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Voice 241009_204725

louise armstrong



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The speaker is introducing their new podcast and expressing their excitement and effort put into it. They talk about their new job as a managed service provider for IT and mention their interest in marketing. They discuss their recent visit to a restaurant and their frustration about not being able to get a glass of milk. They joke about starting a "milk movement" to raise awareness about drinking milk in restaurants. They also briefly mention a personal issue with a friend but say they have closure. They mention upcoming plans for a Halloween special and a vacation to Turkey with friends. hello welcome to just chatter and welcome to the first episode it's going to be quite boring because uh well i'm sat here on my own doing it and like podcasts i listen to because i have two presenters or at least i've guests but here we are i've got no friends but i'm doing it for you i love you and hopefully bran won't get too cringed out and listen to it as well because i took it very seriously i've done a logo i'm working on the intro music it's all happening i'm putting a lot of effort in so i hope you friggin listen to it all because it's going to be a short one i have actually got two guests coming on you know them it's jade and i still do a halloween special i'm very excited i've thought about recording but um you know i think that's taking a bit too far and maybe once i'm discovered we'll we'll do that i've even made notes what to talk about you know what i mean bloody hell so i know it's been a while and i know i said i'd do it like a week after saying bye to you but now i understand there's a lot more to it doing a podcast so um yeah i've not even joking i've been researching the shit out of this because basically new job let me start off with how's your wake been so i'm going to start off with well how's your month been because it's been a fucking month on it but started new job love it it's great i'm going to go into explaining what i do because i feel like chan labain that no one actually knows what i do for a living i'm going to say this once so i am a managed service provider for it so if you've ever worked at a company and they're like oh you need to ring our it team that would be me that you're ringing so we work with businesses we basically fix all the it set up wi-fi do cabling if that is needed you know your desk phones internet phones all that bollocks and we've just launched mobile i feel like i'm doing a freaking advert so yeah that's what i do basically and i overlook all these i'm in sales but not sales because i'm just there for customer service really and i do loads of other bits and bobs bit of marketing it looks like i'm going to be going into marketing which i'm really excited about because i've always sort of liked that and as you can tell i can chat absolute shit so i think i'd be great at it so that's that i felt like i'd been so busy you see um but because of the time i finish i have like an hour to just chill at work because i could come home but then i'd have to come home i'd have like 45 minutes then set back off to get job so i'd rather just wait at work and then i get all my like shit bits done so i've been fucking looking in podcasting haven't i so anyway i've done uh done some research i've got a few things to like talk about but again it might be a bit of a quick one really um because as i say it's just me here literally i'm sat in my living room on my sofa i've paused practical magic so i'm watching practical magic so i've just done some crafting do you know what i mean and um yeah so i thought you know what i'm just going to wing it i've got some notes and here we go so on sunday went to wagamama's that used to be frankie bennie's god rest its soul um went with aster and jade obviously i've got no other friends other than geordie which i'll go on to those updates in a bit um we had a lovely jubbly time alex you probably saw the videos i sent you aster was full-on main character mode absolutely loving it wasn't she all she needed was fucking auburn hair a long scarf and some books that she dropped in corridor she looks up see no i'm joking um yeah so we went there and it's it's actually gave me so much to talk about because well i feel discriminated against that's the word everywhere i go and ask for a glass of milk i get looked at like i'm a fucking inbred that still gets breastfed by my grandma i just i don't understand why it's such a big deal you put milk in everything yeah and you probably get a glass of milk at home the the waiters and waitresses who i ask it for probably drink milk at home yet you ask it in a restaurant and you're looked at like you're a fucking weirdo why so here we go i've started i'm going to start something called the fucking the milk movement right i need to make people more aware of milk and that is it is allowed to be drank in a glass no matter where you are don't just have to be on cereal you don't have to be in cakes or whatever the fuck else you want to bake with it so the milk movement it's coming it's coming to doncaster and before you know it it'll be in fucking australia people will be going have you heard it milk movement mate hi how's it going did it milk movement yeah i've heard it milk movement because my cousin a year ago did a podcast that were absolute shit she chatted pollocks but she talks about this milk movement i'm glad it's going somewhere that i'm that is the dream that's the dream so yeah people need to be more aware i mean so wagamama let me go back to the beginning asked her and she turned around to me and she looked at me dead in my eye dead in my soul and went oh don't know if we can do that well watch me you don't have to milk the fucker just open a carton of milk and pour it in the glass why is it such a big deal it's not my fault you cook fucking spicy food you know what i mean here i am trying to be cultured try different cuisines gets a little bit spicy what do you need i'm not going to sit there and eat a fucking mullet light am i because if you didn't know yoghurt's the other thing that works so anyway i was really upset so i thought you know what this is going straight in my podcast and i'm going to talk about the milk movement i want posters i want signs on restaurant doors say it's okay to get some milk she needs some milk we all need a bit of milk sometimes it's not shameful i just wish people had stopped making me feel ashamed i mean i can see it in jade's eyes when i ask for milk a part of her dies like i feel like part of her actual eyes of embarrassment and well this is where i'm making people awareness that's the right way i mean i feel like i'm just throwing adjectives at you but awareness is awareness and adjectives i don't actually know we'll look into it we'll talk about it on next week's podcast anyway that's one of my notes the fucking literally my notes say the milk movement from wagamama's because that's where i started kicking off and about it that's it milk movement is happening um but it was nice actually it was really i like how it is the only other thing is if i had to review it they have like so they've got cushions on the like built in in the seats on the stools and all that lot and it's you know they're comfy there's no backs to your chair i like when i sit down i want a nice back do you know what i mean i like i like my backs to the chairs like i like my backs on my men sturdy strong defined do you know what i mean they're just no there were no backs it was just like a a stool and then they're one of them fucking barstools where it moves and if you were but oh god it would be a nightmare just get a chair doesn't i mean i get why you want to sit all that lot but yeah so i got annoyed at chairs as well there's there's something else i'm fucking moaning about you know what i mean but it was lovely the food was nice and if you i mean i don't even know if you've been yet write in write into me i'll put my uh put my email at the end and how you can write into my podcast i'm joking you can just uh message me on messenger and i'm not that big yet you know what i mean um but yeah like i mentioned it was good we had a real good laugh miss you though like we're going calling on my life don't just miss our alex um and yeah so the second part really is um oh the tasha stuff so i feel a bit risky doing this on podcast because obviously it's something really personal that no one's meant to know about but let's be real the only people that are listening to it uh alex and bram which bram will probably already know half of it uh aster and jades so basically what happened what i have got closure i'll admit i have got closure from it but alex you've been right from the start i mean i must admit i've run trade before i went in for a bit of support i need a bit of a pep talk i'm not because i'm a fucking pushover i end up feeling so fucked person john it's all like right jade give me a pep talk um and she was great to be fair anyway so yeah i said to her when i'm gonna walk in there and she's not gonna know what she's done so she didn't she said i had no idea i thought you were expecting the text asking me to asking you to step down from aid of honor and i had no idea that you've been feeling this way we were just drifting all right yeah we were drifting because of how you've acted she couldn't get scripts with it long story short she would just literally kept saying to me but we've been drifting and i'm like yes because of how you've acted but she couldn't get it in red she was saying no we were drifting before that so when she said that i did sort of think you know what i know full well you know what you've done and you feel shit about it but you that stubborn you're not willing to admit it she would just sort of i feel like she would be nice about it and she did apologize to be fair fair play to her and it did feel real but i think she would just sort of covering up the fact that she's been a dick if you know what i mean so that was that um they've decided not to come to turkey on the like the holiday um but that was just more to do with they've got to look for they've got to like focus on themselves a bit and all that stuff um so our jades come in and brad and terry come in and i know what you're thinking but they've actually been all right to be fair like me and john i went away with them and terry will look really nice like really fun so i think it will actually be all right um but i said cos tasha will get it in red thinking i feel like it's jacob's gonna be all right but i feel like it's gonna be the girls and then me i'm like no we would never do that we're not petty like we'd never ever do that but she's there i said if you if you're gonna have that in your head and you're gonna come and feel nervous and all that lot then i'm gonna be honest with you you need to not come because that's when drama happens when you're not yourself which again she took on the train to be fair and she's like yeah you're right so yeah that's the other update they've decided not to come um where was i so the other bit is um we've i've stepped down as bridesmaid which she weren't happy about she got a bit upset but i said look at end of day you're right and they were two very different people and the fact that it were like i can't explain it was like the fact that she couldn't see what she's done wrong or feel she hasn't gone wrong let me let me rephrase that so she felt like she'd done nothing wrong but at the same time she didn't see or understand how i was feeling but for her saying all that to me i just think we're two different people and i don't think we're ever going to go back to where where we were and i mean erin and nicole kept saying we'll be fine and we will be because in the end of day and and like love for me conquers all so i you know i will still have a cup of tea with her and all that lot like but we won't be as close as we were so you know and it won't be nice watching me watch someone else be a maid of honor so she made a comment about like i'd be worried on my on my bride sittings and all that lot if you and mum were all right with toga blah blah blah so ended it i just said to look if that's how you're going to film if it's going to ruin them experiences for you then i'm going to step down as bridesmaid because i don't want that for you um you know i don't care what everyone thinks or what she's done or whatever like at end of day that's a special moment and i wouldn't want that taken away from anybody so i stepped down and she said well i'm not getting my way out yet and i'm like well you can't fix yourself because if that were the case then i'd still be a second mate it's not that i'm not because i feel i keep banging on about the fact that i'm not made of honor it's not that um but alex we've gone in steps about it so you'll understand poor brendan's probably sat there like i'm not even fucking listening to you anymore hon but yeah but anyway the the be all and end all of it is i've got closure i can move on now she apologized we had a really big hug at the end of it and you know peace and love dude peace and love so that was that that's the second part of my note like i say it will be a bit of a short one i mean i'm cracking on 15 minutes now i'm quite impressed but that's all i can it's really tough because i mean like i say i've started a new job which i am loving a few cracks are showing do you know what i mean like people bitching about stuff i'm just staying well out of it um but but it is really nice it's super small team everyone's so lovely and there's no proper massive bitchiness it's just um you know like when they talk about their company like saying oh this needs change that needs to change it's that that kind of bitchiness not like against each other so yeah so it's actually really good i think that's all that i've really done i've spent a bit of time with jody's girls because they've turned 13 can you believe it it makes me feel old for that stuff and one of them come out so she picked out a new outfit that i bought because basically i said to him i'll take you shopping for your birthday because i don't want to just give you money in a card i want to spend a bit of quality time with you so i did that and then jay come down and i said all you like i've all abused you and oh well i nearly died or like what do you mean oh honestly it's i find it mental how this is like going into the second part of my thoughts of the of the month i find it mental how we know a lot of our parents music and stuff even like no tambis that not many people know and elvis and all that lot i mean elvis is quite big but i feel like kids today don't know it do you know what i mean i don't know why or if well i don't know if they do know any old songs but i feel like they don't but when we were 13 we knew no town we knew you know i mean i'm a bit of a weird one where i like all different kinds of genres like i can listen to buzzy rock at one minute and then it'll go into fucking justin bieber and chris brown next to you it's such a random playlist but yeah i just find it like kids now don't really know old songs which freaks me out because i feel like what's gonna happen to our history so that leads me on to another movement don't it we need like a millennium history we need we need more of it we need 90s and millenniums to i don't know like do a friggin lecture on our pop culture because i feel like it's dying out i mean you say i've always been the child says who well that just upsets me honestly i've called this podcast just chatter i could i should call it fucking just moaning because that's all i've bloody done isn't it i suppose that's what you do on your own because you're just like alone with your thoughts aren't you that's it i mean i'd say to you like how's your week been what youtube been up to but you're not fucking here so it's a bit pointless really you'll have to write in right into this i mean i did see that you went somewhere um and you were playing pool and that looked really good um i wonder where that was i mean it looked like they did a nice lager nice cold one i mean you've you've sort of made me think about it because you know about living over there just when you said it's so chill and easy going that's all i want i just want a has gone i've been practicing and i'm gonna have to come and have a bit of a taste around there you know before i have kids in the room of life um god that's awful but you know i mean i'm gonna have to have like a bit of a taste and come over but guys it's the spiders see i weren't even thinking of spiders didn't even enter my mind until just now you say australia and i see spiders that's it freak myself out now i can't help it i mean again i don't know what i mean i know you said right if you're gonna see but i'm like oh well how about me in person oh that's because it's like a day away louise do you know what i mean so that's another tough bit maybe i just have to like conquer my fear could you imagine if i'm like don't worry about the leave it leave it be i've got this or i had one of the pet no i can't do that um right so we're cracking on to 20 minutes i mean i think that's good bloody content if you ask me i mean i've just been sat here talking to myself like an absolute nutter so what's to come i'm going to work on the podcast because i'm freaking dedicated now not sure on the timeline um i think we are gonna have to do it maybe every two two weeks or summer just because i want a i want a guest now i have thought about next week i'm gonna have so we're seeing an announce that day and i thought what an absolute laugh that would be so we're gonna have men the bail as a guest everybody i mean i'm close to people like i've got a freaking crew here it's just me so if we could i might like insert an applause there let me just pause for effects wonderful now if you don't hear an applause on that part that's because i've not worked out how to do it yet but i will i will listen i will get these sound effects down i will get an intro down don't you worry about that so yeah we've got another bail on flat day you know i'm just going to wind up there ask a few questions as you're doing on a too much got to say and all that lot um i'm going to keep an eye on your what you and brandon doing because you know we need you involved it's podcast made for you basically sport bastards uh and then yeah i might interview my mum as well have a bit of a matter with her she'll be like i don't understand what you're doing but we'll work it out and then that's when i'll do a halloween special with alex and jade so i'll just sort of give you a bit of an overview what we're doing we are going to i mean i don't know it's got to this but we're each making a batch of cookies hopefully they're all fucking different i mean i i'm gonna go like uh i don't know are they called a denise finger or something they're called a denise who got fingered um bloody hell uh the ones where it's like a butter biscuit uh chocolate in the middle and then a butter biscuit again that's what i'm going to be doing um but yeah we've decided to do that we're having drinking we're having hot chocolate sorts of other things and we're going to sit by the fire it's halloween in it so we're not doing it on actual halloween night either so realistically we're just a bunch of shadows sat around fire who's made cookies and drinking hot chocolate but it'll be fun we've even got sparklers those lantern things uh what i don't know what they're called chinese lanterns we're having them jade's idea i felt like saying to jade today love but guilty pleasure of it is they aren't actually quite fun to do so we're just going to do that make a bit of a weird night why not if you can't be weird on halloween when can you be but yeah so that's pretty much the updates for me i think you know i'm looking back on my notes and that's all i've pretty much got but again i think you know i thought to myself well it's only gonna be bloody 10 minutes first episode and here we are louise has literally just sat for 20 minutes talking to herself i mean if that's not impressive i don't know what is so yeah i hope you thought this was good i mean i thought it was absolute shit uh but here we go i've made a commitment i'm gonna commit to you alex bailey and brandon and um i'm gonna keep doing it so yeah i hope you enjoy your coffee or how whatever you're drinking while you're listening to me chatter on i love you loads and um catch you at the next one

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