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After the island of Hispaniola was pacified, the Europeans started to investigate the area. Humans fucking create and destroy because people are garbage, humans are garbage. They only build stuff because they want more and they're greedy, right? Piece of shit humans. This is an episode of Christopher Columbus and his people in the year 1495 in Hispaniola. I want you to hate this channel. I want you to fact check this channel. Everything. Leftists want to silence me like the Nazis they are, right? I want them to try harder. Don't subscribe. I want you to fact check every word I say and write in the comments the truth. The truth is available for all humans. So the animals watching this, you get lost. Because you're useless bitches. Go to your safe space. Go peacefully protest something and knock down some statues of some people. Go. The animals, don't listen to me. I'm not here to convince you because I'll never change your mind. Your government and your owners put a lock on your thought patterns. You only waste time here. Go burn some flags and color your hair green or something. Just get lost. Some Indians from Ganabo's group were forced to work and find gold. They were given devices to signify whether they found enough gold or not. Otherwise they were punished. The punishment in the early years at the time had been the same as it was in the later years. Perhaps it may have evolved to be worse than how it started. But these were the enemies of the Christians after the battle of the year 1495. And with this, it became easy to show bias towards that particular group of Taino people. You know, biased people are interesting, aren't they? Depending on the degree of bias at least, right? When I was youngest, I hung out in Bridgeport on the south side of Chicago, just east of where I grew up. And those kids were rough to anyone that came into the neighborhood that wasn't white. I remember. Interesting time. I'd never seen any of those guys attack anyone like I heard people used to do in generations or two before my time. They would yell stuff at people that walked down the street. Yeah, you hear the air conditioner coming on and off, don't you? Anyways, yeah, they would yell at people walking down the street, Hey, greaser, get the fuck out of here. Go back to your own neighborhood, bitch. That's how we were. That's how we were back then. Late 80s, early 90s. We were young teens back then. It wasn't, you know, that trait, it wasn't something that was inherent, but rather something that was learned from our peers and then the adults around us, right? We were friends with every race of people in school. But in the neighborhood, it all changed. I remember sitting with them kids on the front steps of whoever's house. They'd scream, Hey, greaser, fuck you, greaser. That's right. I remember. I remember that. Now Bridgeport, it's completely different now. I assume the majority of us aren't like that anymore, but it was an interesting time to live in that time. When I was younger, I used to hang out with some black kids in the Hilliard Homes projects on State Street. And if I was alone, when I got off the bus, I would be immediately surrounded by unknown black kids telling me that I got off at the wrong stop. Hey, man, you got off at the wrong stop, man. No, I didn't. I'm here for Keyshawn. But at that time, I was usually saved quickly by people that I knew who lived in the projects, who calmed the bad kids' biases down. I don't know if I would be safe in those kinds of neighborhoods even to this day, but I sure don't know if a place like Bridgeport exists anymore in the world. Unless you're dressed like a Western woman walking through a Muslim area. I'm sure those exist. I know they exist. I mean, I heard about them. They don't have much freedom there. It may be safer to dress like a black ghost in those areas. Casper the Black Ghost. Well, Casper and men are safe to dress however they like, but it's the women who really need to look out. Transvestite Casper and the Black Ghost and any woman whose only option to pee is sitting down or squatting and being careful in those areas. Blame the bias on the ideology or ignorance of the people. But it definitely isn't the color of someone's skin tone. So Christopher Columbus and the newcomers were put off by the battles and the cultural differences, which then really tipped the scale at the time. Columbus didn't wake up one day and say, Oh, my God, they're not white. Let's attack these motherfuckers. Let's start killing them and putting them to the farm. That's what they want you to believe, isn't it? That's what the mainstream wants you to believe. That's what they teach the children in the colleges and schools. That's what they teach them. And then kids feel real bad. I read the fellow students that are non-white in the classroom. They say, I'm sorry, child. Sorry we did that to you. Some of them would kiss the fucking feet. Some white girls would give up that ass just because they feel bad, right? And they feel inferior. Christians didn't initially hate these people for their skin color or the way they were naked when they came to the islands. But the bias grew into all sorts of ideas based on every individual, right? That's how it works, isn't it, bitches? Have you ever been outside? If not, try it. See how people are. But in later years, as the treatment of particular people got worse, as if they may have not been bad enough to begin with, there were some individuals who stood for the rights of the natives. We've mentioned and we'll mention some more. Yes, I know you hate that fact. It's in one fucking ear and out the other. You want to blame everyone for whatever craziness may have happened. You want to see through the eyes of presentism while disregarding consequences that led to one point or another. These Christians had come from a continent where African and European slavery was already well-practiced by that time. They were coming from a place where Muslims were trying to invade the country to win control and women and riches. The Christians had just banished the Muslims from Spain from where they had left at the time, within a decade. Some of the Muslims, some Muslim individuals in Spain had huge rooms that held white women for sex that were guarded by castrated black men. Just imagine that. Imagine coming to a place with a bunch of white women hanging out and they couldn't leave and some black dude was guarding them and he was castrated. You'd be like, what the fuck is this? Anyways, the Christians kicked these guys out of Spain. The Christians kicked these guys out and the religious ideology, they kicked it out of Spain so that the Christians could popularize their own ideologies on the people who resided in the new Reconquista, reconquered land. You never seen a frame that way, had you? You thought it was just simple, right? You just thought it was skin tone, didn't you? You bitches, you dumb motherfuckers. Is that what you really thought? Is that what you bitches really thought? Do you think it was just because they were Muslim? They were saying Allah instead of Jesus? One guy in the sky or another? Or skin tone, you dumb motherfucker. Is that what you believe? Think about it, bitch. Oh, I just mentioned about those girls in the room and a castrated black guy, right? Yeah, it gets a little deeper. Half of the time, the Muslims killed fucking hundreds of Jewish people in Spain. Oh yeah, it happened. You bitches, you don't know. Now you do. Now you hate it. Go ahead, unsubscribe. Go run away, you little bitch. Let me get a little bit... Let me get a little bit off topic here, all right? Just so I could backtrack a little bit and talk about the Muslims that the Christians kicked out of Spain. I used to do a day by day, today in history type thing. And then nobody was like, only one or two people liked it. And I was like, man, I'm fucking doing all this work for two people. So I stopped doing it. So I stopped doing it. It's a lot of fucking work. But on December 30th, this could be a celebration for some, or a day of mourning, right? In the year 1066, and I'm reading this from my post that I put at the time. Muslims that lived in Islamified, conquered Granada, Spain. The Muslims killed more than 4,000 Jews on this day. Of over some 1,500 innocent families were slaughtered. What happened? When the Muslims took over parts of Spain through conquest, Jewish people lived and thrived in many areas, including Granada. Jews were thriving in their culture, science, and philosophy. The Jewish population and prominence was so high that they called it the City of Jews. So the story has it that a man named Joseph Ibn Nagrella gained political height from his father, but then made deals with an enemy state to invade as long as they made him king. And with this information, it disturbed the Muslims and led to Muslim groups coming to kill thousands of Jews, and innocent Jews, Jewish people in Granada. It was called the Granada Massacre of 1066. At what point can you blame one guy for the death of fucking hundreds of other people? When can you draw that line? When is it okay? When can one of you little fucking bitches say it's all right? Because that one guy, all the rest of them deserve to die. It's okay. When do you little fucking cunts say that, huh? I know there's some of you saying that. Well, if it wasn't for that one guy, right? Right? You want to blame one guy and say all the rest deserve it because of that one guy, right? Oh, that's kind of like the Christopher Columbus story, isn't it? Because of that one guy, you want to damn them all for it, right? But now we're getting into the story, and now you don't want to believe it. But you still want to damn them all, don't you? Skin tone. Right? That's like me reading the Sun Times in Chicago sometimes and hearing about a black guy shooting some kid, right? And then I'd go into the neighborhood and kill all the black people in the neighborhood because of that one guy that shot, right? Is that what you're saying? That this is justified? Or some Mexican kid, right? Some Mexican dude molested some kids, so I killed the whole fucking neighborhood, right? That's justified. Just like the Muslim killed all the Jewish people. It was justified, right? How about the time the Muslims came to that concert and killed all them people in the peaceful gathering? It was justified, wasn't it? And now Jewish people in the Gaza Strip. You think it's justified? Some people do. Where do you draw the line, bitch? Where do you draw the line, bitch? Just imagine if your whole family was killed because of what one guy did. That wasn't even related to your family. Maybe it was just new. It looked like him or had the same kind of ideologies, right? Was a Catholic or whatever, right? Just imagine that shit. Would it be justified then? You little fucking robots. So the Christians had come from Europe. The Europeans come from that area. They came to the Taino and it was peaceful, mostly peaceful. Some little battles here and there. And then shit got a little crazy after the battle in 1495. And from the wealth created by slavery in the Canary Islands, Spain or Castile ultimately hoped that Columbus would find more of the same, right? And bring him some wealth through that. Because Spain was a little bit broke because they were funding wars and battles with the Muslims at the time. The people that I just mentioned. If you don't know, you could fucking reverse. Columbus really wanted to build an army of individuals that he could convert to Christianity. He wanted these people to be a part of the crusade. Crusade type warriors to fight Muslims out of the area that the Muslims conquered years before called Jerusalem. You know the place. It still exists. Christians spent many years fighting these Muslims from that point on. While also trading and dealing slaves with the Christians. Muslims and Christians were like, hey man, I'll give you some of them horses for a slave. The other guys like the Muslims were like, I'll give you 15 slaves for one horse. Fuck yeah, good deal. Give me some of that fucking spice you got. Some pepper and some coffee. The Muslims controlled a lot of the trans-Saharan slave trade. Something they don't want you to know about. And this is one of the ways the Christians would trade certain items to the Muslims for slaves. There are times that Christians have traded many slaves for a single horse. Can you imagine? It's fucking interesting, isn't it? How people used to do shit. Christopher Columbus grew up learning about this stuff along with the knowledge of Muslim Ottomans conquering Constantinople. These are the things that Christopher Columbus and his generation had to live with and talk about when they were young. Can you relate? And if you are in an Islamic area of Africa, maybe you can. But people of Chicago probably can't imagine any of this. They have no idea. Unless you watch some fucking woke TV, right? There's still slavery there with Muslims. It's not done by people in the church in Africa, the Middle East. These people aren't probably atheists either, but don't quote me on that. Some atheists are weird these days. Fucking really weird. They probably have green hair and stuff. Through all this uniting and zealous information getting pushed around between everyone, biases and prejudice begin to rise, right? This would be based on culture and religion more than skin color. Muslims were selective when it came to race, since they were the people who preferred white women and black eunuchs. Not exclusively, but it was quite conspicuous. Do some research, bitch. Prove me wrong. Otherwise, go fuck yourself. These people were superficial, and they didn't care if a woman gave consent. Look it up, bitch. There are documents that prove this. And I have noted it in other episodes if you want to see specifics. You know, I had the same lame conversation with someone recently about how BLM and Antifa riots had destroyed thousands of businesses, killed people, and they still loot stores to this day, these motherfuckers. They were uncivilized and irrationally angry. I equated the riots similar to what the Indians did to the Europeans in early America. And then the Christians retaliated and pacified the fucking situation. And then everything became somewhat civil and peaceful. If Columbus would have done like Trump or Biden and just let the Indians destroy the city and get away with it, we wouldn't have what we have today, would we? We might still be living in the woods, hunting meat and picking up berries, right? But Columbus pacified the situation, and the Indians lost out for several generations after that. Just imagine if we did that to the left-wing destructive radicals of today. It would seem like we were a Muslim country, wouldn't it? If we fucking did that. Or Russia, or under the rule of Kim Jong-un, if these fucking leftists fucking started bashing, breaking down windows. Man, they fucking destroyed New York, Chicago, fucking parts of Seattle. Man, it was fucking fucked up, man. Just imagine if we were a Muslim country, or Russia, right? Or Kim Jong-un, right? They would have them all put in cages. We would have peace, but less freedom because of the disaster caused by others. Anyways, that's my comparison. I may be wrong, but I think I might be mostly right. Like the retards waving those pro-Hamas flags and anti-American stuff. Would America be better or worse if we pacified those particular people? You know? You don't have to admit it, but you know. You know it. But instead we just sit and watch while they destroy. How's that sound? I think that's what happened many years ago, too, didn't it? That's what happened with Christopher Columbus, and that's what happened with the Indians. Some people are just sitting by watching. It's like, why don't you fucking do something, motherfucker? It's like, dude, I'm eating my bears. Leave me alone, smoking my stuff. Anyways, let's move on, bitches. Next. Oh yeah, so please get these memoirs and fact-check me, please. Let's fucking do this. Let me get some of this smoke over here. Oh yeah, one more thing. Let me tell you about a description I heard from a fucking rioter. From this long-haired white kid. White kid. He told me that he was into zero politics. And he went to riot and loot in Chicago with the bad people, only because he wanted to go along with his girlfriend, the black girlfriend. He had a black girlfriend. Long-haired white kid. Lived in my old neighborhood where I grew up. On 37th and Ashland area in Chicago, south side. Kind of fucking rough area now. There's like gunshots like every night. When I was a kid, didn't happen. Anyways, let's move on. He said that he loved it. He said he loved the riots. He never felt so lucky talking shit to police and throwing things at them while looting stores. He'd fucking steal a carton of cigarettes and he would sell them to fellow rioters for five bucks a piece or whatever he did. He would steal cartons of cigarettes. Yeah, he had fun doing it. He was not part of any hate group. He didn't share anger or sadness. He was simply joining everyone else, stealing and destroying things and having fun. Right? If you think that's fun. Everyone likes to be part of a fun group, right? And sometimes they don't care to any degree what it costs other people or their lives, right? The Taino people may have had similar people. So did the early Europeans, right? For example, if someone voted for Joe Biden, you wouldn't necessarily have to worry about them trying to reach your children about how rad transvestites are or white supremacy. Not everyone is like that. Sometimes people forget that they forget that thought and label everyone by stereotype based on skin color, nationality or culture, right? Bitches. Just because you vote for Biden doesn't mean you're a fucking pro transvestite or pro Hamas or anything like that. But it goes along in the same category. Unfortunately, right? People tend to forget about policy. That's why we vote, right? Like if you like 99 things that they have politically and then one policy that is fucking radical and far out. Are you going to change your vote? Probably not. But they throw shit in there like that. You can't blame people for finding other cultures weird or strange. Señor Colon wrote about what Ramon Pane told him. Pane. He wrote about some funeral rites of the Taino and how they would sometimes cook their dead before burying them. Some of the Indians would decapitate dead people and keep their skull in their house. Fucking craziness. Others would bury their dead in the ground just like some of the Christians would do, right? And although the Taino would place some bread and a gourd of water next to the head of the buried body as if they were going to eat. It's like what if he gets thirsty down there? That's what they wrote. That's what the fucking guys wrote. There are a lot of things that surprise the Christians. There are a lot of things that surprise the Christians in the early years. But this was 500 years ago, people. So they had seen different things in those days and they perceived things differently because of it. And the Christians witnessed a lot of this type of culture and they wrote about it. So that's what you got. The battles that actually came from strange instances that are not completely understood. It's just the way to fucking, they wrote about it. It's the way they seen it, the way to perceive it. And we perceive it in the eyes of today, right? And it's just like, you know, and it was interesting then. But people like to cut off people's heads and body parts back then, right? It seems strange now. It seems so uncivilized, but that's what they did back then. They were cutting off hands, dicks, ears, heads. Which one would you prefer being cut off, your hand or your dick? If I was a normal person and could tolerate living with my kid's evil mom, I wouldn't mind having my ear cut off instead of my dick, right? Preferably the ear that faces the side of the bed where she lays. But anyways, back on topic here. When Christopher Columbus left Hispaniola back for Castile once again, he embarked with 225 Christians and 30 Indians on March 10th, year 1496. He felt that he had built up the city of Isabella to a good point, peaceful enough for his people at least, right? Hispaniola was mostly calm, minus the forced labor. Since that battle, so he was planning on another trip out. He's like, you guys are good here, I think it's time for me to go and go back to my original homeland. Also, Columbus claimed that there had been fellow Christians that had been jealous and liable, who wanted to take down Christopher Columbus by torture. Who wanted to take down Christopher Columbus by telling the sovereigns that Columbus had been treating the natives badly at that point. Duh, right? They just went through a battle and shit was fucking getting bad, right? Columbus probably didn't do anything himself, because obviously we know that he didn't draw his sword for one year after that. But to pacify the situation, he probably told his people to make sure that people stood in line, right? But also, Christopher Columbus brought some natives with him to go back to Spain and tell the king and queen that what had been said about him and his brothers had all been lies. And he's like, I bring these Indians with me, so you can see and you can hear from them. So they had like a bunch of fucking Indians sitting there with them in front of the fucking sovereigns. 30 fucking Indians. All 30 of them were like, yeah, he's not lying. They probably didn't understand his language, so what did they know? He's like, I'm peaceful with all of them. And he pointed at the guys and said, right guys? And they're like, uh, what? Uh-huh. Yeah, I guess. Because they didn't know. Maybe. Possibility. And possibly not. Might have had some translators there. Unless the sovereigns didn't say a word to the fucking Indians. You never know. But Columbus brought some natives with him. But Columbus brought some natives with him to go back to Spain and tell the king and queen that what had been said about him had all been lies. And he's like, I brought these guys here with me. And they're all, they're all my friends. You see? Look at the smiles on their faces. We have little historical evidence that Columbus's brother wasn't as peaceful as the rest. Columbus was going to Castile to speak for himself and his family and people. Like anyone else, right? I'm sure they were rough in their own degrees, right? Nobody is a saint. I'm sure Columbus wasn't out picking flowers with the Taino people at that point. Or cooking up tortillas on the ocean side. So this is what is written in his perspective, at least. Or their perspective. Remember, the devastation of the natives didn't happen overnight. Unless you point everything to that battle that happened in 1495. But even then, things didn't get as bad as they did until later years after Columbus was around. When biases became routine and nonchalant, right? There was a time, decades later, when some people wanted to borrow a boat from a wealthy landowner. And he asked them, men, to gather some slaves from another island for him. For payment for the boat. Since those guys were broke. You got no money? Go get me some slaves from another island. And I'll give you the boat. Fucking crazy. Strange times they lived in back then. Nothing like that happens anymore that I know about. But the uncivilized Latin America cartel still decapitate people. You can see it on video. They do it to scare you. And they even sacrifice beautiful women on camera these days. You can see it. It exists. So yeah. They kill people when they were Indians. And they still do it to this day. The only difference is now they have fucking cell phones to record themselves with. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Don't mind these guys coming to America. To the United States. Some odd people we live with in these fucking political days. These fucking political bias days. Can you imagine inviting uncivilized people into your fucking neighborhood? Craziness. Possibly these people hope that if we give them a decent job in construction, they will leave their old life behind. I've worked side by side with some of these fucking guys. I've worked side by side with some of these fucking guys. And their tattoos. They're normal people to work with, you know. They just have different hobbies. Cutting people's heads off, selling drugs, and stealing people. And their circus music annoys me too. But anyways, back to Columbus. When the Christians made their journey, they stopped at an island. When they left Hispaniola, back to Castile, they stopped at an island that was populated by only women. Fuck yeah. Man, I wish I could be on that island with a bunch of naked Puerto Rican women. But anyways, they were Taino, right? We assumed at first. Or Carib. But anyways, when they arrived some distance from the shore, these women came out shooting their fucking arrows at the guys. And Columbus had sent one of the Indians to tell the women that they had come in peace and that they wanted food and to be able to trade with them. But the women told them to travel on in a direction where another island laid. They had men that would give them what they needed. And these men from that island would sometimes come to this island and impregnate the women. Come and have some sex, right? And then they would go back to their own island. These women were on the island of Guadalupe. That's what was written. Okay? And as the Christians came closer to shore, the women shot more arrows at the men. And the Christians then shot off a Lombard shot to scare the women. And they ran back into the woods. And the Christians made it to land safely. Now that the women were gone, the men went through all the houses taking all the food that they could from their new enemies. They just tried to kill them. They were like, man, we're taking their food now, these bitches. So that's what was written, right? And supposedly they found an arm cooking in a pot. That's what they said. So they wrote. Haven't they heard of neck stew? Maybe they only had neck on weekends. Anyways, the next day Columbus sent some men to investigate the island. And these men returned with ten women and three little boys. And one of the women was supposedly the Kazik's wife. Is it Kazike? Kazike. I call it Kazik for many years. But maybe it's Kazike. And that woman fought one of the Christians. And she kind of kicked his ass, it was written. And then if it wasn't for the other Christians coming upon them, she would have fucking killed this guy or beat the fuck out of him, this woman. And these women were huge, fat, and strong, it was written. So now I don't wish to be on that island anymore. But these fat Carib Indian women wore some type of thick cloth on their lower part of the legs from their knees down. They regarded this as beautiful, the women did. They were described as fat women who were well-proportioned in other ways. She's like, man, she's got a nice ass, big titties, but she's kind of fat. They all had long hair, these women. They flew wildly around in the wind. Long, stringy, black hair. The whole island was of women. Besides, there was four men that were there with their wives. There was four men that were there with them. For sex, right? Get some of that ass. And these men were from other islands. These guys came at different times of the year for sex, I guess. And this type of thing happened on the island. This type of thing also happened on the island of Matanino. Although the Christians said that these women seemed to be smarter than the other women. The women on the other islands told time by the sun and the moon, while the women of this island could read the stars. And this impressed Columbus and the other Christians. They probably had different names for the stars, the constellations, right? But you can imagine them sitting there at night getting drunk and having sex, and the girls are like, look at this constellation. The guys are like, that's fucking cool. Right? Isn't that interesting? That's what was written. And then the other islands had women that just told the time by the sun and the moon. The sun's right above us. That means it's noon. Sun's going down. It means it's nighttime. It is interesting how some cultures share some of the same ideas, like reading the stars, but how men visit an island only populated by fat, smart, and strong women would seem odd to the Christians, right? How come the Europeans didn't call the fat women well-built? Man, look at the rose on her. She is beautiful, 400 pounds. Don't people call them that? Don't people claim, like nowadays, that during the time of Columbus, fat women were wanted, and skinny people just looked hungry? You ever heard that before? These bitches, right? How come Columbus didn't describe the Indians as hungry people versus well-built fat people, huh? You know what I'm talking about, you bitches. How come Columbus didn't describe the Indians as hungry? How come he didn't say that he was like, oh, I showed up to the island, they were skinny, and they must have been hungry because they're not fat. How come he didn't say that, bitch? Huh. Just an interesting thought. Strange. Strange ideas we perceive, right? I know a few guys I hang with that say they prefer women that are plump, right? And I think they say something like they prefer to grab onto the fat handles rather than skeleton bones. I'm paraphrasing. Man, I'll tell you about thin women. Incredible. Anyway, no comment. My life doings should stay secret here. No need to boast. It's a history channel, not a me channel. I go through memoirs and writings from history, and in order for me to get everything covered and digested in its own place, I feel I need to leave it there and spice it up with some bad comedy and references just to get some soul, to get punched into the holes and to the ticket. One idea might be good enough, but others might seem lame, so I add some nonsense that move around your mind's focus to where it gives the memoir some body and idea to perceive, right? I find it boring to hear dates and epics rambled off from one time or another, especially in an accent. I fucking hate fucking accents. It really gets on my nerves. Sorry, people, but most accents drive me fucking crazy. I can't do it. Some people are so slight, though. There are a couple cool guys that I can mention, like Metatron. He's fucking cool, right? There's not a lot of history people out there that don't play the victim card in every chance they get. They prefer to touch your heart rather than give insight to your mind. But Metatron is one channel I visit from time to time. He has an accent, but it's not bothering to me. I'm not a huge fan of medieval weaponry or types of armor, but the dude is interesting enough that he captures your focus rather than have you complete an episode with your hand on your heart. But anyways, he has a good channel if you want to check him out. Sometime. He has a team to help him produce good episodes. Some that are completely opposite to the garbage production that I present to you here. But I want you to hate me. Join the club of haters and hate me. We will let you write your name on our wall. Kind of like the bad people do in the neighborhoods that write gang signs. You can tag my shit up, write your name on my garage so everyone knows that animals live in the area. Great idea. Get it done, bitches. Piss on my garbage can too. Remember when they used to have those round metal garbage cans in the alley back then, back in the day? Why didn't they replace those with the plastic one? Columbus went back to Europe. The end. Share this with your friends and enemies. And I hate you for it. Adios. That was fucking terrible. But I seen this guy's channel that does history and he's like falling asleep listening to this. And it was like three hours long. I was like, why the fuck does he do that? And there was a bunch of people that said, I love listening to this and falling asleep to it. Your history channel. Fucking weird. So maybe I'm going to put this title as Christopher Columbus. You Can Fall Asleep To It. Right here. Yeah, so. I don't know, man. I wanted to put so much in this episode, but you can only put so much, right? Because then it gets boring and sounds like rambling. I had a conversation with a guy the other day that swears that Columbus was greeted by black people when he arrived to America. And not the Asiatic descent people. Beringian people. I call them Beringian people. Because they're a mix of Asiatic people that came over the Beringia. So I call them Beringian people. And they lived on the Beringia for a little time. Until they made their way across the continent. Over many years, right? It wasn't just a couple fucking Indians just walking the shoreline. And then they're here. A couple went to fucking Peru. And a couple went to Mexico. And a couple went to the islands. Didn't happen like that. But anyways, there was a guy that swears that Columbus was greeted by black people when he came to America. And I asked him to put two and two together, bitch. And consider how Bartolome de las Casas replaced the Asiatic Indians with the black Africans that they had seen a lot of since Portugal led their way into Africa defeating Ceuta some 85 years prior to that time. Columbus didn't say, when we first hit the American islands I saw people with afros like those of Africa that Muslims gave us in trade for horses. You know the Portuguese get all those black guys? Let's get some of them. He said they were like the Canary Islanders, bitch. He said they were similar to the Canary Islanders who were most likely Asiatic. At least to some extent. Muslims were stealing Africans and Europeans for sex and slavery. So within that amount of time since the inception of Islam the people of the Canaries could have been mixed race but mostly resembling Asiatic with an amber skin tone, right? I don't know. But we have all these writings. All these writings from the time from Columbus and Columbus's son and Bartolome de las Casas and Ramon Panet, right? Most of Ramon Panet's writings on him were of the note of how how the natives used a drug called cojoba to get a psychedelic high from it. Get fucked up. But I heard that tobacco used to get the Indians high. I don't know how true that is but that if the tobacco was more potent or if they laced their tobacco pipes with psychedelic drugs either way they were tapping into the spirit world these guys, right? Whether it was an illusion or not they escaped reality by smoking and drinking certain types of things. I can't imagine getting high from tobacco. Yeah, but we got a lot of writings. We got a lot of memoirs and journals and fucking documentation that says one thing or another. I'm just presenting one by one. You could believe one and not the other. We have documentation that we have a lot of documentation that Donald Trump did a lot of shit and it was false, right? Turned out to be not true. Some people believe it and some people don't. And in a hundred years from now if somebody pulls up that document written by the left in the courts they're going to be like that motherfucker was an asshole. But there might be some people that wrote some other journals that are like they were lying. So how do you know that didn't happen back then, bitch? Your documentation. Well, the court said it. Yeah, the court could have been the fucking liars, right? They might have been smoking the jojoba. They might have been fucking high on some shit back then. You never know. They could have been drunk. Anyways, I'm making this too long, yeah. And I should I should fucking be more specific in little parts so I can cut this shit off and make little shorts like I used to. Not like it makes a fucking difference. Go fuck yourself. I used to cut out my long form videos and make a few video shorts per episode and upload them for people to they gave shorter attention span that they would be able to find this channel. And most of those shorts would be of me calling dates and happenings in history from one epic to another depending on the original episode. And I got a lot I got a lot of down votes on those particular videos because people hated those facts. And this drives the epics and the algorithm not to share my stuff to new people. Do you think my titles are interesting or my thumbnails are boring? Not terribly, but I don't think it is it is the problem. As I mentioned, the algorithm based on the viewer's interactions whether or not they comment or down vote or share my stuff. I think that's what drives the channel. It tells YouTube what people like. And if it's mostly leftists and fucking haters they'll fucking down vote my shit and YouTube won't share it. And YouTube will share my video if it gets good feedback from the viewers. And I can see the algorithm how many likes and dislikes I get on every different video. And somehow I just stumbled upon an old short that I saw like a couple days ago and it had 60% likes that means 40% of people hated it. Hated the episode about early racism in Africa between the Arab Muslims and the black Berbers. So be it. People don't want to hear about that stuff. They hate it. Who hates that? Why would you hate it? You know why they hate it because they don't want people to know about it. People want to point to America and blame people for any problem at all and hate anything that goes against the narrative. So be it, right, bitches? Yeah, so those video shorts if they reach an audience of fucking angry leftists which it usually does and they down vote it because they were taught in school the opposite of the facts then I'll fuck up the algorithm. Right? And if it fucks up the algorithm then my long form episodes won't get shared because YouTube's like nobody likes this shit. This ain't going along with the narrative. I know you're giving some fucking dates and time and places and things that happened that was written but people don't want to hear that. They want to hear the other shit. They don't want to hear any anything bad unless you have a good reason to justify it because it's justified when they do it, bitches. I don't know. But I think that's it for this episode. Yeah, Christopher Columbus went back to Castillo brought some natives with him and he's like he's trying to convince the fucking sovereigns that he was a good guy or a bad guy he was justified and they said your justification is okay. But to other people like leftists of the time they didn't think it was okay. Right? Like kind of like the people today that want to get release everybody from jail except for the people that have a different fucking opinion. They want them people to go in jail. The leftists, right? Except for the people that they don't like. They want to put them in jail. Like they don't mind Trump supporters being in jail. Right? But they want everybody else murderers, fucking drug dealers to be free. Right? They got illegal aliens coming and killing people. Set free. Fucking robbing people, set free. They're not deported, they're just set free. Look it up. And they want to get rid of the jail system and they want to jail fucking Trump supporters. Doesn't make sense, I know. But it's true. Look it up. Look it up for me. I don't want to fucking go through all the different articles. Look it up. Find both sides of perspective. So Columbus went back to Europe with a bunch of Indians and he's like these are my friends. This is what we did. This is what we're doing. Don't believe the other guys. The bitches. And so the story goes. Share this episode with your friends and your enemies and they will hate you. They'll hate you so much for it. And that's it. The end. Adios.