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You know, this news came out that this asshole got arrested. We all know this person because they had been involved with Pod Trash for quite some time, along with their friend, the Cereal Eater. And these two idiots showed up to Pod Trash around the time where Gonzo and Eric were doing a show. And initially, Cereal Eater was calling into Gonzo's show as sort of a co-host. I don't know, I think Gonzo somehow got, you know, finessed by this guy. He got finessed. This is how it all started. I'm trying to, like, piece back together the beginning of this. And remember how it all went down. It started with Gonzo getting a laptop. And then, after that point, this guy, Jack, was allowed to be on the show all the time. And he was calling in, having his brother on the air, and they were having these fake, dramatic stories where it was like, Jack, you never talk to Mom, and Mom's disappointed in you, and you don't do anything for us. And then Jack would go, Are you kidding? I bought her a $20,000 car, and I gave you all this money. I've done plenty for the family. And it was like this fake drama that they were creating on the air. And I guess Gonzo enjoyed that, for some reason. And he was also being pampered by this guy. Like, Hey, I'll send you a free laptop. They were starting, that was the beginning of them starting to, kind of, get their claws into things that were on Podtrash, to try and, you know, eventually plan their own thing. And this guy would be on the show, and then sometimes Gonzo would show up late, 20 minutes, and then this guy would just be hosting Gonzo's show. When else on Podtrash has some guy who's just a caller suddenly become the host? So I'm like, There has to be something going on here. It doesn't make any sense. So then, fast forward to Monotone Matt. Monotone Matt starts calling into Gonzo's show, and then people go, Oh, Monotone Matt! The guy who, he was dating that girl, Giggles, the little girl, the little person. Is that the proper word? Fuck it, midget. That midget, Giggles, she used to call into the Stern Show, and then she passed away, and then so Matt had this whole thing where he would call into the Stern Show and be really upset about Giggles. So people remembered him. They're like, Oh yeah, Monotone Matt, that's pretty cool. You know, we didn't really think too much of it. And then, at some point, Voytek, yeah, Voytek had ran a show for him. Just as a fun thing to do, just to see how it would go. Shortly after that, I agreed to run Monotone Matt's show one time. As an experiment. And that's, hence the name, the Monotone Matt Experiment. That's where that name came from. I said, I want to do an experiment. See if Matt could go on the air and see what happens. And I only planned to do it one time, and that was it. Because then the next Thursday, Matt started contacting me, and he was like, Hey Woosh, that was really fun. Can we do it again? Like, when are we going on? Like, he assumed we were just going on the air every Thursday from then on. And I had to break it to him. I was like, oh Matt, like, I'm not really looking to commit to doing a show for you. I was just doing that for fun. That was just like an experiment. Maybe sometime when I'm, you know, I feel like going on and doing a show with you, we can do it. Or maybe someone else will agree to run the show. And he was like, oh man, oh okay, okay. He was like really disappointed. And I kind of felt bad, because at that point I didn't really know too much about him. So then I get a call from Jack. And Jack goes, hey, so what would it take to get you to run Matt's show every week? What would, do I have to pay you? Whatever it takes, I'll do it. And I said, I don't really do that, like charge people to run a show. But I really don't want to do this. Like, I don't want the extra commitment. If anything, I want less. And I'm already running Gonzo's show. I'm already running my own show. And then I'd be running Matt's show too. And then he's like, okay, so well, I can pay you. And I said, okay, so fine, give me $50 per show. And we'll make an agreement that I'll do it for one month, $50 per show. And he said, yeah, that's fine. So he gave me $200, $200 to run Matt's show. We did the whole first month. That went well, I guess. As well as it could have gone. And then it came to the second month, and then Jack had spoken to me again. And he's like, so what do you think? Like, do you want to keep doing this? What would it take to keep doing this? And I said, I don't know, $100. And he was like, okay, I guess. I was like, wow, this guy's actually going to do this. Fine, $100. Finally, my talents are worth some money. And he said, yeah, I'll do that. So we started. And he said to me, during that call, he said, okay, listen. If Monotone Matt doesn't make more than I just paid you in donations for his show, and you don't get more donations through that show than I just gave you, then, you know, then we'll say fuck it. He's like, but he was basically saying, I promise you, you're going to make a lot of donations. So that was him already knowing the fact that this other guy, what have we settled on? Giant porpoise, a sloth, was going to show up and start donating to the show. He already knew this. He knew this long ago. So, of course, that starts happening. You know, we're doing Monotone Matt's show, and then a $50 donation comes in. And while that's extremely crazy, it's still not weird yet. I was like, wow, $50. That's awesome. Like, thank you. Then it starts getting really strange. And you see $100 comes in, $200 donation, $300 donation. And this continues over this course of the next four weeks. So this is the second month of Matt's show. Jack has paid me to run the show. I'm obliging my agreement on that. And then these donations start coming in. And they're saying like, oh, $100, Matt is Jesus or some stupid shit. And then sometimes it would be like, hey, have Matt do this. Play a song or something. So this guy is donating to PodTrash because of Matt's show. And then we get into this weird territory where apparently Jack had told Matt that I owe him 70% of all donations that come in. And this is where the behavior of these guys starts to come in. Like, this is exactly how they operate with everybody in their life. And I could tell the first time I talked to Jack, I was like, this guy is a complete bullshit artist. You ever speak to someone who's just like a car salesman on the phone? You know, he has that kind of demeanor where everything he's saying to you just sounds like complete horseshit. But you're being polite and you're like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that sounds good. He'd be like, hey, whoosh. Yeah, we need to like throw like $3,000 into marketing. That's what you need to do to make your business successful. And I'm just like, wait, really? If you advertise your business, it potentially brings in more people? Like, that's one of the key successes to a good business? I didn't know that. Thank you. And I was thinking, you know, we've done no marketing whatsoever, paid marketing. Podtrash has gotten advertisement for free by simply putting out good content to the point where Howard Stern, the number one radio show, plays clips of it and promotes it for nothing. You know how much money it costs to get an ad spot on Howard Stern, let alone a 10-minute segment where he's talking about a show on Podtrash for free? That's insane. And I mean, that started the idea of even doing that, clearly, because, you know, they replicated that too. But yeah, so that was his idea. He's like, oh, we got to market you. I'm like, yeah, okay, whatever. At this point, I didn't have any sort of solid plan to give him yet. So we continued on, the donations were coming in, and I just found it really odd. I'm like, who is this guy that's just donating all this money? It's just so weird. Not that I'm complaining about it, I just, I don't know, there's something off about it. Like, I was expecting, okay, at some point, these PayPal donations are going to be some fake fucking donation or stolen donation from a stolen account and they're all going to get charged back or something like that. So I was just kind of on edge about it. I didn't really, I wasn't like celebrating, like, holy shit, look at all this legit money. I was like, holy shit, some criminal is fucking donating to Pontrest. This is crazy. So now we're at like the end, towards the end of the second month. And so the obligation to run that show is coming to an end. And Jack comes up with the idea that this other guy is completely unbeknownst to him donating to the show and they just happen to live in the same state, but they completely don't know each other. I'm like, okay, I'll play along with your little bullshit story. You guys don't know each other, right? Okay, so whatever. So then he goes, here's a great idea. Here's what you should do. You should contact this guy and ask him to give you $20,000 to run Matt's show for a year. And in exchange, Matt has to put a tattoo of his name on his body, which he had already done for this guy Jack, which is just so bizarre and sickening that someone actually finds pleasure in branding someone like a cow, literally, utilizing people, manipulating them like their toy. I don't know, it's just, there's something really, really dark about that. There's something mentally wrong with the person who actually gets enjoyment out of that. And, of course, he does it in a way to make it seem like I'm the one requesting this. So he says, you should email this guy, right? And you should say, hey, I will do Matt's show for a year if you pay $20,000 and also Matt will get a tattoo of your name. So, of course, the email's coming from me to this guy. So it sounds like I'm the one that cares about the fucking tattoo and I made sure of it because I knew this is what was happening. I made sure to write, hey, I don't give a fuck about the tattoo. I don't know what this is about. But doing $20,000 would definitely make me want to do Matt's show for a year. That's exactly what would happen if Jack would have continued paying me what he paid me for an entire year. So it's not like I was getting more money. It was the same amount. And in my head, I'm like, this is ridiculous. As we all know, when things are too good to be true, they are. That is how life works. There is no such thing as easy money. There's no such thing as some beneficiary is going to show up and just dump all this money on your lap. Even if you do a lot of work for free, no one is going to see that and recognize, oh, this guy has been working for so long for free. Let me just give him a bunch of money. No one does that. That's just not how things work. So I knew that. I knew that going into this. And I was sort of like at the point where I just want to, you know, get this over with and see if this is for real in any capacity or not. So I asked him and to my surprise, he goes, okay. Okay, this better be a big tattoo. And then this is where it starts to get very, very strange. This tattoo better be huge. It better be like the size of his body. He says, okay, give me your address. I'm going to send you a cashier's check for $20,000 and then you have to use that and pay for the tattoo. What? I have to pay for the tattoo with the money you're sending me? If that was the deal, then why wouldn't you just pay for the tattoo and then send me less whatever it costs for the tattoo, right? And that's when it clicks for me. I'm like, okay, everything is falling into place now. Now I understand Jack and I understand this fucking guy. I know exactly what the two of them are up to. Immediately in my head, I said, this guy is trying to send me a fake cashier's check and what he wants me to do is go and cash that check. If you go to a bank and you try to cash that, what do you think will happen? They're not going to, the SWAT team is not going to come down from the ceiling and go, this is fake. They're going to cash it and they're going to give you $20,000. And if you're someone with feeble-minded IQ, you're going to go, holy shit, I just got $20,000. It's for real. Time to go on a spending spree, right? Time to go to the store and go buy shit. I mean, I have the money in my hand, so it's legit. Then, in their mind, the next point of the plan is, okay, well, sure, he gave me $20,000, so I have to pay for the tattoo. Why not? Why not? Why don't I do that? So now I'm going to cash this check, get $20,000, give this guy a part of that money. And this is where he earns his money off the top. What do you think happens? So you cash that thing. It works. A week goes by, two weeks go by, and then suddenly you get a call from your bank saying, hey, that check that you cashed was not real. It bounced and it's a fake. What do you do then? Now you're on the hook for the full $20,000, even including the money that you gave to this fuckhead who got you into this mess. So now you're basically giving him fucking money to cash a check and then owe $20,000. So now you're down. So let's say the tattoo cost a thousand bucks. Now you're down a thousand bucks. So now you have to find a thousand dollars to pay back the 20 grand and you're potentially facing jail time. And now you're an accessory to this guy's fucking crimes. So I'm like, no, thank you. No, thank you. That is not happening. I wrote him back and I was very polite when I said, I said, I have no offense, but I'm not accepting a cashier's check. It's just not something that I'm going to do as a business. And he wrote back, you need to trust me. You're really paranoid. You need to get over that. Basically making me feel like a douche for saying no thanks to a cashier's check. And I said, listen, if you want to do this or you don't, I don't really mind. My life is not counting on this money. It would just be nice to have an investment to pod trash and actually make it something bigger than what it is now. And that would help tremendously. I said, if you want to do it, it's got to be the same way it was done before through PayPal. And listen, I'm not crazy. I don't need to expect 20 grand at fucking in one shot. You can send me a portion of it now and then do it over the year. You can do it over the course of a year if you're committed for the full year. I don't care. I don't care if it's all at once or in pieces. He writes back, says, yeah, I agree. I agree that that's fine. All I need to do is start to move money around. So give me a few days to move money around. I'm thinking, okay, yeah, move money around. What do you mean move money around? You mean from someone else's pocket to yours? What is he talking about? So I say, okay, he goes off. So then I message Jack and I go, listen, this guy was offering me like a $20,000 cashier's check. You know how fucking fake those things can be. And then he's like, I think you should trust that guy. He sounds like a very trustworthy guy. I'm like, these two fuckheads are in cahoots. They probably do this to a bunch of people. So I don't say that. I go, well, I got him to agree to do PayPal. And then he's like, okay, well, here's what you should do. Why don't you just send a list of all the things that Matt needs that use Matt as the scapegoat? Why don't you send him a list of all the things that Matt needs to run his own show? And then he'll buy all the equipment so you don't have to buy Matt anything. And he'll give you the money also on top of that. And I said, so this guy now suddenly wants me to send him a whole list of what Matt needs to run his show so that you have a complete list of what you need to run a show in general, and then I have to teach him how to do it so then you learn how to do it. You think I was born yesterday, you fucking idiot. You're not smart enough. Of course, what do you think happens? Gonzo's show is in a few days, so it took a few days to move the money around. Here we go. Gonzo's show starts. And this is on the cusp of Gonzo being fed this idea that I take over the show every week. He has somehow now gotten in his head that me running his show equates to me talking the entire time and ruining it. And I'm thinking I can understand if that was actually happening. I would have no issue with you accusing me of that, but that is not what happens. Prior to this at that episode, I had taken the phone calls for Gonzo and was running a show and he didn't ever bother to buy a Skype number so he could take his own phone calls. So I was paying for a Skype number and taking the phone calls. And I would get on the air to say, hey, that 619 is on the air. And then even later on, I started just typing in the Skype chat because I didn't want to talk on his show. I was glad when I could just put him on the air and then disappear and not really have to interact with it at all. So for the final show, I said, okay, fine, if you feel that way, get a Skype number and I'll teach you how to set it up and take your own phone calls. And then all I have to do is put you on the air, play your intro song, and then leave. Then you control the whole show. And then I sign you off when it's over. And he agrees to that. He gets a Skype number. Then I'm thinking now, back on that, wow, even Gonzo is in on it. So he was trying to figure out how to take his own fucking phone calls. Fucking... He made up some bullshit that I'm taking over the show in order for me to teach him how to set up his own calls so he can take them. It's just... It's so ridiculous. And I'm like, wow, so yeah, they sent this fucking guy a laptop too. So they were doing this for weeks before. The whole thing of donating me money and it was to keep me around and keep me invested in helping them figure out how to do this fucking thing. Because they were, I guess, assumed this is some genius idea that if just a bunch of money was tossed at it, it would blossom into this amazing company that's very profitable. And I'm like, Jesus Christ. Who manipulated who? I'm actually skipping a part where I said before that I didn't actually have a business plan sent to him yet, but I eventually actually did write up one where I said there is... What I would be using the $20,000 for. And I said, listen, I want... Half of it is going to go towards developing an app. And it's not going to be this piece of shit that you ended up seeing elsewhere where you just pay $100 for an Apple developer account and then you plug in all your information like app title, app logo, and then you literally click and drag RSS feed into it and that'll display all the downloads of your show and then put this link here so you can put the video. All they did was some drag-and-drop bullshit. My idea was an app that actually does more than just be a middleman between you and iTunes. I was looking for an app that actually is all in one thing where people can utilize it to actually go on the air and stream to PodTrash without having any knowledge. They would open it and then they can just go on air if they have a login to get into that. Then it would have video streaming and the audio streaming, the Twitters and the chat room, all that stuff in one app. Not just a thing where you can stream the shows the same way you can on iTunes. So I said that would be half the money. The other half would go split between building a video server so I can get on PodTrash and do video on Sensor the same way we do audio because no matter what platform you're on, YouTube, Twitter, Periscope, whatever it is, it's censored. Someone is going to censor you either through demonetizing your videos or blocking your videos. You can't even play music because then it gets copystriked. So there's no, like, fun to be had doing a live show on those platforms. So I wanted to make my own. Essentially my own fucking YouTube. Not just a video server. A YouTube. A new version of YouTube that's uncensored. Which is very ambitious. It's much bigger than any ideas that they had over there. So I said that would be one half of the second half. And then the rest of it, I wanted to try and find people who actually had followings like we've been doing the whole time, finding people to come on PodTrash either as a guest or even possibly do a show like we've approached many people to do shows that have followings. A lot of the people that ended up on that other place. But I want to be able to offer them money because that's the roadblock that I've always come to. And even people that we know very well that have a good following and they have every reason to want to work with us. And I would say, listen, we can run a show for you completely free. We distribute it. We can do video if you want. Everything's done for you. And all you have to do is show up. And what we're getting in exchange is the people that you bring in. And of course it always went, well, how much money do I make? That's just expected. That's expected. When you're doing work, you only see it as work. You don't see, okay, this guy is doing work too. And so it evens out. That's not how people who make money in the entertainment industry think. They think, okay, I'm showing up to your shitty place and giving you attention. So I deserve money, which I understand. So that was the other thing. I was like, okay, I just want to have a bankroll to actually give some money to some people and maybe get some pretty cool people to show up at PodTrash. So I sent him this whole thing. It was a whole business outline of what I wanted to do with it and an agreement of what he would get out of it in exchange. And this was sent to Jack, not the other douchebag. Of course that douchebag had had it somehow, even though they didn't know each other. But then they became friends, of course, naturally for their love for Matt. They shared their love for Monotone Matt and became friends. So yeah, back to the final Gonzo show. It was very odd. If you go back and listen to it today, you're still going to see it. You're still going to see exactly what I'm talking about. The show starts and I don't say a goddamn thing. The entire show, I don't speak. And then it gets to about an hour in and then Jack and Monotone Matt call in and they start on this whole bullshit about how I scammed Matt and I sent him used equipment and he was supposed to get parts of the donations and he never did and just spinning all this bullshit. Which was basically his whole thing that he enjoyed doing. Telling one person something, lying to them and then telling someone else something else so that the two people will be in conflict or releasing some sort of fake image of like Crystal taking a shit. He thinks he's some genius puppet master. The problem is the people who take the thing, the stupid thing you do and actually make it entertaining by going on air and talking about it and making it a bit about whether Crystal shits or not is the actual talent. Anybody can make shit up. That's not funny. That's not interesting. That's not clever. Doesn't make you a puppet master. It just, it makes you a kid with a two-year-old imagination able to conjure up that Crystal shits for money because she was a, you know, prostituting herself and you just went an extra level. Wow. Very smart of you. Where'd you come up with that one? Yeah, she probably does shit for money. That's the real joke. I'll get into that too. Don't worry. People have been saying, well, whoosh, Danny from LA, whoosh, why don't you talk about this stuff? Whoosh. Whoosh, why don't you talk about I love you? I don't know because everybody has talked about it. I mean, I really don't want to give them the attention. That was my thinking. Bunch of people have said this. Why don't you talk about it? Robin put out a tweet saying that I was going to talk about it and a lot of people liked the tweet or whatever. So I'm like, okay, fine. I'll give you my take on it. But if you're one of these people who don't give a shit about it, then I apologize and I'm talking about it. But I do want to get it over with. Put closure on that whole thing because I felt like this was kind of a really big blow to PodTrash. It didn't stop PodTrash. It didn't ruin anything, but it definitely was a change to the site for multiple reasons that I'll get into. So final show for Gonzo Shitcock show happens and they get on the air, Matt Monotone, Matt and Jack, and they start talking all this shit and making me out to be some like guy who rips people off and scams them. Are you fucking kidding me? I've been doing this for 10 years for free. Finally, someone gives me money in exchange for doing this shit. Something I didn't even want to do, run that horrible show with this fucking guy who's just a complete maniac, drunk, drug addict, fucking, UGH! UGH! UGH! I had to sit there on Skype for two hours with him, teaching him how to plug in cables to an Xbox and he almost strangled himself with it. And he broke it like 10 minutes after I got him set up and he sounded amazing and then he breaks it. And then he blamed, they all blame me and they're like, it's because you send them shitty equipment. I'm like, yeah, is it more likely that me, of all people, sent them shitty equipment or is it more likely that he's a retard and fucking broke it? I mean, get out of here. That's shit. At first I'm like, okay, whatever. You know, they're going to be mad at me. I don't give a shit or claim I'm scamming them. I'm just going to say, fuck you, you're lying. But then it gets really weird. I'm writing in the Skype chat because Gonzo starts going, whoosh, aren't you going to say anything? And I write in the Skype chat. I don't even go on the mic. I write to Gonzo. You just said that I always take over your show and I agreed I won't talk anymore in the Skype chat and he's like pushing me to do it. He's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, let them, let them, why don't you let them talk? Whoosh, whoosh, what, why don't you let them talk? And then, then, and then give him five minutes and then you come on the air. And I'm like, no, still on the Skype chat. I don't want to say anything. This is exactly what you don't want me to do and now you're forcing me to do it. I said, I don't want to say anything. And he's like, come on, whoosh, come on, come on, whoosh, this is a, just, just say something. So then I finally get on the mic and I say, okay, everything they're saying is complete bullshit. I don't trust these fucking idiots. Go back and listen to this. I, I specifically state that him and his stupid friend are fucking criminals that are trying to pass off their fraud to me and get me involved in it and try to give me money that they stole from other fucking people and I don't want anything to do with it. And I say to Jack, take your $20,000 and shove it up your fucking ass. Go back and listen to it. It's now all come out that, oh my God, there's this document, there's that document proving this and I'm like, I didn't even have those documents and I knew this. From the fucking first moment I spoke to these people, I said, these two guys are criminals. They're criminals. It's written all over them. It's so easy to see exactly. Nobody has that kind of money to throw around on something so frivolous. Nobody. Nobody has that kind of money. When that happens, they're usually getting it by ill-gotten gains. So, that's the end of the show and then suddenly, Gonzo starts getting it on and going, well, wish, wish you're being an asshole, wish you're being an asshole and I'm like, this seems very forced. Gonzo is now faking a fight with me just to have a reason to leave and I knew it while it was happening because I was like, what are you talking about, Gonzo? And he's like, no, no, no, wish, wish, you're just, you're just, you're just an asshole and I said something like he insulted me and then I insulted him back and then he kind of forgot the fact that he ever said anything and made it seem like I just was going at him and I'm getting roped and manipulated into this fight and it's just ridiculous but I understand what's happening and I said, what's going to happen is he's going to leave and then there's going to be some new website where he goes to and this is going to be his excuse to leave. Of course, that show ends and that's essentially what happens. They all leave and they go to do their own thing utilizing the business plan that I had to try and kind of mimic everything I was thinking of doing. They didn't have enough information to actually do what I want to do or probably not even enough money either but they tried. They definitely tried and I certainly didn't go, oh no, this site is going to ruin me. I'm so worried. It was sort of like, yep, I figured that. I figured that these guys were going to do that the whole time and I said, you know what? Go ahead and do it because honestly, what I've realized over the whole course of doing this thing was that being associated with the Howard Stern show was the biggest mistake I ever made. It was the biggest mistake. It was one of the things that got a bunch of people here. A lot of these people that are here who showed up to WDM, honestly, more so than this place, showed up because they were fans of the Howard Stern show and if I didn't have that association then a lot of these people, I wouldn't have met them but at the same time after WDM ended, it was good for that website, obviously, because that's what it was about but PodTrash was supposed to be original and it started out that way. It was me and Booney doing a show and a couple other people, Whitey, Whitey Ford. I don't know if you guys remember him. Some of you will. Voytek and a bunch of other people were doing shows and had nothing to do with the Stern show. It was just us getting on and doing original stuff and then weirdly, Joey Boots of all people started calling into one of the other shows that we had. Maxwell and Cactus Matt were doing a show and he would call into that all the time and then it turned into Joey Boots getting a show. It was just so weird that I had a whole website dedicated to Stern. It was possibly, no, it was the number one Stern fan site on the entire internet above Stern Fan Nation, Stern Fan Network, Dog Shed, whatever the fuck you want to talk about. That site, WDM, was the best Stern site ever. Not just because of the community. It had that. It also had, like, the craziest archive of content ever seen for any show, let alone Howard Stern. It was the craziest archive for anything, any bit of entertainment. 10,000 plus files of just, like, videos and audio and stuff and, like, very well organized. So, after that, I'm like, that was perfect for that site. PodTrash should be original. Started that way. Joey Boots shows up and I'm like, how strange is it that I try to make an original thing and then someone from the Stern universe wants to do a show on PodTrash and becomes the famous person who brings traffic into the site. It's like fate almost. Howard Stern always has to have some sort of hand in what I'm doing. I was excited that Joey was coming here and doing a show, but in the back of my head, and Maxwell, he's not here, but he would know this, that I said to him, yeah, I don't, I kind of wanted to get away from the Stern thing, like, I'm excited for Joey to come, but if his show turns into a Stern fan show, I don't, I don't think that's a good idea. And he's like, yeah, no, dude, I agree. I think it'll be cool. He doesn't want to talk about Stern. He doesn't talk about it when he calls my show. All right, fine. Let's give it a shot. So we have Joey Boots did his show and it turned out great. Honestly, he never really spoke about the Stern show whatsoever other than when he got clips played on it. It was Joey and Joey's life. That was the key. Joey Boots was the only person in the Whack Pack that could have had a show because he actually has had a personality and a life outside of being on the Stern show, filming videos in Union Square and Times Square all over New York City and on WorldStarHipHop, millions of views on there and you couldn't sit and listen to Hype-a-jeric talking about fucking politics. But I mean, it would be funny when you get any substance out of it. This is what I'm trying to say. It was better to have Joey and then you have Hype-a-jeric as a guy who just calls in to add some humor to it. So when Gonzo left, Joey had already been dead. And so I wasn't really that interested in Gonzo to the point where I was like, I can't lose Gonzo. I just wanted to continue the legacy of Joey by having Gonzo and Eric on Podtrash. That was the next best thing to Joey. And so when he left, I was like, you know what? Fine. Finally, I'll be able to get away from the Stern show. It's going to take a shitload of people away from the website. I know that. But I don't care. I don't care because I'd rather have less people and be 100% original. So they left and they started their own thing and we all saw it. I don't have to recap that because it was really kind of a in the grand scheme of things. It was a giant fart. It was a turd. It didn't operate the way Podtrash operates. And fast forward to the current events now, we find that the guy ends up getting arrested. He's he had a warrant out for his arrest. He claims he skipped a court date. Hey guys, just wanted you to know. Yeah, so this whole thing was about me skipping a court date. You know, let's just ignore the 50 pages of felonies that I committed. Defrauding banking institutions and passing out fake checks and ripping people off and stealing money and ruining people's lives and all that. But I just I just missed a court date. That's all it's about. I'm fighting the man. I'm fighting this case. The man is on me and I have to get him off. Let me make this very clear. The only time you should ever get on a microphone ever again and have anybody give two shits is if you actually come forward for the first time in your life and be honest and be real and tell people your criminal fucking history what you did what you're dealing with now and be truthful. People would tune into that and go holy shit. And you know what? You might for the first time in your life actually obtain a semblance of respect because you certainly didn't have it on that fucking website even though you try to portray it as hey guys, I know you're all gonna miss me and we had a great run. No. Every single person there was there because they were either getting something from you or you were fucking sending them money or equipment with the exception of Crystal who is the only person who actually respected you and you know why? Because she's a fucking criminal too. She's the same person as you and the reason she fucking defended you and sympathizes with you is because she's an idiot. She's an idiot criminal who is actively breaking the law and goes oh this guy is a criminal too and he loves he loves being immoral and ripping people off and she thinks in her twisted head sorry I'm flustered she thinks in her twisted head that because she recognizes what it's like to live a life where you're desperate and you have to commit crimes to survive that she understands him. Here's the thing. If you're someone who has done some shitty thing in the past that shouldn't be a reason why you understand someone else doing it and you enable them and encourage them. It should be the reason why you teach them not to do it and you say listen I've been through that it leads nowhere you shouldn't be doing that. You shouldn't you shouldn't sympathize and fucking enable someone committing crimes just because you were a criminal. So what you saw there was just two people enabling each other really. They were like thinking they're fucking Bonnie and Clyde. I would not even be surprised if they were passing off fake checks and he was giving Crystal the money from it and that's why she's like oh shit finally for the first time in my life I don't have to think about getting a job. This big fucking walrus is going to support my ass. So whatever if it means claiming that that's not his real middle name or getting on and claiming we have a child and manipulating people and lying and doing all this bullshit and saying it was just a big troll to get him to pay my fucking ass so I don't have to jerk guys off. Hell yeah. Why not? There's my dream boat. My dream boat has docked. That was Crystal's dream man. So he basically manipulated everybody and I just find it really funny that he tries to claim it was the same thing. Here's the difference. Everyone that shows up to PodTrash or listens to PodTrash is here because they have a shared interest in doing radio. They have the same passion. They love it here. They love the people here. They love the community. We have an actual connection with each other and we do this for fun and because we love doing it. Anybody who was there was enticed by this idea that you were going to start paying people to do a show. That was the only reason they were there and everybody pretty much except for Crystal I think and maybe Eric or what is Andy Dick actually got paid. Nobody else got any money. They fooled fucking JimmerNam to come there because here's the thing. They had my business plan but they had no fucking clue how to run a video show. So they needed someone to teach them how to run videos. They said oh look at this fucking guy with glasses on. I could have went a different direction with that. Look at this. Look at this fucking guy. He seems to know what he's doing. He knows how to get on a mic and make it sound good and do video. Let's get him over here. Tell him we're going to pay him $3,000 and then never pay him but he'll teach us. So get over here JimmerNam. You're extremely talented. Just teach us how to work this thing. This thingamajig then we'll pay you $3,000 after and then he teaches them everything and what do you think happens? Like he doesn't even realize this. I have to teach him too. They suddenly start going JimmerNam it's a problem that you're doing a show when other shows are on this shithole. You got to only go on when you're scheduled on here and then you can't do any other shows and he's like well this is what I do. I'm just kind of simulcasting on your network. I'm not dedicating all my time to one time slot. I like to go on multiple times a week. So when my show is not on here I can go on my own thing and do it whenever. He didn't realize they didn't actually care about that. They didn't care that he was going on at the same times as other shows. They were getting rid of you. They needed a reason to get rid of you because they didn't want to pay you money. So you already taught them what they needed to know. They got what they needed out of you and then they're like let's get rid of this fucking guy but we need a reason. Oh you're doing shows during other shows. That's what they do. That is what they do. Everything in their life is about manipulation and trying to you know play things like fucking they're playing checkers basically. They're not even playing chess. It's just this way of how do we manipulate and move all these pieces in our favor and make us look like the good guy in the end. How do we get what we want without coming across as an asshole? An asshole we have to make it seem like the other person's the asshole. That's the only option. How do we do that? You're disrespecting the network by going on at the same time as other people. You're an asshole. And then people ask, oh what happened to Chippernam? Oh well he was an asshole who went on when other people did and he didn't respect the network and the schedule and how do you nail that home? You call into his show while he's on the air and you spark up an entire fucking argument with him so it's a back and forth because you know he's going to shoot off the mouth and go go fuck yourself. I'll go on whenever I want. And that's exactly what happened. He played right into that. So then people would go, hey Chippernam sounds crazy. But this other guy he's paying people to do shows from what I hear. They even fooled Booney and Chuck Steak. That was the biggest blow out of everything. They took Gonzo, fine. They took Bobo. I was heartbroken. Bobo, like what are we going to do without Bobo? Bobo from California was possibly the most important thing to Podtrash's success and him not being here is the reason why I quit. Now fuck Bobo and his fucking hot tub. He was the biggest joke of all because me and J Dummy, I don't know if you guys remember this. We actually had a conversation privately where we said you know what? Let's send Bobo over to that site and pretend he's on a mission where he's there to infiltrate the site and figure out if they actually pay anybody or give them anything. And what's going to happen is he's just going to actually go there because he's such a kiss-ass wannabe Howard Stern fan he would do anything to be closer to Howard and since Gonzo left here and the Stern thing is over there he's totally going to go there and then we don't have to get rid of him and tell him how badly he sucks where he goes on the air and plays this awful fucking music. So it's an easy way to get rid of him. So I guess we sort of manipulated a little bit too. We were trying to make him look like the asshole instead of us. You know, what can I tell you? In that case it was warranted because that guy's a fucking douche. So that's exactly what happened. He left and then he would write to me these messages like so yeah, they gave me the call and they want me to do a show there like he was like passing me secret fucking spy notes. Yeah, so I went in and they offer me equipment and money and yeah, I'm going to do a show at Medicated Pete and it's pretty awesome actually. And I was like, well, let me guess you're going there for real. Well, I didn't want to say it but this is great and it's called Gonzo. It's called Gonzo podcast. That's such a dope name. It's so lit. That's how he talked. I wanted to punch him in the mouth. So he left. I didn't care. And yeah, that's pretty much it. I don't think I don't think you're going to recreate the community of Podtrash by just offering people money because that's not what brought people here to begin with. Money is great, but it definitely doesn't buy respect. That's for sure. It buys fake respect. In the end who really got manipulated? Was it the guy who stole people's money and paid a bunch of people or sent a bunch of equipment to people in order to run a network that was not successful get arrested and then shut down the website or is it the people who all saw this big fucking mark handing out money for nothing to people with no talent that don't deserve money to do their show and they go. Hey, I'm getting free equipment or money out of this fucking retard. This is great. Who's really getting manipulated in the end and that's the funny sad story. That's the the lesson learned here. The manipulator got manipulated in the end. He fucking paid me to teach him how to do this shit thinking that's all he needed to know then he went and paid a bunch of other people to give him content and run their video show and he's thinking oh I am so in debt to all these people and all these banks that I need to find a legitimate source of income and he doesn't just manipulate people on the internet. It's his ex-wife his current wife his last wife. They were investigating her fucking accounts to see if she was funneling his money through it. So then you start to go. Holy shit marrying a woman and giving her money just to funnel it through her accounts because all the donations that he sent me came from his wife's account. I realized this like after the fact that way all those PayPal donations were through his wife's PayPal not his and I'm like is that really holy shit? That's crazy. Could you imagine being a fucking guy who's just like defrauded so many people you're just this fucking criminal and then you like actually marry women so you can hide your money. Oh my God. Yeah, that's funny. Just master zero says he's one fat fuck. How did he get laid? The funniest thing is when that whole thing was going down where he was like exposing pod trash and he was talking shit about Robin and me and all these other people and John and he claims all I had to say was you're a fat fuck and he claims I'm not fat. I don't know. What is this the talking about that? I'm fat and then he looks down at himself and look fat and pulls his shirt out. Look, I'm not fat. Then we see a photo of this guy and holy shit. He's bigger than high-pitched Eric. Like how could you be in denial at that point? That's like high pitch Eric saying he's skinny. I'm just this bold. No, you're morbidly obese. You're going to die. He was huge bigger than I thought. I'll give him that like on camera. He looks smaller than he really isn't because he was cutting off the camera at a stomach Jesus Christ. He is a blob. Yes. He is a giant mass. Not that that's the worst thing about him. He's just a shitty person to so he's ugly on the outside and inside the anybody who defends that fucking guy's behavior. It's just as bad as he is. I don't care what your past is and you think I understand him. He's he's just a mysterious troubled individual and I understand him. I can fix him. No, he is a piece of shit who steals money from people like old elderly couples the most easily manipulated people on Earth, which shows you he's just a sociopath. He's just a sociopath. No, John don't even compare yourself to that guy. You are a fit man compared to this thing. Have you seen the picture? Have any of you seen it? It's him sitting at like a diner and he's with speech impediment man and like his wife and two kids and the kids aren't his by the way, and he's sitting at this table and he's Oh fucking huge. Oh my God static. You're sick. That is probably what it looks like. Yeah, he protected me crystal things. I get it though. I mean if I'm crystal and some guys, you know willing to dole out all this money for me and try to help me survive. Yeah, sure. I'll tell myself lies. Why not? It's easy you saying that you understand. I mean, you're just going to fucking hang out with them and and you understand how he committed crimes as you did the same thing. I mean crystal told a story once where she was dating some dude and she said her and this dude went on like a robbery spree like robbing fucking Best Buy's and Walmart's and shit and she like told it like a badge of honor. She's like, yeah, we were like we were like Bonnie and Clyde. We robbed all these stores together and then we do drugs with the money. I was like, wow, that's really that's deep. It's quite a memory. So I think that's that's kind of what she seeks. She seeks the familiar someone who commits crimes also because it's it's someone who's not going to tell them to get their shit together. That is the key. She wanted someone she loved him probably because he's a guy who does worse things than she does and is never going to say listen crystal. You need to stop jerking guys off for money. Listen crystal. You need to stop doing drugs. Listen crystal. You should go get a job. No, I'm going to give you money that I stole from someone else and I'm going to say yeah, I get why you jerk guys off for money and commit crimes and don't see your children that that makes total sense. I don't give a fuck about my kids either. That's why I'm living in this weird apartment just so I can do a weird fucking radio show. No one gives a fuck about set up 10 monitors just so I can show off to like 20 people on the internet with stolen money and put on a podcast with some other fucking weirdo misshapen head who just goes. Oh, yeah. Yeah, my yes, man. He's like pinky in the brain. Oh, yeah, all of that just to ignore his fucking wife and kids. Someone said this in the discord a couple of days ago, and it's so true. Everyone at Podtrash despite how insane we are and crazy people are we all actually have common sensibilities and morality when it comes to like being your children's life and being upstanding people not stealing from people not putting out people's personal information. Everybody on Podtrash is by definition versus everybody else that we've kind of come into contact in other communities great people and that's not saying much. I mean Jesus Christ and we even say maybe there's not that high of a probability but we got a lot of people with kids here. We got Jay Voight tech Robin obviously got Jay dummy. I don't know if I'm missing anybody but all of them are fully involved in their kids lives and their kids love them. They're not fucking like on some other side of the country ignoring their kids just so they can do some weird fucking internet show and be involved in internet drama. That is not more important than your kids under in no circumstance. I don't care what you say. Oh, I had a hard life. Oh, I did this or this happened to me. No, you always take care of your kids. You're always in your kids life. There's no excuse even if you're the shittiest person who's on drugs and had heroin problems. No, I don't care. You still should be in your kids lives. If not to just show them what you've gone through and what they should never ever ever do and have an example whether you're their idol or their example of failure. You should still be in their lives and that's coming from someone who doesn't even have fucking kids. So what do you think of that? Suck my dick if you think different and you know Crystal used to be on Pod Trash 2 and I used to actually like Crystal until she just proved herself to be a manipulative lying sack of shit like the other person. I just dissected for an hour. She went down the wrong road like at Pod Trash. She actually had some sort of support system that cared about her and took the things that she was going through and made her laugh about it and still told her. Hey, there's a chance for you to do better supportive people like Janella like a Robin and she backstabbed both of them talk shit about both of them. Talk shit about me and Pod Trash. I have more views than Pod Trash has at this hour of the night on a periscope. That means I'm talented and they've been crystallized. Grow the fuck up. And I had this private DM with Crystal and I said to her seriously. I said this can probably find it. I said Crystal. I hear what's going on with you and you need money and stuff and you're going through shit. Talk to this guy Jack because he sent me money to run a monotone's match show. Maybe he'll help you out since you're going to be interviewing him. Why not ask him? She's like no wish. I don't want anyone's money. I'm not going to do that. Fast forward to basically Crystal saw that as a fucking golden opportunity and clawed her way through that whole network became the face of it practically because her show with fucking what's-his-face Ryan Lever was like one of the main shows on there. So she clawed her way through that whole obstacle to make it to the guy with the money. That's genius. So you got to kind of applaud her in a way people who are manipulative or are smart at some extent, you know, they're not smart when it comes to real life things that actually matter but when it comes to the internet and manipulating your way onto a podcast network to get paid. She's a genius. Oh my God. Have I thrown enough shade yet?

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