Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The host of Infinite Discussion shares their experience as an empath or highly sensitive person. They discuss how being highly sensitive can make it difficult to fit in and understand the world around them. They explain that they are able to sense things beyond what others believe or have been taught. They give the example of being able to feel their neighbors' emotions even when alone in their bedroom. The host emphasizes that empaths are not judgmental and have unconditional love and compassion for others because they can feel their energy and emotions. They also mention the challenges of being highly sensitive, such as struggling with social anxiety and feeling overwhelmed in large groups. The host believes that all children are empaths and that being highly sensitive is a basic survival instinct. They highlight the importance of teaching children about empathy from a young age and discuss how trauma can affect a child's empathic abilities. The host shares their personal journey of Hello and welcome to Infinite Discussion. I'll be your host So, I'm so excited to be here with you. I have been thinking and overseeing this first episode Kind of driving myself a little bit crazy, but I finally came to the rational conclusion That I'm just gonna be myself. That's really what this podcast came from. I definitely feel like I was a child that Never really quite fit in. I didn't feel very understood. It was a pretty interesting childhood for me. I am an empath or a highly sensitive person and these things make living life in the 3D world extremely difficult because you are sensing things beyond what people believe or have been taught or the reality has not been curated to intricacies of this world. It is really a complex thing to feel the world around you all the time. I'll give you a great example. Me right here right now I'm sitting in my bedroom There is no one in this house. Well Yes, we'll just leave it at that. There's no one in this house. No Skin-suited person. And you know besides myself obviously. And this is one thing you will learn about this podcast is that I am going to crack up at myself because I'm Just kind of a little bit. I don't know a little bit ridiculous with the way I try and word things or explain things sometimes Because as a highly sensitive person It is so hard to put words to a reality that has so much Context. Okay, it is extremely difficult To explain some of these things I went through the work of course of writing up some some examples You know that I just remember from my life, but right now as I sit in my bedroom, I am completely alone Okay, but if I sit here long enough, I can tell whether or not my neighbors are having a good day or not Or if even the world in general and as you can imagine Sometimes those days are far and few between for a lot of people Especially in this insanely Changing world it is so So it is so obnoxious To feel everything and I am telling you it is a miracle But I am just not a highly irritable person I will say say this though any empath that I have ever met They are the most heartfelt Gracious people and I am not tooting my own horn I mean, they just are when you feel the world around you in Such a deep way. It is very very hard, if not impossible to have Unconditional love for just about everybody. I mean seriously People get very kind of paranoid about highly sensitive people and I want to Kind of genuinely say it's kind of like a PSA as a highly sensitive person PSA is a highly sensitive person of 41 years That we are not judging you We are the ones that have the most compassion and unconditional love for you because we feel your energy your emotions as if they are our own as if they are our own Think about that. Yes, you may be very Judgmental with yourself. So when I'm around you I may feel that I'm very judgmental With myself and I have to go through the process of decoding sometimes Because if you don't know that you're a highly sensitive You think that you are just A completely unstable individual. I mean really truly if you don't actually come to the realization Especially from a young age that this is other people's crap that you're picking up on And I think one of the hardest parts for me Was as an adult Once I kind of stopped believing myself we'll say because I went through several periods of my life Where I didn't believe that this was real that this is what was really going on Even though it is painstakingly obvious Because the moment I step away from someone Leave the room go anywhere. I'm back to Where I was before I entered As far as the way that I feel so And you know, that's not just social anxiety for so many years I actually thought that I suffered from social anxiety because I would get around certain people and I would get so Uncomfortable to where it was Almost impossible at times for me to be around certain people I especially struggle with large groups of people most highly sensitive people do we're we're usually very social because we absolutely love people on a On a core level because right we can feel you and so We can kind of feel the humanity In humanity And it is a really deep love affair that you kind of have With humanity as you go along and you learn to understand people on this Seriously deep level to say that it is not like Daily transformational would be an understatement I mean I have learned so much From the people around me and what I was able to feel by being around them to the point to where I have taken on so many different perspectives of life just by kind of being in the room with them that I really I kind of don't suffer from judgment that a lot of people suffer from I can have An opinion about the way that someone looks just like anybody can I am completely human just like anybody but It's such a surface level thing for me. It is not Something that comes into a place of judgment or even comes from a place of judgment if anything I look at people especially if they have you know differences or eccentricities as awesome because I Kind of filter and have filtered so many different types of people so many different ways of people it's kind of amazing because it has completely opened me up to the fact that everybody on a daily basis is You know struggling with some kind of pain in their life luckily most people also have Some kind of deep love in their life whether it's for their mother or their partner You know or their child or their sister's kid it and it doesn't matter There's not always some kind of love there that's happening or or an online gaming community Let's say these things are so they're so beautiful on a level that If you can't feel it I can understand why sometimes people get very disillusioned About other people around them and why they have to resort to judgment because if you don't have any other Extrasensory Activities going on in you Or they just haven't been activated yet, which I think is the case with a lot of people I think that if people were taught this from a very young age because most kids In order for them to survive they have to be an empath to some to some degree they have to it is genuinely kind of like a basic survival instinct and Many children are extremely open to the world around them It is the way that they take on the non-structural and structural life of their environment They are processing information at such a integrated speed that It would kind of be impossible for them not to be empathic and I know that that is kind of hard for some people to wrap their Their mind around but I mean, it's just genuinely true the amount of Information that a child's brain is able to absorb Especially in their early years of learning when they are just, you know, very small, you know, it is Unparalleled with any other part in in your life. It's a really complex thing and Just from being an empath. I will say that all children are empaths When you are out with a child or with a child or just observe a child out in public You will see them make comments like what's wrong with them mommy. They will say to a stranger Why do you look like that or and we think of these things as very kind of Mundane, right that they're just asking from a surface level just for sure, you know spectral realization, right so what I mean by spectral realization is Within the spectrum spectrum of sight but it's just not true because i've been in enough places even as a child With other children that I knew that they were picking up on the same thing. I was About another adult or whatever it is. And if you think about it, it's an extremely useful tool because if a person Has ill intention towards that child that child should be able to feel it But if they're in a traumatized environment or any of those types of things highly sensitive people we shut down our extra Extrasensory perspective we kind of turn down the volume if that makes sense So a highly traumatized child or a child that kind of has gone through Let's say a lot of medical trauma sometimes it just depends on their circumstance that they can have that kind of turned down And so and especially if they're raised around parents that don't even trust themselves, you know that may struggle with like mental illness or addiction or any of those they may just just struggle to figure out how to navigate that space because The person that they're filtering through their empath ability, you know 90% of the time is a Unregulated and I will tell you this is the empath when i'm around, you know Non-regulated full that they don't have these kind of regulatory programs at that point in their life. It is Really hard for me to even keep track of thoughts. Sometimes I will get very quiet Usually because I it's almost like I lose some ability to function because I feel the chaos What is their state of you know, kind of consciousness, you know, just kind of disconnecting It will disconnect you from from those around you because you will it's almost like that one person or You know, however many people that you have in your life as a child that are dysregulated It will definitely pay An extreme price in some ways to your ability during those years You won't kind of get to experience some of the kind of beautiful things of what it is Kind of to be an empath I for many years felt like this thing was a curse I'm going to be completely honest to feel the pain Of the world is extremely daunting, you know, i'm not i'm not complaining, um because I've been very blessed by this ability. It has given me the insight into humanity That has given me a truly Unconditional heart when it comes to wherever somebody's not I can meet you there It doesn't matter where you're at in life. Like I will meet you exactly where you're at without judgment and you know, some people You know, they'll say oh i'm not an Judgmental person but genuinely like how can you judge someone when you can literally feel their pain? I'm serious Think about that Think about going into a hospital where someone is is very sick and in a lot of pain And if you could feel their pain Wouldn't that not give you more compassion for where they're at and who they are and in the past that they've walked up into this point and just have You know absolute reverence for life. That's why people that go through Um these types of things in life where they have someone that is ill that it can absolutely Change who they are. It can take a very hardened person and soften them to their core. The ability to feel other people is an extreme An extreme gift we'll say it kind of Will put you on the white knuckling kind of parts of life in a really intense way Sometimes it also lets you into the inner corridor you know humanity and who we really are what I have learned through my 41 years of experience and Experiencing these things and just constantly having them validated because i'm a very chatty taffy I guess you could say and I will definitely if I feel that it is appropriate or that you're in The kind of energy space to be receptive to my questions I'll ask you certain questions about your life and it's because I feel certain things and so I will Not only just for me, but also for you I will dialogue some of what I am feeling in a feasible way That it doesn't feel like i'm i'm kind of crying because i'm coming from a really unconditional place Where if you know, you're not ready, then i'm not ready There's just a lot of deep interaction that you can have with people through Extrasensory ability growing up. Like I I struggled to speak. Um, and then once I finally did speak I stuttered I stuttered, you know a lot and I I genuinely think that those things happen Now that I understand the way that my brain processes and my body Processes the information around it because it doesn't impact your your body processes those things It's not it's not kind of like a brain gift I mean it kind of is because your brain then processes that information and you can create dialogue in order to open interchambers with somebody in this reality and have them help reflect back and forth with you and you can You know validate what you're feeling and you can also validate what they're feeling and when people are around you They will feel very heard and very seen by you So, you know, these are I guess what some, you know, you know Just science-minded people would say is all taking place in the brain I don't want to beg to differ but and we will get into that in some later episodes when to kind of break down some of these things and and these processes because I actually do have a very scientific mind and So I have really worked hard to kind of decode some of these processes And put them in terms that is very accessible to anyone to to understand. It's been a pretty interesting ride I will have to say and one of my earliest Experiences is at thrift stores. I am what is called a universal impulse Which means that I have all of the clairs all the the extra sensory extra extra sensory things open as well So sight taste smell sensation knowing they are all then as well So i'm trying to kind of stick with this episode with just being like the impassability, you know These kind of discussions are are pretty, you know Enlightening what i've noticed through kind of speaking about these things is that people don't even realize that they're impacts Until kind of somebody says you're a freaking impact. You're not just feeling this on a head level It's just really funny because I think that everybody has the ability for empathy if they flip that switch And I think that it takes for you to become pretty regulated Sometimes within the first seven years of your life a lot of people experience their first traumas within the first seven years of their life My mom passed away when I was almost seven So it is you know A lot of our earliest childhood traumas happen within the first seven years and that can shut down your ability pretty quick Until you process that trauma and they don't kind of open back up necessarily It kind of might be a dull hum in the background, but you're pretty busy with your trauma So, you know these things do get kind of turned up and turned down You know based on how regulated you are and it really is about having a regulated system in order to kind of like traverse You know these trails of energy that you feel coming off of people. It's pretty interesting So going back to what I was talking about the thrift stores, it was pretty Interesting because I can't just feel people I can feel Everything if somebody has interacted with something and it has been a source of heightened energy Depression or any of those types of things just being around them I can take on and kind of process that information One of the things that I noticed When I was a kid when I kind of started noticing that I was a little bit different than my older sister Is that we would go into these places and she was not distracted by the energy and I was I was deeply Distracted by the energy like there could be a coat on a rack and I would have to touch it. I would have to Experience it and I know that sounds weird Genuinely like highly sensitive people one of the things that I've noticed is that we love to feel things especially with our hands Or we can or we will Sometimes rub them on our face to make some really good energy It's it's really interesting some of these kind of sensitivities that come through but yes Um, I was always a kid that was handling things My parents would be so paranoid when they would take me even into Certain stores because I wanted to touch everything and it wasn't just from that kid sense It was that I needed to touch it in order to understand it And it's you know in the same way with people depending on how open I am that day I can sense a lot about somebody just by sitting in the same room with them But the closer I get to them and then when I go to hug them, holy cow the most pure version of your energy or the Translation of kind of the purities of each of the energies that's coming through in your life at that present moment Definitely translates the moment I hug you. It's pretty intense for me and I absolutely love hugs I feel like as an empath who feels everything it is Somewhat exhausting to your energy and this isn't everybody I want to just make this really clear in this podcast that these things different with every single person as they as your tone Are different than every other person This this is not a one-size. It's all same. So Like I said in my introduction everything that I say here, please take great because you know I'm not here to define anything for anybody. I'm just here to speak my own anecdotal experience But it is pretty interesting how many different layers you can get just by touching some there's so many times Where even just walking into an old house? I could feel five generations of history almost like a thread you pull on a sweater and it just you know it's like the never-ending dream and pretty soon the whole story unravels and then And here you have is just a very long string of information Basically and it's not because I want to do it. Um a lot of the times sometimes in life, I you know accidentally pull strings and you're just meant to know certain things so that You can kind of transcribe them in your life and create a purpose through those things so To be an empath is a pretty humbling experience to say the least Most I would say most empaths have struggled with mental health issues Whether it be anxiety or depression disorders in their life as well Uh, it is not a fun or easy thing to kind of get on top of all of this stuff that you're feeling constantly Makes it to where your brain has to also process the information at a at a pretty intense rate of speed And so we can have ADHD We can be autistic, you know on the spectrum of a lot of different things it's it's pretty interesting the way that we process our environment and How that kind of shows up in our life of of the non-normalcy More frequent than not that a deep empath is going to have Some Some things that they have to go through in order to kind of get on top of all this energy So but it's not so that this thing This empathy isn't ruling your life kind of because if you let it and you don't give back the energy You can carry it and it's funny I realized I want to say probably about a year and a half ago I was like carrying so many people's trauma trauma that wasn't even mine But I had helped them through it or been there in their life And I was literally holding it in my body That's another thing, you know with empaths Some of them they will struggle with weight. They won't struggle with eating disorders because sometimes to process through the Information and energy that is around you and in other people You will find ways to kind of like give yourself a sedative for a lot of people Especially if you're not inclined to drugs or anything like that You could have food issues you could I loved nicotine basically from the age of 14 It Was my lifeline to get through The energy of other people especially as a young teenager It helps me be around kind of deeply traumatized teenagers And still be able to maintain my own energy I know that sounds odd But there are these things that that's also when I started kind of gaining weight also in my life I could blame it on a myriad of Of different things but genuinely I really think And kind of have come to the realization that many of the times in my life where i've struggled with weight It was because I wasn't processing the energy correctly. I wasn't Allowing myself the time the space and the restoration of my energy and in order to kind of cope with those things I was using food or You know nicotine or whatever it is point to where I can also be extremely antisocial I can go through Not so much anymore, but like I used to go through pretty good bouts of depression Especially through the winter months. It would be almost unbearable sometimes inside my head Almost like I had taken on everybody's energy And then was finally processing it for the winter It's like it'll feel like I got in if I had 20 treks And it was pretty intense but you know You learn after a while to start believing yourself and believing your own experience and you know There's people out here that have been out here for a long time You know, especially in ancient societies and that kind of stuff deep cultural people They you know, they're not ignorant to these things, you know They teach their kids from a very young age what it is to kind of be sensitive in this world and what this world will give you and so some of Those kids and adults now obviously have a little bit of a leg up on some of us westerners because Let's just say i'm going to be really honest in western society You're pretty much told that if you aren't don't have a normal brain that You're effed up and that you will kind of never fit and that you're crazy Not being the norm And so it can be pretty intense Especially if you have any mental health illnesses or issues throughout family history You will automatically kind of chalk these things up if you're highly sensitive to mental illness when Yes, mental illness is a symptom It's a symptom of being a highly sensitive person like literally it's a symptom Which means you're atrophying under the experience because you don't know how to process any of it You don't know how to believe yourself enough to even process it and perhaps, you know, this is another thing with highly sensitive people you usually Finally can find real true deep regulation in water It completely can stabilize your your central nervous system I mean the whole thing and i'm serious like highly sensitive people suffer From cortisol levels like like literally deeply suffer to where I I truly believe that a lot of highly sensitive people They'll age quicker. They will get illnesses quicker There is a germ around that is going to make them sick. They'll get sick. They're not taking care of this stuff Like this is it's pretty intense To have these things it's pretty intense and until you get on top of them You will kind of suffer underneath of them and that's just me being completely freaking honest there Well, I was definitely definitely Suffering under this. I mean genuinely and so It can be pretty intense, but it's also you know, I will get into more of the beautiful aspects But seriously, it's pretty It's a pretty cool thing it really is once you kind of you know learn to To understand it. It can be It can be really cool. It can be so much less of a curse it's it's pretty difficult for it not to feel like a curse in in a lot of ways because Even though there are a lot of highly sensitive people out there And I and I want to say this it is a spectrum Because depending on the kind of structures in your mind the way you were raised your environment Your daily environment your daily routines All of those things it's a spectrum Right or not, right for those that don't know but it really is a spectrum of how kind of Deeply sensitive you you are or can be or allow yourself to be I guess it's it's pretty interesting so some of the things that I genuinely Struggled with or noticed that I guess my physical body struggles with is crowds dysregulated people like I talked about before I could have light sensitivity to where I can go into certain places and as You know the fluorescent lighting Is really really crappy and I hate to say this to all of these people that are listening that don't think that you're a sensitive person If you're sensitive to walmart's lighting, you're probably an empath And I know it's so scary and weird and nobody wants to hear that about themselves, but genuinely You're probably a highly sensitive person and you should look into that On how to kind of integrate information how to prepare yourself before going out All of the things, okay just a PSA for those of you that struggle with light sensitivity Sound sensitivity Is when people raise their voices you have a visceral response Okay, i'm talking visceral When people get angry or upset about me or about me well about me sometimes Because you know, I am freaking human I could piss people off. It's It can be pretty You know pretty intense you can dish it out, but you can't take it. Well, then And i'm serious i'm serious And empaths can be so powerful with their words because they feel you on a deep level They probably won't really necessarily cuss you out, but they will tell you about yourself In a really deep uncomfortable way, okay And so we do have that ability so it can be used for not such great things like Genuinely, I've been in arguments with partners before where Oh my god, I just should not have said that thing far from perfect. But anyway A lot of pollen here where i'm at right now and boy is it getting me good So if I sound a little nasally, that's probably why not for those of you that never really heard my voice before you wouldn't know It's pretty intense. It's pretty intense, you know, you can have words You can literally have sound sensitivity to the point to where when people raise their voices like you want to run and hide Like I really have to have to kind of mentally emotionally and energetically prepare myself If I think that it's going to be a rowdy crowd in my younger days, especially in in my early 20s Got invited out by my best friend to go to the bar or whatever. I was I would Have to like kind of put all those layers of protection on and be like, okay And kind of run down some scenarios for my own energy in my own mind and say okay, this is what This is what we're probably going to experience tonight and let's not just limit it to that because You know, we wouldn't be completely open to everything but we need to be in kind of a laid-back sense of ourselves We need to be in a place of deep acceptance of all things sights and sounds everything And as an empath the other thing that is pretty incredible About us is that tone of voice usually an empath that actually is is at a point of believing themselves or just Has steady confidence in who they are and the way that they see the world within the first Word or two they can kind of tell what state you're in what statement is coming through with the words that you're saying So what I mean by a statement is what kind of frequency Intention is kind of placed within your words and that and that was one of the other things that that was really pressing After my mom passed away. I just realized that humans were a bunch of fucking liars But literally like humans were a bunch of fucking liars by the time I hit about seven. I realized that Pretty much every human except for kids were fucking liars I mean really truly deep amounts of depression anxiety or even just depressive thoughts like if you don't actually suffer from depression itself the frequency of thought, you know That would be in your head when you were around me And you're still smiling and chitter-chattering with everybody and really trying to put on a brave face Well brave faces don't work around empaths Then we also kind of disassociate in certain ways or at least I did from people because they're not to be trusted Because they're seem full of shit And I'm so sorry for any of you that are sensitive About cuss words or certain things as you can tell certain types of these things are not my sensitivity. And so I speak them pretty fluently But you you'll realize that That really like people are full of shit um, it was so funny because I remember like going to a family function when there was a lot of family members and I just remember realizing like Holy shit, like my aunts and uncles aren't like these super hero model citizens I mean, you know as a kid like Especially if you know, they're pretty functional adult If you're a kid you kind of like, you know any kid you kind of ride up a fantasy of Reality of the way that you see your loved one And i'll just never forget seriously right around when my mom passed away I realized I realized that my family was full of shit And it's not just that it's everybody's family. It's everyone we are constantly as humanity We're constantly masking our inner emotions because we are told from an early age if you have these kind of emotions or can't regulate and pretend to kind of Fake it till you make it or get along to get along you have to mask in our society. It is so highly masked and And I realized that my Freaking aunts and uncles they're freaking masking around During that period of my life. They were putting on a brave face for my sister and I because you know we had just lost her mom and And they did a great job my gosh any of you guys I love you so much You really like i'm sorry. I'm so I could tell that you were full of shit But it was like I love you and I and I love you for loving us And feeling such deep kind of sorrow and sadness, you know around that stuff I freaking love you And and you know, that's how I know that you are my family and that I love you and so much um but genuinely it was Extremely difficult. I remember during this period of my life There were so many times and I wasn't a little girl that really wanted to cuss at anybody But generally that was when my first inclination to want to cuss people out came into my life Because I was so tired of people lying to me and lying to each other not telling the truth What is going on? What is wrong with these people? Why can't they just be honest? It was very very It'd be frustrating to me. I would get so frustrated with my loved ones because I would be like Oh my god, that's not it. You're full of shit. Keep going. Let's go deeper Let's dig this shit out like in the thrift store. Pick it up. Let me touch it. Let me look Let me understand it and it became like Such a deep desire for me to like unmask my family because I thought that it was So terrible that they had to kind of mask realize that point That they were masking I started realizing holy shit everyone And I realized why why the world was getting so fucked up and I I'm laughing now Because it's ridiculous It is ridiculous The amount of effort that we go through in order to mask our emotions. It would take that same amount of effort To just fucking talk about it, man Don't show up in front of me and be really quiet and like pretend okay Say that i'm the fucking way here you you know, you stubbed your toe you banged your knee But just don't mask just don't mask like please for the love of all that is fucking holy like please Please do not mask and you guys have to know that I am not a rare thing. This stuff is happening Especially the kids you wonder why kids lose back for adults at at somewhat an early age is because They know that you're full of shit and have been lying to them and lying to everybody around you And so it is not It is not okay Everybody says that it's okay, but i'm telling you right now It is why the world looks the way that it does is because there is a bunch of dysregulated people that are becoming Aspects of dysregulated throughout the day because they're not speaking on their feelings Because we are we are taught that to have feelings makes you a drama queen Or a wuss and it's just not freaking true. It's just not true It's not true to have feelings is to literally be human it is a deeply I don't want to say unique experience I think that these animals are more regulated because they live in the flow of nature But I think that you know human beings we have more Our emotions are expanded if that makes sense because I don't I don't believe that You know the the animal Community it doesn't have feelings. I you you can't tell me that I mean even elephants they hold basically Elephants funeral services for their loved ones. So there is feeling here There is connection and there's there's lots and so i'm not saying that the the natural community doesn't have feelings Um, I can't say that with any kind of significance But I can say humans we are deeply emotional beings We are deeply emotional beings And it is really a disservice to humanity The way that we have treated this thing called emotion. They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul Your emotions are the window to Literally who you are Literally who you are in order for you to be who you are. You have to be able to express your emotions You have to be able to express them talk about them any of the things that helps you do that. Um it is Pretty obvious as to why we kind of have gotten into the state that we're at Because we don't honor our emotions at all At all, we're not taught that we're taught to mask We're taught to assimilate And it is deeply atrophied. Um the human the human psyche Um, it has deeply atrophied the societal constructs and defects, you know, it's pretty easy to defect our society if we uh I'm not going to say this but like if we knew how to actually Move about our day and be authentic and genuine about what we were feeling the world would be a much better place No, i'm not saying that people should pop off and yell at each other all the time, but I Definitely think that there should be some help space for more than surface level interaction And I don't think that it should be weird for people to want to go deeper than surface level it is uh, pretty much one of the number one things that I have struggled with the most truly is that I don't think it's fair. I really don't and I know life isn't fair It's it's not fair. It's really not the way that we have to conduct ourselves When you're at work and somebody makes you upset or makes you uncomfortable It should not be an uncomfortable thing to say. Hey back up like this is what you did I don't appreciate that that really hurt my feelings and say it with your chest And I don't think that people would have the need to actually cuss people out If we were constantly regulating ourselves through expression, i'm serious I I think that it would create such deep interpersonal relationships connections Men, I hate to say this. Oh my gosh. I love you so much. I was raised by one So, please like don't think that I am saying anything But men they a lot of a lot of men they don't actually know they don't know what emotional intimacy is I mean, it's generally like a human trying to enter another planet planetary dimension and and be like Oh, yeah, I know what i'm doing. No, they have no context for that It just is you know Like I said, like I was talking about when I go with the empath ability through certain times you you turn the volume down No shit That's what we do. That's what we do with a lot of this Stuff that you know, we go through and kind of have to regulate ourselves through in this life but When it comes to the emotional world and emotional intelligence And sensitivity, it's just not that kind of structure is not there for for men So what they do is they turn down the volume to where some of them they're determined. It's turned off It's turned off unless they're mad or horny And and i'm and i'm not i'm not saying that to be facetious or or or crack a joke or or any of those things like I'm dead serious And it's it and it's not okay. It's really not it's really not okay It breeds for a lot of You know misunderstanding um in our society it breeds for a lot of kind of like these bouts of of Of false courage when when really truly at the end of the day what really takes courage? Is speaking truth to power which is the truth is or it's your emotional world Your emotions guide you through your entire life your entire life, but yet we're taught to completely tuck them in and dishonor them And and it's and it's gotten to be pretty intense There's more fairness booked out right now than there's ever probably been in human society I mean people are deeply needing to express themselves and express their inner worlds and their inner information And and process those things with other people And and I really genuinely believe that that's what we're supposed to do And I genuinely believe that that's what I why I created this podcast Is because I want everybody that is out there either like me or not like me to know that kind of processing this world and Honoring these experiences that that we have whether it is comfortable or uncomfortable for others is deeply powerful And I just want to be able to continue to do that with you and I just really really appreciate Every moment that you give me and and I just want to say, you know Thank you ahead of time for all of those that are just listening to support me And maybe don't have a significant interest in in the things that i'm talking about. I will end it here with everything Please take all this information with grace for yourself and for others because the grace that you show others is the grace that you can also receive for yourself and Finding these deep understandings with yourself and with others is so important right now The world definitely doesn't need more judgment. It genuinely needs your heart So let's drop some of those things that are big meeting up in our head into our heart space and more around others And see what we can do About just kind of making the world a better place I love you all and I hope you have a blessed day