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The speaker discusses the idea of adding music to podcasts but expresses disinterest in promoting external sites. They then talk about the best meditation technique, specifically a practice called Chod from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. They explain how to modify it by breathing in positive light and projecting it outward to improve oneself and the environment. The speaker also mentions the original Chod practice, which involves breathing in negative elements and transforming them. They highlight the power of imagination and suggest trying this technique. Hi everyone. I haven't done a podcast for a while. I think maybe I should add some music. People seem to put music at the beginning and end of podcasts and say, please come to my this site and that site and all kinds of things to sign up for. I'm not really interested in doing that, so we'll have to see if that's something that I will do. Probably not. Anyway, I thought I'd talk a little bit about the minimum amount of time and the minimum amount of effort and again, the best meditation techniques that are useful, the best way of being positive. Let's start with the positive practice. The best form of turning the mind around or turning the mind on to a better and more positive aspect of being is something called Chod from the Tibetan tradition, but you can modify this in quite an interesting way. What you can do is, the first thing to do is a few deep breaths, just breathing in and then out, you can do about three of those. And then you start to calm the body if you need to. There's something I need to do because I've been swearing at the computer all morning, not unusual for me, because it doesn't do what I want it to do. This is a control issue if you like. And then the next thing to do is to breathe in positive light. Positive light, just all the positivity you can think of. I really like this idea of the Patronus used by, it's not very fashionable at the moment because of various things, the Patronus, the idea of a positive mist. Start with a positive mist, positive thoughts, anything that makes you laugh or reminds you of some kindness that has happened, doesn't matter how small it is. And you start to breathe in all those positive lights and you extend this into things that you can think of that are positive. Now for me that may be the Buddha for you, it may be a favourite person, a favourite experience, a favourite place. All these things are things that you can draw on, that you can almost suck in, suck in positivity. Now that may seem like you're vampiring all the goodness that is around you and all the goodness that you can think of. But what you're going to do then, once you've done that, is actually project it outwards. So you're going to breathe in the positivity and you're going to amplify it as you breathe it out. And you're going to extend it first to yourself, to your body, to your life, the people that are around you, the wider community that you're in, whatever it is, it doesn't matter what it is, because there are positive aspects to it and you're breathing in something that is positive and you're amplifying it, you're amplifying it within yourself as you breathe it out to yourself, to the people around you, the environment that you're in, whatever that environment is, that's the point of it. You're trying to get used to the idea of let me look at this thing, let me look at this experience, let me look at anything that is happening and make it better. So this is different to the Chod practice, which basically what it does is it breathes in sort of dark smoke and blood and pus and illness and anything that is truly horrendous that you can think of. And some of you, this is a very powerful and useful thing because your mind can be there. And then what you do is you use that as the basis to transform it through the different parts of the body that you can. So you can start with the mind because this is a mind practice and then you can do it through the feelings, the body, the experiences that you've had breathing out and radiating out positivity. So that is the original Chod practice. But as I say, there's no reason why you can't breathe something in that is positive, amplify and breathe it out. So you become a sort of channeling system. Works very well. Works very well for me. And I've started doing it more and using the imagination because the imagination is a very, very powerful tool. Anyway, that's an idea that you might like to play with and make use of and I hope it is useful to you. Okay, bye now.

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