Bible (KJV) 16: Nehemiah

The "Book of Nehemiah" is a part of the Hebrew Bible, specifically the King James Version. It is a first-person memoir that tells the story of Nehemiah, a Jewish high official in the Persian court, and his mission to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. The book focuses on Nehemiah's dedication to God's laws and the city's people. Set in the 5th century BCE, it is the final chapter in the historical narrative of the Hebrew Bible, along with the Book of Ezra. Nehemiah learns that Jerusalem lacks walls and decides to restore them. The king appoints him as governor of Judah, and he travels to Jerusalem to begin the rebuilding process. Despite facing opposition from Israel's enemies, Nehemiah successfully rebuilds the walls and reforms the community according to the laws of Moses. However, when Nehemiah returns after a period in Susa, he discovers that the Israelites have been straying from their faith and marrying non-Jewish individuals. He stays to enforce