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The transcription is a conversation between two people discussing various topics such as the TikTok ban, hurtful comments from women, balding, and finding optimism in people rather than the news. They express skepticism towards news sources and focus on personal experiences for optimism. okay welcome to the reverse Oreo podcast I'm here with Kjallar and me Brandon and our third co-host isn't here today but yeah but we'll bring him in next episode so we're just gonna talk about some stuff that we find interesting and our opinions on stuff because we're arrogant enough to think people care yeah right yeah so how you been doing Kjallar? Talk to me man. I've been good, you know, a lot has been going on in the States huh? mm-hmm TikTok ban, TikTok ban, TikTok ban, TikTok ban. What do you what do you think about it? I know people are like upset cuz like what like China owns it or something and they're they're using it to transfer what's it personal data and sell it yeah apparently you know if you watch some well you know if you've been reading on about how they're banning it you know people are saying that it's a good trip they're using it as a Trojan horse you know to be able to have that access to you know Congress or just the government like just able to ban any app they want I think I think they're giving China too much credit yeah okay think about how much money they're making off of TikTok right yeah like the guys who made TikTok I don't really think they made all this for like stealing information I'm not even joking I do not think that that's the thing though it you can't really say that though I mean like it cuz I mean cuz it's not made like by the Chinese government or something it's made by like a company right yeah I don't think they would use the guys from Singapore the CEO yeah yeah he's not even Chinese no I mean I completely forgot about that but that's what they were talking about that was a problem right that's crazy dude did you watch the uh what was it the Congress what do you mean did you watch the Congress meeting oh yeah I did and they were like they're like are you involved with the Chinese Communist Party and he's like I'm not even a Chinese citizen I'm from Singapore that was a little I couldn't I understand how frustrated he was at that moment you know he seemed a little like I would have been annoyed you like it was like yeah it's kind of I don't wanna say racist but yeah I mean but it kind of it kind of was though I mean yeah but at the same time yeah I don't know but I felt a little racist I don't want to go on the guy asking the questions I don't know who he was but no a little racist like I mean like Singapore and like China I don't really think they don't really have any like correlation do they like they don't have any like I don't know I don't know how to explain it it's like it's like dang like you're going going crazy on what do you call it like this on this guy cuz he's being cuz he's Asian and like like are you part of the Chinese Communist Party and he's not even a citizen doesn't citizenship didn't even he's never been to China I didn't see that part but it's crazy but hey man I've got I've got I've got something a little special here we go we're gonna do some ask reddit r slash ask reddit reddit yes we're gonna give a we're gonna we're gonna I'm gonna bring up the some of the things like the comments that will react to it a little bit you know what I mean oh wait we did r slash react yes no r slash r slash ask reddit right okay so the question they have is men of reddit what's the most hurtful thing a girl has ever said to you wow that's people don't think we're your red pill podcast after this all right man I got yeah these women yeah these women they are the problem they control your life okay we got the first one right now okay I'm gonna read it through you tell me you tell me what you think we talk about it yeah when I was about 20 one of my best friends came around and was upset that a guy had rejected her and she said she wasn't attractive she was crying and slightly drunk as I hugged her yeah he said now I understand what it must feel like to be you when I was about 20 yeah one of my best friends came around and was upset that a guy had rejected her okay the main guy's a dude yeah the best friends a girl and said so basically a guy rejected her said she wasn't attractive she said she was crying and slightly drunk as I hugged her and then she said now I understand what it must be like to be you that's weird that's weird you know from this I don't know those reddit stories man I just be learning bro like alcohol can make people say crazy things I mean I guess so but imagine imagine bro you know the worst part is it's so unprompted he was comforting her crying and she was drunk and she just starts going off about how he's unattractive and you'd be getting rejected yeah it's pretty crazy for no reason that's crazy I don't know well what are you doing if what if you do okay here let's let's do an example right all right so you go to a party okay chillin yeah and I don't know I'm not gonna name names but you just with some like one of one of my friends who's a girl okay okay you go to the bathroom and she's like crying and you know she's like sound like the edge of the toilet the bathroom or something and she's like I was trying to come up to this guy and ask him out and he said I was unattractive and she's like bawling you like oh it's okay like don't worry about it like he's stupid all the sudden and then she just goes then now I understand what it must be like to be you let's see let's see okay what's the most disturbing thing you've learned about someone on the first date we going for that one yeah all right oh wait oh okay that's all right let's see what the wait what what oh what ain't it's some don't say anything too gruesome some rough answers man we're just some flowers breath I was talking I'll be hurt be very hurt I'm trying to find something that nothing to do with women cuz I don't want people thinking that we just hate women yeah that's true I'm just some crazy stuff it's a boring I'll probably cut this out to be honest yeah yeah for I can cut this out yeah we can just be chillin and those only fan models man they comes McGee comes I said those only only fans models it's like it's like a like people make a lot isn't a what's-her-name Karina comp she's making like two million a month but she's at the top 0.01% is she is she in the top yeah like like no like top five kind of thing let me see about five percent let me see I wait what I'm just curious what only fans rank bro she's not even the top 1% but she's like the top 0.0001% the what makes you qualify for the top 1% is if you're making $10,000 a month and she's making two mil and how do you fight your hair loss bro I should know this is important segment yo Kella what's your what's your opinion on balding bro balding if you start losing hair what are you doing I'm shaving it all off thank you bro look the thing is that when when balding like happens look the best way to not bald is to just hair care bro hair care early on early on hair care you know starting right now would even be like the best for us if we feel that we're losing hair or we're gonna lose hair just respect the bald look bro just cuz you live in here doesn't mean like yeah but I don't want to be 25 and bald you know yeah I feel like early balding is a little risky I like I like hair like I like the hair on my head I got that hair hair care going cuz you know my hair is a little strawberry oil no I have some like stuff from South Africa that my mom got from like this store in Brazil it's like um I kind of have to cuz my hair is like it just needs more nutrients are you balding too I'm not balding bro okay I just need more nutrients in my hair and stuff cuz it's like it's lacking on like sunlight and stuff like that okay when I first got here like my hair would like thin on like this area cuz it wasn't getting enough sunlight the back of your head yeah so I had to I had to get this cream to add like vitamin like more like I guess vitamin D like in that area vitamin D yeah yeah so like I need more like hair product stuff yeah but yeah bro I agree shave it off yeah what's a good time to shave your head bald mm-hmm what do you mean like a good time okay like 25 you want you want to have you look all right look I'm I'm I'm okay to shave my head at 30 30 yes at 30 I look I'm gonna keep anything I have up until that boat when the clock hits 30 it is time to leave it it's time to move on and it's time to let go that that little thin clump of hair on top of my head I think I'm balding that much I think you got five years if I start balding at 30 I'm a five years right now no I'm saying I'm saying you have at least like once you start I think you have at least five years so like 30 bro my hair's a little thin a little bit I'm like oh no my like gray hairs dropping out bro yeah like 35 maybe 40 yeah you know I gotta rock that uh I'm trying to think of a bald black guy well like Dwayne Johnson I mean I gotta start with that who's that Dwayne the rock John Bob joking all right um let's see um all right all right I wait we can cut this out bro you don't gotta keep talking you know I mean all right I gotta I gotta I gotta I gotta ask read a question okay with all the negative headlines dominating the news these days it can be difficult to spot signs of progress what makes you optimistic about the future makes me optimistic can I be realistic I don't really care about like politics and stuff like that it isn't political no I just mean like like like I don't I don't go on like news sites and stuff and like look for like oh what's going on in like all right like political stuff I don't really like look at the news for their reason for that I just think like like you said like a lot of it is like like you said like a lot a lot of fake news I don't I don't really you know I don't trust it you know I'm saying all right so like I feel like if I look in that I can't really trust it anyway so I can't really use as a source of like optimism yeah so I just find optimism in like people we're like okay if I feel down I'll just hang out with you or like other guys you know what I mean like just go like find optimism in my like day-to-day the thing is like like it's like I don't really want to like like oh I feel bad today I'm gonna go look on like Fox News yeah and then what if I look on Fox News and it's gonna tell me like like four dead children found and like you know what I mean like I don't want to like I know that that's just gonna kill my mood and they're like really sad and like I think it's a little open it's a little like I mean I think this is like the first time in a world that you can just be like finding out information that's happening in like like a thousand miles away and you know in that by open your phone yeah and like I don't know I just think it's better to find that kind of optimism your own life you know finding the people around you and stuff like that what do you think um I forgot the question I'm gonna be honest I forgot to take the medication so from what I remember from what I remember the question was uh now with all like the fake news like how do you find like optimism like oh yeah um I find optimism by you know just thinking about you know like well I think about you know finding evidence you know supporting her supporting those claims by um supporting those claims you know by like if the news news station likes like you know publicizes like a news article or whatever right and they say like a bunch of like apes have a escape the zoo or whatever you know you don't know that until you know you find out stuff yeah yeah so you find optimism in like finding the truth well yeah I'm just also optimistic that you know you know the later on we go you know in this world we'll be able to verify information a lot better yeah a lot better but at the same time we look at AI artificial intelligence it it seems hard to believe in that but I want to believe in that that's a conversation right there actually what do you what do you what do you think like baseline like just in general like I'm not talking like chad GBT I'm gonna just like AI as a whole well I think about it yeah I think that why are you talking about so boring everyone talks yeah let's talk about something like and I'm probably gonna say the same thing as like 20 other people in the world fair I mean I think like the baseline like opinion on it is like I don't yeah I think the I think like the chat stuff is cool but I think the video editing stuff is yikes video editing you know the you know stuff where they like they're like putting people's faces on stuff so then you like have them do oh you mean the deep fakes yeah the deep fakes cuz they've been getting a lot better like you see the deep fakes of like like people be like I don't know like committing a crime right and they'll put someone's face on it yeah and then people will leak it and be like oh like look at what this person is doing and stuff like that and then it's like and you know what's insane is that like it's so realistic like and especially if you're famous like we're lucky enough that there's not a lot of pictures of us online so to be honest if you put that like deep fake on it like if you put it through the AI system yeah it's probably not gonna look that much like us yeah like you've seen the stuff we're like dude if you have like an actor right let's say let's say someone like okay Keanu Reeves right how many movies is the benefit like crazy amount right yeah wait you should really talk about Taylor Swift because this actually happened her oh yeah recently you know but yeah that was that was I think it's a lot worse for the girls I've really been seeing problems like guys and like stuff like that cuz mm-hmm we put in their face on some like really like disturbing stuff and like there was like a streamer guy who got in trouble cuz like he like clicked off his dream yeah it was like his like what was even worse is it like he was like friends with these streamers and he's got like videos and pictures and stuff and it's like the deep fake of them doing illicit things yeah it's weird it's so weird it's so weird especially like I think if I just had like a deep fake of you like just doing some like crazy stuff you know like how do you look look them in the face and and like just like be like regular normal knowing you have like all that stuff yeah I got another question mm-hmm about Iceland mm-hmm ask reddit you know Iceland just announced that every Icelander over the age of 18 automatically becomes an organ donor with the ability to opt out so you're like right how do you feel about this what do you mean like when you die they can take your organs okay so when you die yeah I can use your organs for like for like replacement and stuff like that well yeah you give your organs to someone else okay like I'm cool with it I don't I mean I'll be dead anyways it's a little me burned it alive it oh yeah I mean as a start I was thinking that's a little weird just like just immediately being like oh yeah like you're an organ donor but I mean if you can opt out I don't see anything wrong with it I think like okay me personally I'd probably I mean God forbid I don't like die at like an early age yeah I did I'd want to be an organ donor cuz it'd be like there's like somebody out there who like needs that stuff and I'm dead you know what I mean like if someone needs a heart mine's still pumping enough to be like used by someone else and I'm already like then why not you know like hmm I'm glad you said the opt-out thing if it was like forceful I'd be like mmm cuz I know a lot of people are kind of cuz it can also be like a religious thing like some people like it's like to their religion where you can't be I think that's in like I might be wrong but it might be Mormonism Oh Jehovah's Witness or is it that they can't take somebody is the camera I think you can't take anything out tomorrow Oh both both both you can't you can't um take in stuff and you can't like that's why they can't donate blood yeah it's like a religious thing so like that's why I'd kind of be like yeah a little you know I don't know about the whole organ like making you organ donor but I mean if you can say no if you can just say like actually I don't want to be then that's good I think it just saves time really like because I mean you don't know when you're gonna die do you know what I mean you don't know when you're gonna die so like when are you gonna just like no one's gonna be feeling optimistic and go into the clinic and be like hey when I die you guys can take my organs yeah so like if you kind of just do it for you and you can just go and say like actually no then like if there's a lot of stuff you know well I mean yeah I mean you also have the chance to save another life after your life has gone yeah so like yes it sounds like that's really cool sounds sounds like it's worth it for me no I don't think I don't think there's been a like a while since I've gotten like bad news about Island it's always like yeah really like heartwarming stuff yeah you know what I mean like in like the like the new thing like it's like I don't know like I shouldn't open a new cleric for like cancer research or something like yeah like I don't know it's always like optimistic stuff I like to see it I only see like negative stuff if I'm like looking at other countries now mm-hmm which is like rough because it's it's only been bad news for like like I haven't been hearing I mean actually to be honest the political scape of America right now is pretty calm yeah no it's not no I mean like calm at all I mean like news wise yeah but I mean you you earlier just said you know you don't look at the news a lot I mean I look but I mean like what I mean is like you gain all your knowledge from tick-tock no if I think I'll search it make a pie graph right now what you mean make a pie graph of where you get your information so I mean I don't go to the news but what I do is if I'm on tick-tock my early teenage teenager this is what oh like for my average teenager I don't know about anyone else but what I'll do yeah like I mean tick-tock is like I mean it's social media like people get misinformation and then post it like confidently yeah so if I see something on on tick-tock that I think is interesting yeah and I'll go on to like Fox News or or any news whatever like that's like reliable and I'll search it yeah and if I see something like like from a reliable source it's like oh yeah no this is true then I'll believe it but yeah if I search and I guess something from the onion bro I'm not like yeah of course I watch their videos I'm like bro I'm not I'm not listening to that yeah you don't yeah because I mean like if you just listen to tick-tock mm-hmm like most of those people are like 14 years old though yeah I mean I don't know anything I recently when I got back on tick-tock I saw this one guy yeah like a like what's it called like a speech impediment mm-hmm and so and he also was I think he had Asperger's too I think I'm not sure don't quote me on that but yeah and he pretty much it's kind of disgusting but he pretty much saw a video of a woman who makes satire content mm-hmm say that she doesn't wipe her ass or take she only takes showers once a week mm-hmm and he believed it and she said that like she just said something about bacteria how's it good bacteria and bad bacteria and if you're wiping your butt like I know and then he believed it and then he started making content you know spreading this you know and the thing is that for real yeah and the thing is that I know he wasn't being that's I was I know his account is a satire at all because you can you can tell he's a real person you know yeah there's no social there's no social media behind it you know it's just him just being him you know but luckily luckily he did announce that he was gonna be wiping his ass no I was actually pretty worried I think everyone was bro you can't be doing that like we're not gonna go to why you can't do that no I know I know I'm saying like in general it's like bro just hygiene man yeah I didn't it's very important poor guy bro yeah that's I mean that's that's a surprise with social media you know just do your research yeah but yeah I mean there's some people just some people aren't aware enough to do research or or what I do if I don't know anything if I don't know something like on a subject yeah I'll probably avoid it like I'm not gonna start talking about politics I don't really know like I don't know politics so then I know I'm not gonna be like I'm on my political views to some kind of like politician like you know what I mean like yeah just don't talk about if you don't know anything or don't like I don't you know it cuz then you're just gonna sound stupid yeah which is like worse than being wrong I mean I mean you are wrong but that's what's like stupid but it's like proving yourself right bro it's not worth like embarrassing yourself mm-hmm so it's just like if you don't know what you're talking about just don't talk about it that's why this is not a political podcast and we're not gonna be going like I mean it can be but I mean it'll be very disorganized and yeah we're not politics would be I hope people aren't taking this I mean like wow these guys have done some like amazing political like guys vote for Brandon vote for Califor yeah let's go Brandon I would hate being the president man I don't I don't know anything was going on like it'd be just yeah looks of information I have no idea what's going on so I mean we can make it political you know Joe Biden's too old oh yeah really if we're really like what's what's the the age limit on being a president again being a president the age limit of the age requirement my bed age requirement it's 40 or 35 is it 35 I thought I was 40 but even then don't you have to like go through some like stuff like you have to go through certain ranks before you're even like oh yeah yeah I mean you pretty much you have to like you know oh you're supposed to be part of a party but yet yeah but you also have to campaign and stuff I mean I mean I don't know if you have to campaign to be honest well you don't have to really you don't even have to why the old guys what do you mean how old Obama when he started he's like when he started he's 62 right now 62 right now and he was president like I don't even know when he started his presidency do you do you know what year he started he started um don't maybe don't maybe no I don't let's just move on mm-hmm like well I mean look the thing is that he was actually a pretty young president because I'm pretty sure he was around 50 using the fit yeah well he was in the 50s you know when he was in presidency so that you know compared to like buying right now about it right now is 81 I don't want it Biden is 81 and Donald Trump is 77 Clinton is also 77 years old and George George Bush is also 77 years old I feel like limit I feel like there should be a limit not just not just the requirement I don't think that there needs to be an age limit because you can still be 80 and be functional I just don't think I know I don't think we'll progress if you have people who have experience from being like 20 or like 30 back in like like the 90s right yeah or like not the 90s but like you know like the 20th century right yeah in the 21st century cuz like I mean things are like way too different and I think like 35 is a good age requirement yeah I feel like 70 like I feel like you're kind of disconnected from this like like these like like younger people United States good yeah I guess like I feel like not disconnected like like literally like I mean of course they're politicians so they're kind of you know they're already like you know they're locked in on like all the political scape but I'm talking like socially you know what I mean like I feel like you should be a little more like like incorporated with like the younger generation you know yeah I mean if you look I mean yeah but that's just the age gap mm-hmm that's just different generations I think that's what that's why like I think like the younger generation also the problem with like some of the presidency so it's like it's like an age gap like it's kind of a disconnect you know what I mean yeah and I mean and that's why I mean I mean the thing is that there are a lot of like super young people who want to be a president yeah below 40s I want to be president cuz it's like or even can because the thing is that older you know demographic of voters they're probably not gonna vote for someone that young that is true they wouldn't even vote for someone that young because they feel that too young and he has he doesn't have enough experience and I just think like like I mean have you ever talked like but like you've been on your grandpa you know what I mean like it's like they just don't understand like like cuz it's been so long since they were like 17 18 19 like 20 25 you know like it's been like so long so then they just don't understand that stuff like I talked to my grandpa about what stuff I do like yeah no I just hang out with my hang on my friends you know these iPad kids I know you've seen these kids at these restaurants you know I'm a kid too I'm not even 18 yet mm-hmm you know but still you know I wasn't in like the restaurant I would usually have a coloring book yeah using my imagination instead of watching like you know just some like mr. beast like yeah I mean if it's educational you know yeah do your thing but I mean you know if it's just like for pure dopamine then it's it's a little different you know I mean it's I feel that it's better that kids grow up with phones I think or at least until they're 13 mm-hmm and get a flip phone like my brother like a year or two he's always on his laptop and so like well the thing is my parents like kind of managed it so it's like you can if you want to like play games and stuff like you have like a limited time of the day you can do that it's like four till six he can like play games on his thing you know what I mean but like yeah like for example like he does this thing where he'll take a picture of clouds and he doesn't do this much in Iceland cuz obviously like there's not much clouds right now who is half good grab like a cloud take a picture of it and then he'll draw a line around it mm-hmm and then he'll he'll put it next to his book and he'll use that outline and just draw something out of it just like out of nothing see that's very creative and very you know imaginative rose yes and that's that's a good thing mm-hmm so I think it's like it's not even like the thing I like oh does he have a phone he's like 12 or so I just feel like a management thing we're like he only plays on it like two hours a day and then when he if he uses it any other time of the day it's because he's searching for something he's looking for like he's like it's like I kind of want to draw this dragon but I need some kind of like reference images like search dragon on some reference images and then that's it you know like my mom was like Giovanni like you know you're not supposed to like be on online yet like it's not the time like you're supposed to it at four till six and he's like I'm not using it I'm like I'm not playing games I'm not watching anything I'm finding reference images for my pages and she's like oh yeah so this is like a management thing like yeah but the thing is that a lot of yeah I mean your mom manages it mm-hmm your family that's good yeah because I know he scopes and stuff with that he's good at what he does but the problem is that other parents to be like I not know how to manage it or he wanted the thing you know like the like I can't really play with you right now like just take that pad yeah exactly which is kind of sad yeah I mean and that's I mean that's a problem mm-hmm it's a big problem that feel that a lot of people have today don't spend enough time with each other yeah unfortunately families as well friends like that yeah I feel like it's a kind of getting worse for us like an older a lot of stuff to do I mean I can tell you about something that's like really like really like killing like just like the suburbs in America mm-hmm I don't think people don't talk about this enough what do you think about like just living in the suburbs in America you think it's like cutting people off and stuff yeah I mean I always lived in the city but you know I have friends or whatever like I had this one I just wanted a kid on my football team we like live out there and you know he's just always bored you know you can't you can't when you move out there you can't do anything but your parents driving you or taking the bus and taking the bus in the suburbs in America is very hard because you have to walk like 30 minutes to a bus stop and then you know maybe that bus you know it takes another hour because we're trying to go is so far away you know especially out in the suburbia everything's far away spread out because it's you know it's made for cars you know that's the problem you will be stuck in the house for you know years you know you can stop friends you can still do this and that you know but compared to like living in a city where you can walk to a friend's place you know or like you can yeah you can walk to a friend's place you can walk to a park you can walk to a park and play football you can walk to the park play basketball you can do all this stuff I think it's worse if you're like if you're new people in the in the area yeah like for example I kind of in England like it's pretty common to have that kind of setup yeah in a neighborhood but it's like when you're a kid oh it's English not like you know what I'm talking about like the setup like of like the house oh okay yeah so then like if you want to like meet people and you want friends you just go outside and you just see like some kid and you're like yo what you doing and they're like like I'm like building a mud house or something you're like can I help and then it's like that and then you're like tomorrow like hey you want to keep making a mud hut and he's like yeah and then you just keep doing it but like when you're like 13 bro you're probably not going outside and like talking to some random 13 year old no like you're not I mean you probably already have established friends anyways yeah exactly you're already comfortable and like all that it's like you're probably not like in your neighborhood yeah like I don't want to say I don't have a teenage thing to do but it really is like teenagers are not doing a lot of the day and then when he if he uses it I don't know anyone in my apartment building I mean the thing is that I some kind of like reference images then he'll like search like on some reference images and then that's it you know like you know even like don't like you know just like supposed to like be on yeah like it's not the time like you're supposed to it at four to six yeah it's like I'm not using it that's it right I mean yeah we're gonna wrap this up reference images for my like what was this so it's 20 minutes in the thing like so squirt you later yes indeed yeah Oreo podcasts out to be letting them or hit one of the things you know like the like I can't really play with you right now I like to take that path which is kind of sad yeah unfortunately families as well friends like that I feel like it's a coming in worse for us like an older a lot of stuff to do what do you think you think it's like cutting people off and stuff or taking the bus and taking the bus in the suburban America it's very hard because it's a walk like 30 minutes to a bus stop and then you know maybe that bus you know it takes another hour because where you're trying to go is so far away far away right out you know it's made for cars you know that's about you will be stuck in the house for you know years you can still do this but compared to like living in a city where walk to a friend's place you know or like you can you can walk to a friend's place you can walk to a park you can walk to a bunch of places I think it's worse if you're like if you're new people in the in the area because like for example I kind of in England like it's pretty common to have that kind of setup in a neighborhood but it's like when you're a kid yeah no no I mean like yeah yeah I'm just saying like the the setup like of like the house parking like that kind of setup yeah so then like if you want to like meet people and you want friends like bro you just go outside and you just see like some kid and you're like yo what are you doing and they're like oh I'm like building a mud house or something you're like can I help you're like yeah sure and then so I said that and then you're like tomorrow like hey you want to keep making a mud hut and then he's like yeah and then you just keep doing it like when you're like 13 bro you're probably not going outside and like talking to some random 13 year old like you're not you're not doing that yeah exactly you're like already comfortable and like all that it's like you're probably not like going out looking for friends and stuff in your neighborhood like that's just not I don't want to say that's not the teenage thing to do but it really is like teenagers are not doing that my bro I don't know anyone in my apartment building yeah I mean yeah we're gonna wrap this up at like what's this it's 40 minutes so we can wrap it up yes indeed oreo podcast out

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