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Simone Biles - 3

Simone Biles - 3

Larry Parks



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Hmm We're back right here on the under plumbing line doc and Larry P to talk talking about Simone Biles and Jonathan Owens and Well, I want to take this now is here we talked a lot about the commentary related to Jonathan Owens interview and some of the comments that I followed from the couple in relation to it and what I realized over time starting with the Will and Jada situation and then other situations that have come up Since then another situation that we're going to talk about next week. Also, this applies to But y'all Really enjoy the downfall of these couples To an unhealthy level and like it made me realize like it used to be this thing on circulating on social media about like, oh Jay-z and Beyonce relationship goals will enjoy the relationship goals and all of these other people who are like relationship goals and now it's shifted towards like Y'all will see a couple like posting about being happy and then y'all go in the comment section to say all of the reasons why You know, they ain't really happy, you know, they did the same thing like now that I'm thinking about it Simone Biles and like her Her husband I want to put emphasis on husband because this be this be what the the black community like It's like a line gets drawn in the sand. All right, and they just move that line base because they was hating on Is it Haley Haley Bailey or How you say Chloe Bailey sister Halle Halle Halle Bailey and her boyfriend the rapper DDG Like maybe like the videos of them be happy together But you know DDG be on there doing some other stuff and they'd be like, oh, yeah girl he's got to leave you or y'all about to break up, but I really should make on work, but When you see them they'd be happy together she pregnant she better have a baby but at the same time What they will use at this point is they ain't married So now that Simone Biles and her husband are together now, it's like oh, well, this is going in soon It's not I don't think they can say much about it But like it's going in soon and what they're waiting on is it don't matter if it's a year five years ten years When it does happen if it does happen, it'll be see I told y'all it wasn't happy I read one time. No, I knew something I read one comment catch a comment said I can't wait to tell y'all I told you so and I was like Who is around waiting for them? What is wrong with you? Where is your man? Why are y'all sitting around wishing people in their relationship like y'all for one day blah Oh, I love black. Love it It's like on one hand people love black love but then when black love is too black or black love is too happy or whatever I Want nobody that happy that's that's my look. I want to put this to a lot of women I want to put it so long if y'all was really happy y'all wouldn't need to put it out there for everybody Huh, let's let's let's let's let's let's let's dial it all the way back. Let's reverse. Let's go Go all the way back a little bit. What was that? This all started because of the interview or a podcast show between Jonathan Owens and Three other guys. Mm-hmm and in my mind what I see is just um men talk recorded And I want a lot of ladies a lot of men are going y'all gonna hate me for this But I want a lot of women to understand this when men are around in a circle of men These are the things we say you like look My wife wouldn't be able to do anything without me or my girl wouldn't be where she is without me now when we with them When you with your girl, you're gonna tell her that she's the catch She the best thing that happened to you ain't nothing that you would do without her. You'll be sick without her But when we with the fellas We were here brush it and you know, so she lucky to have me Are not attracted to men who lack confidence Women are not attracted to uncertainty women are not attracted to timidness Women like like there is a certain there's a certain attractiveness to confidence One thing you could say what you want to say about our presidential candidates Historically, but one thing that is that holds true is the president's that have the most success man They doing my boy Trump so wrong man. They need to let him run Look at our president since like Bill Clinton Bill Clinton confident. He's gonna come out here. He's gonna say he's gonna tell you like it is America I'm gonna tell you We're gonna do what we got to do and I'm gonna do what I got to do behind closed doors But we're still gonna run the country like that bill bill gonna get out into and everybody's just like, yep Okay, what bill got going on? I trust him George W He's gonna run the country and I'm gonna do what I got to do and I'm gonna do what I got to do behind closed doors But we're still gonna run the country like that bill bill gonna get out into and everybody's just like, yep George W Bush Junior He said yeah, jr. He's sitting up here, you know, like things going on We had war the economy and shambles every time you step up to the mic Somebody somebody I've always said this Bill Clinton used to be my favorite president and then George W Bush came and then he became my favorite president just because of what he did somebody made a highlight tape of George W Bush is basically lowlights man But if I can find that thing, I'm gonna send it to you, bro It's every every recorded instance of this man's career This man is always wrong with confidence that is so funny man That man is so the picture that's sitting in your grandmama house Barack Obama Barack Obama was out here being the president while young Jesus was making an album called the recession. We were in a recession for a Significant chunk of this man being president and his men never looked flustered. He never looked confused He never looked concerned. He was just always standing up there telling you like it is trying to confident trying to kill Abu Dhabi and stuff Donald Trump Donald Trump man to go that man don't lack no confidence But go you can't tell you that man will be standing in a thunderstorm and he looking at you be like You know a lot what a lot of people aren't talking about is that it's actually dry a lot of places like what night he Confidence and Donald Trump is the go-bro. That's what we as as a people. Why do you want to grab it? There's more to talk about Oh Joe. Well, no, come on that joy Got nothing. Well, no, no, cuz how did you get elected Joe got elected by standing there and telling you? Listen, man, you can say what you want to say about me John. No, I'm better than him You know good and well, I'm better than him like let's be real let's cut the malarkey wait, we know what it is He got elected he stopped taking his meds. Yeah, that's why he in trouble. Yeah Yeah, I don't know if it's the meds, but I don't know I don't know if he gonna I don't know if he gonna be talking with the same his chest ain't gonna be out this round Hey, look, and that's the concern Joe one more bike fall away from away from not ever be a president Or or or or or maybe his team has realized him off of the bikes maybe his team has realized That Joe is like one of the remote-control cars Now you gotta let him charge. There's a reason we might not be seeing Joe Biden all the time Did I recharge that battery? That's so you know, that's not like, you know That's not like that sounds like a nursing home patient is I listen that Joe we know y'all can't visit Joe right now Joe is sleeping Come come back at the nap time Joe is a chef and above the rim at this point. It's like listen, man I'm not don't put me in the game into the fourth quarter, please But when I come in, I'm gonna come in hot, but then like y'all gonna have to ice me down after I'm gonna take Joe Joe Joe Joe and Donald Joe getting elected and Donald getting elected were Basically the same thing one was the lesser of two evils, right? Donald was the lesser of the evil versus Hillary Joe was the less of the evil versus Donald the issue is when Donald actually got Elected Donald did stuff Joe came in. It was like But here's the other thing take a look at the people. We didn't elect right? So now look at who was the front-runner when Trump first started running Jeb Bush. He and his brother Dev was coming out here talking. So like yeah, you know, I think we can we might be maybe we can't possibly I don't want to respond to that. Mmm, you just gotta be out Jeff are we gonna be able to turn that economy around? Yeah, we're gonna see if we can figure some things out Donald Trump You think we're gonna be able to turn that economy around? Oh for sure What about the border around one test? They're kind of gonna be better than it's ever been before ever better rook rook better work. Yeah Talking too slow. Yeah, he ain't talking like talking himself out of the bedroom. That's that's what it is Hmm Well, you know, maybe we might be never mind what about the woman wasn't in a woman Little glasses and everything when they was I Don't remember but I do remember when Kamala was running how that lady in that white suit got her up out the paint. Mmm cuz again Confidence when Kamala was out here talking spicy to Joe everybody's like yeah Yeah, talk that talk soon as that lady in that white suit got up there was like hey Kamala, what about that one time you did that one thing? Well, um, no You gotta go you gotta go this ain't working for me I had a confidence people don't like people who are timid and not confident So then jumping back to what we're talking about You gotta be as you got to be that dude off-topic, but on topic if you Simone Biles, you gotta be that man Big Bank Greatest of all time people in your DMs If I do it don't approach you and say hey, I don't need you you need me You ain't listening to him. That's how you came in. You like I'm Simone Biles when he like look I got $300,000 in my account right now. Do you realize I'm Simone Biles? First of all, don't realize that don't even know who you are. I mean the gymnastics. I don't watch the gymnastics Do you realize I'm in the NFL? Do you know who the Houston Texans are? Yeah, have you heard of Deshaun Watson? JJ what? Those are my teammates. They know who I am. I Don't know who you are. I know. Yes. I just dropped the shine off at the massage parlor I Get rubbed out you give it out rub down bet Well, listen Listen man, I don't say I don't say this Did my whole my whole my whole my whole gripe with the situation the reason we're talking about this show as we saw that we Not we talk about Simone Biles and Jonathan Owens, but we talk about tell me about y'all like The fact this I let's be clear don't don't Don't get my words twisted here The reason we know of Jonathan only I speak from a place of confidence is because of Simone Biles We know of Jonathan Owens because of Simone Biles that doesn't take away from Jonathan Owens, you know They married That's the end goal for a lot of people, right? A lot of people just want to be married my husband my husband my man my man That's what we want to say all the time, right? Simone Biles got that she's accomplished it and they look happy and not to mention the rest of y'all complaining about the club and you Are you my man my man my man my man and you are here saying What's that man you look unhappy you don't deserve to have a man maybe if you had a man Then you wouldn't be so concerned about what she doing Look when I tell people all the time with me and my old lady They'd be like how did y'all meet and I'd be like look man She hollered at me and he Stopped playing and she'd be like, yeah, I did Like that's how it is. You wanna know why? Cuz I'm the catch

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