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Chris Brown 1

Larry Parks



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I ain't even care what he was just saying. You are now tuned in to the most ignorant podcast in America. This is Donald Deployment. I am the D-O-K and I'm sitting here with my main man Larry P. What you got to say my man? What celebrity or public figure do you just feel like isn't tough? Unless they were sitting there beating you down, you wouldn't believe. You look at them, you look at a celebrity and be like, you know what? I could beat you one-on-one, like I know I could beat you one-on-one. That's a good question. I've never even considered that. Because sometimes I'll be like looking at celebrities, especially like when they be threatening other people and I'll be like, like let's take Drake for example, like when Drake been in the gym man, when Drake beat, Drake also got liposuction, but um, when Drake be threatening people, I'd be like, hmm, I could probably take you one-on-one. See the question is, is it one-on-one? Because I feel like Drake be talking that big talk because he got them people behind him. It's got to be one-on-one though. He know the people behind him. My, my, my person that immediately came to my head was Lil Jon. Hmm. I feel like there's a reason why he was always, Lil Jon seems like a person who was, you know, like in the band or something in high school and really was, you know, he was just like, uh, don't nobody bother Lil Jon, he, he, he hang out, he hang out with everybody. Like a true one-on-one. Yeah, but if it's a true one-on-one, yeah, yeah, I'll squabble with Lil Jon. A true one-on-one Lil Jon is Charleston White. I'm serious about this. I see a lot of Charleston White and Lil Jon. I see a lot of Lil Jon and Charleston White. Why is Charleston White? Why is he? Yeah. What, what, what is this man? Like, what is, honestly, he's a very intellectual, smart person, but he, uh, I guess it wasn't to get an attraction that he wanted to get when he was doing the intellectual, legal, legal stuff, the educational stuff. So he just became. Is that his background? Yeah. Kind of. But he just became this ignorant person. And he was like, when I became this ignorant black person, then y'all started listening to me. But there's videos that like surfaced from the past where like, he's actually sitting there like. Making sense. Making sense. But now he was like, I got to become like this ignorant person. But Charleston White will tell you every day, like he, he, he played this tough role, but he was, I will call the cops. He's actually a tough snitch. Gotcha. Yeah. That's all he is. I'll call the cops on y'all. He'll pull out all them guns. They're like, I'll shoot y'all before y'all come over, but let you, let you, let you run up on Charleston and slap him with a gun, a pistol with him. He's not going to fight you. He's going to call the cops. Good for him. Cause people gotta call the police, man. I don't, I don't subscribe to this theory of, you know, and I guess it's, it's a difference between some things are happening to me that I did not deserve versus some things happening to me that I deserve. If you out here talking tough and you end up in the squabble, that's one thing. But if you are, as they say, a civilian, like civilians can call the police. I think if, if the times and they were, were, were, were as simple as they used to be and people can fight without somebody getting shot, somebody getting stabbed, like if you could just take a regular L, I ain't got to worry about me and you getting in a squabble and then, um, I'm beating you down. So your homeboy don't like it. So he jumped in. If everybody would just fight just the way, like, you know, boxing happens, it's just a regular one-on-one. Somebody got to win. Somebody got to lose. After that, you know, we go on our way, but egos get in the play, all that stuff. When ego is getting in the play of fighting and stuff, then that's when, that's when I'm just like, look, I got, I got to go. My ego ain't big enough to fight you because even, even at that point, my ego is going to be to the point where like I fight you and my ego going to be like, my ego not as big as his, I'll lose on purpose. And see, the thing, the thing about fighting is fighting always comes down to who has the least to lose. Yeah. Who wants it more? Fighting has nothing to do with skill. It has everything to do with determination. Because even if you knock somebody out, if they going to wake up and keep fighting, the fight's never going to end. Or if they wake up and be like, you know what, I'm about to kill him. Yeah. They wake up and you go. Fight's still on. They wake up and you gone because you like, all right, I won. And then of course somebody recorded it. So now he got to wake up and keep getting reminded how he got knocked out. So he's like, next time I see him, I'm going to shoot him. Or they're the person who's just like, no, I'm going to go find him. And then next thing you know, you sitting at home having a family dinner, having a meatloaf, mashed potatoes, side of corn, and you hanging here on the door. Ding dong. Now who's at the door? We weren't expecting visitors. And you go open the door and it's just him standing there still waiting to continue the fight. And this is why I don't like, this is why I like, like I said, my ego not as big as other people's ego. If you step on my shoes in the club, I will apologize that my foot was there. I'm sorry. Why are you still in clubs when people go and step on your shoe? I don't go to clubs like that anymore, but I'm just saying. That is a very 2008 reference you just made. That was a mentality that I had back then. Like, I would apologize. Like, if you bump me, if you bump me, I'd be like, my bad, bro. It's 2024. It's 2024. There has to be some day you have affection. There has to be a reason why I was in your way. Like, you didn't purposely step on my shoes or bump my shoulder like that. My bad, bro. Speaking of my bad, bro, what are we talking about this week on the Unemployment Line? This week we're going to talk about Chris Brown. I was going to try to find the best way to say it, but any way I would have said it would have made it seem like we were making fun of domestic violence. And we are not. No, we take these matters very seriously. Domestic violence is a very serious matter. And, yeah, we're just going to talk about Chris Brown. But really what we're talking about is recently, you know, this is weeks ago, All-Star, Basketball All-Star Weekend. I didn't realize Basketball All-Star Weekend came so fast, like after the Super Bowl. Does it usually come that fast? It's always around Valentine's Day. Jesus. It's usually like the weekend. Super Bowl and then All-Star Weekend? It's usually right there in the same amount of time. I don't know why the NBA is so fixated on doing it around Valentine's Day, but I always notice, like, because if I go out for Valentine's Day, I typically go out the weekend after, unless Valentine's Day is on the weekend. And every time we're out, I always notice, like, oh, the dunk contest is on. Or, oh, it's the celebrity game. I'm always surprised by it because I never, because in my mind, like the Super Bowl, like usually in my mind in sports, like major events or major, major, major moments, like, happen, like, apart from each other, right? Because, you know, you want your sporting event to kind of, like, have, like, something that's driving the force of, like, media, right? So when the Super Bowl happens, I'm always surprised that the All-Star Weekend is here because I'd be like, the Super Bowl just happened. Why are we having another major event? But I guess what else is happening? Yeah, because, you know. Because March Madness is right around the corner. Yeah, and you enter that part of the sports calendar where it's like, all right, I guess I'm going to go spend some time with my family because, you know, you get past football, then you get into NBA All-Star, then it shifts into March Madness. And then. And then it kind of dies off a couple of months before the NBA playoffs start. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then it's just baseball after that. That's what I would, but I would think they would have it after March, but then after March, like you say, like, you get ready to go into the playoffs. So that's really late to do like All-Star events. So Chris Brown, who I believe has played in the celebrity game before, he has played in the celebrity game, which is surprising. This information is popping up, which is why we're talking about this, which is why this is going to be a good conversation. Apparently. The NBA invited Chris Brown to the All-Star game. All-Star celebrity game. And then they reneged and pulled the offer. Chris Brown says it's due to sponsors that were a part of it. Ruffles as one that I think they were hosting the All-Star celebrity game. Ruffles came out and said, we don't know anything what you're talking about. Ruffles said, we found out the same time Chris Brown found out. No, no, no. You must be talking about Lays Wavy. It wasn't us, brother. Actually, Ruffles said, Ruffles said, Ruffles went into the shade room and Ruffles said, Ruffles told the shade room, Ruffles said, we found out the same time. Y'all found out. So basically when, when Chris Brown posted this matter, Ruffles in the comment section was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, there. Ruffles said, don't, don't let Chris Brown get up to it. Cause Chris Brown was like, uh, they sponsors. Ruffles said, we not trying to ruffle any feathers, but it wasn't us. Ruffles was like, we don't know nothing that you're talking about. But basically Chris Brown was saying his past is following him. And like, you know, people are holding that over his head and stuff like that. Which brings us to this conversation. Chris. Chris. Does the, does your past is your past, your present. Chris and a Chris Brown situation. I think in 2022, I have to go to, that's why I pulled this up. I got to go to my stats to research. I think in 2022 we are just recently in 2024. Didn't he have like another, I think he had a rape allegation. I'm just saying Chris. Let's let's let's scroll down. Hold on. We can't isolate this to like any one incident. You've done a lot. January 27th, 2022. Chris Brown is sued by a woman claiming he raped and drugged her in Miami. Now, all I'm saying is 2009, he beat Rihanna and everybody keeps, everybody keeps putting this on the, uh, the Rihanna, the Rihanna perspective. And it's like, y'all need to get over that. Y'all got need to get over that. Y'all got to realize this man was stalking Karrueche for years. Karrueche has a five. Karrueche got a five year restraining order granted by the judge. I didn't even know restraining orders could go that long. Five years. You know how, you know how much you don't want to have to deal with somebody to be like, no, I'll give him about five years. I think that'd be enough time for me to heal from him, but don't let him come in contact with me for five years. I want you to understand that five years ago, we didn't know COVID existed. Like, like that's how long five years is. Five years is a very long time. Like this is, but this is, this is all I'm saying is all I'm saying is, and I'm not holding Chris Brown to the same extent. And I'm not saying Chris Brown, this other artist is on the same level of debauchery. Did I use that right word? Rightly? Properly debauchery. I think so. Okay. If I didn't, you know, judge my heart, not my head. But this R. Kelly level type stuff, right? And the reason why I say R. Kelly is because the stuff that was going on with R. Kelly, I got to adjust to my seat. The stuff that was going on with R. Kelly, uh, the reason why we wasn't paying a lot of attention because R. Kelly was still putting out good music with Chris Brown. I think, hold on. We better have an interruption. Now we've got the dog in here, our podcast. We got the camera, the dog, the camera and everything. But no, here's the thing about, here's the thing. I don't, I can't put anybody on the level of R. Kelly without substantiate, substantiated evidence. Well, I'm not, I'm not putting them on a level of R. Kelly, but I'm just saying like during the time where R. Kelly was, um, during the time where R. Kelly was like having those allegations a lot of time, like the reason why that girl went from teenage to adult is because he kept putting out music and he, we kept forgetting about it. The reason why like I looked through the list of everything that Chris Brown did, it was only like three of those things that I remember him actually doing. There is a laundry list of things that he did and the reason why like a lot of that stuff you don't remember is because Chris Brown kept putting out music. He keep going on tours and he's like, Oh, I'll also say this though. When you look at situations like with an R. Kelly, which was like two decades ago versus a situation more recent, like the news cycle is different. And so it's very common for like somebody to do some level of criminal behavior and like a week or two later, like somebody else that did something. So you ain't even really thinking about it. So in Chris Brown's case, the issue is he didn't do one thing. He didn't do two things. He didn't do five things. He did a list of things list. And so because you've got a list that's going to make a sponsor decide, you know what? Maybe we don't need to, we don't need to do business with Chris. You know, let's go through this. He's doing a lot. Let's go through this list real quick before we end this segment and I'm going to, I'm going to just, we're going to go through it really quickly. Gee whiz. That's a lot. I know, right? 2009, Chris Brown, a sorcery on a February 8th, 2010, June, Chris Brown. Is it not? Well, he had to not be the UK. Let's go. 2011. He had a breakdown, breakdown backstage, broke a glass and stormed off stage when he was asked about the allegations. Um, 2012, Chris Brown was involved in the nightclub brawl, September, 2012, the nightclub brawl. He wasn't, that wasn't the one where was that him and Drake? Yep. Drake, Tony Parker and Tony Parker got the glass in his eye. Nightclub brawl. 2012, 2012, January, 2013, Chris Brown clashes with Frank Ocean. Um, that goes to your people. You think that you could just win a fistfight a year, right? October, even though I don't think Frank Ocean is that, that person though. Yeah. I think you run up on Frank Ocean if you want to. Yeah. Gay celebrities always can fight. October, 2013, Chris Brown arrested on felony assault. Uh, let's see. Uh, hold on. October, I mean, February, 2014, diagnosed with bipolar and PTSD. Uh, 2014, he got kicked out of a Malibu treatment facility. Uh, how do you get kicked out of a treatment facility? 2014 Chris Brown pleads guilty to assault. And then let's keep going. We're still going y'all. 2015, 2015, he got banned from entering Canada. Uh, to that, that's Drake fault. May, 2015, he allegedly hits a man in Las Vegas. Uh, let's keep going. Hold on. Hold on. We still only in 2016, he got sued by his ex manager for sexual assault and abuse. Uh, uh, 2017 punches, a photographer, June, 2017 Karrueche got the five-year ban on them. That's 2017. Did you renew that? Please tell me you renew. I don't know. 2018 unidentified woman for alleged assault. He got sued. Listen, man. All right, that's enough and y'all want to get mad at Ruffles. That's enough. Cause, cause y'all got to realize there's other charges. 2019, 2021. And then of course, like I said, the rape charges, 2022, uh, he put the gun on a woman somewhere along them lines. Um, and he broke a couple of cell phones, punched a woman in the face. They didn't have those in there. He threw a woman off the bus and she had to go to the, to the hospital for a ligament stuff. I don't know. Now granted all this stuff is not saying that Chris Brown actually did it, but Chris Brown is involved somewhere around it. And usually where there's smoke, there's fire. As they say, when we come back, I want us to talk about when is it okay to just, you know, just let it, let that go. It's the unemployment law.

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