Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The main ideas from this information are that the speaker believes American Christians need to wake up and insist on a return to the law of God summarized in the Ten Commandments. They criticize the U.S. Constitution as a godless, secular document and argue that patriotism can sometimes hinder biblical wisdom. They also mention the historical impact of certain kings and the need for a renewal of the biblical covenant with God. The speaker warns against blind devotion to the founding fathers and the Declaration of Independence, and criticizes American foreign policy and the military. They emphasize the need for individuals to be raised from the dead and for Christian men to reign in Christ's stead during the Christian era. Welcome, everybody, to Our persistent theme in this podcast is that the only thing that will save America from Klaus Schwab's great economic reset is for American Christians to wake up, stop pleading for a return to the original intent of the U.S. Constitution. Start insisting instead on a return to the law of God summarized in the Mosaic Covenant in Exodus 20-24, that's the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 and the case law explanation of those Ten Commandments in the next three chapters. And I just want to take a moment for those of you who are new to Great Bible Reset and point out that virtually everything we talk about here is related to the great pivot point in the history of Western civilization that occurred with the Battle of Hastings in 1066 in the Papal Revolution of warfare that ran from 1075 to 1122, almost 50 years. Now at that point, Pope Gregory VII asserted the right of the church to appoint bishops, collect the rents on church-owned property, and loose the civil magistrate from the law of God to create the labyrinth of secular law codes that have enslaved the modern world to the present day. Now there were four great, what I call, second kings that raised that standard. First of all, we have Roger II of Sicily who came down from Normandy through the Straits of Gibraltar with his family, I think there were nine brothers in the family as I recall, and set up a nation in Sicily and southern Italy on the heel and the toe of the boot of Sicily. And he actually was the mercenary army that Pope Hildebrand hired in his war against the Holy Roman Empire. Now then we have, almost immediately following on the heels of Roger II, Henry II of England. He's known as the father of the common law or otherwise known as the royal law of England and he was followed shortly by Philip II of France and then Frederick II of Germany. These four kings spanned a period of 150 years and they laid the foundation for the development of secular law and civil government as divorced from the law of God. They were great lawmakers, they were not law finders in the sense of turning to the Bible and looking to scripture primarily as the source of law and justice. These were Christian tyrants, now that's an oxymoron, you know something like military intelligence or awfully good or same difference. They were cruel, sadistic and tyrannical but all claimed to be Christian. Now many if not most Christian historians will try to make a bridge of historical continuity between the theocratic government of Alfred the Great and his immediate successors around the year 900 and then extending for at least a century thereafter. The century following and a continuity from there to Henry II, the father of the common law. But that philosophical bridge was washed out by a metaphorical flood at the Battle of Hastings and the Castle of Canossa where Pope Hildebrand refused to work out a biblical compromise with Emperor Henry IV. Now before we take our leave of William Wallace, we need to make a note of caution regarding patriotism. Patriotism can sometimes stand in the way of biblical wisdom. It's like my country right or wrong or the idea of American exceptionalism and I know this is going to sound like heresy to most redneck Christian conservatives who don't realize or fail to acknowledge that America has become the new Soviet Union in the world. We've traded places with Russia. There's more freedom in Russia now than there is in the United States and it's getting worse every day. As Edward Snowden says, Americans are the most brainwashed nation in the world. We don't understand. We live in a goldfish bowl. We're inside looking out rather than outside looking in. The rest of the world is not jealous of America. They are fearful of American aggression according to opinion polls. Eight hundred and fifty military bases around the world is a scandal. We need to revise the canard, thank you for your service, whenever we meet a military person, and I'm speaking as a former artillery officer, it needs to be thank you for your service in establishing the cause of the New World Order globalist tyranny around the world. That's all we've accomplished since World War II, although I have to admit it was the American infantrymen who went on strike at the end of the Vietnam War that finally ended that fiasco. But those guys were drafted. They didn't volunteer so you can't really blame them like we can't volunteers. It's the Roman Empire all over again. At least the Romans were smart enough to do it for a whole lot less money for the most part, at least initially. They would just take a bunch of hostages and avoid the expense of occupation. The cry of the Jews prior to the Babylonian captivity was, the temple, the temple, the temple. The temple itself had become an idol for the Jews. They were enthralled with the external trappings of their national religion and relying on it while denying the heart of it. And the cry of American Christians today is, the constitution, the constitution, the constitution. A thoroughly godless, humanistic, secular document that makes the people and not God the source of governing authority. It's obvious in the preamble. It's a biblically seditious document that makes itself, not the Bible, the supreme law of the land. Christians have been hypnotized by the flowery, enlightenment, poetic language. Wells without water, speaking swelling words of vanity, promising liberty, while slaves of their own corruption, says Peter in 2 Peter 2, 17 and 19. Just look at what 225 years under this godless, secular, humanistic constitution has given us. Look around. Child murder, mutilation, rampant perversion, corrupt education, taxes on everything. This is what happens when you ignore God in your founding document. The Christians of the National Reform Association, the original NRA, in the last half of the 19th century, understood this. They believed, they were founded on the thesis that the Civil War was the result of ignoring Christ in our founding documents. And they had huge following at that time. There was a conference of 10,000 people in Portland, Oregon, just after the turn of the century. I think it was 1904 or something like that. And then about 10 years later, there was another one twice as big on the east coast that brought in many visitors from Europe on this same thesis. That America is suffering because we rejected Christ in the preamble, in the constitution. American Christians also cry, the temple, the temple, the temple, waiting for the rebuilding of a temple that has already been rebuilt. It was already rebuilt by Nehemiah and remodeled by Herod. The New Testament temple is Jesus Christ and the body of Christ consisting of Jews and Gentiles in a spiritual temple. So all this fawning over a temple to allegedly be rebuilt in Jerusalem is simply not scriptural. American Christians likewise have been captivated and captured by a form of patriotic civil religion that has blinded them to the need for renewal of the biblical covenant with God. The founding fathers are viewed as demigods who can do no wrong, inspired to compose a constitutional document that has replaced the authority of scripture. Cobbled together by a patriotism unregulated by scripture, this civil religion appeals to Christian and non-Christian alike through its flowery language. In the eyes of many American Christians, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution are virtually God-breathed. Similar, the two golden calves of Jeroboam erected in Israel to command the devotion of the children of Israel. Like the Israelites, we have only a vague notion of our history and were thus easily led astray into misplaced devotion. The Israelites were so confused about their own history they were conned by Jeroboam when he made two golden calves and told them, ìBehold, your gods, O Israel, have brought you up from the land of Egypt.î American Christians are so confused about their own history they look to the godless, secular, humanistic Declaration and Constitution as that which brought them up from the land of English oppression. We must not let false patriotism prompt us to support the feminized, woke military and lend our support to the aggressive foreign policy now practiced by Americaís globalist neocon leaders. More and more traditionally, redneck conservatives, thankfully, are recognizing this, I think, with recruiting levels at record lows, but the initial conservative lockstep support for the globalist proxy war in Ukraine a year ago is troubling. Support Ukraine was the immediate rallying cry, with no grasp of the historical build-up to that war. Itís just lockstep patriotism, false patriotism. By way of contrast, the patriotism of William Wallace was ignited by a more noble motive. The strongest or the greatest stories of men are a shadow of Godís great gospel story. Christ the conquering hero suffers and struggles with death to rescue his helpless bride. All men are dead in trespasses and sins, as such they are helpless to save themselves. We must become partakers of the first resurrection spoken of in Revelation 20, where we ourselves as individuals are raised from the dead. The books of Ephesians tell us that we have been seated with Christ in the heavenly places. God has raised us up with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. What that means in practical terms is that Christian men reign in Christís stead during the Christian era. During these last days of the church era, as revealed in Revelation 1, verses 4-6, which tells us that Jesus Christ is the ruler of the kings of the earth. Thatís present tense in the first century, and he has made of us to be a kingdom of priests to his God and Father. Thatís present tense in the first century. John was writing to seven churches in Asia Minor, Turkey. For the kingdom of God, the kingdom of Christ, is not off in the sweet by-and-by after the second coming, itís now. The story line is told and retold in scripture. Itís seen in the deliverance of the children of Israel from Egyptian slavery. Itís seen in Abrahamís recovery of his kidnapped family in Genesis 14, verses 14-16. Itís seen in Davidís rescue of his family and friends from the Amalekites in 1 Samuel 30. And itís seen in the life of William Wallace. He gave up everything, his martyred wife Marian, his creature Comforts, his very life sacrificed to the betrayer. Yet from the ashes of his defeat rose the great heroes, led by Robert Bruce, that gave Scotland the victory. Wallace resisted evil unto death for the freedom of his beloved Scotland with the battle cry, ìGod armeth the patriot.î Except the corn or wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone, but if it die it brings forth much fruit. This is true patriotism, motivated by biblical principle, unlike the false patriotism that has come to dominate American conservative thinking. Here is the consequence of false patriotism. Whenever the globalist deep state creates a false flag event, brainwashed American conservatives, many of them Christians, snap to attention and rush off to the recruiting office. It happened during the Civil War, after John Brown fired the first shot at Harperís Ferry in a bleeding Kansas. It happened with the sinking of the Main at the Spanish-American War. It happened with the sinking of the Lusitania to pervert World War I. It happened at Pearl Harbor to pervert World War II. It happened in the Gulf of Tonkin to pervert the Vietnam War. It happened at the Twin Towers to promote the endless war against terrorism. Weíre suckers for the New World Order and we become their cannon fodder. This arrogant Special Forces motto, ìWe donít start wars, we just finish them,î is a bald-faced lie. Thatís the same excuse the Nazis used in World War II to excuse their lock-step obedience to their leaders. Reality is the exact opposite. We donít finish wars, we just start them all over the world. Christians should not volunteer to join todayís military. The Roman soldiers who asked Jesus what they should do had no choice, but we do, we can volunteer or not. At least now. Iím speaking as a former Army artillery officer. David was judged, or rather the people of Israel were judged, for not restraining David, for numbering the military age man for the purpose of creating a standing army, for the purpose of empire building. The Old Testament form of defense is militia, and itís found in 1 Chronicles 27 where twelve of Davidís mighty men rotated in command over 24,000 volunteers throughout twelve months of the year. Twenty-four new troops every year, every month. Well, you say, ìWell, we canít do this in this age of modern technology.î Well, if we werenít such a war-mongering nation, we wouldnít need all the elaborate military technology. Myself and many others have been praying for about five years that God would expose the corrupt deep state leaders of the U.S., cause them to fall in the pit that they have dug and make it obvious to the whole world. And I think God has used this Ukraine debacle to answer our prayers, and sadly itís at the expense of the lives of some 300,000 Ukrainian soldiers dead, but God does answer prayer. While freedom reigns, securely guard her with jealous eye. Never forget the treachery dwelling in the bosom of false friends like Edward I. When it has done its worst, draw courage from men like William Wallace, who resisted unto death the tyrantís heel. It may be our blood that soaks the soil in which freedom takes root and blossoms. So thank you for being with us today. Please visit the bookstore at and the longevity store at where 10% of your purchases go to scholarships for low-income Christian students. So weíll see you tomorrow for the interview.