Bible (KJV) 20: Proverbs

The book of Proverbs, found in the Bible (KJV) version, is a part of a collection known as wisdom literature. It includes other books like Job, Ecclesiastes, the Song of Solomon, and certain Psalms called wisdom psalms. Proverbs focuses on the concept of wisdom and contrasts it with foolishness. In this context, a "fool" refers to someone lacking in morality and uninterested in correction. The book emphasizes the importance of attaining wisdom, stating that it begins with a reverence for God, known as "The fear of The Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Proverbs primarily conveys wisdom through a structure of passing down knowledge from fathers to sons or mothers to sons. This literature aims to explore various aspects of human experience, ranging from everyday matters to more profound ones, and the connection between these experiences and the divine. Interestingly, Proverbs also includes wisdom from women, often referring to Wisdom as a female figure.