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Nothing to say, yet
The speaker expresses their thoughts on adaptations and remakes, stating that they are generally open to them and not bothered by changes. However, they express disappointment and concern about the upcoming live-action adaptation of the show "Avatar: The Last Airbender." They mention that the creators of the original show have distanced themselves from the live-action version, which raises doubts about its quality. The speaker also discusses potential changes to important elements of the story and characters, expressing worries that these changes may affect the overall impact and believability of the show. They conclude by stating their fear that the live-action adaptation may end up being forgettable and drive viewers back to the animated series. So, I'm a fan of adaptations, right? Like they've done so much for us and I'm really not the kind of guy who is going to complain on the internet about how, oh my god, a thing I loved when I was a kid is being ruined. Mainly just because it's something being remade or something being adapted, horribly or not, it doesn't take away the fact that you have the thing that you liked when you were a kid. Whether it's just for nostalgic reasons or otherwise, it's there for you. Lion King 2019, in my opinion, is garbage. However, I'm not mad at it because it took away my childhood. I'm mad at it because of how lazy a film it was in terms of everything other than visual effects. But when you come to most adaptations, most remakes, most reboots, I'm kind of chill. Give me four Spider-Man, who gives a fuck? Let's have six Batman in a year, it'll be fun. And I gotta tell you, this makes me mad. And I get it's just because I care, right? Like it's not actually because it looks bad. But it's just kind of like when they announced it, I had a feeling it would be... When they announced this live-action project, the first thing that came into my head was, Oh god, no, why? What? And why are you doing this? And then they gave us some details, some casting choices, and I was like, I don't have a feeling this is going to be good, but okay, well, let's see. Let's see, who knows. And then I saw the one-piece live-action. And as someone who is in the middle of reading one-piece, who really likes manga and anime, I thought it was fun. I thought it was actually, it wasn't as good as the anime or manga. But that's fine, it wasn't trying to be. It was trying to be a fun live-action show on Netflix that takes the one-piece stuff and makes it it's own thing. The dude who plays Luffy is amazing, the cast is really giving it their all. I can tell that most people are fans of one-piece when it comes to who made the show, which, that's why it wasn't irritating. They knew how great the manga was, and the anime was, and they were like, Hey, let's just do something fun and we can make people happy. And it made me happy, even though it wasn't as good. This isn't that, I can already tell. Because the creators of the show left, and while they haven't shit-talked it, they have been very vocal about, yeah, we didn't want to do whatever they were doing. And for one-piece, the creator, Oda, was like, this show is really fun. I fuck with this show. Hey guys, watch this show. And this, the creators are kind of like, acting as if it doesn't exist. Which I think should say, at the very least, that the creators of a show you love don't like this show. Which isn't a good sign. And I don't mind them changing things for a story to become better. I don't mind things being changed for a live-action interpretation. Obviously things would have to. The difference is, everything I've seen them change so far, and again, it hasn't come out yet, everything I've seen them change so far has been very surface-level, or it's only been taking things away. I haven't been given any reason to believe that things they're taking out are going to be replaced with something that's also just as substantial. It's taking Sokka's sexism away. Which is pretty important for his character in the first season. Okay, what are you going to trade in for that? Because I don't think you have to trade that in, because the point of it was to show that he's a dick for being sexist, and his future love teaches him to not be sexist. Like, it teaches kids how to not be sexist. It teaches women, young girls, how to not just give in when a man tells you no. You fight, you say, fuck you, I'm going to do what I want to do. They're taking both of those things away from those characters, and they're also taking the adventurer-ness of... the adventure of Aang away. Which, again, if you want to take it more seriously, if you want to, you know, treat it like a drama, like Game of Thrones, fuckin' A, go for it. But you have to still have character. I'm really worried that the main trio is going to feel like the most bland, boring characters, and I don't want that. It doesn't seem like they're bad actors, and it seems like they care. So why are you writing them... presumably, I haven't seen it, why are you presumably writing them in a way that's going to make them less interesting to watch? I don't get it. Like, I really don't understand, if you're going to do this, and spend so much money on this, why are you taking things away that you know works? That's the main thing. It's not that, oh, you're ruining my childhood. It's, we have evidence that this is a character arc that works. It's pretty risky to say, uh, fuck that whole thing, we're going to do our own thing. It could be good, it could be really good, but it doesn't lead any of us to believe this is going to be good. People have said the visual effects and the choreography look really good. I haven't seen enough of it to really say it does or doesn't. All the choreography I've kind of seen has been two to three second spurts, and anyone who's seen the show knows there's like extensive, like, there's extensive movement and long takes that, at least in the beginning, to really grasp, like, this is how bending works. And they can probably do that. I don't really think it's going to be shit. It's just, I feel like this is going to be a very forgettable run of the mill. You saw it, or you didn't, doesn't matter. Just go back to watching the animated. I have a very strong feeling that when this airs, the animated show is going to boost in numbers. Because people are going to watch, like, the first episode, maybe first two, and then go, why am I watching this? I can just watch the show. The animated show. And then they're going to turn and be like, oh, I forgot why I even started this. Oh yeah, because the live action came out. Like, they have a thing in the beginning where Sozin fights Gyatso. And again, I haven't seen it yet, it could be dope and make me cry. One of the reasons for Aang's motivation in season one, for getting his shit together to be able to fight Sozin at the end of season three, is seeing his fatherly figure and mentor who taught him airbending as a fucking skeleton in front of him. Whereas, if you think about it from his point of view, he was alive yesterday. That's really fucked, like, that's really fucked, and also very, what's the word? Empathetic. Like, I immediately care for his struggle, and I also immediately understand the context of the world, which is an entire genocide took place against the airbenders. And, I also get that Katara and Sokka want to care for him because he has dealt with this. That makes sense. And, it also gives motivation for him to want to, at the very least, stop this from happening to other people. Because he's Aang. He wants to save people. He doesn't have this... You know, he has this mission on his back, but that's why he's such an endearing character, is that he never lets it get to him. He has fun doing koi fish. He has responsibilities in his own mind. He has responsibilities to show Earth colonies, no, you can fight this. You're not weak. He has responsibilities to show Fire Nation schools who are brainwashing kids. Dance. Like, just because you are told and brainwashed into certain things doesn't mean that you're useless. If you take that element away from him, him trying, him... If you take his adventure and his away from him, it's possible that it will take away any believability for him to do what he does. Most of what he's doing is to save people because he wants everyone to enjoy penguin sledding. And that's a reductive way of putting it, but you know what I mean. He wants everyone to just be happy. And peaceful. He comes from monks. That's his whole point. This show, the live action show, really gives me a vibe that they're going to have this be a, like, Luke Skywalker type story. Like, OG Luke Skywalker type story. Where he doesn't want to do it and then he wakes up and then immediately he's like, I have a mission. And then they go try and do it. Instead of it being any kind of fun, enjoyable experience. Because also, if you take it seriously, then the emotional moments don't hit. For this specifically. Because, and what I mean by that is, if your tone of the show, this is what I mean. Sozin is going to fight Gyatso in the beginning to where we're already crying. Or that's what they want us to do, right? We cried when Gyatso, when Aang is sad about Gyatso dying because we didn't know that was a possibility. We didn't know what was going on. We knew that, from the opening, we knew that, the first opening, from the pilot, we knew that the Fire Nation took over and the Avatar is gone. That's it. We don't know that there's no airbenders in the pilot. He sees an airbender, Katara sees an airbender and we're like, oh, airbenders are, like, few and far between. Holy shit. Oh, Fire Nation probably, like, took most of them out. That's crazy. Oh, well, that's not a good point, actually, because the show's called Last Airbender. I'm so fucking stupid. Thank God. See, okay, I can imagine so many people who, like, do audio stuff like this for film and TV just making a whole video about how stupid an element of something is and then they look back and something as simple as the title lets them know, fuck, that video's so stupid. It's called Last Airbender. Last Airbender? Yeah, we kind of figured it was the last one. Damn. Okay, this is a test for stuff. I'm gonna see... Has it been going 12 minutes? No way. This has been 12 minutes of me talking? That's kind of crazy.