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Lexpresso Podcast - Ep 1 - First Step

Lexpresso Podcast - Ep 1 - First Step

Lexpresso Podcast



Lexpresso Podcast - Ep 1 - First Step "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step" Podcast will explore Personal, Fitness and Business and ways that Matt is looking to improve in these areas. The "First Step" is getting out of your comfort zone and putting yourself into an uncomfortable space where you might be scrutinized. BUT that is where you actually grow.

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The transcript is about the first episode of a podcast called L'Espresso. The host, Matt Lexogray, talks about taking the first step towards personal and business growth. He shares his own experience of starting the podcast and encourages listeners to take their own first steps towards achieving their goals. He emphasizes that growth is achieved by doing something and not by sitting still. He invites listeners to reach out to him and share their first steps and ideas for future podcast topics. The email address to contact him is LexpressoPodcast@gmail.com. This is the L'Espresso podcast episode number one. It's actually take number two because I thought I was recording and didn't hit the record button. So everybody gets a hopefully a better take. At any rate, there is a Chinese proverb that says, a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Today's topic is very straightforward and it ties to the episode number. This is not only my first episode, this is also my first step in the podcast space. All right, who am I? This is Matt Lexogray and I'm going to be your host. And I'm looking for ways to improve my own personal side of things, right? So that's my personal life, family, friends, right? Fitness, I want to be consistent. I want to make myself be able to accomplish difficult things in the fitness space. And then on the business side, I'm working to not only achieve business items for those that I work for, but also business items outside of that, right? So that's exciting for me as well. But the goal of this podcast is really to explore these areas of growth for me, right? And to keep moving forward to get better each and every day. So to that end, look, we all have things that we want to start, right? We put them off because the timing maybe isn't right. Maybe it's tomorrow. Maybe I need to do more research. Maybe there's something that needs to be changed. What I'm going to say is speaking from my own experience, I know that sometimes you just have to take that first step, right? You have to force yourself out of your existing space, out of your comfort zone, out of the, hey, the known into the unknown, right? So I'll give you an example of this just recently, and this is kind of what I've experienced. A good friend of mine, Justin, and I have been chatting monthly about different areas for improvement around these items. How do we improve some of our family experiences? How do we improve some business ideas? How do we improve some of our fitness, right? So that's really helped to really kind of both of us have benefited from that. He mentioned that he was starting a business. He was exploring multiple different businesses that he was looking to get into. He and I had some really cool conversations about pros and cons, and he ultimately picked one. And what was really neat is that he executed on that. He was like, okay, I've found this opportunity. I'm going to go all in on this. And I mentioned to him the podcast, and I've been kind of hemming and hawing. I've been doing my research. I found kind of some of the topics that I felt were really engaging, really ones that I felt would be worth sharing, ones that he and I had actually talked about. And then also found the tech, figured that out. And after that, spoke to him a couple more months, and each time it was, oh, I've got this other thing. I've got this call. I've got this meeting, whatever. That took me out of that. At one point, he basically said, hey, Matt, I know we've got a call coming up, but I don't want to have this call until you actually send me this first episode. Great, right? Sometimes you need that person, that other person in your life to say, hey, hold you accountable. That's what Justin did for me, so I appreciate that. And guess what? Here is my first step. Everything was done. Here is the first step, the first episode, and thanks so much. You're here. You're here with me, right? So I just want to share that, right? For me, the easy part was writing this down, writing down the idea. For you, it's probably the same, right? Writing down what you want to achieve and how you believe you're going to achieve it. But sometimes the difficulty that we all face is that first step, the first kind of public announcement that, hey, I'm going to do this. Why? For me personally, that hesitation was around scrutiny. Hey, it didn't sound quite right. The audio maybe was a little off, or maybe something about that presentation wasn't 100%. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm my own worst critic. Or maybe I'm concerned that someone else will have that feedback for me. However, growth for me is not achieved by sitting still and not doing anything, right? For me, and I would probably say for all of us, growth is achieved by doing something, right? Whether that's exercise, we get growth by doing exercises that strengthen us. By going, if it's running, we get strength by exercising our ability to go further. So, if I am trying to achieve more, then I need to put myself out there, right? So, the beautiful thing is, here's step one. Today is step one in that engagement. All right. So, for those that are listening, I'm going to ask you to be more than just a passenger or a passive listener. I want you to think about areas that how can you find that thing that you've been putting off, that item, that goal, that objective, maybe that person that you want to talk to, or that person that you want to no longer talk to. How do you take that first step in achieving that goal? What I would say is it's not going to be perfect. Take the step. And then guess what? The next step will reveal itself, right? That movement is going to create positive momentum. And that positive momentum is actually going to pour over into other areas of your life. You're going to feel confidence in other areas that are not actually even related to what you were trying to achieve. But because of that positive momentum, you're actually going to get some of that flywheel effect that you have coming out of that. So, best of luck going forward with that. Please feel free to reach out to me. Let me know what that first step was for you. If you have other ideas on maybe other podcast topics that would be of interest or other areas that you think would be of interest, feel free to reach out to me. The best way to get a hold of me is via e-mail. And it's LexpressoPodcast, L-E-X-P-R-E-S-S-O, Podcast, P-O-D-C-A-S-T, at gmail.com. So, pretty straightforward, LexpressoPodcast, at gmail.com. Reach out. Let me know what's happening, what resonates for you. And if you think this is worthwhile, please share it with friends or family that you think would benefit from it. All my best and best of luck going forward.

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