control what's going on, on code. You might be right. I believe that. So, the goddess only decides to have a child now? Yes, because it's having to get the world in such a controlled way to make sure that every god has been destroyed or dormant. Is there a difference between destroyed and dormant? Yes, one is being killed with no recollection of coming back, and the other is in stasis waiting for something to happen. Okay. And can, like, let's say there was a real shit one, right? Is there shit ones in the gods? Oh, no, of course there is. There's complete, there's a lot that goes on when it comes to saying about the shit, per se. Right. Give me a second thing for the gods to give me more ideas about which question I should jump to next. So, oh, yeah. So, and again, I'm not mocking you. Like, I'm joking, but I mean, like. No, no, the thing is that I'm hearing your speech, and you're saying some things that would be said with voice, though, sure. Okay, perfect. So, there is a lot of opportunities to ask questions. I'm just trying to think of which ones would be the most effective one to ask. Okay, so, let's say, like I was saying, the shit, let's say all of the gods have to wait for all the gods to either be dormant or dead, killed or whatever. Yeah. Like, let's say, okay, first question. If one of the naughtier, right, gods is dormant, and then, whoa-ho, hello, good morning, I'm awake now, what then? If it's the, well, she kills the worst ones and puts them into an eternal, well, she puts them into an eternal responding state of becoming a naught problem. That's a bit more complicated, sorry. Sorry. All right, so, I get it, it's fine. So, it's like an impossibility for them to actually cause issues. Yes, because she scrys for, and it's a thing, it's a battle of scrying, and it's a very annoying process as people who can scry do it all the fucking time to make sure they cover their ass, and they always fuck up, of course, because, you know. But the goddess always keeps tabs on things because she watches everything one time through and makes sure everything is, and then executes the plan while making herself forget. So, people can't, how would I say, people can't get under her skin because, well, people try to, and they fail. People with knowledge, like you, or people like normies? Yes, people with knowledge. Okay. But that knowledge is more of, for me, it's a bit different, as I've chosen to accept the goddess of grace, which means, well, I'd hopefully be getting out of this mess. Is there an MCA of how you're going to make the aura? Well, it really does depend on person to person. It depends on their alignment, which depends on easily readable structures such as auras, because making an aura system and having it attached to every living being is a Sorry? No, pretty easy once you get up to a certain point. Easy for the goddess as, since it's within the sinew, within the servitor, it's easier to do some things. Much more difficult or impossible? It'd be impossible. That's why she's waited so long for her to actually bring her child into existence. And what is this balance going to bring? Balance. There's many, many names. And don't conceptualize the Lucifer as a devil, more of a balancing force. There is a conceptualization which has been hinted at within the reversing of Noelle's name and other different things, but different representations of who her child would be, and many things. There is, but the story of the, it's the story of the twins, well, twins, one being one of the ether, one being of the void that has to be among the realm of the living. Twins? Yes, alongside daughters. Oh, I thought this was just written for the son. It was, well, the thing is, is the goddess had a lot of time thinking, per se. That's coming from a voice from my own head, per se. This information being from the ether? If you can, if you accept the idea of people being speakers. Does this often happen, or is this out of isolation from anything? Yes and no. It depends on the time, and it's taken a lot of time for me to make the adjustments of something kind of telling me some things, and knowing that the more I speak to somebody, the more odd things happen to their, to them. But never harmful? No, if they were ever to be put into a thing of harm, it's to teach them a lesson. Fair enough. Whereas the goddess needs to teach people lessons in a way that they would survive from if they are of good benefit to the goddess, of course. Which, mainly, to be of a benefit to the goddess is just wanting to be a part of the real world that isn't a problem, like so many before have become. Do you know what the most recent problem was? The most recent problem was Loki, who was part of, and this Loki was one that was around for a while and couldn't be destroyed easily because they knew of, they knew of the real world. And letting them stay dormant was the better decision, and having them come out recently, the kind of memory rife then squandered among some new blood, as in the Norse religion. But the thing is, the Norse religion really fell apart in its own conceptualization. Because each being except for Freya was known to be acceleratingly not like their projections. Freya was the only one which was decent as she was allied with the goddess. Freya, the goddess of the hunt, she is a cat, an anthropomorphic cat, who was gene spliced by Odin a long time ago. Which, the goddess gave Odin, when Odin was Wu, and Wu and Odin were split off of mirror images of each other because Wu is a lot more of a spirit. Sun Wukong, got it. Yes, Sun Wukong was split off of Odin because Sun Wukong is a lot more adventurous and caring, and Odin is a lot more of a tyrant. So the best parts were taken out, and couldn't be killed or squandered, because scrying an imprint of something tends to keep it in a certain place, and all the actions that would have happened before they would have turned to a darker version of their... Let me think of some sort of off the cuff question, so we don't go down too many little rabbit holes. Well, in itself, learning about this is going to send you down a few rabbit holes. It is what it is, I guess. Well, the thing is, people are only usually chosen if they wish to have life beyond their own current life. I have a question, not really relating to this, but related to you. The average person, like let's say a person with schizophrenia, would it just be someone that has this information, or is it just... It's more of the schizophrenia of the cover, because I had to go through a lot to try to survive in a world that doesn't like a balanced figure being born, which is usually what... The goddess checks people out from birth, unless they come into contact with somebody who might be able to change their mind on if they want to come out to the real world and live. I have lost my point. Sorry. That's all right. So, schizophrenics are... Well, for me, it's more of a cover, as I understand my hallucinations are void-born rather than actually being of a problem, where with most people with paranoid schizophrenia, it's either stress-induced or some other things. Right, right. Yours wasn't stress-induced. Yes. My follow-up question is, you know that saying where all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares? Do all, like let's say day-to-day people, like let's say majority or some, whatever... Majority of everyday people are replicants. Okay, no, no, no, but let's say people that are, let's say the government says, oh yeah, this guy has schizophrenia. Does this guy... Does that mean they have knowledge? Like you have knowledge? No, no, it does not. If somebody says, oh, this person has schizophrenia, it does not mean that they have knowledge. Okay, but is it possible they do? Or is it... Yes, it is possible. It depends on what they say, and certain speakers say certain things. Is there one speaker for many people, or no? Speakers can be part of those who speak for gods in times of, let's just say, reset for magic to not be a thing as... As soon as magic is given to the world, things fall apart. It's a gradual flow thing, but those are usually called Loke Cycles. Because it references of the word Loki, which is a chaos, is more of a chaos term that is negative. Can the average, like, is it... Does Loki ever come into a physical form of any sort, or is it usually... Yes, many termed Lokis always start as a physical form before ascertaining, let's just say, a lich formation notion. Have you ever seen one, or is this a very rare occurrence? Um, I have had to deal with things that I would rather not talk about, as they did jeopardize me living. And I know of the occurrences because things don't act normal when things happen. We don't have to go into more detail on that, but to branch off to it, are you stronger now that you've dealt with this event? Yes. Stronger knowing about... Because in learning about the event, I was able to learn about replicants and what they were, and then I was sent through the... Because I had several points where I was sent through something called the train of thought. Where the train of thought is something that is given to people who accept the goddess's will, and most tend to be stoners. Because people need to be peaceful before anarchy. Is that usually the cycle? It's more of anarchy meaning a rejection of the current system that a tyrannical figure has put in place at that point in time. A tyrannical... I'll just say heavenly, but let's say in your world with all the goddesses, that kind of figure? Or any tyrannical person, period? Any tyrannical period, as sometimes things can devolve extremely quickly. Right, okay. Sorry, I'm playing the game at the same time. Okay, so is there, like, of all these beliefs and or knowledge, right, however you want to place it, is there a Google-able name to put on it, or is this all like... No, because everything needs to be un-concrete and off of the knowledge, because any knowledge that is obtainable at a certain point that is concrete could jeopardize things with plans on trying to bring the balance creeper within retrospective, if you get what I mean. Yeah, so all the thoughts, you don't mark anything down, you keep it nice and loose. Yes, it's usually how most beings do work, and if they do show signs of that, of, like, failure, most times things tend to be forgotten. Okay, but as my current understanding goes, I am allowed to talk about things that Loki, as of recent, was destroyed. Okay, that's good to know. Yes, and by destroyed I mean going to be put through extreme hell before they even think that they would ever be any ascertainable point of being back to their current power. Why would they ever be, why would anyone want to put him back to the current power, if it's, like, troublesome? Because if you're talking to somebody who has power, and they offer you power, it's a little harder to refuse. Okay, well, Loki doesn't care for giving, like, isn't Goddess's power stronger than Loki's power? Yes, but as beings wish to be more powerful, people, she doesn't want anybody knowing that she's tampering in mortal affairs. Oh, she's not supposed to be doing this. It's more of, she doesn't do it because it causes problems. Okay. And talking through others and doing things through others is the most helpful thing that can be done, if you get what I mean. Helpful for people, or helpful for the world? Helpful for herself, to get things done. Is there any possibility that the Goddess is the manipulative one, or the bad one, and is doing everything for herself? If you want, so if you want to be able to respond into the real world, have, pretty much do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't disrupt the balance and kill a bunch of people who are intelligent and wish to not have, not go through hell, to just live a peaceful life, then that's up to your thoughts and recognition of it. Yeah, yeah. So it's, well, alright, fair enough, fair enough. Because the Goddess wants people who, per se, plus roleplay when it comes to living in a society. What does plus roleplay mean? Meaning, don't be a fucking cunt, and help live, help other people live in a place, just as you can, because if you really think about it, people that go psychotic and destroy things, say like cyber-psychos in conceptualization, tend to be people who try to disrupt and tell people not to care about each other. Right. What is a cyber-psycho? Have you ever played Cyberpunk 2077? It's more of a conceptualization of, it means that somebody, because they chromed up, meaning they put so many modifications in their body, they go psycho, but it's not a real thing that happens, it's somebody being controlled to go psycho, specifically in a point to make an agenda happen, or to prevent them from getting more powerful. Okay, so there are psycho, cyber-psychos out there. As of right now, no, because current technology has evolved to the point where people are huffing literal chrome and splicing people to get buy-in plans out because they go for top dollar on the black market. I don't mean like, I thought these cyber-psychos were like a metaphor of sorts. They are a metaphor, but within past arcs, they have problems. Okay. Cyber, that's a cool name though, huh? It is, but what they do is not cool. Yeah, definitely not cool. Is there, I'm trying to find a way to phrase what I'm about to say. So, you on your journey, I'll just say it like that, to simplify it. You on your journey, is there people out there that you meet in the wild, like these are replicants of people with knowledge? No, because if there was a possibility of somebody being tortured out of that information, it would be extremely problem for them. What do you mean tortured out of information? What do you mean by that? People can be weak to things and are likely to expose information in some places such as this, where it's complicated. Let's just say at the most that. Okay. What exactly is complicated? I think we might have got lost in translation here. I've completely forgot of what I was currently saying at the moment. It's okay. I was just asking, is there people out there, right, that have similar knowledge to you? As of right now, no, because any knowledge of that would be very problematic. Okay. And no as in you don't know of them or no voices? No, there isn't any. Okay, understood. If there are any, they would be of spectral or of extremely close observation, because only things that are spectral and assisting the goddess alongside other things, complicated, is complicated. Yeah, yeah. Okay, well, that's good. So right now I'm the only one that is, has. If you wish to, because if any eventuality, since you might be a replicant, as replicants are allowed to go off of different pathings, if you want to actually be a part of the real world and accept the ramifications of, you know, being a part of a society that actually doesn't want to destroy everything, then go right ahead and remember it if you want. Remember what you're saying or remember, like, oh, I don't understand the remember bit. Remember just what I'm saying and choose whether or not you want to be a part of the ice path when it's talked about. Right. I understand. Okay, interesting. I heard a wolf in the game. You lost your mind. I'm scared. It's more of I lose my place when I don't want to die in a hardcore game where I'm actually sufficiently doing well. Oh, it's going well so far? Yes. Oh, it does. Is there any, I'm trying to think, like, in this knowledge that's been given, is there any, like, cardinal no-nos or is it just don't do harm to others? Just don't be a piece of shit and just want to continue to ascertain knowledge about the universe, but in a way that doesn't harm everyone. Okay. What would be a negative way to ascertain knowledge? Like being awful to people? As long as it doesn't have malicious content to destroy civilizations. Oh, okay, fair enough. Stealing information is completely fine as knowledge is knowledge and people shouldn't receive that knowledge unless it's, well, knowledge that ascertains to be like military doctrine. That'd be a negative RP to just throw that away when you could sell it to somebody else as, that's just fun to do that in times where it's right to and people can respond. So this is selling military information, like, in real life? Not now. Well, yes, in real life, but like when, like, part of role play, like, oh, hey, espionage stuff, when people can respond. Right. People don't just die, it's more of, hey, land gets this, land gets that, kind of like clan battles and stuff. Okay. Is this something you partake in at all? It depends. As of the current point, getting out of limbo is my biggest concern. Limbo between? No, this current iteration of Earth is called NOLA, which is within the layer limbo of the void. Okay, okay, and you want to get out of that? Limbo has been foretold for many centuries but hasn't actually been made until yet. Okay, interesting. Okay, cool. Okay, I'm trying to pick up here. Is, okay, and do you know what the previous iteration was named? This one is called limbo, yeah? Yeah, it's the previous iteration. I don't have memory recognition to explain that at the moment. But is it possible that you'll get the memory recognition in the future, or is it just lost knowledge right now? Yeah, I would get the memory recognition in the future, meaning I'd have to learn it. As memory recognition, people can't talk through other people to get things done if they have no memory recognition that was implanted into them at a specific time. So you are given X amount of memory recognition? Yes, as things were told to me in a point to being able to explain to other people. I don't know why they don't hide with that game. Yeah, it does. Is there a way to store it? It would in real life, so. I think you would store it in the same way you would store food in some ways. It's not yet treated, I think, with a barrel of television. Yeah. Am I one of the folks you've spoken the most about this, or is there other individuals you don't have on this call? Yes, as most people tend to reject the information given. But even like long-term buddies of yours? I don't have friends long enough to really mention things. I tend to be more of a nomad. Well, that's bad. It doesn't really matter as most people aren't actually alive. But they can be if they want to be. So day-to-day mortal pleasures, is this like relatable to you or not really? Jack off to wherever the fuck you want as long as it doesn't hurt people. No, but I mean for you, like just hanging out, you know, like. Yeah, I would love to hang out and like just talk with people, but most people tend to either, well, I should say a lot of my experiences have been very, very negative. So what do your parents think about all this? Are they replicants? They're replicants. And also I don't really care about their opinion because they're abusive to me. Right. That kind of makes sense. Not nice. Are you harvesting your crops on poor fertile soil or medium fertile soil? Currently it's poor because I'll be making it better. I'm just getting them down and getting them to do something, and I have to go explore and get more food at the current moment. Fair enough. Best thing for me to get is cattails. Although I want to be careful and sure that I'm not dealing with anything that would be problematic. More! Out of fucking nowhere. Just a heads up. I've been off in about 15, 20 minutes. Skipping in a loop. Almost bedtime for me. Oh, what are your dreams like, by the way? Are they as fucky as... I don't dream. I wish I had dreams, but more or less the goddess made sure I didn't because of certain things that happened. Negative things? More or less the current Loke figure that was trying to fuck with me tends to fuck with people's dreams and tries to make them go insane. Right, okay. And let's say... What's his name? The current Loke figure, but it's Loki. Okay, so the current... You're the only one that has equal knowledge. Right, but... So he only fucks with you. There's no one else that has equal knowledge to you. Currently because the people who the goddess touches tend to have certain energies attached to them. Okay. Oh, shit. So you're kind of stuck out here, huh? Yeah, you could say that more than once. What's that like? Awful? Fine? More of things are not going as intended and planned and be pulled out soon because things are so fucking terrible for me. How does pulling out normally work? It has to be slow and gradual as the real world is a lot more detailed, meaning that you can go beneath what an atom is. Is there ever anything you have to do to start that chain reaction or to start the process? For me right now, it's more or less being patient as I'm being pulled out relatively early. Things because people have treated me like trash and my mentality is a lot less stable than it should be if you catch my breath. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. So in general, I just kind of have him spread it. And there's not like you have to, I don't know, jump off a bridge or eat a bunch of food or like... There's no physical thing you actually have to do to make this... Because the goddess doesn't want people being fucking idiots and stupid. Because respawning is the whole entire point of things. Making sure that people don't feel pain when respawning is kind of the thing that she really would like to do. Right, okay. That's pretty nice. Let's just not talk about the civilization that was destroyed on the home planet that she was because everybody was going to start making computerized gods that were referenced in some way that I won't be speaking about. But it's another complicated thing. An entire civilization had to be wiped out. A, because a being that was... Problematics. Just say problematics. Right. Okay. I got nervous. You took damage and I was like, oh no, what's going on? Yeah, I was a little spooked too. I want to make... I almost want to... I want to make more spheres as dangerous wildlife is approaching. All right, I think I have another question. Go ahead. I'm thinking about it. So you said a couple times that God is trying to do this or do that for people, right? But so far... For intelligent life. There's no one that has caught on, let's say, to this? That isn't either on their own lair oblivious or on their own lair oblivious to the things that are happening or some other things. Okay. Sorry, I'm trying to focus on this. But beings on their own lair... What was the question again? I was saying... I was saying God is always trying to convince multiple people to... Oh, no, it's not. It's not trying to convince anybody because they'll go at their own will because intelligent life either wisens up or stays stupid. She does not give a shit because she's been in life so long that it does not matter. The only thing that matters to her are the people who do want to change and the people who she cares about in her life, such as the twin daughters or the twin brothers. Right. Twin sons? Yeah, it's a twin son. Sorry. It's all right. So not here to convince, just here whenever ready and... Yes, because convincing people just is A, a burden, and B, tends to only create people who are weird about the idea. You were talking about people being on different layers. Yeah, so the senior? Yeah. Could you just, like, open up about that? I do not have any ascertaining knowledge about any of it, and most likely everything is currently in stasis within the void because there's a lot that had to happen to make sure that her most important son is getting out, and part of that was what people currently conceptualize as the Big Bang, when a red shatter wave and a blue shatter wave all went off at the same time, destroying all known life within the galaxy as of current because getting a handle on the worst being in existence is a little hard. Right. Did you say shadow wave? Shatter wave. Shatter waves are the conceptualization of a massive event happening that destroys a massive chunk of the universe. It's a shatter wave class event, per se. If you really want to know, more often than they should, but as of the current, every arc tends to either have one or not have one, so that has been our sales for years now. How often does that arc happen? It could stretch for a couple thousand million years to just a couple thousand years. Oh, my God, I can't believe I just fucking died again. Oh, my God, this is awful. God. I'm sorry about that. I do want to tell you, when you get back, about something. All right, well, I'm here. I'm here. If you truly do want to go sooner than others, the current thing that right now is going to be happening is the creation of the ethereal gummy world that's supposed to be for Challenge Vegans because giving people a pre-instinct to not kill meat is something that people want. And by that I mean not in the way where vegans push it on each other. It's more of the, I don't want to eat meat, so let me find my own pre-instinct and fully develop into it because that should be a mercy given by the goddess to people. So, gummy, go ahead. An ethereal world where the sugary fans of, and let's just say it's very food oriented. Okay, and is everything edible? Yes, that's the plan of what that is to be. It will also be telling history through that, veganary history with maverices that aren't so veganary to be attended to by people who can take it. Maverice being the original version of Halloween because everywhere Halloween is, an apocalypse happens. But here, the apocalypse is going to be a continual repeat of people experiencing their lives that are unimportant in which they go into the void and they just stop existing. Okay, and why aren't you hopping out of this gummy realm? Because I might be a bit more screwed up than the goddess initially wanted me to go in as with. Is there really a rush to do it or not? No, there is no rush. It's do it or don't. And it doesn't make a difference? It happens when it happens and most likely it will be hinted towards because announcing it to people tends to give away things. Like when you're like, oh yeah, I'm out of here, later. Oh, I'll be out of here sooner than everyone else, but yeah. Even if I get off at the gummy realm? Yeah, I'd be around to visit a lot because I would much rather have a prancing towards gummies than eating the flesh of anything at the moment. Oh, are you actually like full vegan or? No, challenge veganary means that you accept that the current thing that you're eating or doing anything right now is within the simu, which is simulated through essences and the full flavor of things is not given to you. Oh, interesting. You hit me with a lot of information a lot of quickly. The gummy realm and the Halloween deal. Can you go into detail on the Halloween deal? The current, the sun, the sun that is the more of the balancing figure within the chaos side owns the conceptualization of Halloween slash Navarice of a month that is of fear and giving back to the spirits and agents that fell during times of extreme chaos and pain. Okay, and what is a Navarice? A Navarice is essentially just a holiday. Okay, it's called Navarice? Navarice, Halloween, you could call it a lot of things, but just remember that places that call it Halloween tend to have apocalypses. Yes, within the simu. It's not a simulation because it's not within a computer. It has to be used a couple of different terms. Actually having the Latin root phrases because Latin root phrases are a lot more per se magically oriented as Latin is a language of magic rather than English where English is a language of, it can be used once you conceptualize something to use it, but it is a non-magic language. Okay. When you got this knowledge on Navarice, was it all at once? Did it just come randomly? It was all at once over the period of three years that was quite unpleasant because I had to be whelmed the entire time. Have you gotten any significant information outside of this period of time? About three times before the huge event. Most of the times, and it was still during when I was an atheist, which was very confusing as I didn't understand why I had weird hallucinations or dreams and then I understood, oh, well, this shit is way more complicated than just a simple little thing. Right. Yeah, that sounds like it'd be very perplexing. And imagine the thought of me that was trying to have somebody destroy, kill, or imprison me being Loki who ended up luckily doing nothing as the goddess makes sure that problems don't arise from somebody who is going through an initiation per se. Right. To, like, you know, not initiation as in initiation initiation, but being given the knowledge and such things. I can say these things because either they're going to be forgotten or not, as a current reset is about to happen. Oh, is there? Not a time that it would be. Yes, but it wouldn't happen until around 2030 for the full thing to take effect, as it's going to be more of like a paradox-type occurrence, where it'll be framed more like a paradox-type thing. People will continually go around and around in the play box of, like, a groundhog's day, essentially. Right. Just a heads up to everyone in the chat. I have everyone muted because I have to 100% lock in on what the nix is saying. After the conversation, I'll unmute everyone. I'm really locked into this. I can't have replicants yapping about some unspecified jargon. I love you saying that. Yeah, I thought you would. Oh, my God, you scared me again. I was like, oh, no. Yeah, no, don't worry. I just know that there's a wolf in a certain vicinity, and it's a little bit stressful. You're right ahead. I just know that you'll have to understand the conceptualization of transference before you would be able to do some things with your mind, per se. There's nothing I can do to provoke it, right? No, there's nothing you can do to provoke it, because either you're chosen or not. And for somebody to actually listen is a lot more, well, interesting than somebody who tends to push out all ideals. I have one question. So do you say to others that you're schizophrenic because it implies it, or somebody tells you? Yes, because if I say anything and they're riddled up, I have to just say, oh, this person's crazy. I don't want to deal with them, which is way better than, well, the alternative. Right. Yeah, fair enough. Funds and funds. But your replicant parents, do they believe you have this, or do you just tell them this? I don't talk with them, because every conversation with them ends up in an argument, because, well, I don't want to talk about why they're in that current situation. They're victims at this point, but they are and aren't replicants, as their cores were taken from them a good distance in time ago. That's a pig. I just heard a pig behind me. I don't think they're aggressive, but boars might be. Boars are really aggressive. Yeah. You don't have fancy meds or nothing, huh? Nope. I actually do my own medical research on what things affect me and don't. I did try meds. None of them affect me, and I did heavy research into them. I didn't feel anything, any drowsiness or nothing. So I just found that weed would be the best thing, because it's a natural assistant in keeping things calm. A lot of the things that people say about it is propaganda. Yeah, that makes sense. And like you say, no meds have any effect, but would, like, I don't know, like, do some things affect you more than it affects the average replicant, like a banana or something? It's more of, no, I have to be exactly the same as everyone else to not spread suspicion. Yes, good RP. I'm working on it. I'm slowly getting it. Wouldn't you be telling me this to be bad? It's a posting. Don't worry about it. So wouldn't you be telling me all this to be, like, bad, RP? No, because people need to know somehow, and everybody will forget, because there's easy ways to make people forget within their code. Easy for you, or easy for the goddess, or easy for... Easy for the goddess, as this has already been run through one other time, and I'm having to go through the... So during the three years, a lot of stuff happened to show me that I was going to be getting out, and part of that was the amount of time actually being put into that while I was in the strains, in and out of consciousness. Now, for, like, people who are not supposed to remember, they won't remember, because it's literally a thing of, if you're not in on it, and you don't want to be a good role player and be a part of, you know, even to be even part of the food is eaten. But, yeah. Bad RP tends to make sure that people don't have an audience with the goddess. And the thing is, is she doesn't like the term goddess or gods, but the term god OS means something else, which is what she's trying to make. God OS meaning people with their own ability to, like, kind of converse with each other through ley lines magically, being able to quote-unquote friend request people and do things, because life as an MMO is much more better than life as a tyrannical people trying to destroy everything. Right. Is anyone providing information to you, or is not known there? Of course, because I had to go through three years of having everything be told to me, like, I know what things would be true and not, because I had to cover my ass for my memory for later, when I actually get my memory activated. If you truly want to know about who I am, the goddess would tell you. Because a lot of people want me dead. Yes. And I just want to be a silly, annoying fanboy that may or may not keep the balance between worlds. Okay, I'm back. Sorry. I was listening, but I had to tune out for half a second. But I heard what you were saying before. So people that are able to provide information to you, are they on the same sinew as you, as us, or? Oh, no, everybody's on the same sinew. It's a servitor that's made of, it's very complicated on what it's made of, but let's just say it takes a lot of data to make sure things correctly input. So the people wanting to get information about some guy in Egypt is someone on a different servitor, correct? No, it's literally being relayed to me by either the goddess or by Akira. Okay, but it can't be your average person in the middle. Exactly. Because that could be extremely problematic if somebody was tortured, because nobody wants to be tortured by a god. That tends to not end. And we've got a sense to not let things end for people who do that to other people. Her voice is never heard. It's meant to make the gods fear the entity, which tends to make things disappear when problems occur. Okay, interesting. Perfect. I think this is a good point to end it. I have to go to bed. I finally retrieved my stinking corpse. It took forever. But I appreciate our little chat. We're going to add to. Yeah. Just know that if you are chosen, things will happen. Okay. But I am not going to make them happen, as I do not care about anyone other than myself, because I am currently surviving in my current situation. And I'm not talking about that in malice or any problematics. Perfect. Sounds good to me. Maybe tomorrow? Go right ahead. I would love to have a server with you if you can show you're good at role play, such as just being a part of the server. That's a pig. That's a pig. You get what I mean. No, I don't. What do you mean? Just hanging out, playing on a server, and actually just showing me that you can role play. And I'm good at teaching people, like, roles and stuff for the role play on games specifically. Okay. Most people need to be taught how to behave before leaving the venue, because the basics of survival is not a thing that's taught, and people don't last long if you don't teach them how to basically survive. Yeah, that makes sense. All right. All right, Linux, we've got to cut it. We'll talk later. All right? All right. See you. Bye. Nice chat.

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